

Sr. No. Date of Issue Item Last Date Time of receipt of Bids Date Time of Bid opening
37. 07-02-2025 Amendment06 Tender for Appointment of Consultant for Comprehensive Consultancy Services for Construction of 500 Bedded ESI Hospital at Manesar (Gurugram), Haryana.
14.02.2025 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 14.02.2025 at 16:00 hrs IST
36. 07-02-2025 Amendment06 Tender for Appointment of Consultant for Comprehensive Consultancy Services for Construction of additional 500 beds (enhancement of bed strength from 650 to 1150 beds) at ESIC medical college and Hospital at Faridabad, Haryana.
14.02.2025 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 14.02.2025 at 16:00 hrs IST
35. 06-02-2025 Tender cancellation notice- for Planning, Detailed Design and Engineering, Construction, Testing, Commissioning and Validation of Bio Safety Level-3 laboratory at Govt. Medical College, Kota, Rajasthan including all infrastructure works in relation thereto such as Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, HVAC, Plumbing, Drainage, ETP, Furniture and Bio Safety Cabinets etc., Operation and Maintenance during one (01) year of Defect Liability Period and O and CMC for four (04) years after DLP on EPC Mode.
Tender stands cancelled Tender stands cancelled
34. 06-02-2025 Amendment11 Tender for Supply and installation of the following Medical Equipment for Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhayaya University of Health Sciences, Kutail, Karnal, Haryana.
21.02.2025 Upto 14:00 hrs IST 21.02.2025 at 14:30 hrs IST
33. 05-02-2025 Price Quotation for AppleMacBook M2.
Price Quotation
12.02.2025 Upto 10:00 hrs IST 12.02.2025 at 10:00 hrs IST
32. 03-02-2025 GeM Tender for Procurement of Medical Equipment(Cryotherapy Unit and Surgical Robotic Systems) for Sport Injury Centre Expansion, New Delhi..
Bid Number: GEM/2025/B/5792956 dated 13/01/2025
17.02.2025 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 17.02.2025 at 15:30 hrs IST
31. 31-01-2025 GeM Tender for "Supply installation and Testing and Commissioning of Parking management system at LHMC, New Delhi & under Comprehensive Redevelopment".
Bid Number: GEM/2025/B/5864221 dated 31/01/2025
10.02.2025 Upto 18:00 hrs IST 10.02.2025 at 18:30 hrs IST
30. 31-01-2025 Amendment02 Expression of Interest for Empanelment of aggregators of healthcare products such as durgs & pharmaceuticals, medical equipments, hospital consumables and other allied healthcare products.
07.02.2025 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 07.02.2025 at 16:00 hrs IST
29. 30-01-2025 Amendment05 Tender for Appointment of Consultant for Comprehensive Consultancy Services for Construction of 500 Bedded ESI Hospital at Manesar (Gurugram), Haryana.
07.02.2025 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 07.02.2025 at 16:00 hrs IST
28. 30-01-2025 Amendment05 Tender for Appointment of Consultant for Comprehensive Consultancy Services for Construction of additional 500 beds (enhancement of bed strength from 650 to 1150 beds) at ESIC medical college and Hospital at Faridabad, Haryana.
07.02.2025 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 07.02.2025 at 16:00 hrs IST
27. 29-01-2025 GeM Tender for Supply Installation testing, commissioning and training of the medical equipment for Radiology, Cardiology for Pt. DDU, UHS, Kutail, Karnal, Haryana.
Bid Number: GEM/2024/B/5636459 dated 06/11/2024
Tender stands cancelled Tender stands cancelled
26. 28-01-2025 Request for Quotation for Selection of Strategic Partner for Establishing and Operating State-of-the-art Aided Reproductive Technology (Art Center) Centres in All Eight Divisional Selected Locations in Maharashtra.
10.02.2025 Upto 12:00 hrs IST 10.02.2025 at 15:00 hrs IST
25. 28-01-2025 Amendment01 Expression of Interest for Empanelment of aggregators of healthcare products such as durgs & pharmaceuticals, medical equipments, hospital consumables and other allied healthcare products.
31.01.2025 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 31.01.2025 at 16:00 hrs IST
24. 28-01-2025 GeM Tender for Procurement of Medical Equipment for 20 BPHU at kunjwani highway,Jammu, J&K.
Bid Number: GEM/2025/B/5820261 dated 14/01/2025
Tender stands cancelled Tender stands cancelled
23. 27-01-2025 Amendment10 Tender for Supply and installation of the following Medical Equipment for Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhayaya University of Health Sciences, Kutail, Karnal, Haryana.
06.02.2025 Upto 14:00 hrs IST 06.02.2025 at 14:30 hrs IST
22. 27-01-2025 Tender for Construction of Block Public Health Units (BPHUs) at various locations in the state of Jammu and Kashmir and their Maintenance during Defect Liability Period.
11.02.2025 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 11.02.2025 at 16:00 hrs IST
21. 25-01-2025 GeM Tender for supply, installation, testing and commissioning of cyber security components (Network Access controller-NAC, Network Monitoring solution- NMS, Server, UPSs, Onsite Manpower) for AIIMS Kalyani.
Bid Number: GEM/2025/B/5774892 dated 08/01/2025
28.01.2025 Upto 11:00 hrs IST 28.01.2025 at 11:30 hrs IST
20. 23-01-2025 Amendment04 Tender for Appointment of Consultant for Comprehensive Consultancy Services for Construction of 500 Bedded ESI Hospital at Manesar (Gurugram), Haryana.
07.02.2025 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 07.02.2025 at 16:00 hrs IST
19. 23-01-2025 Amendment04 Tender for Appointment of Consultant for Comprehensive Consultancy Services for Construction of additional 500 beds (enhancement of bed strength from 650 to 1150 beds) at ESIC medical college and Hospital at Faridabad, Haryana.
07.02.2025 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 07.02.2025 at 16:00 hrs IST
18. 20-01-2025 GeM Tender for Supply Installation testing, commissioning and training of the medical equipment for Radiology, Cardiology for Pt. DDU, UHS, Kutail, Karnal, Haryana.
Bid Number: GEM/2024/B/5636459 dated 06/11/2024
31.01.2025 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 31.01.2025 at 15:30 hrs IST
17. 20-01-2025 GeM Tender for Supply, installation, commissioning & Training of Medical Equipment for Pt UHS Kutail Karnal Haryana.
Bid Number: GEM/2025/B/5776206 dated 02/01/2025
24.01.2025 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 24.01.2025 at 15:30 hrs IST
16. 17-01-2025 Amendment03 Tender for Appointment of Consultant for Comprehensive Consultancy Services for Construction of 500 Bedded ESI Hospital at Manesar (Gurugram), Haryana.
03.02.2025 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 03.02.2025 at 16:00 hrs IST
15. 17-01-2025 Amendment03 Tender for Appointment of Consultant for Comprehensive Consultancy Services for Construction of additional 500 beds (enhancement of bed strength from 650 to 1150 beds) at ESIC medical college and Hospital at Faridabad, Haryana.
03.02.2025 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 03.02.2025 at 16:00 hrs IST
14. 16-01-2025 Amendment09 Tender for Supply and installation of the following Medical Equipment for Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhayaya University of Health Sciences, Kutail, Karnal, Haryana.
27.01.2025 Upto 14:00 hrs IST 27.01.2025 at 14:30 hrs IST
13. 14-01-2025 GeM Tender for Procurement of Medical Equipment for 20 BPHU at kunjwani highway,Jammu, J&K.
Bid Number: GEM/2025/B/5820261 dated 14/01/2025
29.01.2025 Upto 20:00 hrs IST 29.01.2025 at 20:30 hrs IST
12. 14-01-2025 Request For Budgetary Estimate for Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of furniture work for Government Medical College & Hospital, Chandrapur, Maharashtra.
HSCC/GMC Chandrapur/Furniture/2025
29.01.2025 29.01.2025
11. 14-01-2025 Request For Budgetary Estimate for Supply, Installation testing and commissioning of furniture work for Hospital & Academic Block at Dr. Radha Krishnan Govt. Medical College Hamirpur.
HSCC/Hospital & Academic Block Furniture GMC-Hamirpur/2025
29.01.2025 29.01.2025
10. 14-01-2025 Tender for Engagement of firm of Chartered Accountants/Cost Accountants for the work of Preparation/updation of Risk control matrix (RCM) and testing of controls of HSCC (India) Ltd for Financial Year 2024-25.
29.01.2025 Upto 14:00 hrs IST 29.01.2025 at 15:00 hrs IST
09. 13-01-2025 GeM Tender for Procurement of Medical Equipment(Cryotherapy Unit and Surgical Robotic Systems) for Sport Injury Centre Expansion, New Delhi..
Bid Number: GEM/2025/B/5792956 dated 13/01/2025
03.02.2025 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 03.02.2025 at 15:30 hrs IST
08. 10-01-2025 Amendment02 Tender for Appointment of Consultant for Comprehensive Consultancy Services for Construction of 500 Bedded ESI Hospital at Manesar (Gurugram), Haryana.
29.01.2025 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 29.01.2025 at 16:00 hrs IST
07. 10-01-2025 Amendment02 Tender for Appointment of Consultant for Comprehensive Consultancy Services for Construction of additional 500 beds (enhancement of bed strength from 650 to 1150 beds) at ESIC medical college and Hospital at Faridabad, Haryana.
29.01.2025 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 29.01.2025 at 16:00 hrs IST
06. 08-01-2025 GeM Tender for supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 100 Nos. of black/white/mono Multi-Function, 50 Nos. of colour Multi-Function & 25 Nos. of Heavy Duty printers for AIIMS Kalyani.
Bid Number: GEM/2025/B/5775130 dated 08/01/2025
20.01.2025 Upto 11:00 hrs IST 20.01.2025 at 11:30 hrs IST
05. 08-01-2025 GeM Tender for supply, installation, testing and commissioning of cyber security components (Network Access controller-NAC, Network Monitoring solution- NMS, Server, UPSs, Onsite Manpower) for AIIMS Kalyani.
Bid Number: GEM/2025/B/5774892 dated 08/01/2025
20.01.2025 Upto 11:00 hrs IST 20.01.2025 at 11:30 hrs IST
04. 06-01-2025 Amendment08 Tender for Supply and installation of the following Medical Equipment for Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhayaya University of Health Sciences, Kutail, Karnal, Haryana.
16.01.2025 Upto 14:00 hrs IST 16.01.2025 at 14:30 hrs IST
03. 02-01-2025 GeM Tender for Supply, installation, commissioning & Training of Medical Equipment for Pt UHS Kutail Karnal Haryana.
Bid Number: GEM/2025/B/5776206 dated 02/01/2025
17.01.2025 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 17.01.2025 at 15:30 hrs IST
02. 02-01-2025 Amendment01 Tender for Appointment of Consultant for Comprehensive Consultancy Services for Construction of 500 Bedded ESI Hospital at Manesar (Gurugram), Haryana.
22.01.2025 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 22.01.2025 at 16:00 hrs IST
01. 02-01-2025 Amendment01 Tender for Appointment of Consultant for Comprehensive Consultancy Services for Construction of additional 500 beds (enhancement of bed strength from 650 to 1150 beds) at ESIC medical college and Hospital at Faridabad, Haryana.
22.01.2025 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 22.01.2025 at 16:00 hrs IST
422. 2024-12-30 Tender for Appointment of Consultant for Comprehensive Consultancy Services for Construction of 500 Bedded ESI Hospital at Manesar (Gurugram), Haryana.
15.01.2025 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 15.01.2025 at 16:00 hrs IST
421. 2024-12-30 Tender for Appointment of Consultant for Comprehensive Consultancy Services for Construction of additional 500 beds (enhancement of bed strength from 650 to 1150 beds) at ESIC medical college and Hospital at Faridabad, Haryana.
15.01.2025 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 15.01.2025 at 16:00 hrs IST
420. 2024-12-30 Amendment10 Tender for Planning, Detailed Design and Engineering, Construction, Testing, Commissioning and Validation of Bio Safety Level-3 laboratory at Govt. Medical College, Kota, Rajasthan including all infrastructure works in relation thereto such as Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, HVAC, Plumbing, Drainage, ETP, Furniture and Bio Safety Cabinets etc., Operation and Maintenance during one (01) year of Defect Liability Period and O and CMC for four (04) years after DLP on EPC Mode.
06.01.2025 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 06.01.2025 at 16:00 hrs IST
419. 2024-12-24 Amendment07 Tender for Supply and installation of the following Medical Equipment for Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhayaya University of Health Sciences, Kutail, Karnal, Haryana.
06.01.2025 Upto 14:00 hrs IST 06.01.2025 at 14:30 hrs IST
418. 2024-12-23 Tender cancellation notice- Request for Quotation (“RFQ”) from HSCC’S empanelled Strategic Partners for Procurement of Generic Medicines, Operation and Maintenance of Medical Stores, Inventory Management with Procurement of Furniture & Fixtures & Supply of Manpower for Generic Medical Store at Government Medical Colleges and Hospitals on Behalf of HSCC (India) Limited for Medical Education and Drugs Department, Government of Maharashtra.
Tender stands cancelled Tender stands cancelled
417. 2024-12-23 Amendment09 Tender for Planning, Detailed Design and Engineering, Construction, Testing, Commissioning and Validation of Bio Safety Level-3 laboratory at Govt. Medical College, Kota, Rajasthan including all infrastructure works in relation thereto such as Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, HVAC, Plumbing, Drainage, ETP, Furniture and Bio Safety Cabinets etc., Operation and Maintenance during one (01) year of Defect Liability Period and O and CMC for four (04) years after DLP on EPC Mode.
30.12.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 30.12.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
416. 2024-12-19 Tender for Supply, delivery & handing-over of Drugs at Cuba” under Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief .
24.12.2024 Upto 10:30 hrs IST 24.12.2024 at 11:00 hrs IST
415. 2024-12-19 Amendment08 Tender for Planning, Detailed Design and Engineering, Construction, Testing, Commissioning and Validation of Bio Safety Level-3 laboratory at Govt. Medical College, Kota, Rajasthan including all infrastructure works in relation thereto such as Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, HVAC, Plumbing, Drainage, ETP, Furniture and Bio Safety Cabinets etc., Operation and Maintenance during one (01) year of Defect Liability Period and O and CMC for four (04) years after DLP on EPC Mode.
23.12.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 23.12.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
414. 2024-12-18 Amendment06 Tender for Supply and installation of the following Medical Equipment for Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhayaya University of Health Sciences, Kutail, Karnal, Haryana.
24.12.2024 Upto 14:00 hrs IST 24.12.2024 at 14:30 hrs IST
413. 2024-12-16 Amendment05 Tender for Supply and installation of the following Medical Equipment for Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhayaya University of Health Sciences, Kutail, Karnal, Haryana.
20.12.2024 Upto 14:00 hrs IST 20.12.2024 at 14:30 hrs IST
412. 2024-12-16 Amendment07 Tender for Planning, Detailed Design and Engineering, Construction, Testing, Commissioning and Validation of Bio Safety Level-3 laboratory at Govt. Medical College, Kota, Rajasthan including all infrastructure works in relation thereto such as Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, HVAC, Plumbing, Drainage, ETP, Furniture and Bio Safety Cabinets etc., Operation and Maintenance during one (01) year of Defect Liability Period and O and CMC for four (04) years after DLP on EPC Mode.
23.12.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 23.12.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
411. 2024-12-11 Bank Reconciliation work:- Engagement of firm of Chartered Accountants / Cost Accountants for Bank Reconciliation of HSCC (India) Ltd for the period January 2025 – December 2025.
HSCC/Tender/Bank Reconciliation/25-26
26.12.2024 Upto 14:00 hrs IST 26.12.2024 at 15:00 hrs IST
410. 2024-12-08 Amendment04 Tender for Supply and installation of the following Medical Equipment for Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhayaya University of Health Sciences, Kutail, Karnal, Haryana.
20.12.2024 Upto 14:00 hrs IST 20.12.2024 at 14:30 hrs IST
409. 2024-12-06 GeM Tender for Supply Installation testing, commissioning and training of the medical equipment for Radiology, Cardiology for Pt. DDU, UHS, Kutail, Karnal, Haryana.
Bid Number: GEM/2024/B/5636459 dated 06/11/2024
21.12.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 21.12.2024 at 15:30 hrs IST
408. 2024-12-06 Amendment01 Tender for Construction of Underground Water Tank including Civil, Plumbing, Fire-Fighting, Electrical works etc. including their Maintenance during Defect Liability Period at NDRF, Ghaziabad.
10.12.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 10.12.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
407. 2024-12-05 Amendment03 Tender for Supply and installation of the following Medical Equipment for Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhayaya University of Health Sciences, Kutail, Karnal, Haryana.
20.12.2024 Upto 14:00 hrs IST 20.12.2024 at 14:30 hrs IST
406. 2024-12-04 Amendment06 Tender for Planning, Detailed Design and Engineering, Construction, Testing, Commissioning and Validation of Bio Safety Level-3 laboratory at Govt. Medical College, Kota, Rajasthan including all infrastructure works in relation thereto such as Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, HVAC, Plumbing, Drainage, ETP, Furniture and Bio Safety Cabinets etc., Operation and Maintenance during one (01) year of Defect Liability Period and O and CMC for four (04) years after DLP on EPC Mode.
16.12.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 16.12.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
405. 2024-11-29 GeM Tender for Supply Installation testing, commissioning of Active & Passive Network Infrastructure for 20 nos. of BPHU sites across Jammu & Kashmir.
GEM/2024/B/5654148 dated 26/11/2024
06.12.2024 Upto 20:00 hrs IST 06.12.2024 at 20:30 hrs IST
404. 2024-11-14 Amendment01 Tender for Construction of Waiting Hall cum Parking at Gate No. 2 at AIIMS, New Delhi including Electrical, HVAC, IT Works, Furniture and external developments works etc. and their Maintenance during Defect Liability Period.
04.12.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 04.12.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
403. 2024-11-28 Amendment04 For Providing Operation and Comprehensive Annual Maintenance of Medical Gas Pipeline System (MGPS), Modular Operation Theatres (MOTs), Bed Head Panels etc. for Period of One Year at National Centre of Ageing AIIMS, New Delhi..
HSCC/AIIMS/O&M/NCA/New Delhi/2024/82
02.12.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 02.12.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
402. 2024-11-28 Amendment05 for Tender for Supply, Installation and commission on turnkey basis of the following(MRI1.5 Tesla and 128 Slice CT Scan Machine) Medical Equipment for IGICH Hospital and 400 Bed Hospital at Kabul, Afghanistan.
29.11.2024 Upto 14:00 hrs IST 29.11.2024 at 14:30 hrs IST
401. 2024-11-26 Ammendment02 for Tender for Supply of MEDICINES, MEDICAL EQUIPMENT & OTHER SOCIAL SUPPORT ITEMS to UNODC, Kabul, Afghanistan as per the details mentioned in tender document
28.11.2024 Upto 14:00 hrs IST 28.11.2024 at 14:30 hrs IST
400. 2024-11-26 Amendment13 Tender for Execution including Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Special Services (SES) viz. (MOT, MGMS, CSSD, KITCHEN, LAUNDRY) Works at ESIC, Siliguri, West Bengal, on Turnkey Basis.
03.12.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 03.12.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
399. 2024-11-25 Amendment02 Tender for Supply and installation of the following Medical Equipment for Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhayaya University of Health Sciences, Kutail, Karnal, Haryana.
05.12.2024 Upto 14:00 hrs IST 05.12.2024 at 14:30 hrs IST
398. 2024-11-25 Amendment05 Tender for Planning, Detailed Design and Engineering, Construction, Testing, Commissioning and Validation of Bio Safety Level-3 laboratory at Govt. Medical College, Kota, Rajasthan including all infrastructure works in relation thereto such as Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, HVAC, Plumbing, Drainage, ETP, Furniture and Bio Safety Cabinets etc., Operation and Maintenance during one (01) year of Defect Liability Period and O and CMC for four (04) years after DLP on EPC Mode.
05.12.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 05.12.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
397. 2024-11-22 GeM Tender for Supply Installation testing, commissioning and handing over of furniture works for waiting hall near existing mother and Child block at AIIMS New Delhi.
GEM/2024/B/5619544 dated 21/11/2024
06.12.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 06.12.2024 at 15:30 hrs IST
396. 2024-11-22 GeM Tender for Supply Installation testing, commissioning and handing over of furniture works for waiting hall at under ground parking at Masjid moth campus of AIIMS New Delhi.
GEM/2024/B/5620334 dated 21/11/2024
06.12.2024 Upto 16:00 hrs IST 06.12.2024 at 16:30 hrs IST
395. 2024-11-22 Ammendment-I for Tender for Supply of MEDICINES, MEDICAL EQUIPMENT & OTHER SOCIAL SUPPORT ITEMS to UNODC, Kabul, Afghanistan as per the details mentioned in tender document
28.11.2024 Upto 14:00 hrs IST 28.11.2024 at 14:30 hrs IST
394. 2024-11-22 Amendment04 for Tender for Supply, Installation and commission on turnkey basis of the following(MRI1.5 Tesla and 128 Slice CT Scan Machine) Medical Equipment for IGICH Hospital and 400 Bed Hospital at Kabul, Afghanistan.
29.11.2024 Upto 14:00 hrs IST 29.11.2024 at 14:30 hrs IST
393. 2024-11-21 Tender for Construction of Underground Water Tank including Civil, Plumbing, Fire-Fighting, Electrical works etc. including their Maintenance during Defect Liability Period at NDRF, Ghaziabad.
06.12.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 06.12.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
392. 2024-11-21 Amendment03 For Providing Operation and Comprehensive Annual Maintenance of Medical Gas Pipeline System (MGPS), Modular Operation Theatres (MOTs), Bed Head Panels etc. for Period of One Year at National Centre of Ageing AIIMS, New Delhi..
HSCC/AIIMS/O&M/NCA/New Delhi/2024/82
28.11.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 28.11.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
391. 2024-11-19 Expression of Interest for Empanelment of aggregators of healthcare products such as durgs & pharmaceuticals, medical equipments, hospital consumables and other allied healthcare products.
31.01.2025 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 31.01.2025 at 16:00 hrs IST
390. 2024-11-19 Amendment12 Tender for Execution including Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Special Services (SES) viz. (MOT, MGMS, CSSD, KITCHEN, LAUNDRY) Works at ESIC, Siliguri, West Bengal, on Turnkey Basis.
26.11.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 26.11.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
389. 2024-11-18 Amendment04 Tender for Planning, Detailed Design and Engineering, Construction, Testing, Commissioning and Validation of Bio Safety Level-3 laboratory at Govt. Medical College, Kota, Rajasthan including all infrastructure works in relation thereto such as Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, HVAC, Plumbing, Drainage, ETP, Furniture and Bio Safety Cabinets etc., Operation and Maintenance during one (01) year of Defect Liability Period and O and CMC for four (04) years after DLP on EPC Mode.
25.11.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 25.11.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
388. 2024-11-15 Amendment03 Tender for Supply, Installation and commission on turnkey basis of the following(MRI1.5 Tesla and 128 Slice CT Scan Machine) Medical Equipment for IGICH Hospital and 400 Bed Hospital at Kabul, Afghanistan.
22.11.2024 Upto 14:00 hrs IST 22.11.2024 at 14:30 hrs IST
387. 2024-11-18 Amendment03 Tender for Construction of Super Speciality OPD Block at Masjid Moth in AIIMS, New Delhi and their Maintenance during Defect Liability Period on Comprehensive Design, Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) basis.
22.11.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 22.11.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
386. 2024-11-16 Corrigendum01:- Tender for Appointment of Consultant for Comprehensive Consultancy Services for Construction of All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) at Darbhanga, Bihar
19.11.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 19.11.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
385. 2024-11-14 Request For Budgetary Estimate:-Supply, Installation testing and commissioning of Furniture For AIIMS Guntur,Andhra Pradesh.
HSCC/ AIIMS Guntur /Furniture/2024
28.11.2024 28.11.2024
384. 2024-11-14 Tender for Procurement and Supply of MEDICINES and MEDICAL EQUIPMENT to Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) on Delivery at Place (DAP basis) as per the details mentioned in tender document.
25.11.2024 Upto 14:00 hrs IST 25.11.2024 at 14:30 hrs IST
383. 2024-11-14 Tender for procurement and Supply of Fire Fighting and Related Items for Forest Fire to Pluri-national State of Bolivia under humanitarian assistance on Delivery at Place (DAP basis) as per the details mentioned in tender Document.
25.11.2024 Upto 14:00 hrs IST 25.11.2024 at 14:30 hrs IST
382. 2024-11-14 Tender for Construction of Waiting Hall cum Parking at Gate No. 2 at AIIMS, New Delhi including Electrical, HVAC, IT Works, Furniture and external developments works etc. and their Maintenance during Defect Liability Period.
29.11.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 29.11.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
381. 2024-11-14 Amendment02 For Providing Operation and Comprehensive Annual Maintenance of Medical Gas Pipeline System (MGPS), Modular Operation Theatres (MOTs), Bed Head Panels etc. for Period of One Year at National Centre of Ageing AIIMS, New Delhi..
HSCC/AIIMS/O&M/NCA/New Delhi/2024/82
21.11.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 21.11.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
380. 2024-11-14 Amendment11 Tender for Execution including Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Special Services (SES) viz. (MOT, MGMS, CSSD, KITCHEN, LAUNDRY) Works at ESIC, Siliguri, West Bengal, on Turnkey Basis.
19.11.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 19.11.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
379. 2024-11-12 Amendment02 Tender for Appointment of Consultant for Comprehensive Consultancy Services for Construction of All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) at Darbhanga, Bihar
19.11.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 19.11.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
378. 2024-11-12 Amendment10 Tender for Execution including Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Special Services (SES) viz. (MOT, MGMS, CSSD, KITCHEN, LAUNDRY) Works at ESIC, Siliguri, West Bengal, on Turnkey Basis.
19.11.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 19.11.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
377. 2024-11-11 Tender for Supply of MEDICINES, MEDICAL EQUIPMENT & OTHER SOCIAL SUPPORT ITEMS to UNODC, Kabul, Afghanistan as per the details mentioned in tender document
22.11.2024 Upto 14:00 hrs IST 22.11.2024 at 14:30 hrs IST
376. 2024-11-11 Amendment01 For Providing Operation and Comprehensive Annual Maintenance of Medical Gas Pipeline System (MGPS), Modular Operation Theatres (MOTs), Bed Head Panels etc. for Period of One Year at National Centre of Ageing AIIMS, New Delhi..
HSCC/AIIMS/O&M/NCA/New Delhi/2024/82
14.11.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 14.11.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
375. 2024-11-11 Amendment02 Tender for Supply, Installation and commission on turnkey basis of the following(MRI1.5 Tesla and 128 Slice CT Scan Machine) Medical Equipment for IGICH Hospital and 400 Bed Hospital at Kabul, Afghanistan.
18.11.2024 Upto 14:00 hrs IST 18.11.2024 at 14:30 hrs IST
374. 2024-11-08 Amendment01 Tender for Appointment of Consultant for Comprehensive Consultancy Services for Construction of All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) at Darbhanga, Bihar
19.11.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 19.11.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
373. 2024-11-08 Amendment01 Tender for Supply, Installation and commission on turnkey basis of the following(MRI1.5 Tesla and 128 Slice CT Scan Machine) Medical Equipment for IGICH Hospital and 400 Bed Hospital at Kabul, Afghanistan.
18.11.2024 Upto 14:00 hrs IST 18.11.2024 at 14:30 hrs IST
372. 2024-11-08 Amendment02 Tender for Construction of Up-gradation of Existing State Government Medical College to increase MBBS seats of UG/PG Students at Government Medical College (GMC), Chandrapur, Maharashtra and their maintenance during defect liability period.
14.11.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 14.11.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
371. 2024-11-08 Amendment01 Tender for Supply and installation of the following Medical Equipment for Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhayaya University of Health Sciences, Kutail, Karnal, Haryana.
25.11.2024 Upto 14:00 hrs IST 25.11.2024 at 14:30 hrs IST
370. 2024-11-07 Amendment02 "Tender for Construction of Lecture Hall, Laboratories & Demonstration Room at Government Medical College, Nagpur, Maharashtra and their maintenance during defect liability period."
19.11.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 19.11.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
369. 2024-11-06 Amendment02 Tender for Supply, Delivery, Installation, Commissioning & handover the Pre-Fabricated House to the Province of Nepal.
19.11.2024 Upto 14:00 hrs IST 19.11.2024 at 14:30 hrs IST
368. 2024-11-06 Tender for Providing Operation and Comprehensive Annual Maintenance of Medical Gas Pipeline System (MGPS), Modular Operation Theatres (MOTs), Bed Head Panels etc. for Period of One Year at National Centre of Ageing AIIMS, New Delhi..
HSCC/AIIMS/O&M/NCA/New Delhi/2024/82
14.11.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 14.11.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
367. 2024-11-05 Amendment02 Tender for Construction of Super Speciality OPD Block at Masjid Moth in AIIMS, New Delhi and their Maintenance during Defect Liability Period on Comprehensive Design, Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) basis.
18.11.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 18.11.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
366. 2024-11-05 Amendment09 Tender for Execution including Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Special Services (SES) viz. (MOT, MGMS, CSSD, KITCHEN, LAUNDRY) Works at ESIC, Siliguri, West Bengal, on Turnkey Basis.
12.11.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 12.11.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
365. 2024-11-05 Amendment01 "Tender for Construction of Lecture Hall, Laboratories & Demonstration Room at Government Medical College, Nagpur, Maharashtra and their maintenance during defect liability period."
11.11.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 11.11.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
364. 2024-11-05 Amendment01 Tender for Construction of Up-gradation of Existing State Government Medical College to increase MBBS seats of UG/PG Students at Government Medical College (GMC), Chandrapur, Maharashtra and their maintenance during defect liability period.
08.11.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 08.11.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
363. 2024-11-04 Amendment03 Tender for Planning, Detailed Design and Engineering, Construction, Testing, Commissioning and Validation of Bio Safety Level-3 laboratory at Govt. Medical College, Kota, Rajasthan including all infrastructure works in relation thereto such as Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, HVAC, Plumbing, Drainage, ETP, Furniture and Bio Safety Cabinets etc., Operation and Maintenance during one (01) year of Defect Liability Period and O and CMC for four (04) years after DLP on EPC Mode.
18.11.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 18.11.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
362. 2024-10-30 Amendment01 Tender for Construction of Super Speciality OPD Block at Masjid Moth in AIIMS, New Delhi and their Maintenance during Defect Liability Period on Comprehensive Design, Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) basis.
18.11.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 18.11.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
361. 2024-10-29 Tender for Providing Annual Maintenance and Operation Services of OPD, IPD and A&E Blocks and related external development works at LHMC, New Delhi.
HSCC/LHMC/O&M/OPD, IPD and A&E/New Delhi/2024/81
14.11.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 14.11.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
360. 2024-10-29 Amendment01 Tender for Supply, Delivery, Installation, Commissioning & handover the Pre-Fabricated House to the Province of Nepal.
08.11.2024 Upto 14:00 hrs IST 08.11.2024 at 14:30 hrs IST
359. 2024-10-25 Tender for Appointment of Consultant for Comprehensive Consultancy Services for Construction of All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) at Darbhanga, Bihar
12.11.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 12.11.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
358. 2024-10-25 Amendment05 Tender for Construction of 150 bedded Critical Care Block at PGIMER, Chandigarh and their Maintenance during Defect Liability Period on Comprehensive Design, Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) basis.
28.10.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 28.10.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
357. 2024-10-25 Tender cancellation notice-for Comprehensive Consultancy Services for Establishment of All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) at Darbhanga, Bihar on EPC basis.
Tender stands cancelled Tender stands cancelled
356. 2024-10-25 Tender cancellation notice-for Providing Warehouse on Lease Rent Basis at Chandigarh.
Tender stands cancelled Tender stands cancelled
355. 2024-10-25 Amendment08 Tender for Execution including Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Special Services (SES) viz. (MOT, MGMS, CSSD, KITCHEN, LAUNDRY) Works at ESIC, Siliguri, West Bengal, on Turnkey Basis.
05.11.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 05.11.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
354. 2024-10-24 Tender cancellation notice-for Providing Annual Maintenance and Operation Services of OPD, IPD and AandE Blocks and related external development works at LHMC, New Delhi.
Tender stands cancelled Tender stands cancelled
353. 2024-10-24 Tender for Construction of Lecture Hall, Laboratories & Demonstration Room at Government Medical College, Nagpur, Maharashtra and their maintenance during defect liability period.
11.11.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 11.11.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
352. 2024-10-22 Tender for Construction of Up-gradation of Existing State Government Medical College to increase MBBS seats of UG/PG Students at Government Medical College (GMC), Chandrapur, Maharashtra and their maintenance during defect liability period.
06.11.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 06.11.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
351. 2024-10-22 Amendment02 Tender for Planning, Detailed Design and Engineering, Construction, Testing, Commissioning and Validation of Bio Safety Level-3 laboratory at Govt. Medical College, Kota, Rajasthan including all infrastructure works in relation thereto such as Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, HVAC, Plumbing, Drainage, ETP, Furniture and Bio Safety Cabinets etc., Operation and Maintenance during one (01) year of Defect Liability Period and O and CMC for four (04) years after DLP on EPC Mode.
04.11.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 04.11.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
350. 2024-10-21 Amendment07 Tender for Execution including Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Special Services (SES) viz. (MOT, MGMS, CSSD, KITCHEN, LAUNDRY) Works at ESIC, Siliguri, West Bengal, on Turnkey Basis.
25.10.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 25.10.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
349. 2024-10-21 Tender cancellation notice-Tender for Construction of Lecture Hall, Laboratories and Demonstration Room at Government Medical College, Nagpur, Maharashtra and their maintenance during defect liability period.
Tender stands cancelled Tender stands cancelled
348. 2024-10-21 Tender cancellation notice-Tender for Construction of Up-gradation of Existing State Government Medical College to increase MBBS seats of UG/PG Students at Government Medical College (GMC), Chandrapur, Maharashtra and their maintenance during defect liability period.
Tender stands cancelled Tender stands cancelled
347. 2024-10-21 Tender for Appointment of Agency for Providing round the clock security services at HSCC, Noida, UP-201301.
05.11.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 05.11.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
346. 2024-10-18 Amendment04 Tender for Construction of 150 bedded Critical Care Block at PGIMER, Chandigarh and their Maintenance during Defect Liability Period on Comprehensive Design, Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) basis.
25.10.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 25.10.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
345. 2024-10-18 Tender for Construction of Super Speciality OPD Block at Masjid Moth in AIIMS, New Delhi and their Maintenance during Defect Liability Period on Comprehensive Design, Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) basis.
08.11.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 08.11.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
344. 2024-10-18 Amendment06 Tender for Execution including Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Special Services (SES) viz. (MOT, MGMS, CSSD, KITCHEN, LAUNDRY) Works at ESIC, Siliguri, West Bengal, on Turnkey Basis.
25.10.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 25.10.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
343. 2024-10-18 Amendment01 Tender for Planning, Detailed Design and Engineering, Construction, Testing, Commissioning and Validation of Bio Safety Level-3 laboratory at Govt. Medical College, Kota, Rajasthan including all infrastructure works in relation thereto such as Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, HVAC, Plumbing, Drainage, ETP, Furniture and Bio Safety Cabinets etc., Operation and Maintenance during one (01) year of Defect Liability Period and O and CMC for four (04) years after DLP on EPC Mode.
22.10.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 22.10.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
342. 2024-10-17 Tender for Supply, Installation and commission on turnkey basis of the following(MRI1.5 Tesla and 128 Slice CT Scan Machine) Medical Equipment for IGICH Hospital and 400 Bed Hospital at Kabul, Afghanistan.
08.11.2024 Upto 14:00 hrs IST 08.11.2024 at 14:30 hrs IST
341. 2024-10-16 Tender for Supply, Delivery, Installation, Commissioning & handover the Pre-Fabricated House to the Province of Nepal.
01.11.2024 Upto 14:00 hrs IST 01.11.2024 at 14:30 hrs IST
340. 2024-10-15 Amendment01 for Comprehensive Consultancy Services for Establishment of All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) at Darbhanga, Bihar on EPC basis.
30.10.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 30.10.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
339. 2024-10-15 Amendment03 Tender for Fabrication and Installation of MS staircase for fire exit at HSCC, Noida, (UP) and their maintenance during defect liability period.
HSCC/MS Stair case/2024
22.10.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 22.10.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
338. 2024-10-15 Tender cancellation notice for Construction of Super Speciality OPD Block at Masjid Moth in AIIMS, New Delhi and their Maintenance during Defect Liability Period on Comprehensive Design, Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) basis.
Tender stands cancelled Tender stands cancelled
337. 2024-10-14 Price Quotation for Supply of Notbook ( Intelcore i7,12th Gen, 16 GB RAM, 1 TB SSD, Win 11, 1 year warranty with Antivirus & Carry bag)
HSCC/IT/Proc and R&M/2024-25/41
21.10.2024 Upto 12:00 hrs IST
336. 2024-10-14 Amendment03 Tender for Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Air conditioning work including associated work at MGPS Plant of NEB Block and SSB Block and their maintenance during defect liability period.
17.10.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 17.10.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
335. 2024-10-11 Tender for Construction for Development of a Family friendly ambience to support healing and wellbeing of the mother and Children at the existing Mother and Child Hospital, Masjid Moth Campus, AIIMS, New Delhi including Civil, Plumbing, Sculptures, Murals, 3D Paintings, Play Areas, Displays etc and their Maintenance during Defect Liability Period of One Year.
28.10.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 28.10.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
334. 2024-10-11 Amendment03 Tender for Construction of 150 bedded Critical Care Block at PGIMER, Chandigarh and their Maintenance during Defect Liability Period on Comprehensive Design, Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) basis.
25.10.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 25.10.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
333. 2024-10-11 Amendment05 Tender for Execution including Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Special Services (SES) viz. (MOT, MGMS, CSSD, KITCHEN, LAUNDRY) Works at ESIC, Siliguri, West Bengal, on Turnkey Basis.
18.10.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 18.10.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
332. 2024-10-11 Amendment02 Tender for Construction of 150 bedded Critical Care Block at PGIMER, Chandigarh and their Maintenance during Defect Liability Period on Comprehensive Design, Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) basis.
25.10.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 25.10.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
331. 2024-10-10 Tender for Supply and installation of the following Medical Equipment for Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhayaya University of Health Sciences, Kutail, Karnal, Haryana.
11.11.2024 Upto 14:00 hrs IST 11.11.2024 at 14:30 hrs IST
330. 2024-10-10 Tender cancellation notice- Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment 256 Slice CT Scanner Machine for New Flacq Teaching Hospital on behalf of Ministry of Health and wellness, Republic of Mauritius.
HSCC/PUR/Mauritius/New Flacq Teaching Hospital/2024/03
Tender stands cancelled Tender stands cancelled
329. 2024-10-09 Amendment03 Tender for Engagement of Agency for Providing Manpower on Hire Basis in Pan India Offices/Sites of HSCC (India) Limited.
10.10.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 10.10.2024 at 15:30 hrs IST
328. 2024-10-09 Amendment06 Tender for Construction of 50 Bedded Critical Care Block (CCB), 6 Bedded Ward Block, 20 Bedded Ward Block BPHUs and DIPHL at various locations in state of Jammu and Kashmir and their Maintenance during Defect Liability Period.
15.10.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 15.10.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
327. 2024-10-08 Amendment01 Tender for Construction of 150 bedded Critical Care Block at PGIMER, Chandigarh and their Maintenance during Defect Liability Period on Comprehensive Design, Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) basis.
22.10.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 22.10.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
326. 2024-10-08 Gem Tender for Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for Sports injury Centre expansion Safdarjung New Delhi.
Bid Number: GEM/2024/B/5378722 dated 08/10/2024
23.10.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 23.10.2024 at 15:30 hrs IST
325. 2024-10-07 Amendment02 Tender for Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Air conditioning work including associated work at MGPS Plant of NEB Block and SSB Block and their maintenance during defect liability period.
14.10.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 14.10.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
324. 2024-10-07 Amendment02 Tender for Fabrication and Installation of MS staircase for fire exit at HSCC, Noida, (UP) and their maintenance during defect liability period.
HSCC/MS Stair case/2024
15.10.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 15.10.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
323. 2024-10-07 To setup an E-Library as a Unified Platform (Branded Web and Mobile Apps) to Provide Licensed Access of Latest and Updated E-books, E-journals, E Research Material, Learning Videos and Animations and Objective Assessments for the Students and Faculty of 22 Government Medical Colleges and 3 Dental Colleges for a period of 5 Years under Medical Education Department Maharashtra.
10.10.2024 Upto 11:00 hrs IST 10.10.2024 at 11:30 hrs IST
322. 2024-10-04 Tender for Planning, Detailed Design and Engineering, Construction, Testing, Commissioning and Validation of Bio Safety Level-3 laboratory at Govt. Medical College, Kota, Rajasthan including all infrastructure works in relation thereto such as Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, HVAC, Plumbing, Drainage, ETP, Furniture and Bio Safety Cabinets etc., Operation and Maintenance during one (01) year of Defect Liability Period and O and CMC for four (04) years after DLP on EPC Mode.
22.10.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 22.10.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
321. 2024-10-04 Amendment04 Tender for Execution including Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Special Services (SES) viz. (MOT, MGMS, CSSD, KITCHEN, LAUNDRY) Works at ESIC, Siliguri, West Bengal, on Turnkey Basis.
11.10.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 11.10.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
320. 2024-10-04 Gem Tender for Supply installation testing and commissioning of furniture work for Mortuary Block at AIIMS Rajkot, Gujarat.
Bid Number: GEM/2024/B/5468013 dated 03/10/2024
15.10.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 15.10.2024 at 15:30 hrs IST
319. 2024-10-03 Supply, delivery & handing-over of Disaster items at Jamica through the empanelled agencies which was empanelled by HSCC through EOI.
06.10.2024 Upto 11:00 hrs IST 06.10.2024 at 11:30 hrs IST
318. 2024-10-03 Amendment05 Tender for Construction of 50 Bedded Critical Care Block (CCB), 6 Bedded Ward Block, 20 Bedded Ward Block BPHUs and DIPHL at various locations in state of Jammu and Kashmir and their Maintenance during Defect Liability Period.
09.10.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 09.10.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
317. 2024-10-01 Amendment01 Tender for Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Air conditioning work including associated work at MGPS Plant of NEB Block and SSB Block and their maintenance during defect liability period.
07.10.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 07.10.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
316. 2024-10-01 Amendment02 Tender for Engagement of Agency for Providing Manpower on Hire Basis in Pan India Offices/Sites of HSCC (India) Limited.
10.10.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 10.10.2024 at 15:30 hrs IST
315. 2024-09-30 Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment & Furniture for Super Specialty Hospital at Deen Dayal Upadhayaya University, Kutail
11-10-2024 11-10-2024
314. 2024-09-30 Amendment01 Tender for Fabrication and Installation of MS staircase for fire exit at HSCC, Noida, (UP) and their maintenance during defect liability period.
HSCC/MS Stair case/2024
07.10.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 07.10.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
313. 2024-09-30 Price Quotation for Supply of Notbook ( Intelcore i7,12th Gen, 16 GB RAM, 1 TB SSD, Win 11, 1 year warranty with Antivirus & Carry bag)
HP Pavilion 14-dv2015TU
07.10.2024 Upto 12:30 hrs IST 07.10.2024 at 13:00 hrs IST
312. 2024-09-27 INFORMATIVE – NIT Comprehensive Consultancy Services for Establishment of All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) at Darbhanga, Bihar on EPC basis.
15.10.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 15.10.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
311. 2024-09-27 Amendment03 Tender for Construction of 50 Bedded Critical Care Block (CCB), 6 Bedded Ward Block, 20 Bedded Ward Block BPHUs and DIPHL at various locations in state of Jammu and Kashmir and their Maintenance during Defect Liability Period.
27.09.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 27.09.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
310. 2024-09-27 Amendment04 Tender for Construction of 50 Bedded Critical Care Block (CCB), 6 Bedded Ward Block, 20 Bedded Ward Block BPHUs and DIPHL at various locations in state of Jammu and Kashmir and their Maintenance during Defect Liability Period.
03.10.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 03.10.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST
309. 2024-09-26 Gem Tender for Supply of 36 monitors and 3 Central stations (High End ICU Monitor with integrated web based documentation system& Electronics charting) for LHMC New Delhi.
Bid Number: GEM/2024/B/5359614 dated 26/09/2024
17.10.2024 Upto 11:00 hrs IST 17.10.2024 at 11:30 hrs IST
308. 2024-09-26 Gem Tender for Tender for Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Academic Block Furnitureworks for AIIMS Rajkot, Gujrat
Bid Number: GEM/2024/B/5441102 dated 25/09/2024
08.10.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 08.10.2024 at 15:30 hrs IST
307. 2024-09-25 Amendment01 Tender for Engagement of Agency for Providing Manpower on Hire Basis in Pan India Offices/Sites of HSCC (India) Limited.
03.10.2024 Upto 15:00 hrs IST 03.10.2024 at 16:00 hrs IST