

Archive - 2016
Sr. No. Date of Issue Item Last Date Time of receipt of Bids Date Time of Bid opening
1025. 2016-12-30 Amendment 4: Engagement Of Agency For providing Round the Clock Security Services by deploying security guards, etc
06.01.17 upto 13: 00 hr s 06.01.17 upto 15: 30 hr s
1024. 2016-12-30 Amendment XXIII - Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/05
06.01.2017 upto 15.30 Hrs (for item 8) 06.01.2017 upto 15.30 Hrs (for item 8)
1023. 2016-12-30 Amendment01_Supply, installation, testing, commissioning and handing over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block and Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital and VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/25
16.01.2017, 1430 hrs IST 16.01.2017, 1500 hrs IST
1022. 2016-12-29 AMENDMENT 2 :Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipment for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/MC/03/B
04.01.2017 upto 13:00 Hrs 04.01.2017 At 13:30 Hrs
1021. 2016-12-29 Amendment05_supply,installation,testing,commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2016/24
05.01.2017, 14:30 hrs 05.01.2017, 15:00 hrs
1020. 2016-12-29 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/11
19.01.2017 upto 15:30 hrs 19.01.2017 at 16:00 hrs
1019. 2016-12-29 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Integration and Data Management System for Modular Operation Theatre at Surgical Block, AIIMS, New Delhi
20.01.2017 up to 14.30 hrs. 20.01.2017 at 15.00 hrs.
1018. 2016-12-29 Amendment 10: Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for OPD at AIIMS Rae Bareli
05.01.2017 upto 15:30 hrs IST 05.01.2017 at 16:00 hrs IST
1017. 2016-12-28 Amendment 1: Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of 1 Gbps Internet Leased Line connection (1:1) for Super-Specialty & Emergency Blocks at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi HSCC/Safdarjung/IT/ILL/2016
13.01.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 13.01.2017 At 15:00 hrs
1016. 2016-12-28 Amendment 22 :Outsourcing of Kitchen Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Kitchen Equipment and Utensils including supply of raw materials eg. food grain, raw vegetables, paneer, egg, milk etc. Preparation, cooking and distribution of good quality meal/food and collection of dirty dish to and from each bed on daily basis for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
04.01.2017 Up to 15.00 Hrs 04.01.2017 At 15:30 Hrs
1015. 2016-12-28 Amendment 22: Outsourcing of Laundry Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Laundry equipment including collection and distribution of hospital linen for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital.
04.01.2017 Up to 15.00 Hrs 04.01.2017 At 15:30 Hrs
1014. 2016-12-28 AMENDMENT 8 :Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/23
04.01.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 04.01.2017 at 15:00 hrs
1013. 2016-12-26 Amendment 16 : Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital and OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/07
02.01.2017 upto 15:30 hrs IST 02.01.2017 At 16:00 hrs IST
1012. 2016-12-24 Supply, installation, testing, commissioning and handing over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block and Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital and VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/25
16.01.2017, 1430 hrs IST 16.01.2017, 1500 hrs IST
1011. 2016-12-23 Amendment 3: Engagement Of Agency For providing Round the Clock Security Services by deploying security guards, etc
30. 12. 16 upt o 13: 00 hr s 30. 12. 16 upt o 15: 30 hr s
1010. 2016-12-23 Amendment01 Appointment of Third party Quality Inspection agency for various projects under HSCC
03.01.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 03.01.2017 upto 15:30 hrs
1009. 2016-12-23 Amendment 08: Extension of Substation & other associated works in AIIMS Campus, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi for AIIMS, New Delhi.
HSCC/AIIMS/Substation Building/2016
06.01.2017 Up to 15:00 hrs. 06.01.2017 at 15:30 hrs
1008. 2016-12-23 Amendment XXII - Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/05
30.12.2016 upto 15.30 Hrs (for item 8) 30.12.2016 At 16.00 Hrs (for item 8)
1007. 2016-12-22 Amendment01 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/10
29.12.2016 upto 15:30 hrs IST 29.12.2016 At 16:00 hrs IST
1006. 2016-12-22 Amendment08 : Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of CSSD Equipment for North Eastern Institute of Ayurveda & Homoeopathy, Shillong.
02.01.2017 Up to 14.30 hrs 02.01.2017 Up to 15:00 hrs
1005. 2016-12-22 Amendment04_supply,installation,testing,commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2016/24
29.12.2016, 14:30 hrs 29.12.2016, 15:00 hrs
1004. 2016-12-22 Amendment 09: Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for OPD at AIIMS Rae Bareli
29.12.2016 upto 15:30 hrs IST 29.12.2016 at 16:00 hrs IST
1003. 2016-12-22 Amendment 21: Outsourcing of Laundry Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Laundry equipment including collection and distribution of hospital linen for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital.
28.12.2016 Up to 15.00 Hrs 28.12.2016 At 15:30 Hrs
1002. 2016-12-21 AMENDMENT 1 :Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipment for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/MC/03/B
28.12.2016 upto 13:00 Hrs 28.12.2016 at 13:30 Hrs
1001. 2016-12-21 AMENDMENT 6 :Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/23
28.12.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 28.12.2016 at 15:00 hrs
1000. 2016-12-21 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of 1 Gbps Internet Leased Line connection (1:1) for Super-Specialty & Emergency Blocks at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
03/01/2017 upto 14:30 hrs 03/01/2017 At 15:00 hrs
999. 2016-12-20 Amendment 21 :Outsourcing of Kitchen Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Kitchen Equipment and Utensils including supply of raw materials eg. food grain, raw vegetables, paneer, egg, milk etc. Preparation, cooking and distribution of good quality meal/food and collection of dirty dish to and from each bed on daily basis for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
28.12.2016 Up to 15.00 Hrs 28.12.2016 At 15:30 Hrs
998. 2016-12-20 Amendment 20: Outsourcing of Laundry Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Laundry equipment including collection and distribution of hospital linen for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital.
28.12.2016 Up to 15.00 Hrs 28.12.2016 At 15:30 Hrs
997. 2016-12-20 Amendment 15 : Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital and OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/07
26.12.2016 upto 15:30 hrs IST 26.12.2016 At 16:00 hrs IST
996. 2016-12-20 Amendment02_Construction of Geriatrics Block Including Associated Works, Operation & Maintenance during defect liability period in AIIMS Campus, Masjid Moth, New Delhi
26.12.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 26.12.2016 at 15:00 hrs.
995. 2016-12-19 TENDER FOR Supply, installation, Testing, commissioning and maintenance of 1 Gbps Internet Leased Line connection (1:1) for Super-specialty & Emergency Blocks at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
03/01/2017 upto 14:30 03/01/2017 At 15:00
994. 2016-12-16 Amendment07 : Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of CSSD Equipment for North Eastern Institute of Ayurveda & Homoeopathy, Shillong.
22.12.2016 Up to 14.30 hrs 22.12.2016 Up to 15:00 hrs
993. 2016-12-16 Amendment03_supply,installation,testing,commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2016/24
23.12.2016, 14:30 hrs 23.12.2016, 15:00 hrs
992. 2016-12-16 Amendment 07: Extension of Substation & other associated works in AIIMS Campus, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi for AIIMS, New Delhi.
HSCC/AIIMS/Substation Building/2016
23.12.2016 Up to 15:00 hrs. 23.12.2016 at 15:30 hrs
991. 2016-12-16 Amendment XXI - Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/05
23.12.2016 upto 15.30 Hrs (for item 8) 23.12.2016 At 16.00 Hrs (for item 8)
990. 2016-12-15 Amendment 08: Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for OPD at AIIMS Rae Bareli
22.12.2016 upto 15:30 hrs IST 22.12.2016 at 16:00 hrs IST
989. 2016-12-15 Amendment 1:TENDER FOR Construction of 10 Nos. Type - V Staff Quarters at CSIR - IMTECH, Chandigarh
26/12/2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 26/12/2016 at 15:00 hrs
988. 2016-12-14 AMENDMENT 5 :Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/23
21.12.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 21.12.2016 at 15:00 hrs
987. 2016-12-14 Amendment 10 :Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/22
16.12.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 16.12.2016 at 15:00 hrs
986. 2016-12-13 AMENDMENT IV:Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/09
16.12.2016 upto 3.30 P.M 16.12.2016 At 4.00 P.M.
985. 2016-12-12 Amendment01_Construction of Geriatrics Block Including Associated Works, Operation & Maintenance during defect liability period in AIIMS Campus, Masjid Moth, New Delhi
21.12.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 21.12.2016 at 15:00 hrs.
984. 2016-12-09 Amendment02_supply,installation,testing,commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2016/24
16.12.2016, 14:30 hrs 16.12.2016, 15:00 hrs
983. 2016-12-09 Amendment06: Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of CSSD Equipment for North Eastern Institute of Ayurveda & Homoeopathy, Shillong.
16.12.2016 Up to 14.30 hrs 16.12.2016 Up to 15:00 hrs
982. 2016-12-09 Amendment 06: Extension of Substation & other associated works in AIIMS Campus, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi for AIIMS, New Delhi.
HSCC/AIIMS/Substation Building/2016
16.12.2016 Up to 15:00 hrs. 16.12.2016 at 15:30 hrs
981. 2016-12-09 Amendment XX - Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/05
16.12.2016 upto 15.30 Hrs (for item 8) 16.12.2016 At 16.00 Hrs (for item 8)
980. 2016-12-09 Amendment 01 Construction of Super Speciality Block at Goa Medical College, Bambolim (GOA )
05.01.2017 upto 15:00 hrs. 05.01.2017 at 15:30 hrs.
979. 2016-12-08 Amendment 9 :Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/22
14.12.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 14.12.2016 at 15:00 hrs
978. 2016-12-08 AMENDMENT01 supply of Low value items for various Medical College Departments of Kalpana Chawla Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/PUR/KCGMC/Low Value/ Medical College Items/2016/MC-Dec
As per Amendment01 As per Amendment01
977. 2016-12-08 Tender For Appointment of Third party Quality Inspection agency for various projects under HSCC
23.12.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 23.12.2016 upto 15:30 hrs
976. 2016-12-08 Amendment 07: Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for OPD at AIIMS Rae Bareli
15.12.2016 upto 15:30 hrs IST 15.12.2016 at 16:00 hrs IST
975. 2016-12-08 Amendment 14 : Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital and OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/07
19.12.2016 upto 15:30 hrs IST 19.12.2016 At 16:00 hrs IST
974. 2016-12-07 AMENDMENT 4 :Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/23
14.12.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 14.12.2016 at 15:00 hrs
973. 2016-12-07 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/10
29.12.2016 upto 15:30 hrs IST 29.12.2016 At 16:00 hrs IST
972. 2016-12-06 Amendment 20 :Outsourcing of Kitchen Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Kitchen Equipment and Utensils including supply of raw materials eg. food grain, raw vegetables, paneer, egg, milk etc. Preparation, cooking and distribution of good quality meal/food and collection of dirty dish to and from each bed on daily basis for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
20.12.2016 Up to 15.00 Hrs 20.12.2016 At 15:30 Hrs
971. 2016-12-06 Amendment 19: Outsourcing of Laundry Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Laundry equipment including collection and distribution of hospital linen for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital.
20.12.2016 Up to 15.00 Hrs 20.12.2016 At 15:30 Hrs
970. 2016-12-06 Amendment 7 :Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/22
14.12.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 14.12.2016 at 15:00 hrs
969. 2016-12-05 Invitation for quotations for supply of Low value items for various Medical College Departments of Kalpana Chawla Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/PUR/KCGMC/Low Value/ Medical College Items/2016/MC-Dec
As per Document As per Document
968. 2016-12-05 TENDER FOR Construction of 10 Nos. Type - V Staff Quarters at CSIR - IMTECH, Chandigarh
26/12/2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 26/12/2016 at 15:00 hrs
967. 2016-12-05 AMENDMENT III:Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/09
12.12.2016 upto 3.30 P.M 12.12.2016 At 4.00 P.M.
966. 2016-12-02 Amendment XIX - Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/05
09.12.2016 upto 15.30 Hrs (for item 8) 09.12.2016 At 16.00 Hrs (for item 8)
965. 2016-12-02 Amendment 7 :Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/22
06.12.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 06.12.2016 at 15:00 hrs
964. 2016-12-01 Amendment I : Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/off/C/01/C
09.12.2016 upto 13:00 Hrs 09.12.2016 upto 13:30 Hrs
963. 2016-12-01 Amendment06: Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for OPD at AIIMS Rae Bareli
08.12.2016 upto 15:30 hrs IST 08.12.2016 at 16:00 hrs IST
962. 2016-12-01 Amendment 2: Engagement Of Agency For providing Round the Clock Security Services by deploying security guards, etc
08. 12. 16 upt o 13: 00 hr s 08. 12. 16 upt o 15: 30 hr s
961. 2016-12-01 Amendment 13 : Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital and OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/07
08.12.2016 upto 15:30 hrs IST 08.12.2016 At 16:00 hrs IST
960. 2016-11-30 Amendment I: Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Microscopes for KalpanaChawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana:
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/MC/03/A
06.12.2016 upto 13.00 hrs 06.12.2016 at 13.30 hrs
959. 2016-11-30 AMENDMENT 3 :Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/23
07.12.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 07.12.2016 at 15:00 hrs
958. 2016-11-29 Amendment 6 :Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/22
06.12.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 06.12.2016 at 15:00 hrs
957. 2016-11-29 Amendment01 Construction of 100 Bedded Mother & Child Hospital at Zonal Hospital, Mandi district, Mandi, H.P. - Balance Work
09.12.2016 upto 15:00 hrs. 09.12.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
956. 2016-11-29 Amendment 05: Extension of Substation & other associated works in AIIMS Campus, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi for AIIMS, New Delhi.
HSCC/AIIMS/Substation Building/2016
09.12.2016 Up to 15:00 hrs. 09.12.2016 at 15:30 hrs
955. 2016-11-29 AMENDMENT II:Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/09
5.12.2016 upto 3.30 P.M 5.12.2016 At 4.00 P.M.
954. 2016-11-28 Amendment 5 :Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/22
29.11.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 29.11.2016 at 15:00 hrs
953. 2016-11-26 Construction of Super Speciality Block at Goa Medical College, Bambolim (GOA )
20.12.2016 upto 15:00 hrs. 20.12.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
952. 2016-11-25 Amendment05: Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of CSSD Equipment for North Eastern Institute of Ayurveda & Homoeopathy, Shillong.
09.12.2016 Up to 14.30 hrs 09.12.2016 Up to 15:00 hrs
951. 2016-11-25 Amendment 3- construction of Auditorium House, Hostel, Electric, Substation, AC Plant Room, under Ground water Tank etc. at NIMR, Sector-8 Dwarika, New Delhi
30.11.2015 up to 14:30 hrs 30.11.2016 at 15:00 hrs
vol02 / drawing1 / drawing2 / drawing3 / drawing4 / drawing5
950. 2016-11-25 Amendment XVIII - Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/05
02.12.2016 upto 15.30 Hrs (for item 8) 02.12.2016 At 16.00 Hrs (for item 8)
949. 2016-11-24 Amendment01 Engagement Of Agency For providing Round the Clock Security Services by deploying security guards, etc
01. 12. 16 upt o 13: 00 hr s 01. 12. 16 upt o 15: 30 hr s
948. 2016-11-24 Amendment 12 : Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital and OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/07
01.12.2016 upto 15:30 hrs IST 01.12.2016 At 16:00 hrs IST
947. 2016-11-24 Amendment05: Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for OPD at AIIMS Rae Bareli
01.12.2016 upto 15:30 hrs IST 01.12.2016 at 16:00 hrs IST
946. 2016-11-23 AMENDMENT 2 :Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/23
30.11.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 30.11.2016 at 15:00 hrs
945. 2016-11-23 AMENDMENT II :TENDER (Second Call) FOR Construction of Super Speciality Block at V.S.S Medical College. Burla (Odisha) under Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana (PMSSY)
29.11.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 29.11.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
944. 2016-11-23 Amendment 2- construction of Auditorium House, Hostel, Electric, Substation, AC Plant Room, under Ground water Tank etc. at NIMR, Sector-8 Dwarika, New Delhi
30.11.2015 up to 14:30 hrs 30.11.2016 at 15:00 hrs
943. 2016-11-23 Amendment01 LIMITED TENDER For Renovation and furnishing of Room no 650A (Two Way) at MOH and FW at Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
HSCC/Nirman Bhawan /Renovation-650A/2016
25.11.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 25.11.2016 at 15:30 hrs
942. 2016-11-22 Amendment 1- construction of Auditorium House, Hostel, Electric, Substation, AC Plant Room, under Ground water Tank etc. at NIMR, Sector-8 Dwarika, New Delhi
30.11.2015 up to 14:30 hrs 30.11.2016 at 15:00 hrs
941. 2016-11-22 Amendment 04: Extension of Substation & other associated works in AIIMS Campus, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi for AIIMS, New Delhi.
HSCC/AIIMS/Substation Building/2016
29.11.2016 Up to 15:00 hrs. 29.11.2016 at 15:30 hrs
940. 2016-11-22 Amendment 18 :Outsourcing of Kitchen Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Kitchen Equipment and Utensils including supply of raw materials eg. food grain, raw vegetables, paneer, egg, milk etc. Preparation, cooking and distribution of good quality meal/food and collection of dirty dish to and from each bed on daily basis for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
06.12.2016 Up to 15.00 Hrs 06.12.2016 At 15:30 Hrs
939. 2016-11-22 Amendment 18: Outsourcing of Laundry Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Laundry equipment including collection and distribution of hospital linen for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital.
06.12.2016 Up to 15.00 Hrs 06.12.2016 At 15:30 Hrs
938. 2016-11-22 Amendment 4:Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/22
29.11.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 29.11.2016 at 15:00 hrs
937. 2016-11-21 Construction of Geriatrics Block Including Associated Works, Operation & Maintenance during defect liability period in AIIMS Campus, Masjid Moth, New Delhi
14.12.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 14.12.2016 at 15:00 hrs.
936. 2016-11-21 Amendment IV - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi._Item No.1_3 Tesla MRI Unit
HSCC/SJH/Med.Eqpt./2016/22 dt. 10.10.2016.
29.11.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 29.11.2016 at 15:00 hrs
935. 2016-11-21 Amendment I- Construction, Testing, Commissioning, Validation and other associated works of BioSafety Level-2 & 3 Laboratory on ‘Turnkey Basis’ at Convergence Block, AIIMS, New Delhi. HSCC/SES/BSL/AIIMS/2016
HSCC/SES/BSL/AIIMS/2016 dated 11.11.2016
01.12.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 01.12.2016 at 15:30 hrs
934. 2016-11-21 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipment for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/MC/03/B
21.12.2016 upto 13:00 Hrs 21.12.2016 at 13:30 Hrs
933. 2016-11-18 AMENDMENT I:LIMITED TENDER For Renovation & furnishing of Room no 651A, 652A, 653A at MOH & FW at Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi Volume-I Conditions of Contract
HSCC/Nirman Bhawan /Renovation-651,652,653 A/2016
23.11.2016 upto 15.00 hrs 23.11.2016 at 15.30 hrs
932. 2016-11-18 AMENDMENT 6: Tender for “Construction of Dr. YS Parmar Government Medical College and Hospital at Regional Hospital at NAHAN, District Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh”.
02.12.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 02.12.2016 at 15:00 hrs
931. 2016-11-18 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/off/H/01/B
09.12.2016 upto 13:00 Hrs 09.12.2016 upto 13:30 Hrs
930. 2016-11-18 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/off/C/01/C
09.12.2016 upto 13:00 Hrs 09.12.2016 upto 13:30 Hrs
929. 2016-11-18 Tender for supply,installation,testing,commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2016/24
09.12.2016, 14:30 hrs 09.12.2016, 15:00 hrs
928. 2016-11-18 AMENDMENT I:Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/09
29.11.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 29.11.2016 at 15:00 hrs
927. 2016-11-18 Amendment XVII - Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/05
25.11.2016 upto 15.30 Hrs (for item 8) 25.11.2016 At 16.00 Hrs (for item 8)
926. 2016-11-17 LIMITED TENDER For Renovation and furnishing of Room no 650A (Two Way) at MOH and FW at Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
HSCC/Nirman Bhawan /Renovation-650A/2016
25.11.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 25.11.2016 at 15:30 hrs
925. 2016-11-17 Amendment 11 : Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital and OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/07
24.11.2016 upto 15:30 hrs IST 24.11.2016 At 16:00 hrs IST
924. 2016-11-17 Amendment04: Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for OPD at AIIMS Rae Bareli
24.11.2016 upto 15:30 hrs IST 24.11.2016 at 16:00 hrs IST
923. 2016-11-16 AMENDMENT 1:Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/23
23.11.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 23.11.2016 at 15:00 hrs
922. 2016-11-16 LIMITED TENDER For Renovation and furnishing of Room No. 405-A & 406-A at MOH & FW, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
HSCC/Nirman Bhawan /Renovation-405A & 406A/2016
24.11.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 24.11.2016 at 15:30 hrs
921. 2016-11-16 LIMITED TENDER For Renovation & furnishing of Room no 156A & 158A at MOH & FW at Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
HSCC/Nirman Bhawan /Renovation-156A & 158A/2016
24.11.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 24.11.2016 at 15:30 hrs
920. 2016-11-15 Amendment II: TENDER (Second Call) FOR Construction of Super Specialty Block at Govt. Medical College, Patiala (Punjab)
23.11.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 23.11.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
919. 2016-11-15 AMENDMENT I:TENDER (Second Call) FOR Construction of Super Speciality Block at V.S.S Medical College. Burla (Odisha) under Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana (PMSSY)
23.11.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 23.11.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
918. 2016-11-15 Amendment 3:Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/22
22.11.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 22.11.2016 at 15:00 hrs
917. 2016-11-15 Amendment 02: Extension of Substation & other associated works in AIIMS Campus, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi for AIIMS, New Delhi.
HSCC/AIIMS/Substation Building/2016
22.11.2016 Up to 15:00 hrs. 22.11.2016 at 15:30 hrs
916. 2016-11-15 AMENDMENT1:Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/off/C/01/A
25.11.2016 upto 13.00 hrs 25.11.2016 at 13.30 hrs
915. 2016-11-15 LIMITED TENDER For Renovation & furnishing of Room no 651A, 652A, 653A at MOH & FW at Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi Volume-I Conditions of Contract
HSCC/Nirman Bhawan /Renovation-651,652,653 A/2016
23.11.2016 upto 15.00 hrs 23.11.2016 at 15.30 hrs
914. 2016-11-15 Tender for Construction, Testing, Commissioning, Validation and other associated works of BioSafety Level-2 & 3 Laboratory on ‘Turnkey Basis’ at Convergence Block, AIIMS, New Delhi.
01.12.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 01.12.2016 at 15:30 hrs
913. 2016-11-11 Tender For Engagement Of Agency For providing Round the Clock Security Services by deploying security guards, etc
24. 11. 16 upt o 13: 00 hr s 24. 11. 16 upt o 15: 30 hr s
912. 2016-11-11 Amendment04: Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of CSSD Equipment for North Eastern Institute of Ayurveda & Homoeopathy, Shillong.
25.11.2016 Up to 14.30 hrs 25.11.2016 Up to 15:00 hrs
911. 2016-11-11 Amendment 18 :Outsourcing of Kitchen Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Kitchen Equipment and Utensils including supply of raw materials eg. food grain, raw vegetables, paneer, egg, milk etc. Preparation, cooking and distribution of good quality meal/food and collection of dirty dish to and from each bed on daily basis for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
22.11.2016 Up to 15.00 Hrs 22.11.2016 At 15:30 Hrs
910. 2016-11-11 Amendment 17: Outsourcing of Laundry Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Laundry equipment including collection and distribution of hospital linen for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital.
22.11.2016 Up to 15.00 Hrs 22.11.2016 At 15:30 Hrs
909. 2016-11-11 Amendment XVI - Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/05
18.11.2016 upto 15.30 Hrs (for item 8) 18.11.2016 At 16.00 Hrs (for item 8)
908. 2016-11-10 Amendment 10 : Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital and OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/07
17.11.2016 upto 15:30 hrs IST 17.11.2016 At 16:00 hrs IST
907. 2016-11-10 Amendment03: Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for OPD at AIIMS Rae Bareli
17.11.2016 upto 15:30 hrs IST 17.11.2016 at 16:00 hrs IST
906. 2016-11-09 Amendment I: TENDER (Second Call) FOR Construction of Super Specialty Block at Govt. Medical College, Patiala (Punjab)
15.11.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 15.11.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
905. 2016-11-09 Amendment4 : Tender for External Electrical works for OPD Block and their Maintenance during defect liability period in AIIMS Campus, Masjid Moth, New Delhi for AIIMS, New Delhi
18.11.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 18.11.2016 at 15:00 hrs
904. 2016-11-09 Amendment02: HVAC works for OPD Block & other associated services and their Maintenance during defect liability period in AIIMS Campus, Masjid Moth, New Delhi for AIIMS, New Delhi
18.11.2016 upto 15:30 hrs. 18.11.2016 at 16:00 hrs.
903. 2016-11-08 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for KalpanaChawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-03/F
08.12.2016 upto 13.00 hrs 08.12.2016 at 13.30 hrs
902. 2016-11-08 Amendment2: Extension of Substation & other associated works in AIIMS Campus, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi for AIIMS, New Delhi.
HSCC/AIIMS/Substation Building/2016
15.11.2016 Up to 15:00 hrs. 15.11.2016 at 15:30 hrs
901. 2016-11-07 Amendment 2 :Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/22
15.11.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 15.11.2016 at 15:00 hrs
900. 2016-11-07 Tender for Construction of 100 Bedded Mother & Child Hospital at Zonal Hospital, Mandi district, Mandi, H.P. - Balance Work
29.11.2016 upto 15:00 hrs. 29.11.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
899. 2016-11-07 Amendment 14 - Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/06
15.11.2016 upto 3.30 P.M. 15.11.2016 at 4.00 P.M.
898. 2016-11-04 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/off/C/01/A
25.11.2016 upto 13.00 hrs 25.11.2016 at 13.30 hrs
897. 2016-11-04 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/off/H/01/A
25.11.2016 upto 13.00 hrs 25.11.2016 at 13.30 hrs
896. 2016-11-04 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Microscopes for KalpanaChawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana:
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/MC/03/A
06.12.2016 upto 13.00 hrs 06.12.2016 at 13.30 hrs
895. 2016-11-04 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for KalpanaChawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana:
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-03/E
05.12.2016 upto 13.00 hrs 05.12.2016 at 13.30 hrs
894. 2016-11-04 Amendment03: Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of CSSD Equipment for North Eastern Institute of Ayurveda & Homoeopathy, Shillong.
11.11.2016 Up to 14.30 hrs 11.11.2016 Up to 15:00 hrs
893. 2016-11-04 Amendment3 : Tender for External Electrical works for OPD Block and their Maintenance during defect liability period in AIIMS Campus, Masjid Moth, New Delhi for AIIMS, New Delhi
10.11.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 10.11.2016 at 15:30 hrs
892. 2016-11-04 Amendment XV - Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/05
11.11.2016 upto 15.30 Hrs (for item 8) 11.11.2016 At 16.00 Hrs (for item 8)
891. 2016-11-03 AMENDMENT 5: Tender for “Construction of Dr. YS Parmar Government Medical College and Hospital at Regional Hospital at NAHAN, District Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh”.
18.11.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 18.11.2016 at 15:00 hrs
890. 2016-11-03 Tender for Construction of Auditorium, Guest House, Hostel, Electric Substation , AC Plant Room , Under Ground water Tank etc at NIMR, Sector-8, Dwarka New Delhi
HSCC/ NIMR/ PhaseII/2015
22.11.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 22.11.2016 at 15.00 hrs.
889. 2016-11-03 Amendment02: Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for OPD at AIIMS Rae Bareli
10.11.2016 upto 15:30 hrs IST 10.11.2016 at 16:00 hrs IST
888. 2016-11-03 Amendment 9 : Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital and OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/07
10.11.2016 upto 15:30 hrs IST 10.11.2016 At 16:00 hrs IST
887. 2016-11-02 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/09
29.11.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 29.11.2016 at 15:00 hrs
886. 2016-10-31 Amendment 1:Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/22
07.11.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 07.11.2016 at 15:00 hrs
885. 2016-10-31 Amendment 13 - Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/06
07.11.2016 upto 3.30 P.M. 07.11.2016 at 4.00 P.M.
884. 2016-10-28 Amendment 17 :Outsourcing of Kitchen Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Kitchen Equipment and Utensils including supply of raw materials eg. food grain, raw vegetables, paneer, egg, milk etc. Preparation, cooking and distribution of good quality meal/food and collection of dirty dish to and from each bed on daily basis for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
11.11.2016 Up to 15.00 Hrs 11.11.2016 At 15:30 Hrs
883. 2016-10-28 Amendment 16: Outsourcing of Laundry Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Laundry equipment including collection and distribution of hospital linen for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital.
11.11.2016 Up to 15.00 Hrs 11.11.2016 At 15:30 Hrs
882. 2016-10-28 Amendment02 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of CSSD Equipment for North Eastern Institute of Ayurveda & Homoeopathy, Shillong.
04.11.2016 Up to 14.30 hrs 04.11.2016 Up to 15:00 hrs
881. 2016-10-28 Amendment 02 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Laundry Equipment for North Eastern Institute of Ayurveda & Homoeopathy, Shillong.
04.11.2016 upto 14.30 Hrs 04.11.2016 at 15.00 Hrs
880. 2016-10-28 Amendment XIV - Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/05
04.11.2016 upto 15.30 Hrs (for item 8) 04.11.2016 At 16.00 Hrs (for item 8)
879. 2016-10-27 Amendment 8 : Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital and OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/07
03.11.2016 upto 14:30 hrs IST 03.11.2016 At 15:00 hrs IST
878. 2016-10-27 Amendment 12 - Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/06
03.11.2016 upto 3.30 P.M. 03.11.2016 at 4.00 P.M.
877. 2016-10-26 Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/23
16.11.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 16.11.2016 at 15:00 hrs
876. 2016-10-26 Amendment01 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for OPD at AIIMS Rae Bareli
03.11.2016 upto 15:30 hrs IST 03.11.2016 at 16:00 hrs IST
875. 2016-10-25 AMENDMENT 7: Package-II : Construction of balance works of OPD Block including internal and external Electrical, air conditioning, PHE, fire fighting, developments works etc and its maintenance during defect liability period for Regional Institute of Medical Sciences RIMS, Imphal Manipur
08.11.2016 up to 15:00 hrs 08.11.2016 at 15:30 hrs
874. 2016-10-25 Amendment01 HVAC works for OPD Block & other associated services and their Maintenance during defect liability period in AIIMS Campus, Masjid Moth, New Delhi for AIIMS, New Delhi
11.11.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 11.11.2016 at 15:00 hrs.
873. 2016-10-25 Amendment03: Construction, Testing, Commissioning, Validation and other associated works of BioSafety Level-2 & 3 Laboratory on ‘Turnkey Basis’ at Convergence Block, AIIMS, New Delhi.
02.11.2016 Up to 15.00 Hrs 02.11.2016 Up to 15.30 Hrs
872. 2016-10-24 Amendment 7 :Package-I : Construction of balance works of PG Gents and Ladies Hostel, UG ladies Hostel, Nursing Hostel and internee Hostel including internal and external Electrical, PHE, fire fighting, developments works etc. and its maintenance during defect liability period for Regional Institute of Medical Sciences RIMS, Imphal Manipur
07.11.2016 up to 15:00 hrs. 07.11.2016 at 15:30 hrs
871. 2016-10-24 Amendment02 External Electrical works for OPD Block and their Maintenance during defect liability period in AIIMS Campus, Masjid Moth, New Delhi for AIIMS, New Delhi
10.11.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 10.11.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
870. 2016-10-24 TENDER (Second Call) FOR Construction of Super Speciality Block at V.S.S Medical College. Burla (Odisha) under Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana (PMSSY)
15.11.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 15.11.2016 at 15:30 hrs..
869. 2016-10-24 TENDER (Second Call) FOR Construction of Super Specialty Block at Govt. Medical College, Patiala (Punjab)
15.11.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 15.11.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
868. 2016-10-21 Amendment02 Construction, Testing, Commissioning, Validation and other associated works of BioSafety Level-2 & 3 Laboratory on ‘Turnkey Basis’ at Convergence Block, AIIMS, New Delhi.
02.11.2016 Up to 15.00 Hrs 02.11.2016 Up to 15.30 Hrs
867. 2016-10-21 Amendment01 External Electrical works for OPD Block and their Maintenance during defect liability period in AIIMS Campus, Masjid Moth, New Delhi for AIIMS, New Delhi
10.11.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 10.11.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
866. 2016-10-21 Amendment XIII - Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/05
28.10.2016 upto 15.30 Hrs (for item 8) 28.10.2016 At 16.00 Hrs (for item 8)
865. 2016-10-20 Amendment 11 - Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/06
27.10.2016 upto 3.30 P.M. 27.10.2016 at 4.00 P.M.
864. 2016-10-20 Amendment 7: Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital and OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/07
27.10.2016 upto 14:30 hrs IST 27.10.2016 At 15:00 hrs IST
863. 2016-10-19 Amendment 4: Tender for Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Furniture & other associated works for Cafeteria Block , AIIMS, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi and their maintenance during defect liability period.
HSCC/AIIMS- Cafeteria / Fur/2016
21/10/2016 up to 15:00 hrs 21/10/2016 at 15:30 hrs
862. 2016-10-19 Amendment01 Extension of Substation & other associated works in AIIMS Campus, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi for AIIMS, New Delhi.
HSCC/AIIMS/Substation Building/2016
08.11.2016 Up to 15:00 hrs. 08.11.2016 at 15:30 hrs
861. 2016-10-19 Amendment01 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of CSSD Equipment for North Eastern Institute of Ayurveda & Homoeopathy, Shillong.
28.10.2016 Up to 14.30 hrs 28.10.2016 Up to 15:00 hrs
860. 2016-10-19 Amendment01 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Kitchen Equipment for North Eastern Institute of Ayurveda & Homoeopathy, Shillong.
28.10.2016 upto 14.30 Hrs 28.10.2016 at 15.00 Hrs
859. 2016-10-19 Amendment 01 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Laundry Equipment for North Eastern Institute of Ayurveda & Homoeopathy, Shillong.
28.10.2016 upto 14.30 Hrs 28.10.2016 at 15.00 Hrs
858. 2016-10-18 AMENDMENT 4: Tender for “Construction of Dr. YS Parmar Government Medical College and Hospital at Regional Hospital at NAHAN, District Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh”.
04.11.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 04.11.2016 at 15:00 hrs.
857. 2016-10-17 Amendment 2 :Tender for Construction of International Hostel at National Institute of Health & Family Welfare, Munirka, New Delhi.
02.11.2016 upto 15:00 hrs. 02.11.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
856. 2016-10-17 Amendment 5 : Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/08
24.10.2016 Upto 3.30 P.M. 24.10.2016 At 4.00 P.M.
855. 2016-10-17 Amendment 5 : Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/off/02
24.10.2016 upto 3.30 P.M 24.10.2016 at 4.00 P.M
854. 2016-10-15 Amendment 1 :Tender for Construction of International Hostel at National Institute of Health & Family Welfare, Munirka, New Delhi.
19.10.2016 upto 15:00 hrs. 19.10.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
853. 2016-10-14 Amendment 3: Tender for Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Furniture & other associated works for Cafeteria Block , AIIMS, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi and their maintenance during defect liability period.
HSCC/AIIMS- Cafeteria / Fur/2016
19/10/2016 up to 15:00 hrs 19/10/2016 at 15:30 hrs
852. 2016-10-14 Amendment XII - Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/05
21.10.2016 upto 15.30 Hrs (for items 8) 21.10.2016 At 16.00 Hrs (for items 8)
851. 2016-10-13 Amendment 6 :Package-I : Construction of balance works of PG Gents and Ladies Hostel, UG ladies Hostel, Nursing Hostel and internee Hostel including internal and external Electrical, PHE, fire fighting, developments works etc. and its maintenance during defect liability period for Regional Institute of Medical Sciences RIMS, Imphal Manipur
24.10.2016 up to 15:00 hrs. 24.10.2016 at 15:30 hrs
850. 2016-10-13 AMENDMENT 6: Package-II : Construction of balance works of OPD Block including internal and external Electrical, air conditioning, PHE, fire fighting, developments works etc and its maintenance during defect liability period for Regional Institute of Medical Sciences RIMS, Imphal Manipur
25.10.2016 up to 15:00 hrs 25.10.2016 at 15:30 hrs
849. 2016-10-13 Amendment 10 - Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/06
20.10.2016 upto 3.30 P.M. 20.10.2016 at 4.00 P.M.
848. 2016-10-13 Amendment 6: Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital and OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/07
20.10.2016 upto 14:30 hrs IST 20.10.2016 At 15:00 hrs IST
847. 2016-10-10 Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/22
31.10.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 31.10.2016 at 15:00 hrs
846. 2016-10-10 Amendment 16 :Outsourcing of Kitchen Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Kitchen Equipment and Utensils including supply of raw materials eg. food grain, raw vegetables, paneer, egg, milk etc. Preparation, cooking and distribution of good quality meal/food and collection of dirty dish to and from each bed on daily basis for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
28.10.2016 Up to 15.00 Hrs 28.10.2016 At 15:30 Hrs
845. 2016-10-10 Amendment 15: Outsourcing of Laundry Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Laundry equipment including collection and distribution of hospital linen for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital.
28.10.2016 Up to 15.00 Hrs 28.10.2016 At 15:30 Hrs
844. 2016-10-10 Amendment 4: Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/off/02
17.10.2016 upto 3.30 P.M 17.10.2016 at 4.00 P.M
843. 2016-10-10 Amendment 4 : Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/08
17.10.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 17.10.2016 at 15:00 hrs
842. 2016-10-08 Tender for HVAC works for OPD Block & other associated services and their Maintenance during defect liability period in AIIMS Campus, Masjid Moth, New Delhi for AIIMS, New Delhi
02.11.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 02.11.2016 at 15:00 hrs.
841. 2016-10-08 Tender for External Electrical works for OPD Block and their Maintenance during defect liability period in AIIMS Campus, Masjid Moth, New Delhi for AIIMS, New Delhi
02.11.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 02.11.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
840. 2016-10-07 Tender for APPOINTMENT OF EIA CONSULTANT FOR Conducting EIA Study and getting EIA Clearance from Concerned Authorities for the Proposed Construction of Super Specialty Block at Goa Medical College, Bambolim, Goa
17.10.2016 up to 14:30 hrs 17.10.2016 at 15:00 hrs.
839. 2016-10-07 Amendment XI - Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/05
14.10.2016 upto 15.30 Hrs (for items 8) 14.10.2016 upto 16.00 Hrs (for items 8)
838. 2016-10-06 Amendment01 Construction, Testing, Commissioning, Validation and other associated works of BioSafety Level-2 & 3 Laboratory on ‘Turnkey Basis’ at Convergence Block, AIIMS, New Delhi.
21.10.2016 Up to 15.00 Hrs 21.10.2016 Up to 15.30 Hrs
837. 2016-10-06 Amendment 2: Tender for Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Furniture & other associated works for Cafeteria Block , AIIMS, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi and their maintenance during defect liability period.
HSCC/AIIMS- Cafeteria / Fur/2016
14/10/2016 up to 15:00 hrs 14/10/2016 at 15:30 hrs
836. 2016-10-06 Amendment 11: Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/04
10.10.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs(for item 3) 10.10.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs (for item 3 )
835. 2016-10-06 Amendment 5: Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital and OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/07
13.10.2016 upto 14:30 hrs IST 13.10.2016 At 15:00 hrs IST
834. 2016-10-05 Amendment 9 - Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/06
13.10.2016 upto 3.30 P.M. 13.10.2016 at 4.00 P.M.
833. 2016-10-04 tender for Extension of Substation & other associated works in AIIMS Campus, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi for AIIMS, New Delhi.
HSCC/AIIMS/Substation Building/2016
19.10.2016 Up to 15:00 hrs. 19.10.2016 at 15:30 hrs
832. 2016-10-04 Amendment 3: Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/off/02
10.10.2016 upto 15:00 hrs (for item 3) 10.10.2016 at 15:30 hrs (for item 3)
831. 2016-10-04 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for OPD at AIIMS Rae Bareli
26.10.2016 upto 15:30 hrs IST 26.10.2016 at 16:00 hrs IST
830. 2016-10-03 AMENDMENT 3: Tender for “Construction of Dr. YS Parmar Government Medical College and Hospital at Regional Hospital at NAHAN, District Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh”.
19.10.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 19.10.2016 at 15:00 hrs.
829. 2016-09-30 Amendment01 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Furniture & other associated works for Cafeteria Block , AIIMS, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi and their maintenance during defect liability period.
HSCC/AIIMS- Cafeteria / Fur/2016
06.10.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 06.10.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
828. 2016-09-30 Amendment 15 :Outsourcing of Kitchen Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Kitchen Equipment and Utensils including supply of raw materials eg. food grain, raw vegetables, paneer, egg, milk etc. Preparation, cooking and distribution of good quality meal/food and collection of dirty dish to and from each bed on daily basis for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
14.10.2016 Up to 15.00 Hrs 14.10.2016 At 15:30 Hrs
827. 2016-09-30 Amendment14: Outsourcing of Laundry Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Laundry equipment including collection and distribution of hospital linen for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital.
14.10.2016 Up to 15.00 Hrs 14.10.2016 At 15:30 Hrs
826. 2016-09-30 Amendment X - Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/05
07.10.2016 upto 15.30 Hrs (for items 1,8,9) 07.10.2016 upto 16.00 Hrs (for items 1,8,9)
825. 2016-09-30 Tender for Construction, Testing, Commissioning, Validation and other associated works of BioSafety Level-2 & 3 Laboratory on ‘Turnkey Basis’ at Convergence Block, AIIMS, New Delhi.
21.10.2016 Up to 15.00 Hrs 21.10.2016 Up to 15.30 Hrs
824. 2016-09-29 Amendment 1 : Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana:
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/off/01
05.10.2016 upto 13.00 hrs 05.10.2016 at 13:30 hrs
823. 2016-09-29 Amendment 4: Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital and OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/07
06.10.2016 upto 14:30 hrs IST 06.10.2016 At 15:00 hrs IST
822. 2016-09-29 Amendment 10: Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/04
06.10.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs(for items 3 and 4) 06.10.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs (for items 3 and 4)
821. 2016-09-28 Amendment 8 - Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/06
05.10.2016 upto 3.30 P.M. 05.10.2016 at 4.00 P.M.
820. 2016-09-28 Amendment 2: Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/off/02
04.10.2016 upto 15:00 hrs (for item 3) 04.10.2016 at 15:30 hrs (for item 3)
819. 2016-09-28 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of CSSD Equipment for North Eastern Institute of Ayurveda & Homoeopathy, Shillong.
20.10.2016 Up to 14.30 hrs 20.10.2016 Up to 15:00 hrs
818. 2016-09-28 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Kitchen Equipment for North Eastern Institute of Ayurveda & Homoeopathy, Shillong.
20.10.2016 upto 14.30 Hrs 20.10.2016 at 15.00 Hrs
817. 2016-09-28 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Laundry Equipment for North Eastern Institute of Ayurveda & Homoeopathy, Shillong.
20.10.2016 upto 14.30 Hrs 20.10.2016 at 15.00 Hrs
816. 2016-09-27 Amendment 6 :Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for KalpanaChawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/MC/03
28.09.2016 upto 13.00 hrs 28.09.2016 at 13.30 hrs
815. 2016-09-27 Amendment5 :Package-I : Construction of balance works of PG Gents and Ladies Hostel, UG ladies Hostel, Nursing Hostel and internee Hostel including internal and external Electrical, PHE, fire fighting, developments works etc. and its maintenance during defect liability period for Regional Institute of Medical Sciences RIMS, Imphal Manipur
13.10.2016 up to 15:00 hrs. 13.10.2016 at 15:30 hrs
814. 2016-09-27 AMENDMENT 5: Package-II : Construction of balance works of OPD Block including internal and external Electrical, air conditioning, PHE, fire fighting, developments works etc and its maintenance during defect liability period for Regional Institute of Medical Sciences RIMS, Imphal Manipur
14.10.2016 up to 15:00 hrs 14.10.2016 at 15:30 hrs
813. 2016-09-27 Tender for Construction of International Hostel at National Institute of Health & Family Welfare, Munirka, New Delhi.
19.10.2016 upto 15:00 hrs. 19.10.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
812. 2016-09-26 Amendment II :Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for KalpanaChawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana:
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-03/D
14.10.2016 upto 13.00 hrs 14.10.2016 at 13.30 hrs
811. 2016-09-23 Amendment IX - Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/05
30.09.2016 upto 15.30 Hrs (for items 1,4,5,8,9) 30.09.2016 upto 16.00 Hrs (for items 1,4,5,8,9)
810. 2016-09-23 Amendment 9: Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/04
29.09.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs(for items 3 and 4) 29.09.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs (for items 3 and 4)
809. 2016-09-23 Amendment 1: Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/off/02
28.09.2016 upto 15:00 hrs (for item 3) 28.09.2016 at 15:30 hrs (for item 3)
808. 2016-09-22 Amendment02 Construction of Dr. YS Parmar Government Medical College and Hospital at Regional Hospital at NAHAN, District Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh
04.10.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 04.10.2016 At 15:00 hrs.
807. 2016-09-22 Amendment 3: Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital and OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/07
29.09.2016 upto 14:30 hrs IST 29.09.2016 At 15:00 hrs IST
806. 2016-09-21 Amendment04_Package-II : Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Hospital & Laboratory furniture for Temporary OPD for Satellite Center of PGIMER at Sangrur , Punjab
HSCC/PG-II/PGIMER-Sagrur/Hosp. & Lab Fur/2016
26.09.2016 upto 15:00 hrs. 26.09.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
805. 2016-09-21 Amendment 7 - Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/06
28.09.2016 upto 3.30 P.M. 28.09.2016 at 4.00 P.M.
804. 2016-09-20 Amendment 7 :Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2016/21
28.09.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 28.09.2016 at 15:00 hrs
803. 2016-09-19 Amendment 14 :Outsourcing of Kitchen Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Kitchen Equipment and Utensils including supply of raw materials eg. food grain, raw vegetables, paneer, egg, milk etc. Preparation, cooking and distribution of good quality meal/food and collection of dirty dish to and from each bed on daily basis for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
30.09.2016 Up to 15.00 Hrs 30.09.2016 At 15:30 Hrs
802. 2016-09-19 Amendment13: Outsourcing of Laundry Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Laundry equipment including collection and distribution of hospital linen for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital.
30.09.2016 Up to 15.00 Hrs 30.09.2016 At 15:30 Hrs
801. 2016-09-17 Tender for Invitation for Quotations for supply of Low Value Items for Various Departments Kalpana Chawla Medical College – Karnal.
HSCC/PUR/Low Value/Medical Equipment/2016
20.09.2016 upto 12:00 hrs 20.09.2016 at 15:00 hrs.
800. 2016-09-17 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/08
17.10.2016, 14:30 hrs IST 17.10.2016, 15:00 hrs IST
799. 2016-09-16 Amendment VIII- Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/05
23.09.2016 upto 15.30 Hrs (for items 1,2,4,5,7,8,9) 23.09.2016 upto 16.00 Hrs (for items 1,2,4,5,7,8,9)
798. 2016-09-16 Amendment08: Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/04
23.09.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs(for items 2,3,4,6,7,8) 23.09.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs (for items 2,3,4,6,7,8)
797. 2016-09-15 Tender for Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Furniture & other associated works for Cafeteria Block , AIIMS, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi and their maintenance during defect liability period.
HSCC/AIIMS- Cafeteria / Fur/2016
30.09.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 30.09.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
796. 2016-09-15 Amendment 5:Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2016/21
22.09.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 22.09.2016 at 15:00 hrs
795. 2016-09-15 Amendment 5 :Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for KalpanaChawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/MC/03
27.09.2016 upto 13.00 hrs 27.09.2016 at 13.30 hrs
794. 2016-09-15 Amendment I :Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for KalpanaChawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana:
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-03/D
26.09.2016 upto 13.00 hrs 26.09.2016 at 13.30 hrs
793. 2016-09-15 Amendment04: Construction of Hostel Block for Resident Doctor’s including associated works, Operation & Maintenance during defect liability period for PGIMER, Dr. RML Hospital, New Delhi
20.09.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 20.09.2016 At 15:00 hrs.
792. 2016-09-15 Amendment4 :Package-I : Construction of balance works of PG Gents and Ladies Hostel, UG ladies Hostel, Nursing Hostel and internee Hostel including internal and external Electrical, PHE, fire fighting, developments works etc. and its maintenance during defect liability period for Regional Institute of Medical Sciences RIMS, Imphal Manipur
27.09.2016 up to 15:00 hrs. 27.09.2016 at 15:30 hrs
791. 2016-09-15 AMENDMENT 4: Package-II : Construction of balance works of OPD Block including internal and external Electrical, air conditioning, PHE, fire fighting, developments works etc and its maintenance during defect liability period for Regional Institute of Medical Sciences RIMS, Imphal Manipur
28.09.2016 up to 15:00 hrs 28.09.2016 at 15:30 hrs
790. 2016-09-15 Amendment03_Package-II : Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Hospital & Laboratory furniture for Temporary OPD for Satellite Center of PGIMER at Sangrur , Punjab
HSCC/PG-II/PGIMER-Sagrur/Hosp. & Lab Fur/2016
21.09.2016 upto 15:00 hrs. 21.09.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
789. 2016-09-15 Amendment01 Construction of Dr. YS Parmar Government Medical College and Hospital at Regional Hospital at NAHAN, District Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh
23.09.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 23.09.2016 At 15:00 hrs.
Amendment_part1 / Amendment_part2
788. 2016-09-15 Amendment 6:Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2016/21
22.09.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 22.09.2016 at 15:00 hrs
787. 2016-09-14 Amendment 1 - For “Renovation/addition/alteration of existing Hospital and Construction of Lecture Theatre including Civil & internal and external services like PHE, Electrical, HVAC etc. for Medical College at Regional Hospital at Hamirpur, District Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh”.
21.09.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 21.09.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
786. 2016-09-14 Amendment 6 - Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/06
21.09.2016 upto 15:30 Hrs 21.09.2016 upto 16:00 Hrs
785. 2016-09-12 Amendment 03: Construction of Hostel Block for Resident Doctor’s including associated works, Operation & Maintenance during defect liability period for PGIMER, Dr. RML Hospital, New Delhi
15.09.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 15.09.2016 At 15:00 hrs.
784. 2016-09-12 Amendment 5 - Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/06
14.09.2016 upto 15:30 Hrs 14.09.2016 upto 16:00 Hrs
783. 2016-09-12 Amendment VII- Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/05
16.09.2016 upto 15.30 Hrs (for items 1,2,4,5,7,8,9) 16.09.2016 upto 16.00 Hrs (for items 1,2,4,5,7,8,9)
782. 2016-09-09 Amendment II: RFP for “Appointment of Consultant for Comprehensive Planning and Designing of the Proposed All India Institute of Medical Sciences at Mangalagiri, Guntur (AP)”
29.09.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 29.09.2016 at 15:30 hrs
781. 2016-09-09 Amendment II:RFP for “Appointment of Consultant for Comprehensive Planning and Designing of the Proposed All India Institute of Medical Sciences at Kalyani, WB”
29.09.2016 up to 15:00 hrs. 29.09.2016 at 15:30 hrs
780. 2016-09-09 Amendment02_Package-II : Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Hospital & Laboratory furniture for Temporary OPD for Satellite Center of PGIMER at Sangrur , Punjab
HSCC/PG-II/PGIMER-Sagrur/Hosp. & Lab Fur/2016
15.09.2016 upto 15:00 hrs. 15.09.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
779. 2016-09-09 Amendment II : RFP for “Appointment of Consultant for Comprehensive Planning and Designing of the Proposed All India Institute of Medical Sciences at Nagpur, Maharashtra”
29.09.2016 up to 15:00 hrs. 29.09.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
778. 2016-09-09 Amendment 13 :Outsourcing of Kitchen Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Kitchen Equipment and Utensils including supply of raw materials eg. food grain, raw vegetables, paneer, egg, milk etc. Preparation, cooking and distribution of good quality meal/food and collection of dirty dish to and from each bed on daily basis for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
19.09.2016 Up to 15.00 Hrs 19.09.2016 At 15:30 Hrs
777. 2016-09-09 Amendment12: Outsourcing of Laundry Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Laundry equipment including collection and distribution of hospital linen for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital.
19.09.2016 Up to 15.00 Hrs 19.09.2016 At 15:30 Hrs
776. 2016-09-09 Amendment VI- Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/05
16.09.2016 upto 15.30 Hrs (for items 1,2,4,5,7,8,9) 16.09.2016 upto 16.00 Hrs (for items 1,2,4,5,7,8,9)
775. 2016-09-09 Amendment07: Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/04
16.09.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs(for items 2,3,4,6,7,8) 16.09.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs (for items 2,3,4,6,7,8)
774. 2016-09-08 Amendment05: Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-03/C
16.09.2016 upto 13.00 hrs 16.09.2016 at 13.30 hrs
773. 2016-09-08 Amendment 3:Tender for Package-I : Construction of balance works of PG Gents and Ladies Hostel, UG ladies Hostel, Nursing Hostel and internee Hostel including internal and external Electrical, PHE, fire fighting, developments works etc. and its maintenance during defect liability period for Regional Institute of Medical Sciences RIMS, Imphal Manipur
15-09-2016 upto 15:00 hrs 15-09-2016 At 15:30 hrs
772. 2016-09-08 AMENDMENT 3:Tender for Package-II : Construction of balance works of OPD Block including internal and external Electrical, air conditioning, PHE, fire fighting, developments works etc and its maintenance during defect liability period for Regional Institute of Medical Sciences RIMS, Imphal Manipur
16-09-2016 Upto 15:00 hrs 16-09-2016 At 15:30 hrs
771. 2016-09-08 Amendment 4:Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2016/21
15.09.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 15.09.2016 at 15:00 hrs
770. 2016-09-08 Amendment03 Procurement of Medical Equipment for Kalpana Chawala Government Medical College, Karnal.
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/08
Tender will be uploaded on 15.09.2016 Tender will be uploaded on 15.09.2016
769. 2016-09-07 AMENDMENT 6:Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/20
14.09.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 14.09.2016 upto 15:00 hrs
768. 2016-09-06 Amendment1: Package-II : Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Hospital & Laboratory furniture for Temporary OPD for Satellite Center of PGIMER at Sangrur , Punjab
HSCC/PG-II/PGIMER-Sagrur/Hosp. & Lab Fur/2016
09.09.2016 upto 15:00 hrs. 09.09.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
767. 2016-09-06 Amendment I: RFP for “Appointment of Consultant for Comprehensive Planning and Designing of the Proposed All India Institute of Medical Sciences at Mangalagiri, Guntur (AP)”
27.09.2016 up to 15:00 hrs. 27.09.2016 at 15:30 hrs
Topographical Survey Drawing / Soil Investigation Report / Amendment 1 with Replies to Pre-bid Queries
766. 2016-09-06 Amendment I:RFP for “Appointment of Consultant for Comprehensive Planning and Designing of the Proposed All India Institute of Medical Sciences at Kalyani, WB”
27.09.2016 up to 15:00 hrs. 27.09.2016 at 15:30 hrs
Soil Investigation Report / Topographical Survey Drawing / Amendment 1 with Replies to Pre-bid Queries
765. 2016-09-06 Amendment I : RFP for “Appointment of Consultant for Comprehensive Planning and Designing of the Proposed All India Institute of Medical Sciences at Nagpur, Maharashtra”
27.09.2016 up to 15:00 hrs. 27.09.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
Amendment 1 with Replies to Pre-bid Queries / Soil Investigation Report / Topographical Survey Drawing
764. 2016-09-05 Amendment 4 - Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/06
13.09.2016 upto 15:30 Hrs 13.09.2016 upto 16:00 Hrs
763. 2016-09-03 Amendment03 Up-gradation & Construction of Hospital Block of existing Hospital as per MCI Guidelines with other facilities at district Pali, Rajasthan and their maintenance during Defects Liability Period
07.09.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 07.09.2016 At 15:00 hrs
762. 2016-09-02 Amendment06: Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/04
09.09.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs(for items 2,3,4,6,7,8) 09.09.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs (for items 2,3,4,6,7,8)
761. 2016-09-02 Amendment V- Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/05
09.09.2016 upto 15.30 Hrs (for items 1,2,4,5,7,8,9) 09.09.2016 upto 16.00 Hrs (for items 1,2,4,5,7,8,9)
760. 2016-09-02 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/off/02
23.09.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 23.09.2016 at 15:30 hrs
759. 2016-09-01 Amendment02 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Hostel & Auditorium furniture for KCGMC, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Hostel-Audi fur/2016
07/09/2016 up to 15:00 hrs 07/09/2016 at 15:30 hrs
758. 2016-09-01 Amendment 3:Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2016/21
15.09.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 15.09.2016 at 15:00 hrs
757. 2016-09-01 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana:
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/off/01
30.09.2016 upto 13.00 hrs 30.09.2016 at 13:30 hrs
756. 2016-08-31 Amendment02 Up-gradation & Construction of Hospital Block of existing Hospital as per MCI Guidelines with other facilities at district Pali, Rajasthan and their maintenance during Defects Liability Period
07.09.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 07.09.2016 At 15:00 hrs
755. 2016-08-31 Amendment11: Outsourcing of Laundry Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Laundry equipment including collection and distribution of hospital linen for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital.
09.09.2016 Up to 15.00 Hrs 09.09.2016 At 15:30 Hrs
754. 2016-08-31 Amendment 12 :Outsourcing of Kitchen Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Kitchen Equipment and Utensils including supply of raw materials eg. food grain, raw vegetables, paneer, egg, milk etc. Preparation, cooking and distribution of good quality meal/food and collection of dirty dish to and from each bed on daily basis for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
09.09.2016 Up to 15.00 Hrs 09.09.2016 At 15:30 Hrs
753. 2016-08-31 AMENDMENT 5: Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block and super Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital
HSCC/SJH/MED. Equt/2015/20
07.09.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 07.09.2016 at 15:00 hrs
752. 2016-08-31 Amendment 19 - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialt y Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
07.09.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 07.09.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
751. 2016-08-31 Amendment IX - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
07.09.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 07.09.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
750. 2016-08-31 Amendment08:supply, installation, testing, commissioning and handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block and Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital and VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/19
07.09.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 07.09.2016 upto 15:00 hrs
749. 2016-08-31 Amedment XX - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Med. Eqpt./2015/15
07.09.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 07.09.2016 At 15:00 hrs
748. 2016-08-31 Amendment02: Construction of Hostel Block for Resident Doctor’s including associated works, Operation & Maintenance during defect liability period for PGIMER, Dr. RML Hospital, New Delhi
15.09.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 15.09.2016 At 15:00 hrs.
747. 2016-08-31 Tender for Procurement of Medical Equipment for Kalpana Chawala Government Medical College, Karnal.
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/08
Tender will be uploaded on 08.09.2016 Tender will be uploaded on 08.09.2016
746. 2016-08-30 AMENDMENT 2:Tender for Package-II : Construction of balance works of OPD Block including internal and external Electrical, air conditioning, PHE, fire fighting, developments works etc and its maintenance during defect liability period for Regional Institute of Medical Sciences RIMS, Imphal Manipur
09-09-2016 Upto 15:00 hrs 09-09-2016 At 15:30 hrs
745. 2016-08-30 Amendment 2:Tender for Package-I : Construction of balance works of PG Gents and Ladies Hostel, UG ladies Hostel, Nursing Hostel and internee Hostel including internal and external Electrical, PHE, fire fighting, developments works etc. and its maintenance during defect liability period for Regional Institute of Medical Sciences RIMS, Imphal Manipur
08-09-2016 upto 15:00 hrs 08-09-2016 At 15:30 hrs
744. 2016-08-30 Amendment04: Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-03/C
09.09.2016 upto 13.00 hrs 09.09.2016 at 13.30 hrs
743. 2016-08-30 Amendment 4 :Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for KalpanaChawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/MC/03
15.09.2016 upto 13.00 hrs 15.09.2016 at 13.30 hrs
742. 2016-08-30 Amendment01 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Hostel & Auditorium furniture for KCGMC, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Hostel-Audi fur/2016
07/09/2016 up to 15:00 hrs 07/09/2016 at 15:30 hrs
741. 2016-08-29 AMENDMENT 35: Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/10
06.09.2016 At 14.30 hrs (for Item no. 3&11) 06.09.2016 upto 15.00 hrs (for Item no. 3&11)
740. 2016-08-29 Amendment 18 - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
06.09.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 06.09.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs
739. 2016-08-27 Amendment 1:Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2016/21
09.09.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 09.09.2016 at 15:00 hrs
738. 2016-08-27 Amendment 2:Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2016/21
15.09.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 15.09.2016 at 15:00 hrs
737. 2016-08-26 Amendment01 Up-gradation & Construction of Hospital Block of existing Hospital as per MCI Guidelines with other facilities at district Pali, Rajasthan and their maintenance during Defects Liability Period
31.08.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 31.08.2016 At 15:00 hrs
736. 2016-08-26 Amendment I:Tender for Providing housekeeping services including cleaning, maintenance, etc. in HSCC Corporate Office located at Plot No. E-6(A), E -13 & 14 tore Sector-I, Noida, U.P.- 201301”
29.08.2016 Upto 13:00 hrs. 29.08.2016 at 15:30 hrs
735. 2016-08-26 Tender : Renovation/addition/alteration of existing Hospital and Construction of Lecture Theatre including Civil & internal and external services like PHE, Electrical, HVAC etc. for Medical college at Regional Hospital at Hamirpur, District Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh
14.09.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 14.09.2016 at 15:00 hrs.
734. 2016-08-24 Package-I : Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Modular office furniture for Temporary OPD & Guest House for Satellite Center of PGIMER at Sangrur , Punjab
HSCC/PG-II/PGIMER-Sagrur/Hosp. & Lab Fur/2016
06.09.2016 upto 15:00 hrs. 06.09.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
733. 2016-08-24 Package-II : Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Hospital & Laboratory furniture for Temporary OPD for Satellite Center of PGIMER at Sangrur , Punjab
HSCC/PG-II/PGIMER-Sagrur/Hosp. & Lab Fur/2016
06.09.2016 upto 15:00 hrs. 06.09.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
732. 2016-08-24 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital and OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/07
22.09.2016 upto 14:30 hrs IST 22.09.2016 At 15:00 hrs IST
731. 2016-08-23 Amendment VIII - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
31.08.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 31.08.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
730. 2016-08-23 Amendment 18 - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialt y Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
31.08.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 31.08.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
729. 2016-08-23 AMENDMENT 5:Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/20
31.08.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 31.08.2016 upto 15:00 hrs
728. 2016-08-23 Amendment07_supply, installation, testing, commissioning and handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block and Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital and VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/19
31.08.2016 upto 1430 hrs 31.08.2016 upto 1500 hrs
727. 2016-08-23 Amendment XX - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
31.08.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 31.08.2016 At 15:00 Hrs
726. 2016-08-23 Amendment05_Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/04
02.09.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 02.09.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
725. 2016-08-23 Amendment IV- Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/05
2.09.2016 upto 15.30 Hrs 2.09.2016 upto 16.00 Hrs
724. 2016-08-23 Amendment 3 - Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/06
05.09.2016 upto 15:30 Hrs 05.09.2016 upto 16:00 Hrs
723. 2016-08-23 Tender for Construction of Dr. YS Parmar Government Medical College and Hospital at Regional Hospital at NAHAN, District Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh
16.09.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 16.09.2016 At 15:00 hrs.
722. 2016-08-22 Amendment10: Outsourcing of Laundry Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Laundry equipment including collection and distribution of hospital linen for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital.
31.08.2016 Up to 15.00 Hrs 31.08.2016 At 15:30 Hrs
721. 2016-08-22 Amendment 11 :Outsourcing of Kitchen Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Kitchen Equipment and Utensils including supply of raw materials eg. food grain, raw vegetables, paneer, egg, milk etc. Preparation, cooking and distribution of good quality meal/food and collection of dirty dish to and from each bed on daily basis for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
31.08.2016 Up to 15.00 Hrs 31.08.2016 At 15:30 Hrs
720. 2016-08-22 Amendment01 Construction of Hostel Block for Resident Doctor’s including associated works, Operation & Maintenance during defect liability period for PGIMER, Dr. RML Hospital, New Delhi
01.09.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 01.09.2016 At 15:00 hrs.
719. 2016-08-22 Amendment01_Procurement of Medical Equipment for Kalpana Chawala Government Medical College, Karnal.
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/08
To be published soon To be published soon
718. 2016-08-20 Amendment02 Procurement of Medical Equipment for Kalpana Chawala Government Medical College, Karnal.
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/07
tender to be published soon tender to be published soon
717. 2016-08-19 Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2016/21
09.09.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 09.09.2016 at 15:00 hrs
716. 2016-08-19 AMENDMENT -II : REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST Appointment of Agency for preparation Design and Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) and Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) and including Civil other associated works using environment friendly technology in order to clean sewage water and produce Renewable natural gas, bio-fertilizer and clean water as byproducts in the existing campus of All India Institute of Medical Science New Delhi
30.08.2016 up to 15 Hrs 30.08.2016 at 15.30 hrs
715. 2016-08-19 AMENDMENT 31: Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi HSCC/SJH/Med.Eqpt./2015/10
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/10
29.08.2016 At 14.30 hrs (for Item no. 3&11) 29.08.2016 upto 15.00 hrs (for Item no. 3&11)
714. 2016-08-19 Amendment 17 - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
19.08.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 19.08.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
713. 2016-08-18 Amendment 10 :Outsourcing of Kitchen Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Kitchen Equipment and Utensils including supply of raw materials eg. food grain, raw vegetables, paneer, egg, milk etc. Preparation, cooking and distribution of good quality meal/food and collection of dirty dish to and from each bed on daily basis for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
22.08.2016 Up to 15.00 Hrs 22.08.2016 At 15:30 Hrs
712. 2016-08-18 AMENDMENT 4:Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/20
23.08.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 23.08.2016 upto 15:00 hrs
711. 2016-08-17 Amendment03: Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-03/C
31.08.2016 upto 13.00 hrs 31.08.2016 at 13.30 hrs
710. 2016-08-17 Amendment 1:Tender for Package-I : Construction of balance works of PG Gents and Ladies Hostel, UG ladies Hostel, Nursing Hostel and internee Hostel including internal and external Electrical, PHE, fire fighting, developments works etc. and its maintenance during defect liability period for Regional Institute of Medical Sciences RIMS, Imphal Manipur
30-08-2016 upto 15:00 hrs 30-08-2016 At 15:30 hrs
709. 2016-08-17 AMENDMENT 1:Tender for Package-II : Construction of balance works of OPD Block including internal and external Electrical, air conditioning, PHE, fire fighting, developments works etc and its maintenance during defect liability period for Regional Institute of Medical Sciences RIMS, Imphal Manipur
31-08-2016 Upto 15:00 hrs 31-08-2016 At 15:30 hrs
708. 2016-08-17 Tender for Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Hostel & Auditorium furniture for KCGMC, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Hostel-Audi fur/2016
01.09.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 01.09.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
707. 2016-08-16 Amendment 3 :Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for KalpanaChawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/MC/03
30.08.2016. upto 13.00 hrs 30.08.2016. At 13.30 hrs
706. 2016-08-16 Amendment04_Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/04
23.08.2016 upto 14:30 hrs IST 23.08.2016 At 15:00 hrs IST
705. 2016-08-16 Amendment03 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/05
23.08.2016 upto 15:30 hrs 23.08.2016 at 16:00 hrs
704. 2016-08-16 Amendment XIX - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
23.08.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 23.08.2016 At 15:00 Hrs
703. 2016-08-16 Amendment XVII - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
23.08.2016 upto 14:30 Hr 23.08.2016 At 15:00 Hrs
702. 2016-08-16 Amedment XIX - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Med. Eqpt./2015/15
23.08.2016 upto 14:30 hrs (for Item No. 1, 2, 6, 13 & 14) 23.08.2016 At 15:00 hrs (for Item No. 1, 2, 6, 13 & 14)
701. 2016-08-16 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for KalpanaChawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana:
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-03/D
15.09.2016 upto 13.00 hrs 15.09.2016 at 13.30 hrs
700. 2016-08-16 Amendment06_supply, installation, testing, commissioning and handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block and Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital and VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/19
23.08.2016 upto 1430 hrs IST 23.08.2016 At 1500 hrs IST
699. 2016-08-16 Amendment XVII - Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/17
(for item 6) 23.08.2016 upto 1500 hrs (for item 6) 23.08.2016 at 1500 hrs
698. 2016-08-16 Tender for Providing housekeeping services including cleaning, maintenance, etc. in HSCC Corporate Office located at Plot No. E-6(A), E -13 & 14 tore Sector-I, Noida, U.P.- 201301”
29.08.2016 Upto 13:00 hrs. 29.08.2016 at 15:30 hrs
697. 2016-08-16 Amendment01 Procurement of Medical Equipment for Kalpana Chawala Government Medical College, Karnal.
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/07
tender to be published soon tender to be published soon
696. 2016-08-12 Amendment09: Outsourcing of Laundry Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Laundry equipment including collection and distribution of hospital linen for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital.
22.08.2016 Up to 15.00 Hrs 22.08.2016 At 15:30 Hrs
695. 2016-08-11 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana:
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/MC/04
14.09.2016 upto 13.00 hrs 14.09.2016 at 13:30 hrs
694. 2016-08-11 Amendment09:Outsourcing of Kitchen Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Kitchen Equipment and Utensils including supply of raw materials eg. food grain, raw vegetables, paneer, egg, milk etc. Preparation, cooking and distribution of good quality meal/food and collection of dirty dish to and from each bed on daily basis for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
18.08.2016 Up to 15.00 Hrs 18.08.2016 At 15:30 Hrs
693. 2016-08-10 Tender for Construction of Hostel Block for Resident Doctor’s including associated works, Operation & Maintenance during defect liability period for PGIMER, Dr. RML Hospital, New Delhi
01.09.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 01.09.2016 At 15:00 hrs.
692. 2016-08-10 AMENDMENT 3:Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/20
18.08.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 18.08.2016 upto 15:00 hrs
691. 2016-08-10 Amendment XVI- Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
19.08.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 19.08.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
690. 2016-08-10 AmendmentIX_Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/18
19.08.2016 upto 1430 hrs IST 19.08.2016 at 1500 hrs IST
689. 2016-08-09 TENDER FOR Up-gradation & Construction of Hospital Block of existing Hospital as per MCI Guidelines with other facilities at district Pali, Rajasthan and their maintenance during Defects Liability Period
31.08.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 31.08.2016 At 15:00 hrs
688. 2016-08-09 AMENDMENT -I : REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST Appointment of Agency for preparation Design and Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) and Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) and including Civil other associated works using environment friendly technology in order to clean sewage water and produce Renewable natural gas, bio-fertilizer and clean water as byproducts in the existing campus of All India Institute of Medical Science New Delhi
19.08.2016 up to 15.00 Hrs 19.08.2016 at 15.30 hrs
687. 2016-08-09 Amedment XVIII - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Med. Eqpt./2015/15
16.08.2016 upto 14:30 hrs (for Item No. 1, 2, 3, 6, 10, 13 & 14) 16.08.2016 At 15:00 hrs (for Item No. 1, 2, 3, 6, 10, 13 & 14)
686. 2016-08-09 Amendment XVI - Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/17
(for item 6) 16.08.2016 upto 1500 hrs (for item 6) 16.08.2016 at 1500 hrs
685. 2016-08-08 Amendment02 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/05
16.08.2016 upto 15:30 hrs 16.08.2016 at 16:00 hrs
684. 2016-08-08 Amendment03_Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/04
16.08.2016 upto 14:30 hrs IST 16.08.2016 At 15:00 hrs IST
683. 2016-08-08 Amendment2 :Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for KalpanaChawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/MC/03
18.08.2016. upto 13.00 hrs IST 18.08.2016. At 13.30 hrs IST
682. 2016-08-08 Amendment 11 - Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for KalpanaChawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/MC/02
(for item no. 1,3,5,7,10) 16.08.2016 upto 4.00 P.M (for item no. 1,3,5,7,10) 16.08.2016 At 4.30 P.M
681. 2016-08-05 AMENDMENT 30: Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi HSCC/SJH/Med.Eqpt./2015/10
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/10
19.08.2016 At 14.30 hrs (for Item no. 3&11) 19.08.2016 upto 15.00 hrs (for Item no. 3&11)
680. 2016-08-05 Amendment08: Outsourcing of Laundry Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Laundry equipment including collection and distribution of hospital linen for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital.
12.08.2016 Up to 15.00 Hrs 12.08.2016 At 15:30 Hrs
679. 2016-08-04 Amendment02: Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-03/C
17.08.2016. upto 13.00 hrs IST 17.08.2016. At 13.30 hrs IST
678. 2016-08-04 Amendment1 :Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for KalpanaChawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/MC/03
18.08.2016. upto 13.00 hrs IST 18.08.2016. At 13.30 hrs IST
677. 2016-08-04 E- Tender For Engagement Of Agency For pr ovi di ng Round t he Cl ock Secur i t y Ser vi ces by depl oyi ng secur i t y guar ds, et c.
11. 08. 16 upto 13: 00 hr s 11. 08. 16 at 15: 30 hrs.
676. 2016-08-04 Amendment08:Outsourcing of Kitchen Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Kitchen Equipment and Utensils including supply of raw materials eg. food grain, raw vegetables, paneer, egg, milk etc. Preparation, cooking and distribution of good quality meal/food and collection of dirty dish to and from each bed on daily basis for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
11.08.2016 Up to 15.00 Hrs 11.08.2016 At 15:30 Hrs
675. 2016-08-04 Amendment XVIII - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
16.08.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 16.08.2016 At 15:00 Hrs
674. 2016-08-04 Amendment05_supply, installation, testing, commissioning and handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block and Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital and VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/19
16.08.2016 upto 1430 hrs IST 16.08.2016 At 1500 hrs IST
673. 2016-08-04 Amendment XVI - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
16.08.2016 upto 14:30 Hr 16.08.2016 At 15:00 Hrs
672. 2016-08-03 AmendmentVIII_Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/18
10.08.2016 upto 1430 hrs IST 10.08.2016 at 1500 hrs IST
671. 2016-08-02 AMENDMENT 2:Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/20
10.08.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 10.08.2016 upto 15:00 hrs
670. 2016-08-02 Amendment XV- Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
10.08.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 10.08.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
669. 2016-08-01 Amedment XVII - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Med. Eqpt./2015/15
09.08.2016 upto 14:30 hrs (for Item No. 1, 2, 3, 6, 10, 13 & 14) 09.08.2016 At 14:30 hrs (for Item No. 1, 2, 3, 6, 10, 13 & 14)
668. 2016-08-01 Amendment XV - Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/17
(for item 3,6,7) 09.08.2016 upto 1500 hrs (for item 3,6,7) 09.08.2016 at 1500 hrs
667. 2016-08-01 Amendment 10 - Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for KalpanaChawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/MC/02
(for item no. 1,3,5,7,10) 08.08.2016 upto 4.00 P.M (for item no. 1,3,5,7,10) 08.08.2016 At 4.30 P.M
666. 2016-08-01 Amendment02_Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/04
08.08.2016 upto 14:30 hrs IST 08.08.2016 At 15:00 hrs IST
665. 2016-07-29 Amedment XVI - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Med. Eqpt./2015/15
01.08.2016 upto 14:30 hrs (for Item No. 1, 2, 3, 6, 10, 13 & 14) 01.08.2016 At 14:30 hrs (for Item No. 1, 2, 3, 6, 10, 13 & 14)
664. 2016-07-29 Amendment XIV - Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/17
(for item 3,6,7) 01.08.2016 upto 1500 hrs (for item 3,6,7) 01.08.2016 at 1500 hrs
663. 2016-07-29 AMENDMENT 32: Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi
05.08.2016 At 14.30 hrs (for Item no. 3&11) 05.08.2016 upto 15.00 hrs (for Item no. 3&11)
662. 2016-07-29 Amendment07:Outsourcing of Kitchen Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Kitchen Equipment and Utensils including supply of raw materials eg. food grain, raw vegetables, paneer, egg, milk etc. Preparation, cooking and distribution of good quality meal/food and collection of dirty dish to and from each bed on daily basis for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
04.08.2016 Up to 15.00 Hrs 04.08.2016 At 15:30 Hrs
661. 2016-07-29 Amendment07: Outsourcing of Laundry Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Laundry equipment including collection and distribution of hospital linen for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital.
05.08.2016 Up to 15.00 Hrs 05.08.2016 At 15:30 Hrs
660. 2016-07-29 Amendment 08:Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/MC/01
10.08.2016 upto 13.00 hrs 10.08.2016 at 13.30 hrs
659. 2016-07-28 Amendment XVII - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
04.08.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 04.08.2016 At 15:00 Hrs
658. 2016-07-28 Amendment01 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-03/C
04.08.2016. UPTO 13.00 hrs IST 04.08.2016 AT 13:30 hrs IST
657. 2016-07-28 Amendment04_supply, installation, testing, commissioning and handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block and Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital and VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/19
04.08.2016 upto 1430 hrs IST 04.08.2016 At 1500 hrs IST
656. 2016-07-27 Tender for Package-I : Construction of balance works of PG Gents and Ladies Hostel, UG ladies Hostel, Nursing Hostel and internee Hostel including internal and external Electrical, PHE, fire fighting, developments works etc. and its maintenance during defect liability period for Regional Institute of Medical Sciences RIMS, Imphal Manipur
17-08-2016 upto 15:00 17-08-2016 At 15:30
655. 2016-07-27 Tender for Package-II : Construction of balance works of OPD Block including internal and external Electrical, air conditioning, PHE, fire fighting, developments works etc and its maintenance during defect liability period for Regional Institute of Medical Sciences RIMS, Imphal Manipur
18-08-2016 Upto 15:00 18-08-2016 At 15:30
654. 2016-07-26 Amendment10: Supply, Installation Testing & Commissioning of CSSD on Turn key basis for Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
29.07.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs 29.07.2016 at 15.30 Hrs
653. 2016-07-26 Amendment10: Supply, Installation Testing & Commissioning of CSSD on Turn key basis for Super Speciality Block (SSB) at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SES/SJH-Super Speciality/CSSD/2016
29.07.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs 29.07.2016 at 15.30 Hrs
652. 2016-07-26 Amedment XV - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Med. Eqpt./2015/15
29.07.2016 upto 14:30 hrs (for Item No. 1, 2, 3, 6, 10, 13 & 14) 29.07.2016 At 14:30 hrs (for Item No. 1, 2, 3, 6, 10, 13 & 14)
651. 2016-07-26 Amendment XIII - Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/17
(for item 3,6,7) 29.07.2016 upto 1500 hrs (for item 3,6,7) 29.07.2016 at 1500 hrs
650. 2016-07-26 AMENDMENT 31: Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi
29.07.2016 At 14.30 hrs (for Item no. 3&11) 29.07.2016 upto 15.00 hrs (for Item no. 3&11)
649. 2016-07-26 Amendment XVI - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
28.07.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 28.07.2016 at 15:00 Hrs
648. 2016-07-26 Amendment03_supply, installation, testing, commissioning and handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block and Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital and VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/19
28.07.2016 upto 1430 hrs IST 28.07.2016 At 1500 hrs IST
647. 2016-07-26 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/06
23.08.2016, 14:30 hrs IST 23.08.2016, 15:00 hrs IST
646. 2016-07-25 Amendment01_Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/04
01.08.2016 upto 14:30 hrs IST 01.08.2016 At 15:00 hrs IST
645. 2016-07-25 Amendment XIV- Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
02.08.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 02.08.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
644. 2016-07-25 Amendment XV - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
(for Item No. 1,2,3,5, 7, 9, 12, 15,16,17,18) 04.08.2016 upto 14:30 Hr (for Item No. 1,2,3,5, 7, 9, 12, 15,16,17,18) 04.08.2016 At 15:00 Hrs
643. 2016-07-25 AmendmentVII_Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/18
03.08.2016 upto 1430 hrs IST 03.08.2016 at 1500 hrs IST
642. 2016-07-25 Amendment 9 - Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for KalpanaChawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/MC/02
(for item no. 1,3,5,7,10) 01.08.2016 upto 4.00 P.M (for item no. 1,3,5,7,10) 01.08.2016 At 4.30 P.M
28.07.2016 up to 15.00 hrs 28.07.2016 At 15.00 hrs.
640. 2016-07-21 Amendment06:Outsourcing of Kitchen Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Kitchen Equipment and Utensils including supply of raw materials eg. food grain, raw vegetables, paneer, egg, milk etc. Preparation, cooking and distribution of good quality meal/food and collection of dirty dish to and from each bed on daily basis for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
04.08.2016 Up to 15.00 Hrs 04.08.2016 At 15:30 Hrs
639. 2016-07-21 Amendment06: Outsourcing of Laundry Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Laundry equipment including collection and distribution of hospital linen for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital.
05.08.2016 Up to 15.00 Hrs 05.08.2016 At 15:30 Hrs
638. 2016-07-21 Amendment XII - Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/17
(for item 3,6,7) 26.07.2016 upto 1500 hrs (for item 3,6,7) 26.07.2016 at 1500 hrs
637. 2016-07-21 Amendment XIV - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
(for Item No. 1,2,3,5, 7, 9, 12, 15,16,17,18) 25.07.2016 upto 14:30 Hr (for Item No. 1,2,3,5, 7, 9, 12, 15,16,17,18) 25.07.2016 At 15:00 Hrs
636. 2016-07-21 Amendment07:Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for KalpanaChawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/MC/01
29.07.2016 upto 13.00 hrs 29.07.2016 at 13.30 hrs
635. 2016-07-21 Amendment03_Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of various Medical Equipment under the project Up gradation of the two Hospitals in Myanmar
HSCC/PUR/MEA - Myanmar/Equipment/2015-16/02
(For Package 4,7,9) 28.07.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. (For Package 4,7,9) 28.07.2016 at 15:00 hrs.
634. 2016-07-21 Amendment02_Procurement of Medical Equipment for Kalpana Chawala Government Medical College, Karnal.
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/06
To be published on 26.07.16 To be published on 26.07.16
633. 2016-07-20 AMENDMENT 30: Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi
26.07.2016 upto 14.30 hrs (for Item no. 3&11) 26.07.2016 upto 15.00 hrs (for Item no. 3&11)
632. 2016-07-20 Amendment09: Supply, Installation Testing & Commissioning of CSSD on Turn key basis for Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
26.07.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs 26.07.2016 at 15.30 Hrs
631. 2016-07-20 Amendment09: Supply, Installation Testing & Commissioning of CSSD on Turn key basis for Super Speciality Block (SSB) at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SES/SJH-Super Speciality/CSSD/2016
26.07.2016 Upto 15.00 Hrs 26.07.2016 at 15.30 Hrs
630. 2016-07-20 Amendment XVI - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
26.07.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 26.07.2016 at 15:00 Hrs
629. 2016-07-20 Amendment09: Supply, Installation Testing & Commissioning of CSSD on Turn key basis for Super Speciality Block (SSB) at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SES/SJH-Super Speciality/CSSD/2016
26.07.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs 26.07.2016 at 15.30 Hrs
628. 2016-07-19 Expression of Interest for Development of Design, Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) and Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) including Civil and other associated works from Agency / Firms having experience and sound background as Design, Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) and Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) including Civil and other associated works
09.08.2016 upto 1500hrs 09.08.2016 upto 1500hrs
627. 2016-07-19 Amedment XIII - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Med. Eqpt./2015/15
03.08.2016 upto 14:30 hrs (for Item No. 4) 03.08.2016 At 15:00 hrs (for Item No. 4)
626. 2016-07-19 Amedment XIV - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Med. Eqpt./2015/15
26.07.2016 upto 14:30 hrs (for Item No. 1, 2, 3, 6, 10, 13 & 14) 26.07.2016 At 14:30 hrs (for Item No. 1, 2, 3, 6, 10, 13 & 14)
625. 2016-07-19 Amendment02_supply, installation, testing, commissioning and handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block and Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital and VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/19
26.07.2016 upto 1430 hrs IST 26.07.2016 At 1500 hrs IST
624. 2016-07-18 Amendment XI - Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/17
(for item 3,6,7) 21.07.2016 upto 1500 hrs (for item 5) 28.07.2016 upto 1500 hrs (for item 3,6,7) 21.07.2016 at 1500 hrs (for item 5) 28.07.2016 At 1500 hrs
623. 2016-07-18 TENDER FOR “Providing Security Services, etc. in HSCC Offices, Sites, Properties, Client offices, etc located anywhere in India”
01.08.2016 upto 13:00 hrs 01.08.2016 upto 15:30 hrs
622. 2016-07-18 Amendment XIII- Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
25.07.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 25.07.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
621. 2016-07-18 AmendmentVI_Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/18
25.07.2016 upto 1430 hrs IST 25.07.2016 at 1500 hrs IST
620. 2016-07-18 Amendment XIII - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
(for Item No. 1,2,3,5, 7, 9, 12, 15,16,17,18) 25.07.2016 upto 14:30 Hr (for Item No. 1,2,3,5, 7, 9, 12, 15,16,17,18) 25.07.2016 At 15:00 Hrs
619. 2016-07-18 Amendment 8 - Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for KalpanaChawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/MC/02
(for item no. 1,3,5,7,10) 25.07.2016 upto 4.00 P.M (for item no. 1,3,5,7,10) 25.07.2016 At 4.30 P.M
618. 2016-07-15 Amendment X - Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/17
(for item 3,5,6,7) 21.07.2016 upto 1430 hrs (for item 3,5,6,7) 21.07.2016 upto 1500 hrs
617. 2016-07-15 RFP for “Appointment of Consultant for Comprehensive Planning and Designing of the Proposed All India Institute of Medical Sciences at Mangalagiri, Guntur (AP)”
09.09.2016 up to 15:00 hrs. 09.09.2016 up to 15:30 hrs.
616. 2016-07-15 RFP for “Appointment of Consultant for Comprehensive Planning and Designing of the Proposed All India Institute of Medical Sciences at Kalyani, WB”
09.09.2016 up to 15:00 hrs. 09.09.2016 up to 15:30 hrs.
615. 2016-07-15 RFP for “Appointment of Consultant for Comprehensive Planning and Designing of the Proposed All India Institute of Medical Sciences at Nagpur, Maharashtra”
09.09.2016 up to 15:00 hrs. 09.09.2016 up to 15:30 hrs.
614. 2016-07-15 Tender for Procurement of Medical Equipment for Kalpana Chawala Government Medical College, Karnal.
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/06
To be published on 21.07.16 To be published on 21.07.16
613. 2016-07-14 Amendment02_Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of various Medical Equipment under the project Up gradation of the two Hospitals in Myanmar
HSCC/PUR/MEA - Myanmar/Equipment/2015-16/02
(For Package 1,3,4,5,7,9) 21.07.2016 upto 14:00 hrs. (For Package 1,3,4,5,7,9) 21.07.2016 at 14:30 hrs.
612. 2016-07-14 Amendment08: Supply, Installation Testing & Commissioning of CSSD on Turn key basis for Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
22.07.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs 22.07.2016 at 15.30 Hrs
611. 2016-07-14 Amendment08: Supply, Installation Testing & Commissioning of CSSD on Turn key basis for Super Speciality Block (SSB) at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SES/SJH-Super Speciality/CSSD/2016
22.07.2016 Upto 15.00 Hrs 22.07.2016 at 15.30 Hrs
28.07.2016 up to 15.00 hrs 28.07.2016 At 15.00 hrs.
609. 2016-07-13 Amedment XII - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Med. Eqpt./2015/15
19.07.2016 upto 14:30 hrs (for Item No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 10, 13 & 14) 19.07.2016 upto 15:00 hrs (for Item No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 10, 13 & 14)
608. 2016-07-12 Amendment06:Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for KalpanaChawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/MC/01
21.07.2016 upto 13.00 hrs 21.07.2016 at 13.30 hrs
607. 2016-07-12 AMENDMENT 29: Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi
20.07.2016 upto 14.30 hrs (for Item no. 3&11) 20.07.2016 upto 15.00 hrs (for Item no. 3&11)
15.07.2016 up to 15.00 hrs. 15.07.2016 At 15.00 hrs.
605. 2016-07-11 Amendment 7 - Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for KalpanaChawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/MC/02
(for item no. 1,3,5,7,10) 18.07.2016 upto 4.00 P.M (for item no. 1,3,5,7,10) 18.07.2016 At 4.30 P.M
604. 2016-07-11 Amendment XV - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
11.07.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 11.07.2016 at 15:00 Hrs
603. 2016-07-11 AMENDMENT 1:Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/20
02.08.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 02.08.2016 upto 15:00 hrs
602. 2016-07-09 Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/20
02.08.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 02.08.2016 upto 15:00 hrs
601. 2016-07-09 Amendment07: Supply, Installation Testing & Commissioning of CSSD on Turn key basis for Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
15.07.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs 15.07.2016 at 15.30 Hrs
600. 2016-07-09 Amendment07: Supply, Installation Testing & Commissioning of CSSD on Turn key basis for Super Speciality Block (SSB) at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SES/SJH-Super Speciality/CSSD/2016
15.07.2016 Upto 15.00 Hrs 15.07.2016 at 15.30 Hrs
599. 2016-07-09 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/05
08.08.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 08.08.2016 at 15:00 hrs
598. 2016-07-08 AmendmentV_Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/18
18.07.2016 upto 1430 hrs IST 18.07.2016 at 1500 hrs IST
597. 2016-07-08 Amendment XII- Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
18.07.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 18.07.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
596. 2016-07-06 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for KalpanaChawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/MC/03
04.08.2016. upto 13.00 hrs IST 04.08.2016. At 13.30 hrs IST
595. 2016-07-06 Amendment01_supply, installation, testing, commissioning and handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block and Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital and VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/19
19.07.2016 upto 1430 hrs IST 19.07.2016 At 1500 hrs IST
594. 2016-07-06 Amendment05:Outsourcing of Kitchen Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Kitchen Equipment and Utensils including supply of raw materials eg. food grain, raw vegetables, paneer, egg, milk etc. Preparation, cooking and distribution of good quality meal/food and collection of dirty dish to and from each bed on daily basis for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
21.07.2016 Up to 15.00 Hrs 21.07.2016 At 15:30 Hrs
593. 2016-07-06 Amendment05: Outsourcing of Laundry Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Laundry equipment including collection and distribution of hospital linen for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital.
22.07.2016 Up to 15.00 Hrs 22.07.2016 At 15:30 Hrs
592. 2016-07-06 AMENDMENT 15 :Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/ Medical Equipment / 2015-06/03
(for Itemno 12) 08.07.2016 upto 2.00 P.M. (for Itemno 12) 08.07.2016 upto 2.30 P.M.
591. 2016-07-06 Amendment 5: Outsourcing of Laundry Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Laundry equipment including collection and distribution of hospital linen for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital.
22.07.2016 Up to 15.00 Hrs 22.07.2016 At 15:30 Hrs
590. 2016-07-05 Amendment05_Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for KalpanaChawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/MC/01
12.07.2016.upto 13.00 hrs IST 12.07.2016 at 13:30 hrs IST
589. 2016-07-05 Amendment XII - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
(for Item No. 1,2,3,5, 7, 9, 12, 15,16,17,18) 18.07.2016 upto 14:30 Hr (for Item No. 1,2,3,5, 7, 9, 12, 15,16,17,18) 18.07.2016 At 15:00 Hrs
588. 2016-07-05 Amendment01_Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of various Medical Equipment under the project Up gradation of the two Hospitals in Myanmar,
HSCC/PUR/MEA - Myanmar/Equipment/2015-16/02
14.07.2016 upto 14:00 hrs. 14.07.2016 at 14:30 hrs.
587. 2016-07-05 Amendment01_Package-II: Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Hospital Furniture for additional floors of Trauma Centre in Trauma Centre of AIIMS, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi and their maintenance during defect liability period.
HSCC/AIIMS- Trauma centre/Hosp. Fur/2016
13.07.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 13.07.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
586. 2016-07-05 Amendment02_Package-I: Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Modular type office Furniture & other associated works for additional floors of Trauma Centre in Trauma Centre of AIIMS, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi and their maintenance during defect liability period.
HSCC/AIIMS- Trauma centre/off. Fur/2016
12.07.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 12.07.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
585. 2016-07-04 Amendment01 Package-I: Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Modular type office Furniture & other associated works for additional floors of Trauma Centre in Trauma Centre of AIIMS, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi and their maintenance during defect liability period.
HSCC/AIIMS- Trauma centre/off. Fur/2016
07.07.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 07.07.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
584. 2016-07-04 Amendment IX - Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/17
(for item 3,5,6,7) 15.07.2016 upto 1430 hrs (for item 3,5,6,7) 15.07.2016 upto 1500 hrs
583. 2016-07-04 Amendment06 Supply, Installation Testing & Commissioning of CSSD on Turn key basis for Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
11.07.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs 11.07.2016 at 15.30 Hrs
582. 2016-07-04 Amendment06 Supply, Installation Testing & Commissioning of CSSD on Turn key basis for Super Speciality Block (SSB) at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SES/SJH-Super Speciality/CSSD/2016
11.07.2016 Upto 15.00 Hrs 11.07.2016 at 15.30 Hrs
581. 2016-07-04 Amendment 6- Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for KalpanaChawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/MC/02
(for item no. 1,3,5,7,10) 11.07.2016 upto 3.30 P.M (for item no. 1,3,5,7,10) 11.07.2016 At 4.00 P.M
580. 2016-07-02 Amendment 1 :Procurement of Medical Equipment for Kalpana Chawala Government Medical College, Karnal.
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/05
Tender to be uploaded on 09.07.2016 Tender to be uploaded on 09.07.2016
579. 2016-07-01 Amedment XI - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Med. Eqpt./2015/15
13.07.2016 upto 14:30 hrs (for Item No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 13 & 14) 13.07.2016 upto 15:00 hrs (for Item No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 13 & 14)
578. 2016-06-30 Amendment04_Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for KalpanaChawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/MC/01
12.07.2016.upto 13.00 hrs IST 12.07.2016 at 13:30 hrs IST
577. 2016-06-30 AMENDMENT 28: Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi
12.07.2016 upto 14.30 hrs (for Item no. 3&11) 12.07.2016 upto 14.30 hrs (for Item no. 3&11)
15.07.2016 up to 15.00 hrs. 15.07.2016 At 15.00 hrs.
575. 2016-06-29 Amendment05 Supply, Installation Testing & Commissioning of CSSD on Turn key basis for Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
07.07.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs 07.07.2016 at 15.30 Hrs
574. 2016-06-29 Amendment05 Supply, Installation Testing & Commissioning of CSSD on Turn key basis for Super Speciality Block (SSB) at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SES/SJH-Super Speciality/CSSD/2016
07.07.2016 Upto 15.00 Hrs 07.07.2016 at 15.30 Hrs
573. 2016-06-29 AMENDMENT 14 :Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/ Medical Equipment / 2015-06/03
(for Itemno 12) 07.07.2016 upto 2.00 P.M. (for Itemno 12) 07.07.2016 upto 2.30 P.M.
572. 2016-06-29 Amendment XIV - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
11.07.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 11.07.2016 at 15:00 Hrs
571. 2016-06-28 Amendment XI- Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
08.07.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 28.06.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
570. 2016-06-28 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-03/C
28.07.2016. UPTO 13.00 hrs IST 28.07.2016 AT 13:30 hrs IST
569. 2016-06-27 AmendmentIV_Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/18
08.07.2016 upto 1430 hrs IST 08.07.2016 at 1500 hrs IST
568. 2016-06-27 AMENDMENT 13 :Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/ Medical Equipment / 2015-06/03
(for Itemno 12) 07.07.2016 upto 2.00 P.M. (for Itemno 12) 07.07.2016 upto 2.30 P.M.
567. 2016-06-27 Amendment 5- Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for KalpanaChawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/MC/02
(for item no. 1,2,3,5,7,8,9,10) 04.07.2016 upto 3.30 P.M (for item no. 1,2,3,5,7,8,9,10) 04.07.2016 upto 4.00 P.M
566. 2016-06-25 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/04
25.07.2016 upto 14:30 hrs IST 25.07.2016 At 15:00 hrs IST
565. 2016-06-24 Amendment XI - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
(for Item No. 1 to 7, 9, 12, 15,16,17,18) 05.07.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs and (for Item No. 13) 27.06.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs (for Item No. 1 to 7, 9, 12, 15,16,17,18) 05.07.2016 At 15:00 Hrs and (for Item No. 13) 27.06.2016 At 15:00 Hrs
564. 2016-06-23 Amendment04:Outsourcing of Kitchen Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Kitchen Equipment and Utensils including supply of raw materials eg. food grain, raw vegetables, paneer, egg, milk etc. Preparation, cooking and distribution of good quality meal/food and collection of dirty dish to and from each bed on daily basis for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
07.07.2016 Up to 15.00 Hrs 07.07.2016 At 15:30 Hrs
563. 2016-06-23 Amendment04: Outsourcing of Laundry Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Laundry equipment including collection and distribution of hospital linen for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital.
08.07.2016 Up to 15.00 Hrs 08.07.2016 At 15:30 Hrs
562. 2016-06-23 Amendment VIII - Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/17
(for item 3,4,5,6,7,8) 04.07.2016 upto 1430 hrs (for item 3,4,5,6,7,8) 04.07.2016 At 1500 hrs
561. 2016-06-22 Amedment X - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Med. Eqpt./2015/15
01.07.2016 upto 14:30 hrs (for Item No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 13 & 14) 01.07.2016 upto 15:00 hrs (for Item No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 13 & 14)
560. 2016-06-22 Package-II: Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Hospital Furniture for additional floors of Trauma Centre in Trauma Centre of AIIMS, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi and their maintenance during defect liability period.
HSCC/AIIMS- Trauma centre/Hosp. Fur/2016
08.07.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 08.07.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
559. 2016-06-22 Package-I: Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Modular type office Furniture & other associated works for additional floors of Trauma Centre in Trauma Centre of AIIMS, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi and their maintenance during defect liability period.
HSCC/AIIMS- Trauma centre/off. Fur/2016
07.07.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 07.07.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
558. 2016-06-22 Amendment04: Construction, Testing, Commissioning, Validation and other associated works of BioSafety Level-2 & 3 (BSL-2 & BSL-3) ‘Turnkey Basis’ at Convergence Block, AIIMS, New Delhi.
28.06.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs 28.06.2016 at 15:30 Hrs
15.07.2016 up to 15.00 hrs. 15.07.2016 At 15.00 hrs.
556. 2016-06-21 Amendment03: Construction, Testing, Commissioning, Validation and other associated works of BioSafety Level-2 & 3 (BSL-2 & BSL-3) ‘Turnkey Basis’ at Convergence Block, AIIMS, New Delhi.
28.06.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs 28.06.2016 at 15:30 Hrs
555. 2016-06-21 AMENDMENT 27: Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi
30.06.2016 upto 14.30 hrs (for Item no. 3,4&11) 30.06.2016 upto 14.30 hrs (for Item no. 3,4&11)
554. 2016-06-20 Amendment XIII - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
29.06.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 29..06.2016 at 15:00 Hrs
553. 2016-06-20 Amendment 4- Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for KalpanaChawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/MC/02
(for item no. 1,2,3,5,7,8,9,10) 27.06.2016 upto 3.30 P.M (for item no. 1,2,3,5,7,8,9,10) 27.06.2016 upto 4.00 P.M
552. 2016-06-20 AMENDMENT 12 :Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/ Medical Equipment / 2015-06/03
(for Itemno 12) 27.06.2016 upto 2.00 P.M. (for Itemno 12) 27.06.2016 upto 2.30 P.M.
551. 2016-06-17 Amendment X- Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
28.06.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 28.06.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
550. 2016-06-17 Amendment03_Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for KalpanaChawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/MC/01
30.06.2016.upto 13.00 hrs IST 30.06.2016 at 13:30 hrs IST
549. 2016-06-17 Amendment04 Supply, Installation Testing & Commissioning of CSSD on Turn key basis for Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
30.06.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs 30.06.2016 at 15.30 Hrs
548. 2016-06-17 Amendment04 Supply, Installation Testing & Commissioning of CSSD on Turn key basis for Super Speciality Block (SSB) at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SES/SJH-Super Speciality/CSSD/2016
30.06.2016 Upto 15.00 Hrs 30.06.2016 at 15.30 Hrs
547. 2016-06-16 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of various Medical Equipment under the project Up gradation of the two Hospitals in Myanmar,
HSCC/PUR/MEA - Myanmar/Equipment/2015-16/02
14.07.2016 upto 14:00 hrs. 14.07.2016 at 14:30 hrs.
546. 2016-06-16 AmendmentIII_Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/18
(for Item No. 2, 3, 8, 10, 11, 14, 16, 17 ) 27.06.2016 upto 1430 hrs IST (for Item No. 2, 3, 8, 10, 11, 14, 16, 17 ) at 1500 hrs IST
545. 2016-06-15 supply, installation, testing, commissioning and handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block and Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital and VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/19
07.7.2016 upto 1430 hrs IST 07.7.2016 At 1500 hrs IST
544. 2016-06-15 Amendment X - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
(for Item No. 1 to 7, 9, 12, 13, 15,16,17,18) 24.06.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs (for Item No. 1 to 7, 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18) 24.06.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
543. 2016-06-14 AMENDMENT 26: Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi
21.06.2016 upto 14.30 hrs (for Item no. 3,4&11) 21.06.2016 upto 14.30 hrs (for Item no. 3,4&11)
542. 2016-06-14 Amendment VII - Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/17
(for item 3,4,5,6,7,8) 23.06.2016 upto 1430 hrs (for item 3,4,5,6,7,8) 23.06.2016 At 1500 hrs
541. 2016-06-14 Amedment IX - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Med. Eqpt./2015/15
22.06.2016 upto 14:30 hrs (for Item No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 13 & 14) 22.06.2016 upto 15:00 hrs (for Item No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 13 & 14)
540. 2016-06-13 Amendment XII - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
20.06.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 20..06.2016 at 15:00 Hrs
539. 2016-06-13 AMENDMENT 11 :Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/ Medical Equipment / 2015-06/03
(for Itemno 1, 8, 10,12) 20.06.2016 upto 2.00 P.M. (for Itemno 1, 8, 10,12) 20.06.2016 upto 2.30 P.M.
538. 2016-06-13 AMENDMENT 14 :Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/ Medical Equipment / 2015-06/01
(For item no 7) 20.06.2016 upto 1.30 P.M (For item no 7)20.06.2016 upto 2.00 P.M
537. 2016-06-13 Amendment 3- Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for KalpanaChawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/MC/02
(for item no. 1,2,3,5,7,8,9,10) 20.06.2016 upto 3.30 P.M (for item no. 1,2,3,5,7,8,9,10) 20.06.2016 upto 4.00 P.M
536. 2016-06-10 Amendment02_Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for KalpanaChawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana:
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/MC/01
17.06.2016.upto 13.00 hrs IST 17.06.2016 at 13:30 hrs IST
535. 2016-06-10 Amedment VI - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Med. Eqpt./2015/17
14.06.2016 upto 1430 hrs 14.06.2016 upto 15:00 hrs
534. 2016-06-09 Amendment VIII- Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
17.06.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 17.06.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
533. 2016-06-09 Amendment02 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing over of various Medical Equipments for KalpanaChawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-03/B
16.06.2016.upto 13.00 hrs IST 16.06.2016. at 13.30 hrs IST
532. 2016-06-09 Amendment XI - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
13.06.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 13.06.2016 at 15:00 Hrs
531. 2016-06-09 Amendment IX - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
15.06.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 15.06.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
530. 2016-06-09 Amedment VIII - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Med. Eqpt./2015/15
14.06.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 14.06.2016 upto 15:00 hrs
529. 2016-06-09 Amendment IX- Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
17.06.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 17.06.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
528. 2016-06-09 Amedment V - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Med. Eqpt./2015/17
10.06.2016 upto 1430 hrs 10.06.2016 upto 15:00 hrs
527. 2016-06-09 AmendmentII_Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/18
16.06.2016 upto 1430 hrs IST 16.6.2016 at 1500 hrs IST
526. 2016-06-08 Amendment03 Supply, Installation Testing & Commissioning of CSSD on Turn key basis for Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
22.06.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs 22.06.2016 at 15.30 Hrs
525. 2016-06-08 Amendment03 Supply, Installation Testing & Commissioning of CSSD on Turn key basis for Super Speciality Block (SSB) at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SES/SJH-Super Speciality/CSSD/2016
22.06.2016 Upto 15.00 Hrs 22.06.2016 at 15.30 Hrs
524. 2016-06-08 Amendment01_Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/18
16.06.2016 upto 1430 hrs IST 16.6.2016 at 1500 hrs IST
523. 2016-06-08 Amendment03_Outsourcing of Kitchen Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Kitchen Equipment and Utensils including supply of raw materials eg. food grain, raw vegetables, paneer, egg, milk etc. Preparation, cooking and distribution of good quality meal/food and collection of dirty dish to and from each bed on daily basis for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
23.06.2016 Up to 15.00 Hrs 23.06.2016 At 15:30 Hrs
522. 2016-06-08 Amendment03_ Outsourcing of Laundry Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Laundry equipment including collection and distribution of hospital linen for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital.
24.06.2016 Up to 15.00 Hrs 24.06.2016 At 15:30 Hrs
521. 2016-06-07 Amendment VIII - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
15.06.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 15.06.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
520. 2016-06-07 AMENDMENT 25: Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi
14.06.2016 upto 14.30 hrs (for Item no. 2,3,4&11) 14.06.2016 upto 14.30 hrs (for Item no. 2,3,4&11)
519. 2016-06-06 AMENDMENT 13 :Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
SCC/KCGMC/ Medical Equipment / 2015-06/01 Dated 22.02.2016
13.06.2016 upto 1.30 P.M 13.06.2016 upto 2.00 P.M
518. 2016-06-06 Amendment 2- Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for KalpanaChawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/MC/02
13.06.2016 upto 3.30 P.M 13.06.2016 upto 4.00 P.M
517. 2016-06-06 AMENDMENT 10 :Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/ Medical Equipment / 2015-06/03
13.06.2016 upto 2.00 P.M. 13.06.2016 upto 2.30 P.M.
516. 2016-06-06 Amedment VII - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Med. Eqpt./2015/15
14.06.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 14.06.2016 upto 15:00 hrs
515. 2016-06-06 Amendment X - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
13.06.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 13.06.2016 at 15:00 Hrs
514. 2016-06-06 Amedment IV - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Med. Eqpt./2015/17
10.06.2016 upto 1430 hrs 10.06.2016 upto 15:00 hrs
513. 2016-06-06 Amendment02: Construction, Testing, Commissioning, Validation and other associated works of BioSafety Level-2 & 3 (BSL-2 & BSL-3) ‘Turnkey Basis’ at Convergence Block, AIIMS, New Delhi.
21.06.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs 21.06.2016 at 15:30 Hrs
512. 2016-06-03 Amendment01_Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for KalpanaChawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana:
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/MC/01
10.06.2016.upto 13.00 hrs IST 10.06.2016 at 13:30 hrs IST
511. 2016-06-02 Amendment 8- Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Integration and Data Management System for Modular Operation Theatres for Jai Prakash Narayan AIIMS Trauma Centre, New Delhi.
06.06.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 06.06.2016 at 15:00 Hrs
510. 2016-06-02 Amendment VII- Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
09.06.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 09.06.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
509. 2016-06-02 Amendment 8 - Package-II: Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Hospital & office Furniture & other associated works like minor civil, electrical, PHE works etc. for additional floors of Trauma Centre in Trauma Centre of AIIMS, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi and their maintenance during defect liability period.
HSCC/AIIMS- Trauma centre/Hosp. Fur/2016
07/06/2016 up to 15:00 hrs 07/06/2016 at 15:30 hrs
508. 2016-06-01 Amendment01 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing over of various Medical Equipments for KalpanaChawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-03/B
09.06.2016.upto 13.00 hrs IST 09.06.2016. at 13.30 hrs IST
507. 2016-06-01 Amendment01 Construction of Auditorium, Guest House, Hostel, Electric Substation , AC Plant Room , Under Ground water Tank etc at NIMR, Sector-8, Dwarka New Delhi-110077
03.06.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 03.06.2016 At 15:00 hrs
506. 2016-06-01 Amendment01 Construction of Balance Work for Test Research Laboratory (Animal Facility Building) and Work to make it (Animal Facility Building) functional at Sector 8,Dwarka, New Delhi
HSCC/NIMR/Phase-I /Part I & II/ 2016
03.06.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 03.06.2016 At 14:30 hrs.
505. 2016-06-01 Amendment III - Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/17
06.6.2016 upto 1430 hrs 06.6.2016 upto 1500 hrs
504. 2016-06-01 Amendment04 Up-gradation & Construction of Hospital Block of existing Hospital as per MCI Guidelines with other facilities at district Pali, Rajasthan and their maintenance during Defects Liability Period
06.06.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 06.06.2016 upto 15:00 hrs.
503. 2016-06-01 AMENDMENT4:Tender for Construction of 100 student intake Medical College with Residential Blocks as per MCI Guidelines with other facilities at district Pali, Rajasthan and their maintenance during Defects Liability Period
06.06.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 06.06.2016 at 15:00 hrs.
502. 2016-05-31 AMENDMENT 23: Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi
07.6.2016 upto 14.30 hrs (for Item no. 4) 07.6.2016 upto 14.30 hrs (for Item no. 4)
501. 2016-05-31 Amendment VII - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
07.06.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 07.06.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
500. 2016-05-31 AMENDMENT 24: Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi
07.06.2016 upto 14.30 hrs (for Item no. 2,3,11) 07.06.2016 upto 14.30 hrs (for Item no. 2,3,11)
499. 2016-05-30 AMENDMENT06:Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/15
0606.06.06.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 06.06.2016 upto 15:00 hrs
498. 2016-05-30 AMENDMENT9: Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
06.06.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 06.06.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
497. 2016-05-30 AMENDMENT 12 :Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/ Medical Equipment / 2015-06/01
06.06.2016 upto 2.00 P.M.(FOR ITEM NO 7) 06.06.2016 at 2.30 P.M.(FOR ITEM NO 7)
496. 2016-05-30 Amendment09: Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/03
06.06.2016 upto 2.30 P.M.(for Item no.1,2,5,8,10,11,12,14) 06.06.2016 At 3.00 P.M.(for Item no.1,2,5,8,10,11,12,14)
495. 2016-05-30 Amendment III Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Hostel furniture for Hostel 1 & 2 & other associated works like minor civil, electrical, PHE works etc. for AIIMS, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi and their maintenance during defect liability period
HSCC/AIIMS- Hostel 1 & 2/Fur/2016
01.06.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 01.06.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
494. 2016-05-26 Amendment II Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Hostel furniture for Hostel 1 & 2 & other associated works like minor civil, electrical, PHE works etc. for AIIMS, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi and their maintenance during defect liability period
HSCC/AIIMS- Hostel 1 & 2/Fur/2016
01.06.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 01.06.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
493. 2016-05-26 Amendment VI- Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
02.06.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 02.06.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
492. 2016-05-26 Amendment -XV Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of CSSD Equipments at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences New Delhi.
09.06.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 09.06.2016 At 15:00 Hrs
491. 2016-05-26 Amendment 3 Construction of New Paid Ward Including Associated Works, Operation & Maintenance during defect liability period in AIIMS Campus, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi for AIIMS, New Delhi
31.05.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 31.05.2016 At 15:00 hrs.
490. 2016-05-25 Amendment 7 - Package-II: Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Hospital & office Furniture & other associated works like minor civil, electrical, PHE works etc. for additional floors of Trauma Centre in Trauma Centre of AIIMS, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi and their maintenance during defect liability period.
HSCC/AIIMS- Trauma centre/Hosp. Fur/2016
02/06/2016 up to 15:00 hrs 02/06/2016 at 15:30 hrs
489. 2016-05-25 Amendment 7- Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Integration and Data Management System for Modular Operation Theatres for Jai Prakash Narayan AIIMS Trauma Centre, New Delhi.
02.06.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 02.06.2016 at 15:00 Hrs
488. 2016-05-25 Amendment 6: Construction of Intensive Care Units (ICUs) including Turn Key Works at Jai Prakash Narayan AIIMS Trauma Centre, New Delhi.
02.06.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 02.06.2016 at 15:00 Hrs
487. 2016-05-25 Amendment 6 - Expansion of existing Manifold Room, Plant Room, Liquid Oxygen Area including pipeline distribution system and “Buy back as is where is basis” for the extended building for upcoming 500 Bedded Jai Prakash Narayan AIIMS Trauma Centre, New Delhi.
02.06.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 02.06.2016 at 15:00 Hrs
486. 2016-05-25 Amendment 6: for Construction of Modular Operation Theatres (MOT) & Assosiates works including Turn Keys Works at Jai Prakash Narayan AIIMS Trauma Centre, New Delhi
02.06.2016 up to 14.30 hrs 02.06.2016 up to 15.00 hrs
485. 2016-05-25 AMENDMENT 6:Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Pneumatic Tube Transport System for extended building for upcoming 500 Beded Jai Prakash Narayan AIIMS Trauma Centre, New Delhi
02.06.2016 up to 14.30 hrs 02.06.2016 at 15.00 hrs
484. 2016-05-24 Amendment VI - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
31.05.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 31.05.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
483. 2016-05-24 Amendment03 Up-gradation & Construction of Hospital Block of existing Hospital as per MCI Guidelines with other facilities at district Pali, Rajasthan and their maintenance during Defects Liability Period
01.06.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 01.06.2016 upto 15:00 hrs.
482. 2016-05-24 AMENDMENT3:Tender for Construction of 100 student intake Medical College with Residential Blocks as per MCI Guidelines with other facilities at district Pali, Rajasthan and their maintenance during Defects Liability Period
01.06.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 01.06.2016 at 15:00 hrs.
481. 2016-05-24 AMENDMENT 22: Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi
31.5.2016 upto 14.30 hrs (for Item no. 4) 31.5.2016 upto 14.30 hrs (for Item no. 4)
480. 2016-05-24 Amendment02 Supply, Installation Testing & Commissioning of CSSD on Turn key basis for Super Speciality Block (SSB) at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SES/SJH-Super Speciality/CSSD/2016
08.06.2016 Upto 15.00 Hrs 08.06.2016 at 15.30 Hrs
479. 2016-05-24 Amendment02 Supply, Installation Testing & Commissioning of CSSD on Turn key basis for Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
08.06.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs 08.06.2016 at 15.30 Hrs
478. 2016-05-23 Amendment01 Construction, Testing, Commissioning, Validation and other associated works of BioSafety Level-2 & 3 (BSL-2 & BSL-3) ‘Turnkey Basis’ at Convergence Block, AIIMS, New Delhi.
07.06.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs 07.06.2016 at 15:30 Hrs
477. 2016-05-23 AMENDMENT05:Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/15
30.5.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 30.5.2016 upto 15:00 hrs
476. 2016-05-23 AMENDMENT8: Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
30.05.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 30.05.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
475. 2016-05-23 AMENDMENT 11 :Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/ Medical Equipment / 2015-06/01
30.05.2016 upto 2.00 P.M.(FOR ITEM NO 7) 30.05.2016 at 2.30 P.M.(FOR ITEM NO 7)
474. 2016-05-20 Amendment 2 Construction of New Paid Ward Including Associated Works, Operation & Maintenance during defect liability period in AIIMS Campus, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi for AIIMS, New Delhi
27.05.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 27.05.2016 At 15:00 hrs.
473. 2016-05-20 Amendment10 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital and OPD Block at KalpanaChawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-03/A
27.05.2016 upto 13.00 hrs (for Item no 1 ) 27.05.2016 At 13.30 hrs (for Item no 1 )
472. 2016-05-20 Amendment08: Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/03
30.05.2016 upto 2.30 P.M. (for Item no.1,2,4,5,7,8,10,11,12,13,14) 30.05.2016 At 3.00 P.M. (for Item no.1,2,4,5,7,8,10,11,12,13,14)
471. 2016-05-20 Amendment01 Package 3 : Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Hospital furniture for Super Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC
HSCC/Saf./SSB/Hosp. Fur/181/2016
25.05.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 25.05.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
470. 2016-05-20 Amendment02 Up-gradation & Construction of Hospital Block of existing Hospital as per MCI Guidelines with other facilities at district Pali, Rajasthan and their maintenance during Defects Liability Period
25.05.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 25.05.2016 upto 15:00 hrs.
469. 2016-05-20 AMENDMENT2:Tender for Construction of 100 student intake Medical College with Residential Blocks as per MCI Guidelines with other facilities at district Pali, Rajasthan and their maintenance during Defects Liability Period
25.05.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 25.05.2016 at 15:00 hrs.
468. 2016-05-20 Amendment 6- Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Integration and Data Management System for Modular Operation Theatres for Jai Prakash Narayan AIIMS Trauma Centre, New Delhi.
26.05.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 26.05.2016 at 15:00 Hrs
467. 2016-05-19 Amendment 6 - Package-II: Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Hospital & office Furniture & other associated works like minor civil, electrical, PHE works etc. for additional floors of Trauma Centre in Trauma Centre of AIIMS, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi and their maintenance during defect liability period.
HSCC/AIIMS- Trauma centre/Hosp. Fur/2016
25/05/2016 up to 15:00 hrs 25/05/2016 at 15:30 hrs
466. 2016-05-19 Amendment02 Package-III A : Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Hospital beds for Hospital & OPD blocks for KCGMC, Karnal, Haryana and its maintenance during defect liability
HSCC/KCGMC/Lab. fur/2015
24.05.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 24.05.2016 At 15:30 hrs
465. 2016-05-19 Amendment02 Package-III B : Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Hospital related furniture for Hospital & OPD blocks for KCGMC, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Hosp. Fur. /2015
24.05.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 24.05.2016 At 15:30 hrs
464. 2016-05-19 Amendment V- Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
26.05.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 26.05.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
463. 2016-05-19 Amendment -XIV Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of CSSD Equipments at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences New Delhi.
26.05.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 26.05.2016 At 15:00 Hrs
462. 2016-05-19 Amendment03 Package-III B : Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Hospital related furniture for Hospital & OPD blocks for KCGMC, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Hosp. Fur. /2015
24.05.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 24.05.2016 At 15:30 hrs
461. 2016-05-19 Amendment03 Package-III A : Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Hospital beds for Hospital & OPD blocks for KCGMC, Karnal, Haryana and its maintenance during defect liability
HSCC/KCGMC/Lab. fur/2015
24.05.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 24.05.2016 At 15:30 hrs
460. 2016-05-19 Amendment I Package-I : Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Hospital Beds for Super Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC New Delhi
HSCC/Saf./SSB/Hosp. Fur/181/2016
24.05.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 24.05.2016 at 15:30 hrs
459. 2016-05-19 Amendment I Package 2 : Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of ICU Beds for Super Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC New Delhi
HSCC/Saf./SSB/Hosp. Fur/181/2016
24.05.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 24.05.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
458. 2016-05-19 Amendment I Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Hostel furniture for Hostel 1 & 2 & other associated works like minor civil, electrical, PHE works etc. for AIIMS, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi and their maintenance during defect liability period
HSCC/AIIMS- Hostel 1 & 2/Fur/2016
26.05.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 26.05.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
457. 2016-05-19 Outsourcing of Kitchen Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Kitchen Equipment and Utensils including supply of raw materials eg. food grain, raw vegetables, paneer, egg, milk etc. Preparation, cooking and distribution of good quality meal/food and collection of dirty dish to and from each bed on daily basis for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
09.06.2016 Up to 15.00 Hrs 9.06.2016 At 15:30 Hrs
456. 2016-05-19 Outsourcing of Laundry Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Laundry equipment including collection and distribution of hospital linen for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital.
10.06.2016 Up to 15.00 Hrs 10.06.2016 At 15:30 Hrs
455. 2016-05-18 AMENDMENT8: Tender for “Design, supply, installation, testing & commissioning of lifts for hostel block, Masjid moth campus at AIIMS, New Delhi.”
24.05.2016 upto 1500 hrs. 24.05.2016 at 1530 hrs.
454. 2016-05-18 AMENDMENT2:Tender for Package-I : Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Modular type office furniture for Hospital, Teaching & OPD blocks and its maintenance during defect liability period for KCGMC, Karnal
HSCC/KCGMC/Office Fur. /2015
24.05.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 24.05.2016 at 15:30 hrs
453. 2016-05-18 Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/18
08.06.2016 upto 1430 hrs IST 8.6.2016 at 1500 hrs IST
452. 2016-05-17 AMENDMENT 2१: Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi
24.5.2016 upto 14.30 hrs (for Item no. 4) 24.5.2016 At 15.00 hrs (for Item no. 4)
451. 2016-05-17 Amendment II - Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/17
01.6.2016 upto 1430 hrs 01.6.2016 upto 1500 hrs
450. 2016-05-17 AMENDMENT 9: Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/ Medical Equipment / 2015-16/02
24.05.2016 upto 2.30 P.M. 24.05.2016 at 3.00 P.M.
449. 2016-05-16 Amendment 5- Package-II: Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Hospital & office Furniture & other associated works like minor civil, electrical, PHE works etc. for additional floors of Trauma Centre in Trauma Centre of AIIMS, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi and their maintenance during defect liability period.
HSCC/AIIMS- Trauma centre/Hosp. Fur/2016
19/05/2016 up to 15:00 hrs 19/05/2016 at 15:30 hrs
448. 2016-05-16 AMENDMENT 10 :Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/ Medical Equipment / 2015-06/01
23.05.2016 upto 2.30 P.M.(FOR ITEM NO 7) 23.05.2016 at 3.00 P.M.(FOR ITEM NO 7)
447. 2016-05-16 AMENDMENT7: Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Med.Eqpt./2015/13 dt.13.3.2016
23.05.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 23.05.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
446. 2016-05-16 Amendment V - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
24.05.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 24.05.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
445. 2016-05-16 AMENDMENT04:Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/15
23.5.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 23.5.2016 upto 15:00 hrs
444. 2016-05-16 Amendment I - Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/17
01.6.2016 upto 1430 hrs 01.6.2016 upto 1500 hrs
443. 2016-05-16 Amendment IV- Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Med.Eqpt./2015/16 dt. 12.4.2016.
19.05.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 19.05.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
442. 2016-05-14 Amendment 1 Construction of New Paid Ward Including Associated Works, Operation & Maintenance during defect liability period in AIIMS Campus, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi for AIIMS, New Delhi
20.05.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 20.05.2016 At 15:00 hrs.
441. 2016-05-14 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for KalpanaChawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/MC/02
06.06.2016 upto 15:00 hrs IST 06.06.2016 At 15:30 hrs IST
440. 2016-05-13 Amendment07: Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/03
20.05.2016 upto 2.30 P.M. (for Item no.1,2,4,5,7,8,10) 20.05.2016 At 3.00 P.M. (for Item no.1,2,4,5,7,8,10)
439. 2016-05-13 Amendment 3- Package-I: Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Modular type office Furniture & other associated works like minor civil, electrical, PHE works etc. for Night Shelter in Trauma Centre of AIIMS, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi and their maintenance during defect liability period.
HSCC/AIIMS- Night shelter & Trauma centre/office Fur/2016
17.05.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 17.05.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
438. 2016-05-13 Amendment02 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of BIO MEDICAL WASTE MANAGEMENT System including civil construction of Bio Medical Waste Management Room at District General Hospital, Dikoya, Sri Lanka
20.05.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs 20.05.2016 upto 15:30 Hrs
437. 2016-05-12 Amendment -XIII Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of CSSD Equipments at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences New Delhi.
19.05.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 19.05.2016 at 15:00 Hrs
436. 2016-05-12 Amendment -XII Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Pneumatic Tube Transport System at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences
19.05.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 19.05.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
435. 2016-05-12 Amendment -XIII Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Integration and Data Management System for Modular Operation Theatres at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences
19.05.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 19.05.2016 at 15:00 Hrs
434. 2016-05-12 Amendment -XII Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Modular Operation Theatres & Minor Operation Theatres at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences
19.05.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 19.05.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
433. 2016-05-12 Amendment -XII Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Medical Gas Manifold System at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences
19.05.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 19.05.2016 at 15:00 Hrs
432. 2016-05-12 Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/17
01.6.2016 upto 1430 hrs IST 01.6.2016 At 1500 hrs IST
431. 2016-05-12 Amendment01 Up-gradation & Construction of Hospital Block of existing Hospital as per MCI Guidelines with other facilities at district Pali, Rajasthan and their maintenance during Defects Liability Period
25.05.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 25.05.2016 upto 15:00 hrs.
430. 2016-05-12 Amendment02 Outsourcing of Laundry Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Laundry equipment including collection and distribution of hospital linen for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital.
As per Amendment As per Amendment
429. 2016-05-12 Amendment02 Outsourcing of Kitchen Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Kitchen Equipment and Utensils including supply of raw materials eg. Food grain, raw vegetables, paneer, egg, milk etc, Preparation, cooking and distribution of good quality meal/food and collection of dirty dish to and from each bed on daily basis for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
As Per Amendment As Per Amendment
428. 2016-05-12 Construction of Auditorium, Guest House, Hostel, Electric Substation , AC Plant Room , Under Ground water Tank etc at NIMR, Sector-8, Dwarka New Delhi-110077
03.06.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 03.06.2016 At 15:00 hrs
427. 2016-05-12 Construction of Balance Work for Test Research Laboratory (Animal Facility Building) and Work to make it (Animal Facility Building) functional at Sector 8,Dwarka, New Delhi
HSCC/NIMR/Phase-I /Part I & II/ 2016
03.06.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 03.06.2016 At 14:30 hrs.
426. 2016-05-11 Amendment 4- Package-II: Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Hospital & office Furniture & other associated works like minor civil, electrical, PHE works etc. for additional floors of Trauma Centre in Trauma Centre of AIIMS, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi and their maintenance during defect liability period.
HSCC/AIIMS- Trauma centre/Hosp. Fur/2016
16.05.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 16.05.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
425. 2016-05-11 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/ Medical Equipment / 2015-16/02
17.05.2016 upto 14.30 P.M. (for items 3&5) 17.05.2016 upto 15.00 P.M. (for items 3&5)
424. 2016-05-11 Amendment01 Package-II : Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Modular type Laboratory furniture for Hospital, Teaching & OPD blocks for KCGMC, Karnal, Haryana and its maintenance during defect liability
HSCC/KCGMC/Lab. fur/2015
18.05.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 18.05.2016 at 15:30 hrs
423. 2016-05-11 Amendment01 Package-III A : Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Hospital beds for Hospital & OPD blocks for KCGMC, Karnal, Haryana and its maintenance during defect liability
HSCC/KCGMC/Lab. fur/2015
19.05.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 19.05.2016 At 15:30 hrs
422. 2016-05-11 Amendment01 Package-III B : Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Hospital related furniture for Hospital & OPD blocks for KCGMC, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Hosp. Fur. /2015
19.05.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 19.05.2016 At 15:30 hrs
421. 2016-05-11 Tender for Procurement of Medical Equipment for Kalpana Chawala Government Medical College, Karnal.
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/MC/02
Refer amendment Refer amendment
420. 2016-05-11 AMENDMENT1:Tender for Construction of 100 student intake Medical College with Residential Blocks as per MCI Guidelines with other facilities at district Pali, Rajasthan and their maintenance during Defects Liability Period
25.05.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 25.05.2016 at 15:00 hrs.
419. 2016-05-11 Amendment 5: Construction of Intensive Care Units (ICUs) including Turn Key Works at Jai Prakash Narayan AIIMS Trauma Centre, New Delhi.
26.05.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 26.05.2016 at 15:00 Hrs
418. 2016-05-11 Amendment 5- Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Integration and Data Management System for Modular Operation Theatres for Jai Prakash Narayan AIIMS Trauma Centre, New Delhi.
26.05.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 26.05.2016 at 15:00 Hrs
417. 2016-05-11 Amendment 5 - Expansion of existing Manifold Room, Plant Room, Liquid Oxygen Area including pipeline distribution system and “Buy back as is where is basis” for the extended building for upcoming 500 Bedded Jai Prakash Narayan AIIMS Trauma Centre, New Delhi.
26.05.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 26.05.2016 at 15:00 Hrs
416. 2016-05-11 Amendment 5: for Construction of Modular Operation Theatres (MOT) & Assosiates works including Turn Keys Works at Jai Prakash Narayan AIIMS Trauma Centre, New Delhi
26.05.2016 up to 14.30 hrs 26.05.2016 up to 15.00 hrs
415. 2016-05-11 AMENDMENT 5:Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Pneumatic Tube Transport System for extended building for upcoming 500 Beded Jai Prakash Narayan AIIMS Trauma Centre, New Delhi
26.05.2016 up to 14.30 hrs 26.05.2016 at 15.00 hrs
414. 2016-05-10 Amendment 2- Package-I: Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Modular type office Furniture & other associated works like minor civil, electrical, PHE works etc. for Night Shelter in Trauma Centre of AIIMS, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi and their maintenance during defect liability period.
HSCC/AIIMS- Night shelter & Trauma centre/office Fur/2016
13.05.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 13.05.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
413. 2016-05-10 Amendment 3- Package-II: Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Hospital & office Furniture & other associated works like minor civil, electrical, PHE works etc. for additional floors of Trauma Centre in Trauma Centre of AIIMS, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi and their maintenance during defect liability period.
HSCC/AIIMS- Trauma centre/Hosp. Fur/2016
16.05.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 16.05.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
412. 2016-05-10 Amendment01 Supply, Installation Testing & Commissioning of CSSD on Turn key basis for Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
25.05.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs 25.05.2016 at 15.30 Hrs
411. 2016-05-10 Amendment01 Supply, Installation Testing & Commissioning of CSSD on Turn key basis for Super Speciality Block (SSB) at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SES/SJH-Super Speciality/CSSD/2016
25.05.2016 Upto 15.00 Hrs 25.05.2016 at 15.30 Hrs
410. 2016-05-10 AMENDMENT 20: Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi
17.5.2016 upto 14.30 hrs (for Item no. 4,7,10) 31.5.2016 upto 14.30 hrs (for Item no. 2,3,11) 17.5.2016 At 15.00 hrs (for Item no. 4,7,10) 31.5.2016 At 15.00 hrs (for Item no. 2,3,11)
409. 2016-05-09 Amendment 2- Package-II: Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Hospital & office Furniture & other associated works like minor civil, electrical, PHE works etc. for additional floors of Trauma Centre in Trauma Centre of AIIMS, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi and their maintenance during defect liability period.
HSCC/AIIMS- Trauma centre/Hosp. Fur/2016
11.05.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 11.05.2016 at 15:30 hrs..
408. 2016-05-09 Amendment1 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of BIO MEDICAL WASTE MANAGEMENT System including civil construction of Bio Medical Waste Management Room at District General Hospital, Dikoya, Sri Lanka
13.05.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs 13.05.2016 upto 15:30 Hrs
407. 2016-05-09 AMENDMENT 9 :Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/ Medical Equipment / 2015-06/01
16.05.2016 upto 2.30 P.M.(FOR ITEM NO 5 & 7) 16.05.2016 at 3.00 P.M.(FOR ITEM NO 5 & 7)
406. 2016-05-09 AMENDMENT03:Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/15
23.5.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 23.5.2016 at 15:00 hrs
405. 2016-05-09 AMENDMENT6: Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
23.05.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 23.05.2016 at 15:00 Hrs
404. 2016-05-09 Amendment09 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital and OPD Block at KalpanaChawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-03/A
20.05.2016 upto 13.00 hrs (for Item no 1 ) 20.05.2016 At 13.30 hrs (for Item no 1 )
403. 2016-05-09 Amendment IV - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
24.05.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 24.05.2016 at 15:00 Hrs
402. 2016-05-09 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Hostel furniture for Hostel 1 & 2 & other associated works like minor civil, electrical, PHE works etc. for AIIMS, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi and their maintenance during defect liability period
HSCC/AIIMS- Hostel 1 & 2/Fur/2016
26.05.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 26.05.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
401. 2016-05-06 Amendment06: Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/03
13.05.2016 upto 2.30 P.M. (for Item no.1,2,4,5,7,8,10) and 20.05.2016 upto 2.30 P.M.(for Item no 11,12,13,14) 13.05.2016 At 3.00 P.M. (for Item no.1,2,4,5,7,8,10) and 20.05.2016 at 3.00 P.M.(for Item no 11,12,13,14)
400. 2016-05-06 Package-I : Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Hospital Beds for Super Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC New Delhi
HSCC/Saf./SSB/Hosp. Fur/181/2016
24.05.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 24.05.2016 at 15:30 hrs
399. 2016-05-06 Package 2 : Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of ICU Beds for Super Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC New Delhi
HSCC/Saf./SSB/Hosp. Fur/181/2016
24.05.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 24.05.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
398. 2016-05-06 Package 3 : Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Hospital furniture for Super Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC
HSCC/Saf./SSB/Hosp. Fur/181/2016
25.05.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 25.05.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
397. 2016-05-06 Package 4 : Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Hospital related furniture for Super Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC New Delhi
HSCC/Saf./SSB/Hosp. Fur/181/2016
25.05.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 25.05.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
396. 2016-05-06 Amendment 1- Package-I: Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Modular type office Furniture & other associated works like minor civil, electrical, PHE works etc. for Night Shelter in Trauma Centre of AIIMS, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi and their maintenance during defect liability period.
HSCC/AIIMS- Night shelter & Trauma centre/office Fur/2016
10.05.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 10.05.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
395. 2016-05-06 Amendment 1- Package-II: Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Hospital & office Furniture & other associated works like minor civil, electrical, PHE works etc. for additional floors of Trauma Centre in Trauma Centre of AIIMS, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi and their maintenance during defect liability period.
HSCC/AIIMS- Trauma centre/Hosp. Fur/2016
11.05.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 11.05.2016 at 15:30 hrs..
394. 2016-05-05 Amendment VII - “Design, supply, installation, testing & commissioning of lifts for hostel block, Masjid moth campus at AIIMS, New Delhi.”
18.05.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs 18.05.2016 upto 15:30 Hrs
393. 2016-05-05 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing over of various Medical Equipments for KalpanaChawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-03/B
02.06.2016.upto 13.00 hrs IST 02.06.2016. at 13.30 hrs IST
392. 2016-05-05 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for KalpanaChawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana:
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/MC/01
03.06.2016.upto 13.00 hrs IST 03.06.2016 at 13:30 hrs IST
tenderdocpart1 / tenderdocpart2
391. 2016-05-05 Amedment II - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Med. Eqpt./2015/16
12.05.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 12.05.2016 at 15:00 Hrs
390. 2016-05-05 Amendment XIX - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
SCC/SJH/Med. Eqpt./2015/10
12.05.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 12.05.2016 at 15:00 Hrs
389. 2016-05-05 Amendment -XII Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of CSSD Equipments at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences New Delhi.
12.05.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 12.05.2016 at 15:00 Hrs
388. 2016-05-05 Amendment -XI Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Pneumatic Tube Transport System at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences
12.05.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 12.05.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
387. 2016-05-05 Amendment -XII Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Integration and Data Management System for Modular Operation Theatres at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences
12.05.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 12.05.2016 at 15:00 Hrs
386. 2016-05-05 Amendment01 Outsourcing of Kitchen Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Kitchen Equipment and Utensils including supply of raw materials eg. Food grain, raw vegetables, paneer, egg, milk etc, Preparation, cooking and distribution of good quality meal/food and collection of dirty dish to and from each bed on daily basis for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
As Per Amendment As Per Amendment
385. 2016-05-05 Amendment01 Outsourcing of Laundry Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Laundry equipment including collection and distribution of hospital linen for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital.
As per Amendment As per Amendment
384. 2016-05-04 Amendment III - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
11.05.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 11.05.2016 at 15:00 Hrs
383. 2016-05-04 Tender for Construction of 100 student intake Medical College with Residential Blocks as per MCI Guidelines with other facilities at district Pali, Rajasthan and their maintenance during Defects Liability Period
25.05.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 25.05.2016 at 15:00 hrs.
382. 2016-05-04 Tender for Up-gradation & Construction of Hospital Block of existing Hospital as per MCI Guidelines with other facilities at district Pali, Rajasthan and their maintenance during Defects Liability Period
25.05.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 25.05.2016 upto 15:00 hrs.
381. 2016-05-03 Amendment -XI Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Modular Operation Theatres & Minor Operation Theatres at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences
12.05.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 12.05.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
380. 2016-05-03 Amendment -XI Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Medical Gas Manifold System at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences
12.05.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 12.05.2016 at 15:00 Hrs
379. 2016-05-03 Amendment -XI Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Integration and Data Management System for Modular Operation Theatres at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences
12.05.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 12.05.2016 at 15:00 Hrs
378. 2016-05-03 Amendment -X Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Pneumatic Tube Transport System at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences
12.05.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 12.05.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
377. 2016-05-03 Amendment -XI Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of CSSD Equipments at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences New Delhi.
12.05.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 12.05.2016 at 15:00 Hrs
376. 2016-05-03 Tender for Construction, Testing, Commissioning, Validation and other associated works of BioSafety Level-2 & 3 (BSL-2 & BSL-3) ‘Turnkey Basis’ at Convergence Block, AIIMS, New Delhi.
24.05.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs 24.05.2016 at 15:30 Hrs
375. 2016-05-02 AMENDMENT5: Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Med.Eqpt./2015/13 dt.13.3.2016
09.05.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs for (Item No. 1- 6). 09.05.2016 at 15:00 Hrs for (Item No. 1- 6).
374. 2016-05-02 AMENDMENT02:Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/15
09.5.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 09.5.2016 at 15:00 hrs
373. 2016-05-02 Ammendment II Installation, Testing and Commissioning of already supplied Equipment and pipelines of Medical Gas Manifold System including supply and installation of Electrical Distribution Panel on Turn Key Basis at District General Hospital, Dikoya, Sri Lanka.
HSCC/SES/MEA/Sri Lanka/MGMS/2016
06.05.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs. 06.05.2016 at 15:30 Hrs.
372. 2016-05-02 AMENDMENT 8 :Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/ Medical Equipment / 2015-06/01
09.05.2016 upto 2.30 P.M. 09.05.2016 at 3.00 P.M.
371. 2016-04-29 Amendment05: Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/03
06.05.2016 upto 14:30 hrs IST 06.05.2016 at 15:00 hrs IST
370. 2016-04-29 AMENDMENT 7: Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/ Medical Equipment / 2015-06/02
11.05.2016 upto 2.30 P.M.(for item no 1,3 & 5) 11.05.2016 at 3.00 P.M.(for item no 1,3 & 5)
369. 2016-04-29 AMENDMENT 7 :Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/ Medical Equipment / 2015-06/01
09.05.2016 at 2.30 P.M.(for item no 1,3,4& 9) 09.05.2016 upto 3.00 P.M.(for item no 1,3,4& 9)
368. 2016-04-28 AMENDMENT19: Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi
05.5.2016 upto 14.30 hrs (for Item no. 2,3,4,7,10,11) 05.5.2016 at 15.00 hrs (for Item no. 2,3,4,7,10,11)
367. 2016-04-28 Construction of New Paid Ward Including Associated Works, Operation & Maintenance during defect liability period in AIIMS Campus, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi for AIIMS, New Delhi
20.05.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 20.05.2016 At 15:00 hrs.
366. 2016-04-28 Tender for Package-III A : Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Hospital beds for Hospital & OPD blocks for KCGMC, Karnal, Haryana and its maintenance during defect liability
HSCC/KCGMC/Lab. fur/2015
13.05.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 13.05.2016 At 15:30 hrs
365. 2016-04-28 Amendment 6- Tender for “Design, supply, installation, testing & commissioning of lifts for hostel block, Masjid moth campus at AIIMS, New Delhi.
05.05.2016 upto 15:00 hrs. 05.05.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
364. 2016-04-28 Amendment08 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital and OPD Block at KalpanaChawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-03/A
03.05.2016 upto 13.00 hrs (for item no 2,3,4,5,7,8,10,13,14) 10.05.2016 upto 13.00 hrs (for Item no 1, 6, 9, 11,12 ) 03.05.2016 At 13.30 hrs (for Item no 2,3,4,5,7,8,10,13,14) 10.05.2016 at 13.30 hrs (for Item no 1, 6, 9, 11,12 )
363. 2016-04-28 Amendment10 :Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of CSSD Equipments at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi.
05.05.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 05.05.2016 at 15.00 hrs
362. 2016-04-28 Amendment 09- Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Pneumatic Tube Transport System at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi.
05.05.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 05.05.2016 at 15.00 hrs
361. 2016-04-28 Amendment 10 - Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Integration and Data Management System for Modular Operation Theatres at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi.
05.05.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 05.05.2016 upto 15.00 hrs
360. 2016-04-28 Amendment 10: Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Medical Gas Manifold System at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi.
05.05.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 05.05.2016 upto 15.00 hrs
359. 2016-04-28 Amendment 10: Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Modular Operation Theatres & Minor Operation Theatres at Surgical Block, AIIMS, New Delhi.
05.05.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 05.05.2016 at 15.00 hrs
358. 2016-04-28 Tender for Package-III B : Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Hospital related furniture for Hospital & OPD blocks for KCGMC, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Hosp. Fur. /2015
13.05.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 13.05.2016 At 15:30 hrs
357. 2016-04-27 AMENDMENT 02:Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/14
04.5.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 04.5.2016 at 15:00 hrs
356. 2016-04-27 AMENDMENT7: Construction, Testing, Commissioning, Validation and other associated works of Bio Safety Level-2 & 3 (BSL-2 & BSL-3) Laboratory on ‘Turnkey Basis at Convergence Block, AIIMS, New Delhi.
355. 2016-04-27 Amendment 4- Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Pneumatic Tube Transport System for Jai Prakash Narayan AIIMS Trauma Centre, New Delhi.
12.05.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 12.05.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
354. 2016-04-27 Amendment 4: Expansion of existing Manifold Room, Plant Room, Liquid Oxygen Area including pipeline distribution system and “Buy back as is where is basis” for the extended building for upcoming 500 Bedded Jai Prakash Narayan AIIMS Trauma Centre, New Delhi.
12.05.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 12.05.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
353. 2016-04-27 Amendment 4- Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Integration and Data Management System for Modular Operation Theatres for Jai Prakash Narayan AIIMS Trauma Centre, New Delhi.
12.05.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 12.05.2016 at 15:00 Hrs
352. 2016-04-27 Amendment 4- Construction of Modular Operation Theatres & Assosiates works including Turn Keys Works at Jai Prakash Narayan AIIMS Trauma Centre, New Delhi.
12.05.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 12.05.2016 at 15:00 Hrs
351. 2016-04-27 Amendment 4: Construction of Intensive Care Units (ICUs) including Turn Key Works at Jai Prakash Narayan AIIMS Trauma Centre, New Delhi.
28.04.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 28.04.2016 at 15:00 Hrs
350. 2016-04-27 Tender for Package-I : Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Modular type office furniture for Hospital, Teaching & OPD blocks and its maintenance during defect liability period for KCGMC, Karnal
HSCC/KCGMC/Hosp. office.fur/2015
12.05.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 12.05.2016 at 15:30 hrs
349. 2016-04-27 Tender for Package-II : Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Modular type Laboratory furniture for Hospital, Teaching & OPD blocks for KCGMC, Karnal, Haryana and its maintenance during defect liability
HSCC/KCGMC/Lab. fur/2015
12.05.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 12.05.2016 at 15:30 hrs
348. 2016-04-26 Amendment07 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital and OPD Block at KalpanaChawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-03/A
03.05.2016 upto 13.00 hrs 03.05.2016 upto 13.30 hrs
347. 2016-04-26 AMEDNEMNT01: Installation, Testing and Commissioning of already supplied Equipment and pipelines of Medical Gas Manifold System including supply & installation of Electrical Distribution Panel on Turn Key Basis at District General Hospital, Dikoya, Sri Lanka.
HSCC/SES/MEA/Sri Lanka/MGMS/2016
02.05.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs 02.05.2016 at 15:30 Hrs
346. 2016-04-25 AMENDMENT 6: Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/ Medical Equipment / 2015-06/02
04.05.2016 upto 2.30 P.M. 04.05.2016 at 3.00 P.M.
345. 2016-04-25 AMENDMENT 6 :Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/ Medical Equipment / 2015-06/01
02.05.2016 at 2.30 P.M. 02.05.2016 upto 3.00 P.M.
344. 2016-04-25 AMENDMENT4: Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
02.05.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 02.05.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
343. 2016-04-25 AMENDMENT 12: Procurement of Medical Equipment for Kalpana Chawala Government Medical College, Karnal.
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-05
02.05.2016 upto 1.30 P.M. for item no.4 02.05.2016 upto 2.00 P.M. for item no.4
342. 2016-04-25 Package-II: Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Hospital & office Furniture & other associated works like minor civil, electrical, PHE works etc. for additional floors of Trauma Centre in Trauma Centre of AIIMS, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi and their maintenance during defect liability period.
HSCC/AIIMS- Trauma centre/Hosp. Fur/2016
11.05.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 11.05.2016 at 15:30 hrs..
341. 2016-04-25 Package-I: Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Modular type office Furniture & other associated works like minor civil, electrical, PHE works etc. for Night Shelter in Trauma Centre of AIIMS, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi and their maintenance during defect liability period.
HSCC/AIIMS- Night shelter & Trauma centre/office Fur/2016
10.05.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 10.05.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
340. 2016-04-25 Amendment01 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Modular type office & Hostel Furniture & other associated works like minor civil, electrical, PHE works etc. Girls Hostel, Boys Hostel, Academic Block-III and Library Block at RIPANS, Aizawl (Mizoram) and their maintenance during defect liability period”
26.04.2016 up to 15:00 hrs 26.04.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
339. 2016-04-22 Amendment 5- Tender for “Design, supply, installation, testing & commissioning of lifts for hostel block, Masjid moth campus at AIIMS, New Delhi.
29.04.2016 upto 15:00 hrs. 29.04.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
338. 2016-04-22 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of BIO MEDICAL WASTE MANAGEMENT System including civil construction of Bio Medical Waste Management Room at District General Hospital, Dikoya, Sri Lanka
13.05.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs 13.05.2016 upto 15:30 Hrs
337. 2016-04-21 AMENDMENT18: Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi
28.4.2016 upto 14.30 hrs(for Item No 4) 28.4.2016 at 15.00 hrs(for Item No 4)
336. 2016-04-21 AMENDMENT18: Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi
28.4.2016 upto 14.30 hrs (for Item no. 2,3,7,10,11) 28.4.2016 at 15.00 hrs (for Item no. 2,3,7,10,11)
335. 2016-04-21 Amendment04 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/03
29.04.2016 upto 14:30 hrs IST 29.04.2016 at 15:00 hrs IST
334. 2016-04-20 AMENDMENT17:Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi
21.4.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 21.4.2016 at 15.00 hrs
333. 2016-04-20 AMENDMENT 3: Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi
25.04.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 25.04.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
332. 2016-04-20 AMENDENT1:Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/16
05.5.2016 upto 1430 hrs IST 05.5.2016 at 1500 hrs IST
331. 2016-04-20 AMENDMENT 01:Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi:
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/14
27.4.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 27.4.2016 at 15:00 hrs
330. 2016-04-20 AMENDMENT01:Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/15
02.5.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 02.5.2016 At 15:00 hrs
329. 2016-04-19 Tender for Supply, Installation Testing & Commissioning of CSSD on Turn key basis for Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
11.05.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs 11.05.2016 at 15.30 Hrs
328. 2016-04-19 Tender for Supply, Installation Testing & Commissioning of CSSD on Turn key basis for Super Speciality Block (SSB) at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SES/SJH-Super Speciality/CSSD/2016
11.05.2016 Upto 15.00 Hrs 11.05.2016 at 15.30 Hrs
327. 2016-04-18 AMEDNEMENT 2: Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi
25.04.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 25.04.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
326. 2016-04-18 Amendment 11 - Procurement of Medical Equipment for Kalpana Chawala Government Medical College, Karnal.
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-05 dt. 18.01.2016
25.04.2016 upto 1.30 P.M. 25.04.2016 upto 2.00 P.M.
325. 2016-04-13 AMENDMENT5: for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/ Medical Equipment / 2015-06/02
27.04.2016 upto 2.30 P.M. 27.04.2016 at 3.00 P.M.
324. 2016-04-13 AMENDMENT6: Construction, Testing, Commissioning, Validation and other associated works of Bio Safety Level-2 & 3 (BSL-2 & BSL-3) Laboratory on ‘Turnkey Basis at Convergence Block, AIIMS, New Delhi.
HSCC/SES/BSL/AIIMS/2015 dated 11.02.2016
28.04.2016 upto 15.00 Hrs 28.04.2016 at 15: 30 Hrs
323. 2016-04-13 Amendment 3- Tender for “Design, supply, installation, testing & commissioning of lifts for hostel block, Masjid moth campus at AIIMS, New Delhi.
22.04.2016 upto 15:00 hrs. 22.04.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
322. 2016-04-13 Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/16
05.5.2016 upto 1430 hrs IST 05.5.2016 at 1500 hrs IST
321. 2016-04-13 Amendment 3- Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Pneumatic Tube Transport System for Jai Prakash Narayan AIIMS Trauma Centre, New Delhi.
28.04.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 28.04.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
320. 2016-04-13 Amendment 3 Expansion of existing Manifold Room, Plant Room, Liquid Oxygen Area including pipeline distribution system and “Buy back as is where is basis” for the extended building for upcoming 500 Bedded Jai Prakash Narayan AIIMS Trauma Centre, New Delhi.
28.04.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 28.04.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
319. 2016-04-13 Amendment 3- Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Integration and Data Management System for Modular Operation Theatres for Jai Prakash Narayan AIIMS Trauma Centre, New Delhi.
28.04.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 28.04.2016 at 15:00 Hrs
318. 2016-04-13 Amendment 3- Construction of Modular Operation Theatres & Assosiates works including Turn Keys Works at Jai Prakash Narayan AIIMS Trauma Centre, New Delhi.
28.04.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 28.04.2016 at 15:00 Hrs
317. 2016-04-13 Amendment 3 Construction of Intensive Care Units (ICUs) including Turn Key Works at Jai Prakash Narayan AIIMS Trauma Centre, New Delhi.
28.04.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 28.04.2016 at 15:00 Hrs
316. 2016-04-13 Amendment09 :Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of CSSD Equipments at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi.
02.05.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 02.05.2016 at 15.00 hrs
315. 2016-04-13 Amendment 08- Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Pneumatic Tube Transport System at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi.
02.05.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 02.05.2016 at 15.00 hrs
314. 2016-04-13 Amendment 09 - Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Integration and Data Management System for Modular Operation Theatres at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi.
02.05.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 02.05.2016 upto 15.00 hrs
313. 2016-04-13 Amendment 09 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Medical Gas Manifold System at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi.
02.05.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 02.05.2016 upto 15.00 hrs
312. 2016-04-13 Amendment09: Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Modular Operation Theatres & Minor Operation Theatres at Surgical Block, AIIMS, New Delhi.
02.05.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 02.05.2016 at 15.00 hrs
311. 2016-04-13 Amendment 4- Tender for “Design, supply, installation, testing & commissioning of lifts for hostel block, Masjid moth campus at AIIMS, New Delhi.
22.04.2016 upto 15:00 hrs. 22.04.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
310. 2016-04-13 AMENDMENT01:Tender for APPOINTMENT OF EIA CONSULTANT FOR Conducting EIA Study and getting EIA Clearance from Concerned Authorities for the proposed construction of Super Specialty Block and Hostel Block at Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, New Delhi
18.04.2016 up to 14:30 hrs 18.04.2016 At 15:00 hrs
309. 2016-04-12 AMENDMENT 16 : Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
21.4.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 21.4.2016 at 15.00 hrs
308. 2016-04-12 Amendment06 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital and OPD Block at KalpanaChawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-03/A
26.04.2016 upto 13.00 hrs 26.04.2016 upto 13.30 hrs
307. 2016-04-11 AMENDMENT 5 :Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/ Medical Equipment / 2015-06/01
25.04.2016 at 2.30 P.M. 25.04.2016 upto 3.00 P.M.
306. 2016-04-11 Amendment 10: Procurement of Medical Equipment for Kalpana Chawala Government Medical College, Karnal.
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-05
18.04.2016 upto 1.30 P.M. 18.04.2016 at 2.00 P.M.
305. 2016-04-11 AMENDMENT 15 : Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
21.4.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 21.4.2016 at 15.00 hrs
304. 2016-04-11 Tender for Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Modular type office & Hostel Furniture & other associated works like minor civil, electrical, PHE works etc. Girls Hostel, Boys Hostel, Academic Block-III and Library Block at RIPANS, Aizawl (Mizoram) and their maintenance during defect liability period”
26.04.2016 up to 15:00 hrs 26.04.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
303. 2016-04-09 Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/15
02.5.2016 upto 1430 hrs 02.5.2016 At 1500 hrs
302. 2016-04-08 Amendment03 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/03
22.04.2016 upto 14:30 hrs IST 22.04.2016 at 15:00 hrs IST
301. 2016-04-07 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Modular type furniture for Temporary OPD and Guest House and other associated works including other miscellaneous works like minor civil, electrical, PHE works etc. for Satellite Center of PGIMER at Sangrur , Punjab
22.04.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 22.04.2016 at 15:30 hrs
300. 2016-04-06 AMENDMENT4: for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/ Medical Equipment / 2015-06/02
13.04.2016 upto 2.30 P.M. 13.04.2016 at 3.00 P.M.
299. 2016-04-06 Amendment 9: Procurement of Medical Equipment for Kalpana Chawala Government Medical College, Karnal.
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-05
11.04.2016 upto 1.30 P.M. 11.04.2016 at 2.00 P.M.
298. 2016-04-06 Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi:
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/14
27.4.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 27.4.2016 at 15:00 hrs
297. 2016-04-05 Amendment 5 : Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital and OPD Block at KalpanaChawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment /2015-03/A
12.04.2016 upto 13.00 hrs 12.04.2016 upto 13.30 hrs
296. 2016-04-05 Amendment 1- Tender for Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
18.04.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 18.04.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
295. 2016-04-05 Amendment 2- Tender for “External Electrical Works for OPD block, Masjid Moth Campus at AIIMS, New Delhi”
19.04.2016 upto 15:00 hrs. 19.04.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
294. 2016-04-05 Amendment 2- Tender for “External Electrical Works for Hostel Block, Masjid Moth Campus at AIIMS, New Delhi”
18.04.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 18.04.2016 at 15:30 hrs
293. 2016-04-05 Amendment 2- Tender for “Design, supply, installation, testing & commissioning of lifts for hostel block, Masjid moth campus at AIIMS, New Delhi.
13.04.2016 upto 15:00 hrs. 13.04.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
292. 2016-04-05 Tender for Installation, Testing and Commissioning of already supplied Equipment and pipelines of Medical Gas Manifold System including Supply and Installation of Electrical Distribution Panel on Turnkey Basis at District General Hospital, Dikoya, Sri Lanka
HSCC/SES/MEA/Sri Lanka/MGMS/2016
26.04.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs 26.04.2016 at 15:30 Hrs
291. 2016-04-05 Amendment 14 - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
11.04.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 11.04.2016 at 15:00 Hrs
290. 2016-04-04 AMENDMENT 4 :Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/ Medical Equipment / 2015-06/01
11.04.2016 upto 2.30 P.M. 11.04.2016 upto 3.00 P.M.
289. 2016-04-04 Amendment XIII - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi. HSCC/SJH/Med.Eqpt./2015/10
11.04.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 11.04.2016 at 15:00 Hrs
288. 2016-04-02 Amendment 07- Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Pneumatic Tube Transport System at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi.
18.04.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 18.04.2016 upto 15.00 hrs
287. 2016-04-02 Amendment08 :Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of CSSD Equipments at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi.
18.04.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 18.04.2016 at 15.00 hrs
286. 2016-04-02 Amendment 08 - Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Integration and Data Management System for Modular Operation Theatres at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi.
18.04.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 18.04.2016 upto 15.00 hrs
285. 2016-04-02 Amendment 08 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Medical Gas Manifold System at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi.
18.04.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 18.04.2016 upto 15.00 hrs
284. 2016-04-02 Amendment08: Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Modular Operation Theatres & Minor Operation Theatres at Surgical Block, AIIMS, New Delhi.
18.04.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 18.04.2016 at 15.00 hrs
283. 2016-04-01 Amendment02 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/03
08.04.2016 upto 14:30 hrs IST 08.04.2016 at 15:00 hrs IST
282. 2016-04-01 Amendment: 2 “Construction of New Paid ward including associated works ,operation & maintenance during defect liability period in AIIMS Campus, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi for AIIMS, New Delhi: Security arrangement for construction area of New Paid Ward Block”,
05.04.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 05.04.2016 at 15:30 hrs
281. 2016-03-30 AMENDMENT3: for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/ Medical Equipment / 2015-06/02
06.04.2016 upto 2.30 P.M. 06.04.2016 at 3.00 P.M.
280. 2016-03-30 Amendment 8: Procurement of Medical Equipment for Kalpana Chawala Government Medical College, Karnal.
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-05
06.04.2016 upto 1.30 P.M. 06.04.2016 upto 2.00 P.M.
279. 2016-03-30 AMENDMENT05 Construction, Testing, Commissioning, Validation and other associated works of Bio Safety Level-2 and 3 Laboratory on Turnkey Basis at Convergence Block, AIIMS, New Delhi.
14.04.2016 upto 15.00 Hrs 14.04.2016 at 15: 30 Hrs
278. 2016-03-29 Amendment03: HVAC work for proposed New OPD Block & Other Associated Services and their Maintenance during Defect Liability Period in AIIMS Campus, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi for AIIMS, New Delhi
04.04.2016 up to 14:30 hrs. 04.04.2016 at 15:00 hrs.
277. 2016-03-29 Amendment XXVI- Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/5
05.04.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 05.04.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
276. 2016-03-29 Amendment 4 : Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital and OPD Block at KalpanaChawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-03/A
05.04.2016 upto 13.00 hrs 05.04.2016 at 13.30 hrs
275. 2016-03-29 Amendment II - Construction of Intensive Care Units (ICUs) including Turn Key Works at Jai Prakash Narayan AIIMS Trauma Centre, New Delhi.
14.04.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 14.04.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
274. 2016-03-29 Amendment II - Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Integration and Data Management System for Modular Operation Theatres for Jai Prakash Narayan AIIMS Trauma Centre, New Delhi.
14.03.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 14.03.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
273. 2016-03-29 Amendment II - Expansion of existing Manifold Room, Plant Room, Liquid Oxygen Area including pipeline distribution system and “Buy back as is where is basis” for the extended building for upcoming 500 Bedded Jai Prakash Narayan AIIMS Trauma Centre, New Delhi.
14.04.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 14.04.2016 at 15:00 Hrs
272. 2016-03-29 Amendment II- Construction of Modular Operation Theatres (MOT) & Assosiates works including Turn Keys Works at Jai Prakash Narayan AIIMS Trauma Centre, New Delhi.
14.04.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 14.04.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
271. 2016-03-29 Amendment II- Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Pneumatic Tube Transport System for Jai Prakash Narayan AIIMS Trauma Centre, New Delhi.
14.04.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 14.04.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
270. 2016-03-28 Amendment01:E-Tender For Engagement Of Agency For providing Round the Clock Security Services by deploying security guards, etc.
01.04.2016 upto 15:00 hrs. 01.04.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
269. 2016-03-28 Amendment XI - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
04.04.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 04.04.2016 at 15:00 Hrs
268. 2016-03-28 AMENDMENT3:Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/ Medical Equipment / 2015-06/01
04.04.2016 upto 2.30 P.M. 04.04.2016 at 3.00 P.M.
267. 2016-03-28 Tender for APPOINTMENT OF EIA CONSULTANT FOR Conducting EIA Study and getting EIA Clearance from Concerned Authorities for the proposed construction of Super Specialty Block and Hostel Block at Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, New Delhi
14.04.2016 up to 14:30 hrs 14.04.2016 At 15:00 hrs
266. 2016-03-23 AMENDMENT7: Procurement of Medical Equipment for Kalpana Chawala Government Medical College, Karnal.
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-05
30.03.2016 upto 1.30 P.M 30.03.2016 at 2.00 P.M
265. 2016-03-23 AMENDMENT 07:REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST “Appointment of Consultant for preparation and development of Master plan, Concept designs, Preliminary and Working Drawings, including preparation of Specifications and detailed estimate for the Establishment of Proposed All India Institute of Medical Sciences at i. Mangalagiri( Guntur) ii. Nagpur, Maharashtra iii. Kalyani, West Bengal
04.04.2016 up to 15.00 hrs 04.04.2016 up to 15.00 hrs.
264. 2016-03-22 Amendment 3: Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital and OPD Block at KalpanaChawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-03/A
29.03.2016 upto 13.00 hrs 29.03.2016 at 13.30 hrs
263. 2016-03-22 Amendment XXV- Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/5
29.03.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 29.03.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
262. 2016-03-22 AMENDMENT01:Tender for “Design, supply, installation, testing & commissioning of lifts for hostel block, Masjid moth campus at AIIMS, New Delhi.
07.04.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 07.04.2016 at 15:30 hrs
261. 2016-03-22 AMENDMENT1:Tender for “External Electrical Works for Hostel Block, Masjid Moth Campus at AIIMS, New Delhi
08.04.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 08.04.2016 at 15:30 hrs
260. 2016-03-22 AMENDMENT2: for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/ Medical Equipment / 2015-06/02
30.03.2016 upto 2.30 P.M. 30.03.2016 at 3.00 P.M.
259. 2016-03-22 AMENDMENT 06:REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST “Appointment of Consultant for preparation and development of Master plan, Concept designs, Preliminary and Working Drawings, including preparation of Specifications and detailed estimate for the Establishment of Proposed All India Institute of Medical Sciences at i. Mangalagiri( Guntur) ii. Nagpur, Maharashtra iii. Kalyani, West Bengal
04.04.2016 up to 15.00 hrs 04.04.2016 up to 15.00 hrs.
258. 2016-03-21 Amendment02:Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/ Medical Equipment / 2015-06/01
28.03.2016 upto 2.30 P.M 28.03.2016 at 3.00 P.M
257. 2016-03-21 Amendment01: External Electrical works for OPD AIIMS Masjid Moth Campus at AIIMS, New Delhi
06.04.2016 up to 15:00 06.04.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
256. 2016-03-19 Amendment 06- Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Pneumatic Tube Transport System at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi.
04.04.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 04.04.2016 upto 15.00 hrs
255. 2016-03-19 Amendment07 :Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of CSSD Equipments at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi.
04.04.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 04.04.2016 at 15.00 hrs
254. 2016-03-19 Amendment 07 - Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Integration and Data Management System for Modular Operation Theatres at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi.
04.04.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 04.04.2016 upto 15.00 hrs
253. 2016-03-19 Amendment 07 - Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Medical Gas Manifold System at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi.
04.04.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 04.04.2016 upto 15.00 hrs
252. 2016-03-19 Amendment07: Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Modular Operation Theatres & Minor Operation Theatres at Surgical Block, AIIMS, New Delhi.
04.04.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 04.04.2016 at 15.00 hrs
251. 2016-03-18 Amendment02: HVAC work for proposed New OPD Block & Other Associated Services and their Maintenance during Defect Liability Period in AIIMS Campus, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi for AIIMS, New Delhi
30.03.2016 up to 14:30 hrs. 30.03.2016 at 15:00 hrs.
250. 2016-03-18 Amendment XI - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
28.03.2015 upto 14:30 Hrs 28.03.2015 at 15:00 Hrs
249. 2016-03-18 E-Tender For Engagement Of Agency For providing Round the Clock Security Services by deploying security guards, etc.
28.03.2016 Upto 15:00 hrs 28.03.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
248. 2016-03-17 AMENDMENT04 Construction, Testing, Commissioning, Validation and other associated works of Bio Safety Level-2 and 3 Laboratory on Turnkey Basis at Convergence Block, AIIMS, New Delhi.
31.03.2016 upto 15.00 Hrs 31.03.2016 at 15: 30 Hrs
247. 2016-03-17 AMENDMENT05:Tender for “HVAC Works for Construction of Research Laboratory Building at NIAB, Hyderabad”.
23.03.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 23.03.2016 at 15:30 hrs
246. 2016-03-17 Amendment 2: Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital and OPD Block at KalpanaChawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana 03/A
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-03/A
22.03.2016 upto 13.00 hrs 22.03.2016 upto 13.30 hrs
245. 2016-03-17 AMENDMENT6: Procurement of Medical Equipment for Kalpana Chawala Government Medical College, Karnal.
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-05
23.03.2016 upto 1.30 P.M 23.03.2016 at 2.00 P.M
244. 2016-03-17 Corrigendum 1 for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/ Medical Equipment / 2015-06/02
23.03.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 23.03.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
243. 2016-03-17 Corrigendum 1:Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/01
21.03.2016 upto 2.30 P.M. 21.03.2016 upto 3.00 P.M.
242. 2016-03-17 REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST “Appointment of Consultant for preparation and development of Master plan, Concept designs, Preliminary and Working Drawings, including preparation of Specifications and detailed estimate for the Establishment of Proposed All India Institute of Medical Sciences at i. Mangalagiri( Guntur) ii. Nagpur, Maharashtra iii. Kalyani, West Bengal
04.04.2016 up to 15.00 hrs 04.04.2016 up to 15.00 hrs.
Amendment03 (10.03.16) / Amendment02 (04.03.16) / Amendment01 (19.02.16) / EOItenderdocument (10.02.16) / Amendment04 (16.03.16) / Amendment05 (17.03.16)
241. 2016-03-16 Amendment04: REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST “Appointment of Consultant for preparation and development of Master plan, Concept designs, Preliminary and Working Drawings, including preparation of Specifications and detailed estimate for the Establishment of Proposed All India Institute of Medical Sciences at i. Mangalagiri( Guntur) ii. Nagpur, Maharashtra iii. Kalyani, West Bengal
29.03.2016 up to 15.00 hrs 29.03.2016 at 15.30 hrs
240. 2016-03-16 Amendment05: Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of office Furniture & related works including other miscellaneous works like minor civil, electrical, PHE works etc. for Skill laboratory at 2 nd floor of convergence block at AIIMS, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi.”
HSCC/AIIMS/Convergence Block- skill Lab Fur/2016
18/03/2016 up to 15:00 hrs 18/03/2016 at 15:30 hrs
239. 2016-03-15 Amendment 1 for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/ Medical Equipment / 2015-06/02
23.03.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 23.03.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
238. 2016-03-15 Amendment 1 for Construction of Intensive Care Units (ICUs) including Turn Key Works at Jai Prakash Narayan AIIMS Trauma Centre, New Delhi.
30.03.2016 up to 14.30 hrs 30.03.2016 up to 15.00 hrs
237. 2016-03-15 Amendment 1 for Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Integration and Data Management System for Modular Operation Theatres for Jai Prakash Narayan AIIMS Trauma Centre, New Delhi
30.03.2016 up to 14.30 hrs 30.03.2016 up to 15.00 hrs
236. 2016-03-15 Amendment 1- Expansion of existing Manifold Room, Plant Room, Liquid Oxygen Area including pipeline distribution system and “Buy back as is where is basis” for the extended building for upcoming 500 Bedded Jai Prakash Narayan AIIMS Trauma Centre, New Delhi.
30.03.2016 up to 14.30 hrs 30.03.2016 up to 15.00 hrs
235. 2016-03-15 amendment 1 for Construction of Modular Operation Theatres (MOT) & Assosiates works including Turn Keys Works at Jai Prakash Narayan AIIMS Trauma Centre, New Delhi
30.03.2016 up to 14.30 hrs 30.03.2016 up to 15.00 hrs
234. 2016-03-15 Amendment 1 for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Pneumatic Tube Transport System for Jai Prakash Narayan AIIMS Trauma Centre, New Delhi.
30.03.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 30.03.2016 at 15.00 hrs
233. 2016-03-15 Amendment XXIV- Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/5
22.03.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 22.03.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
232. 2016-03-14 Tender for Operation and Maintenance of services at Convergence Block, AIIMS, New Delhi.
21.03.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs 21.03.2016 at 15:30 Hrs
231. 2016-03-14 Amendment04: Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of office Furniture & related works including other miscellaneous works like minor civil, electrical, PHE works etc. for Skill laboratory at 2 nd floor of convergence block at AIIMS, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi.”
HSCC/AIIMS/Convergence Block- skill Lab Fur/2016
18/03/2016 up to 15:00 hrs 18/03/2016 at 15:30 hrs
230. 2016-03-14 Tender for Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/13
05.4.2016 upto 1430 hrs IST 05.4.2016 at 1500 hrs IST
229. 2016-03-14 Amendment -1 for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital and OPD Block at KalpanaChawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana 03/A
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-03/A
22.03.2016 upto 13.00 hrs 22.03.2016 upto 13.30 hrs
228. 2016-03-12 AMENDMENT01:Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana:
HSCC/KCGMC/ Medical Equipment / 2015-06/01
21.03.2016 upto 2.30 P.M. 21.03.2016 at 3.00 P.M.
227. 2016-03-11 Amendment X - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
18.03.2015 upto 14:30 Hrs 18.03.2015 at 15:00 Hrs
226. 2016-03-10 AMENDMENT04:Tender for “HVAC Works for Construction of Research Laboratory Building at NIAB, Hyderabad”.
17.03.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 17.03.2016 at 15:30 hrs
225. 2016-03-10 AMENDMENT V -Procurement of Medical Equipment for Kalpana Chawala Government Medical College, Karnal
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-05
17.03.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 17.03.2016 at 15:00 Hrs
224. 2016-03-10 Amendment03: REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST “Appointment of Consultant for preparation and development of Master plan, Concept designs, Preliminary and Working Drawings, including preparation of Specifications and detailed estimate for the Establishment of Proposed All India Institute of Medical Sciences at i. Mangalagiri( Guntur) ii. Nagpur, Maharashtra iii. Kalyani, West Bengal
29.03.2016 up to 15.00 hrs. 29.03.2016 up to 15.00 hrs.
223. 2016-03-09 Amendment 7- Procurement of Medical Equipment for Kalpana Chawala Government Medical College, Karnal.
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015/04 dt. 01.01.2016
16.03.2016 upto 3.30 P.M. 16.03.2016 upto 4.00 P.M.
222. 2016-03-08 AMENDMENT09:Tender for Construction of Super Speciality Block at V.S.S Medical College, Burla
15/03/2016 up to 15:00hrs 15/03/2016 at 15:30 hrs
221. 2016-03-08 Amendment02: Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of office Furniture & related works including other miscellaneous works like minor civil, electrical, PHE works etc. for Skill laboratory at 2 nd floor of convergence block at AIIMS, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi.”
HSCC/AIIMS/Convergence Block- skill Lab Fur/2016
14/03/2016 up to 15:00 hrs 14/03/2016 at 15:30 hrs
220. 2016-03-08 Amendment XXIII- Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/5
15.03.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 15.03.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
219. 2016-03-08 Amendment01: HVAC work for proposed New OPD Block & Other Associated Services and their Maintenance during Defect Liability Period in AIIMS Campus, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi for AIIMS, New Delhi
18.03.2016 up to 14:30 hrs. 18.03.2016 at 15:00 hrs.
218. 2016-03-07 Tender for Construction of Intensive Care Units (ICUs) including Turn Key Works at Jai Prakash Narayan AIIMS Trauma Centre, New Delhi
30.03.2016 up to 14.30 hrs 30.03.2016 at 15.00 hrs
217. 2016-03-07 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Integration & Data Management System for Modular Operation Theatres for Jai Prakash Narayan AIIMS Trauma Centre, New Delhi
30.03.2016 up to 14.30 hrs 30.03.2016 at 15.00 hrs
216. 2016-03-07 Tender for Expansion of existing manifold room, plant room, Liquid Oxygen Area, including pipeline distribution system and “Buy back as is where is basis” for extended building for upcoming 500 Beded Jai Prakash Narayan AIIMS Trauma Centre, New Delhi.
30.03.2016 up to 14.30 hrs 30.03.2016 at 15.00 hrs
215. 2016-03-07 Tender for Construction of Modular Operation Theatres (MOT) & Associates works including Turn Key Works at Jai Prakash Narayan AIIMS Trauma Centre, New Delhi.
30.03.2016 up to 14.30 hrs 30.03.2016 at 15.00 hrs
214. 2016-03-07 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Pneumatic Tube Transport System for extended building for upcoming 500 Beded Jai Prakash Narayan AIIMS Trauma Centre, New Delhi
30.03.2016 up to 14.30 hrs 30.03.2016 at 15.00 hrs
213. 2016-03-07 Design, Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Lifts for Hostel Block, Masjid Moth Campus at AIIMS, New Delhi.
30.03.2016 upto 15:00 hrs. 30.03.2016 At 15:30 hrs.
212. 2016-03-07 External Electrical works for Hostel Block, Masjid Moth Campus at AIIMS, New Delhi
31.03.2016 upto 15:00 hrs. 31.03.2016 At 15:00 hrs.
211. 2016-03-05 AMENDMENT07:Procurement of Medical Equipment for Kalpana Chawala Government Medical College, Karnal.
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015/04
9.03.2016 upto 2.30 P.M 9.03.2016 at 3.00 P.M.
210. 2016-03-05 AMENDMENT04:Procurement of Medical Equipment for Kalpana Chawala Government Medical College, Karnal.
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-05
10.03.2016 upto 2.30 P.M. 10.03.2016 at 3.00 P.M.
209. 2016-03-04 Amendment IX - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
11.03.2015 upto 14:30 Hrs 11.03.2015 at 15:00 Hrs
208. 2016-03-04 External Electrical works for OPD AIIMS Masjid Moth Campus at AIIMS, New Delhi
29.03.2016 up to 15:00 29.03.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
207. 2016-03-04 AMENDENT03:Construction, Testing, Commissioning, Validation and other associated works of Bio Safety Level-2 & 3 (BSL-2 & BSL-3) Laboratory on ‘Turnkey Basis at Convergence Block, AIIMS, New Delhi.
18.03.2016 upto 15.00 Hrs 18.03.2016 at 15: 30 Hrs
206. 2016-03-04 Amendment 05- Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Pneumatic Tube Transport System at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi.
21.03.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 21.03.2016 upto 15.00 hrs
205. 2016-03-04 Amendment06 :Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of CSSD Equipments at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi.
21.03.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 21.03.2016 at 15.00 hrs
204. 2016-03-04 Amendment 06 - Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Integration and Data Management System for Modular Operation Theatres at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi.
21.03.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 21.03.2016 upto 15.00 hrs
203. 2016-03-04 Amendment 06 - Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Medical Gas Manifold System at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi.
21.03.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 21.03.2016 upto 15.00 hrs
202. 2016-03-04 Amendment 06- Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Modular Operation Theatres & Minor Operation Theatres at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi.
07.03.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 07.03.2016 at 15.00 hrs
201. 2016-03-04 Amendment02: REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST “Appointment of Consultant for preparation and development of Master plan, Concept designs, Preliminary and Working Drawings, including preparation of Specifications and detailed estimate for the Establishment of Proposed All India Institute of Medical Sciences at i. Mangalagiri( Guntur) ii. Nagpur, Maharashtra iii. Kalyani, West Bengal
18.03.2016 up to 15.00 hrs. 18.03.2016 up to 15.00 hrs.
200. 2016-03-03 AMENDMENT03:Procurement of Medical Equipment for Kalpana Chawala Government Medical College, Karnal.
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-05
10.03.2016 upto 2.30 P.M. 10.03.2016 at 3.00 P.M.
199. 2016-03-03 AMENDMENT02: Tender for "External Electrical Works at NIAB Campus, Hyderabad".
17.03.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 17.03.2016 at 15:00 hrs
198. 2016-03-03 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/03
01.04.2016 upto 14:30 hrs IST 01.04.2016 at 15:00 hrs IST
197. 2016-03-02 Design, Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Lifts for Hostel Block, Masjid Moth Campus at AIIMS, New Delhi.
30.03.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 30.03.2016 at 15:30 hrs
196. 2016-03-02 External Electrical works for Hostel Block, Masjid Moth Campus at AIIMS, New Delhi
31.03.2016 upto 15:00 hrs. 31.03.2016 at 15:30 hrs
195. 2016-03-02 AMENDEMNT06:Procurement of Medical Equipment for Kalpana Chawala Government Medical College, Karnal.
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015/04
9.03.2016 upto 2.30 P.M 9.03.2016 at 3.00 P.M.
194. 2016-03-02 AMENDMENT3:Tender for “HVAC Works for Construction of Research Laboratory Building at NIAB, Hyderabad”
11.03.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 11.03.2016 at 15:00 hrs
193. 2016-03-01 Amendment02:Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of office Furniture & related works including other miscellaneous works like minor civil, electrical, PHE works etc. for Skill laboratory at 2 nd floor of convergence block at AIIMS, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi.”
HSCC/AIIMS/Convergence Block- skill Lab Fur/2016
08/03/2016 up to 15:00 hrs 08/03/2016 at 15:30 hrs
192. 2016-03-01 Amendment01 Augmentation of Plumbing and associated civil work of AIIMS existing Basement at AIIMS, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi
08.03.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 08.03.2016 at 15:00 hrs.
191. 2016-03-01 Amendment XXII- Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/5
08.03.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 08.03.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
190. 2016-03-01 Amendment II Construction, Testing, Commissioning, Validation and other associated works of Bio Safety Level-2 & 3 (BSL-2 & BSL-3) Laboratory on ‘Turnkey Basis at Convergence Block, AIIMS, New Delhi.
18.03.2016 upto 15.00 Hrs 18.03.2016 at 15: 30 Hrs
189. 2016-03-01 Tender for “External Electrical works for OPD Block Masjid Moth Campus at AIIMS, New Delhi”
As per NIT As per NIT
188. 2016-02-27 AMENDMENT01:Procurement of Medical Equipment for Kalpana Chawala Government Medical College, Karnal
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06
To be published soon To be published soon
187. 2016-02-26 Amendment VIII - Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Med.Eqpt./2015/10 dt.30.10.2015
04.03.2015 upto 14:30 Hrs 04.03.2015 at 15:00 Hrs
18.03.2016 upto 15.00 hrs 18.03.2016 at 15.30 hrs
185. 2016-02-25 AMENDMENT08:Tender for Construction of Super Speciality Block at V.S.S Medical College, Burla
08/03/2016 up to 15:00hrs 08/03/2016 at 15:30 hrs
184. 2016-02-25 Amendment02:Procurement of Medical Equipment for Kalpana Chawala Government Medical College, Karnal
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-05
03.03.2016 upto 2.30 P.M 03.03.2016 at 3.00 P.M.
183. 2016-02-25 Ammendment V - Procurement of Medical Equipment for Kalpana Chawala Government Medical College, Karnal.
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015/04
02.03.2016 upto 2.30 P.M 02.03.2016 upto 3.00 P.M
182. 2016-02-25 Ammendment V- Procurement of Medical Equipment for Kalpana Chawala Government Medical College, Karnal.
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015/04 dt. 01.01.2016
02.03.2016 upto 2.30 P.M 02.03.2016 upto 3.00 P.M
181. 2016-02-25 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various MedicalEquipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/02
17.03.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 17.03.2016 at 15.00 hrs
180. 2016-02-24 Amendment04:Procurement of Medical Equipment for Kalpana Chawala Government Medical College, Karnal
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015/04
02.03.2016 upto 2.30 P.M 02.03.2016 at 3.00 P.M
179. 2016-02-24 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital and OPD Block at KalpanaChawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-03/A
16.03.2016 upto 13.00 hrs 16.03.2016 upto 13.30 hrs
178. 2016-02-24 Empanelment of Architectural Consultants for preparation of concept plan and master plan, architectural, external development & landscaping planning and design and Project Report including follow up and obtaining all applicable local body & other statuary clearances including sanction of plans for various works in Delhi & other places in India 17.03.2016 upto 15.00 hrs 17.03.2016 at 15.30 hrs
177. 2016-02-24 Empanelment of Design Consultant for preparation of Tender Drawings, Working Stage drawings of Civil / Structure only for various works in Various places across India 17.03.2016 upto 15.00 hrs 17.03.2016 at 15.30 hrs
176. 2016-02-23 Amendment01:Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of office Furniture & related works including other miscellaneous works like minor civil, electrical, PHE works etc. for Skill laboratory at 2 nd floor of convergence block at AIIMS, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi.”
HSCC/AIIMS/Convergence Block- skill Lab Fur/2016
01/03/2016 up to 15:00 hrs 01/03/2016 at 15:30 hrs
175. 2016-02-22 Tender for Construction of boundary wall for newly constructed Resident doctors (RMO) Quarters under phase1 for Redevelopment works at Lady Hardinge Medical College & Associated Hospitals, New Delhi
14.03.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 14.03.2016 At 15:00 hrs
174. 2016-02-22 Tender for providing Operation & Maintenance Services at LHMC Residential buildings constructed under phase-1 of redevelopment works at New Delhi
14.03.16 upto 15:00 hrs 14.03.16 At 15:30 hrs
173. 2016-02-22 Amendment02:Tender for “HVAC Works for Construction of Research Laboratory Building at NIAB, Hyderabad”.
11.03.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 11.03.2016 at 15:00 hrs.
172. 2016-02-22 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana:
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/01
14.03.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 14.03.2016 upto 15:00 hrs
171. 2016-02-22 Amendment01:Tender for “External Electrical Works at NIAB Campus,Hyderabad”.
10.03.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 10.03.2016 at 15:00 hrs.
170. 2016-02-19 Amendment01 REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST “Appointment of Consultant for preparation and development of Master plan, Concept designs, Preliminary and Working Drawings, including preparation of Specifications and detailed estimate for the Establishment of Proposed All India Institute of Medical Sciences at i. Mangalagiri( Guntur) ii. Nagpur, Maharashtra iii. Kalyani, West Bengal
11.03.2016 up to 15.00 hrs. 11.03.2016 up to 15.00 hrs.
169. 2016-02-19 Amendment07 Construction of Super Speciality Block at V.S.S Medical College,Burla (Odisha)
HSCC/PMSSY-III/Burla /2015
25.02.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 25.02.2016 at 15:30 hrs
168. 2016-02-19 Amendment 07 supply, installation, testing, commissioning and handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/10
26.02.2016 upto 14:30 hrS 26.02.2016 at 15:00 hrs
167. 2016-02-19 Amendment01 : Construction of Super Specialty Block at Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla (Himachal Pradesh).
24.02.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 24.02.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
166. 2016-02-19 Tender for External Electrical Works at NIAB Campus, Hyderabad
10.03.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 10.03.2016 at 15:00 hrs.
165. 2016-02-19 Tender for HVAC Works for Proposed Research and Laboratory Building at NIAB Hyderabad
11.03.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 11.03.2016 at 15:00 hrs.
164. 2016-02-19 Amendment01: Construction of Super Specialty Block at Guwahati Medical College, Guwahati (Assam).
24.02.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 24.02.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
163. 2016-02-18 Amendment X - Procurement of Medical Equipment and Ambulance for the 1. Yangon Children Hospital, Yangon Myanmar and 2. Sittwe General Hospital, Sittwe, Myanmar
HSCC/PUR/MEA - Myanmar/ Equipment/2015-16
19.02.2016 by 14.00 hrs. 19.02.2016 by 14.30 hrs.
162. 2016-02-17 Tender for HVAC work for proposed New OPD Block & Other Associated Services and their Maintenance during Defect Liability Period in AIIMS Campus, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi for AIIMS, New Delhi
11.03.2016 up to 14:30 hrs. 11.03.2016 at 15:00 hrs.
161. 2016-02-16 Amendment15:Procurement of Medical Equipment for Kalpana Chawala Government Medical College, Karnal
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015/02
23.02.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 23.02.2016 upto 15.00 hrs
160. 2016-02-16 AMENDMENT03 Tender for Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Modular type office & Laboratory Furniture & other associated works like minor civil, electrical, PHE works etc. for Surgical block at AIIMS, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi
HSCC/AIIMS/Surgical-office & Lab Fur/2015
16/02/2016 up to 15:00 hrs 16/02/2016 at 15:30 hrs
159. 2016-02-16 AMENDMENT04 Tender for Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Modular type office & Laboratory Furniture & other associated works like minor civil, electrical, PHE works etc. for Surgical block at AIIMS, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi
HSCC/AIIMS/Surgical-office & Lab Fur/2015
16/02/2016 up to 15:00 hrs 16/02/2016 at 15:30 hrs
158. 2016-02-16 Amendment XXI- Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/5
01.03.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 01.03.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
157. 2016-02-15 AMENDMENT02 Tender for Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Modular type office & Laboratory Furniture & other associated works like minor civil, electrical, PHE works etc. for Surgical block at AIIMS, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi
HSCC/AIIMS/Surgical-office & Lab Fur/2015
16/02/2016 up to 15:00 hrs 16/02/2016 at 15:30 hrs
156. 2016-02-15 Amendment06 Construction of Super Speciality Block at V.S.S Medical College,Burla (Odisha)
HSCC/PMSSY-III/Burla /2015
19.02.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 19.02.2016 at 15:30 hrs
155. 2016-02-15 Amendment04 Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/11
23.02.2016 upto 1430 hrs 23.02.2016 at 1500 Hrs
154. 2016-02-15 Amendment I Construction, Testing, Commissioning, Validation and other associated works of Bio Safety Level-2 & 3 (BSL-2 & BSL-3) Laboratory on ‘Turnkey Basis at Convergence Block, AIIMS, New Delhi.
18.03.2016 upto 15.00 Hrs 18.03.2016 at 15: 30 Hrs
153. 2016-02-15 Construction, Testing, Commissioning, Validation and other associated works of Bio Safety Level-2 & 3 (BSL-2 & BSL-3) Laboratory on ‘Turnkey Basis at Convergence Block, AIIMS, New Delhi.
08.03.2016 Up to 15.00 Hrs 08.03.2016 at 15.30 Hrs
152. 2016-02-12 Amendment III- Procurement of Medical Equipment for Kalpana Chawala Government Medical College, Karnal.
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015/04
24.02.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 24.02.2016 at 15:00 Hrs
151. 2016-02-10 Amendment 06: Supply, installation, testing, commissioning and handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
19.02.2016 upto 14:30 hrS 19.02.2016 at 15:00 hrs
150. 2016-02-10 Amendment04:TENDER FOR TOPOGRAPHICAL, GEOTECHNICAL SURVEY WORK FOR “Construction of School of Public Health for All India Institute of Medical Science at Naya Raipur”
25.02.2016 upto 16:00 hrs 25.02.2016 at 16:30 hrs
149. 2016-02-10 Amendment05 Construction of Super Speciality Block at M.L.N Government Medical College,Allahabad (UP)
17.02.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 17.02.2016 at 15:30 hrs
148. 2016-02-10 Amendment IX - Procurement of Medical Equipment and Ambulance for the 1. Yangon Children Hospital, Yangon Myanmar and 2. Sittwe General Hospital, Sittwe, Myanmar
HSCC/PUR/MEA - Myanmar/ Equipment/2015-16
18.02.2016 by 14.00 hrs. 18.02.2016 by 14.30 hrs.
147. 2016-02-10 REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST “Appointment of Consultant for preparation and development of Master plan, Concept designs, Preliminary and Working Drawings, including preparation of Specifications and detailed estimate for the Establishment of Proposed All India Institute of Medical Sciences at i. Mangalagiri( Guntur) ii. Nagpur, Maharashtra iii. Kalyani, West Bengal
11.03.2016 up to 15.00 hrs. 11.03.2016 up to 15.00 hrs.
146. 2016-02-09 AMENDMENT01_Tender for Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Modular type office & Laboratory Furniture & other associated works like minor civil, electrical, PHE works etc. for Surgical block at AIIMS, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi
HSCC/AIIMS/Surgical-office & Lab Fur/2015
16/02/2016 up to 15:00 hrs 16/02/2016 at 15:30 hrs
145. 2016-02-09 Amendent01:Procurement of Medical Equipment for Kalpana Chawala Government Medical College, Karnal.
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-05
25.02.2016 upto 2.30 P.M 25.02.2016 at 3.00 P.M
144. 2016-02-09 Amendment05 Construction of Super Speciality Block at V.S.S Medical College,Burla (Odisha )
HSCC/PMSSY-III/Burla /2015
15.02.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 15.02.2016 at 15:30 hrs
143. 2016-02-09 Amendment02 Construction of Hostel IV at AIIMS Masjid Moth, New Delhi
16.02.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 16.02.2016 at 15:00 hrs.
142. 2016-02-09 Tender for Augmentation of Plumbing and associated civil work of AIIMS existing Basement at AIIMS, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi
01.03.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 01.03.2016 at 15:00 hrs.
141. 2016-02-09 Amendment14:Procurement of Medical Equipment for Kalpana Chawala Government Medical College, Karnal
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015/02
23.02.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 23.02.2016 upto 15.00 hrs
140. 2016-02-08 Tender for Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of office Furniture & related works including other miscellaneous works like minor civil, electrical, PHE works etc. for Skill laboratory at 2nd floor of convergence block at AIIMS, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi.
HSCC/AIIMS/Convergence Block- skill Lab Fur/2016
23.02.2016 up to 15:00 hrs 23.02.2016 at 15:30 hrs
139. 2016-02-08 Amendment 05 - Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of CSSD Equipments at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi.
07.03.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 07.03.2016 at 15.00 hrs
138. 2016-02-08 Amendment 05 - Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Integration and Data Management System for Modular Operation Theatres at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi.
07.03.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 07.03.2016 upto 15.00 hrs
137. 2016-02-08 Amendment 05 - Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Medical Gas Manifold System at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi.
07.03.2016 upto 14.30 hrS 07.03.2016 upto 15.00 hrs
136. 2016-02-08 Amendment 05- Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Modular Operation Theatres & Minor Operation Theatres at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi.
07.03.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 07.03.2016 at 15.00 hrs
135. 2016-02-08 Amendment 04- Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Pneumatic Tube Transport System at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi.
07.03.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 07.03.2016 upto 15.00 hrs
134. 2016-02-06 Tender for Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/12
26.2.2016, 1430 hrs IST 26.2.2016, 1500 hrs IST
133. 2016-02-06 Providing housekeeping services including cleaning, maintenance, etc. in HSCC Corporate Office located at Plot No. E-6(A), E -13 & 14 tore Sector-I, Noida, U.P.- 201301”
29.02.2016 Upto 1400hrs. 29.02.2016 at 1530hrs.
volume1 / volume1B / volume1C / volume2
132. 2016-02-05 Amendment05 Construction of Super Speciality Block at North Bengal Medical College, Siliguri (W.B)
08.02.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 08.02.2016 at 15:30 hrs
131. 2016-02-05 Amendment05 Construction of Super Specialty Block at Assam Medical College, Dibrugarh (Assam)
08.02.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 08.02.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
130. 2016-02-05 Amendment04 Construction of Super Speciality Block at V.S.S Medical College,Burla (Odisha )
HSCC/PMSSY-III/Burla /2015
09.02.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 09.02.2016 at 15:30 hrs
129. 2016-02-05 Amendment04 Construction of Super Speciality Block at M.L.N Government Medical College,Allahabad (UP)
10.02.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 10.02.2016 at 15:30 hrs
128. 2016-02-05 Amendment03 : Construction of Super Speciality Block at Government Medical College,Aurangabad (Maharastra)
10.02.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 10.02.2016 at 15:30 hrs
127. 2016-02-05 AMENDMENT04: Tender for Construction of Super Speciality Block at R.N.T Medical College, Udaipur(Rajasthan) and their maintenance during Defects Liability Period
09/02/2016 up to 15:00hrs 09/02/2016 at 15:30 hrs
126. 2016-02-04 Amendment04 Construction of Super Speciality Block at North Bengal Medical College, Siliguri (W.B)
08.02.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 08.02.2016 at 15:30 hrs
125. 2016-02-04 Amendment04 Construction of Super Specialty Block at Assam Medical College, Dibrugarh (Assam)
08.02.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 08.02.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
124. 2016-02-04 Amendment XX- Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/5
16.02.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 16.02.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
123. 2016-02-03 Amendment03 Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/11
15.02.2016 upto 1430 hrs 15.02.2016 at 1500 Hrs
122. 2016-02-02 AMENDMENT02: Tender for Construction of Super Speciality Block at R.N.T Medical College, Udaipur(Rajasthan) and their maintenance during Defects Liability Period
09/02/2016 up to 15:00hrs 09/02/2016 at 15:30 hrs
121. 2016-02-02 Amendment01 Construction of Hostel IV at AIIMS Masjid Moth, New Delhi
09.02.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 09.02.2016 at 15:00 hrs.
120. 2016-02-02 Amendment II- Procurement of Medical Equipment for Kalpana Chawala Government Medical College, Karnal.
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015/04
12.02.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 12.02.2016 at 15:00 Hrs
119. 2016-02-02 Amendment03 Construction of Super Speciality Block at V.S.S Medical College,Burla (Odisha )
HSCC/PMSSY-III/Burla /2015
09.02.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 09.02.2016 at 15:30 hrs
118. 2016-02-02 Amendment02 : Construction of Super Speciality Block at Government Medical College,Aurangabad (Maharastra)
10.02.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 10.02.2016 at 15:30 hrs
117. 2016-02-02 Amendment03 : Construction of Super Speciality Block at Government Medical College,Aurangabad (Maharastra)
10.02.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 10.02.2016 at 15:30 hrs
116. 2016-02-02 Amendment03 Construction of Super Speciality Block at M.L.N Government Medical College,Allahabad (UP)
10.02.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 10.02.2016 at 15:30 hrs
115. 2016-02-02 AMENDMENT03: Tender for Construction of Super Speciality Block at R.N.T Medical College, Udaipur(Rajasthan) and their maintenance during Defects Liability Period
09/02/2016 up to 15:00hrs 09/02/2016 at 15:30 hrs
114. 2016-02-02 Amendment03:TENDER FOR TOPOGRAPHICAL, GEOTECHNICAL SURVEY WORK FOR “Construction of School of Public Health for All India Institute of Medical Science at Naya Raipur”
10.02.2016 upto 16:00 hrs 10.02.2016 at 16:30 hrs
113. 2016-02-01 Amendment XIX- Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/5
15.02.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 15.02.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
112. 2016-02-01 Amendment02 Construction of Super Speciality Block at V.S.S Medical College,Burla (Odisha )
HSCC/PMSSY-III/Burla /2015
09.02.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 09.02.2016 at 15:30 hrs
111. 2016-02-01 Amendment03 Construction of Super Specialty Block at Assam Medical College, Dibrugarh (Assam)
04.02.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 04.02.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
110. 2016-02-01 Amendment03 Construction of Super Speciality Block at North Bengal Medical College, Siliguri (W.B)
04.02.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 04.02.2016 at 15:30 hrs
109. 2016-01-30 Amendment02 Construction of Super Speciality Block at M.L.N Government Medical College,Allahabad (UP)
10.02.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 10.02.2016 at 15:30 hrs
108. 2016-01-29 Amendment01_Construction of Super Speciality Block at R.N.T Medical College,Udaipur (Rajasthan)
02.02.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 02.02.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
107. 2016-01-29 Amendment01 : Construction of Super Speciality Block at Government Medical College,Aurangabad (Maharastra)
03.02.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 03.02.2016 at 15:30 hrs
106. 2016-01-29 Amendment01 Construction of Super Speciality Block at M.L.N Government Medical College,Allahabad (UP)
03.02.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 03.02.2016 at 15:30 hrs
105. 2016-01-29 Amendment01 Construction of Super Speciality Block at V.S.S Medical College,Burla (Odisha )
HSCC/PMSSY-III/Burla /2015
01.02.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 01.02.2016 at 15:30 hrs
104. 2016-01-28 Amendment VI- Package-I : Tender for & Ladies Hostel, UG ladies Hostel, Nursing Hostel and internee Hostel including internal & external Electrical, PHE, fire fighting, developments works etc. and its maintenance during defect liability period for Regional Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS) Imphal (Manipur)
08. 02 .2016 up to 15:00 hrs 08. 02.2016 at 15:30 hrs
103. 2016-01-28 Amendment VI - Tender ( Second call) for Package-II : Construction of balance works of OPD Block including internal & external Electrical, air conditioning, PHE, fire fighting, developments works etc and its maintenance during defect liability period for Regional Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS), Imphal (Manipur)
09.02.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 09.02.2016 at 15:30 hrs
102. 2016-01-28 Amendment02 Construction of Super Speciality Block at North Bengal Medical College, Siliguri (W.B)
04.02.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 04.02.2016 at 15:30 hrs
101. 2016-01-28 Amendment I- Procurement of Medical Equipment for Kalpana Chawala Government Medical College, Karnal.
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015/04
02.02.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 02.02.2016 at 15:00 Hrs
100. 2016-01-28 Construction of Super Specialty Block at Guwahati Medical College, Guwahati (Assam).
24.02.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 24.02.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
99. 2016-01-28 Construction of Super Specialty Block at Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla (Himachal Pradesh).
24.02.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 24.02.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
98. 2016-01-28 Amendment XIV - Procurement of Medical Equipment for Kalpana Chawala Government Medical College, Karnal.
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015/02
23.02.2016 upto 02:30 P.M. 23.02.2016 at 03:00 P.M.
97. 2016-01-27 Tender for Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Modular type office & Laboratory Furniture & other associated works like minor civil, electrical, PHE works etc. for Surgical block at AIIMS, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi
HSCC/AIIMS/Surgical-office & Lab Fur/2015
10.02.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 10.02.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
96. 2016-01-27 Amendment 05: Supply, installation, testing, commissioning and handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
10.02.2016 upto 14:30 hrS 10.02.2016 at 15:00 hrs
95. 2016-01-27 Amendment02:TENDER FOR TOPOGRAPHICAL, GEOTECHNICAL SURVEY WORK FOR “Construction of School of Public Health for All India Institute of Medical Science at Naya Raipur”
02.02.2016 upto 16:00 hrs 02.02.2016 at 16:30 hrs
94. 2016-01-27 Amendment 09: Procurement of Medical Equipment for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, (KCGMC) Karnal.
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment /2015-03
11.02.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 11.02.2016 at 15:00 hrs
93. 2016-01-25 Amendment VIII- Procurement of Medical Equipment and Ambulance for the 1. Yangon Children Hospital, Yangon Myanmar and 2. Sittwe General Hospital, Sittwe, Myanmar
HSCC/PUR/MEA - Myanmar/ Equipment/2015-16
10.02.2016 upto 14.00 hrs(package 3) 10.02.2016 at 14.00 hrs (package 3)
92. 2016-01-25 Amendment02 Construction of Super Specialty Block at Assam Medical College, Dibrugarh (Assam)
04.02.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 04.02.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
91. 2016-01-25 AMENDMENT01:Construction of Super specialty block at Siddhartha Medical college Vijayawada (AP)
27.01.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 27.01.2016 at 15:30 hrs
90. 2016-01-22 Amendment01 Construction of Super Speciality Block at North Bengal Medical College, Siliguri(W.B)
28.01.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 28.01.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
89. 2016-01-22 Amendment01 Construction of Super Specialty Block at Assam Medical College, Dibrugarh (Assam)
28.01.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 28.01.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
88. 2016-01-22 Amendment01 Construction of Super Specialty Block at MKCG Medical College, Berhampur (Odisha).
27.01.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 27.01.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
87. 2016-01-21 Amendment02: Construction of Super Specialty Block at Gajra Raja Medical College, Gwalior (MP). and their maintenance during Defects Liability Period.
28.01.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 28.01.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
86. 2016-01-21 Amendment02 Construction of Super Specialty Block at MLB Medical College, Jhansi (UP).
28.01.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 28.01.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
85. 2016-01-21 Amendment04 Construction of Guest House, Auditorium Block, Hostel Block, Substation & AC Plant Room for NIMR, Dwarka New Delhi
05.02.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 05.02.2016 at 14:00 hrs.
84. 2016-01-21 Amendment04 Construction of Guest House, Auditorium Block, Hostel Block, Substation & AC Plant Room for NIMR, Dwarka New Delhi
05.02.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 05.02.2016 at 14:00 hrs.
83. 2016-01-21 Amendment03 Construction of Balance work of Test Research laboratory (animal Facility Building) and work required to make the Test Research laboratory (animal Facility Building) functional
HSCC/ NIMR/ Phase-I / Part-1 & II / 2015
05.02.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 05.02.2016 at 15:00 hrs.
82. 2016-01-21 Amendment01 Construction of Super Specialty Block at Government Medical College, Latur,Maharashtra
HSCC/PMSSY-III/Latur /2015
25.01.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 25.01.2016 at 15:30 hrs
81. 2016-01-21 Amendment01 Construction of Super Specialty Block at Govt. Medical College, Patiala (Punjab)
25.01.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 25.01.2016 at 15:30 hrs
80. 2016-01-21 Amendment 04 - Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of CSSD Equipments at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi.
11.02.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 11.02.2016 at 15.00 hrs
79. 2016-01-21 Amendment 04 - Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Integration and Data Management System for Modular Operation Theatres at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi.
11.02.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 11.02.2016 upto 15.00 hrs
78. 2016-01-21 Amendment 04 - Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Medical Gas Manifold System at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi.
11.02.2016 upto 14.30 hrS 11.02.2016 upto 15.00 hrs
77. 2016-01-21 Amendment 04- Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Modular Operation Theatres & Minor Operation Theatres at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi.
11.02.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 11.02.2016 at 15.00 hrs
76. 2016-01-21 Amendment III for “Development of IT Infrastructure (HMIS, PACS, LAN, EMS, LMS & QMS) for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College & Hospital, Karnal, Haryana”.
02.02.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 02.02.2016 upto 15:00 hrs.
75. 2016-01-21 Amendment 03- Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Pneumatic Tube Transport System at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi.
11.02.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 11.02.2016 at 15.00 hrs
74. 2016-01-20 Amendment03 Construction of boundary wall including other related work etc fo new AIIMS under PMSSY at Kalyani West Bengal and their maintenance during defect liability period
27.01.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 27.01.2016 at 15:30 hrs
73. 2016-01-20 Amendment02 Construction of Super Specialty Block at Shyam Shah Medical College, Rewa (MP).
25.01.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 25.01.2016 at 15:30 hrs
72. 2016-01-20 Amendment02 Construction of Super Specialty Block at NSCB Medical College, Jabalpur (MP)
25.01.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 25.01.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
71. 2016-01-20 Amendment02 Construction of Guest House, Auditorium Block, Hostel Block, Substation & AC Plant Room for NIMR, Dwarka New Delhi
21.01.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 21.01.2016 at 14:00 hrs.
70. 2016-01-20 Amendment03 Construction of Guest House, Auditorium Block, Hostel Block, Substation & AC Plant Room for NIMR, Dwarka New Delhi
21.01.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 21.01.2016 at 14:00 hrs.
69. 2016-01-20 Amendment XIII - Procurement of Medical Equipment for Kalpana Chawala Government Medical College, Karnal.
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015/02
27.01.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 27.01.2016 at 15:00 hrs
68. 2016-01-19 Amendment01 Construction of Balance work of Test Research laboratory (animal Facility Building) and work required to make the Test Research laboratory (animal Facility Building) functional
HSCC/ NIMR/ Phase-I / Part-1 & II / 2015
21.01.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 21.01.2016 at 15:00 hrs.
67. 2016-01-19 Amendment02 Construction of Balance work of Test Research laboratory (animal Facility Building) and work required to make the Test Research laboratory (animal Facility Building) functional
HSCC/ NIMR/ Phase-I / Part-1 & II / 2015
21.01.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 21.01.2016 at 15:00 hrs.
66. 2016-01-19 Amendment01 Construction of Guest House, Auditorium Block, Hostel Block, Substation & AC Plant Room for NIMR, Dwarka New Delhi
21.01.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 21.01.2016 at 14:00 hrs.
65. 2016-01-19 Amendment02 Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/11
03.02.2016 upto 1430 hrs 03.02.2016 at 1500 Hrs
64. 2016-01-19 Amendment VII- Procurement of Medical Equipment and Ambulance for the 1. Yangon Children Hospital, Yangon Myanmar and 2. Sittwe General Hospital, Sittwe, Myanmar
HSCC/PUR/MEA - Myanmar/ Equipment/2015-16
25.01.2016 upto 14.00 hrs(package 3 & 9) 25.01.2016 at 14.00 hrs (package 3 & 9)
63. 2016-01-18 Amendment XVIII- Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/5
01.02.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 01.02.2016 upto 15:00 Hrs
62. 2016-01-18 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-05
09.02.2016 upto 14:30 Hrs 09.02.2016 at 15:00 Hrs
61. 2016-01-18 Amendment01: Construction of Super Specialty Block at Gajra Raja Medical College, Gwalior (MP). and their maintenance during Defects Liability Period.
21.01.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 21.01.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
60. 2016-01-18 Amendment01 Construction of Super Specialty Block at MLB Medical College, Jhansi (UP).
21.01.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 21.01.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
59. 2016-01-18 Amendment01 Construction of Super Specialty Block at Govt. Medical College, Kota (Rajasthan).
22.01.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 22.01.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
58. 2016-01-18 Construction of Super Specialty Block at SP Medical College, Bikaner (Rajasthan).
HSCC/PMSSY/Bikaner /2015
22.01.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 22.01.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
57. 2016-01-16 AMENDMENT04:Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of various below mentioned Medical Equipments for 200 Bedded Nepal- Bharat Maitri Emergency and Trauma Centre (NBMETC) Kathmandu, Nepal.
25.01.2016 by 15.00 hrs (for item no.2,3,5,6,7 ) 25.01.2016 by 15.30 hrs (for item no.2,3,5,6,7 )
56. 2016-01-15 Amendment01 Construction of Super Specialty Block at Shyam Shah Medical College, Rewa (MP).
20.01.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 20.01.2016 at 15:30 hrs
55. 2016-01-15 Amendment01 Construction of Super Specialty Block at NSCB Medical College, Jabalpur (MP)
20.01.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 20.01.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
54. 2016-01-15 Amendment01 Geo-technical (Soil) & Topographical survey at Naya Raipur (C.G)
28.01.2016 upto 16:00 hrs 28.01.2016 at 16:30 hrs
53. 2016-01-14 Amendment02 Construction of boundary wall including other related work etc fo new AIIMS under PMSSY at Kalyani West Bengal and their maintenance during defect liability period
21.01.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 21.01.2016 at 15:30 hrs
52. 2016-01-14 Amendment V- Package-I : Tender for & Ladies Hostel, UG ladies Hostel, Nursing Hostel and internee Hostel including internal & external Electrical, PHE, fire fighting, developments works etc. and its maintenance during defect liability period for Regional Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS) Imphal (Manipur)
28.01.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 28.01.2016 at 15:00 hrs
51. 2016-01-14 Amendment V - Tender ( Second call) for Package-II : Construction of balance works of OPD Block including internal & external Electrical, air conditioning, PHE, fire fighting, developments works etc and its maintenance during defect liability period for Regional Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS), Imphal (Manipur)
29.01.2016 upto 15:00 29.01.2016 at 15:30
50. 2016-01-14 Amendment II for “Development of IT Infrastructure (HMIS, PACS, LAN, EMS, LMS & QMS) for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College & Hospital, Karnal, Haryana”.
22.01.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 22.01.2016 upto 15:00 hrs.
49. 2016-01-12 AMENDMENT03:Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of various below mentioned Medical Equipments for 200 Bedded Nepal- Bharat Maitri Emergency and Trauma Centre (NBMETC) Kathmandu, Nepal.
25.01.2016 by 15.00 hrs (for item no.2,3,5,6,7 ) 25.01.2016 by 15.30 hrs (for item no.2,3,5,6,7 )
48. 2016-01-12 Construction of Hostel IV at AIIMS Masjid Moth, New Delhi
02.02.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 02.02.2016 at 15:00 hrs.
47. 2016-01-12 Amendment III - Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of CSSD Equipments at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi.
22.01.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 22.01.2016 at 15.00 hrs
46. 2016-01-12 Amendment 03 - Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Integration and Data Management System for Modular Operation Theatres at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi.
22.01.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 22.01.2016 upto 15.00 hrs
45. 2016-01-12 Amendment 03 - Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Medical Gas Manifold System at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi.
22.01.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 22.01.2016 upto 15.00 hrs
44. 2016-01-12 Amendment 02- Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Pneumatic Tube Transport System at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi.
22.01.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 22.01.2016 upto 15.00 hrs
43. 2016-01-12 Amendment 03- Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Modular Operation Theatres & Minor Operation Theatres at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi.
22.01.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 22.01.2016 upto 15.00 hrs
42. 2016-01-12 Amendment II- Construction of Boundary wall including other related works etc for New AIIMS under PMSSY at Nagpur, Maharashtra and their maintenance during defect liability period
18.01.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 18.01.2016 at 15:30 hrs
41. 2016-01-12 Amendment XII - Procurement of Medical Equipment for Kalpana Chawala Government Medical College, Karnal.
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015/02
27.01.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 27.01.2016 at 15:00 hrs
40. 2016-01-12 Construction of Super Speciality Block at Government Medical College,Aurangabad (Maharastra)
03.02.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 03.02.2016 at 15:30 hrs
39. 2016-01-12 Construction of Super Speciality Block at M.L.N Government Medical College,Allahabad (UP)
03.02.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 03.02.2016 at 15:30 hrs
38. 2016-01-11 Amendment 04: Supply, installation, testing, commissioning and handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
27.01.2016 upto 14:30 hrS 27.01.2016 at 15:00 hrS
37. 2016-01-11 Geo-technical (Soil) & Topographical survey at Naya Raipur (C.G)
28.01.2016 upto 16:00 hrs 28.01.2016 at 16:30 hrs
36. 2016-01-11 AMENDMENT 08:Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at KalpanaChawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment /2015-03
27.01.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 27.01.2016 at 15.00 hrs
35. 2016-01-11 Construction of Super Speciality Block at R.N.T Medical College,Udaipur (Rajasthan)
02.02.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 02.02.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
34. 2016-01-08 Amendment01 Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/11
19.01.2016 upto 1430 hrs 19.01.2016 at 1500 Hrs
33. 2016-01-08 Construction of Super Speciality Block at V.S.S Medical College,Burla (Odisha )
HSCC/PMSSY-III/Burla /2015
01.02.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 01.02.2016 at 15:30 hrs
32. 2016-01-07 Amendment01 Development of IT Infrastructure(HMIS, PACS, LAN, EMS, LMS& QMS) for Kalpana ChawlaGovt. Medical College &Hospital, Karnal, Haryana
15.01.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 15.01.2016 at 15:00 hrs.
31. 2016-01-07 Amendment01 Construction of boundary wall including other related work etc fo new AIIMS under PMSSY at Kalyani West Bengal and their maintenance during defect liability period
14.01.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 14.01.2016 at 15:30 hrs
30. 2016-01-07 Amendment01 Construction of Boundary Wall including other related works etc for New AIIMS at Manglagiri, Distt. Guntur, Andhra Pradesh under Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana (PMSSY) and their maintenance during Defects Liability Period
13.01.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 13.01.2016 at 15:30 hrs
29. 2016-01-07 Amendment01 Construction of boundary wall including other related work etc fo new AIIMS under PMSSY at Nagpur Maharashtra and their maintenance during defect liability period
12.01.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 12.01.2016 at 15:30 hrs
28. 2016-01-07 Amendment02: Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Modular Operation Theatres & Minor Operation Theatres at Surgical Block, AIIMS, New Delhi.
22.01.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 22.01.2016 at 15.00 hrs
27. 2016-01-07 Amendment02 :Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of CSSD Equipments at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi.
22.01.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 22.01.2016 at 15.00 hrs
26. 2016-01-07 Amendment02 :Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Medical Gas Manifold System for Surgical Block at All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi.
22.01.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 22.01.2016 at 15.00 hrs
25. 2016-01-07 Amendment 02: Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Integration & Data Management System for Modular Operation Theatres at Surgical Block, AIIMS, New Delhi.
22.01.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 22.01.2016 at 15.00 hrs
24. 2016-01-07 Amendment01:Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Pneumatic Tube Transport System for surgical block at AIIMS, Ne w De l h i .
22.01.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 22.01.2016 at 15.00 hrs
23. 2016-01-06 Amendment VI- Procurement of Medical Equipment and Ambulance for the 1. Yangon Children Hospital, Yangon Myanmar and 2. Sittwe General Hospital, Sittwe, Myanmar
HSCC/PUR/MEA - Myanmar/ Equipment/2015-16
25.01.2016 upto 14.00 hrs(package 3 & 9) 25.01.2016 at 14.00 hrs (package 3 & 9)
22. 2016-01-06 Amendment IV Construction of Satellite Centre of PGIMER, Chandigarh at Sangrur
14.01.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 14.01.2016 upto 14:30 hrs
21. 2016-01-05 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-04
28.01.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 28.01.2016 upto 15:00 hrs
20. 2016-01-05 Tender for Construction of Super Specialty Block at Assam Medical College, Dibrugarh (Assam)
28.01.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 28.01.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
19. 2016-01-05 Construction of Super Speciality Block at North Bengal Medical College, Siliguri(W.B)
28.01.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 28.01.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
18. 2016-01-05 Amendment01: Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Modular Operation Theatres & Minor Operation Theatres at Surgical Block, AIIMS, New Delhi.
22.01.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 22.01.2016 at 15.00 hrs
17. 2016-01-05 Amendment01 :Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of CSSD Equipments at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi.
22.01.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 22.01.2016 at 15.00 hrs
16. 2016-01-05 Amendment01 :Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Medical Gas Manifold System for Surgical Block at All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi.
22.01.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 22.01.2016 at 15.00 hrs
15. 2016-01-05 Amendment 01: Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Integration & Data Management System for Modular Operation Theatres at Surgical Block, AIIMS, New Delhi.
22.01.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 22.01.2016 at 15.00 hrs
14. 2016-01-05 AMENDMENT 11:Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital and OPD Block at KalpanaChawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment./2015/02
As per Amendment As per Amendment
13. 2016-01-04 AMENDMENT 07:Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at KalpanaChawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment /2015-03
11.01.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 11.01.2016 at 15.00 hrs
12. 2016-01-04 Tender for Construction of Super Specialty Block at Siddhartha Medical College, Vijayawada (A.P)
27.01.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 27.01.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
11. 2016-01-04 Construction of Super Specialty Block at MKCG Medical College, Berhampur (Odisha).
27.01.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 27.01.2016 at 15:30 hrs.
10. 2016-01-02 Amendment03: Construction of Satellite Centre of PGIMER, Chandigarh at Sangrur (Punjab) including Maintenance During Defect Liability Period (SH: Civil, PHE, Fire Fighting, Internal &External Electrical & HVAC works)
07.01.2016 upto 14:30 hrs 07.01.2016 at 15:00 hrs
9. 2016-01-02 Tender for Construction of Balance work of Test Research laboratory (animal Facility Building) and work required to make the Test Research laboratory (animal Facility Building) functional
HSCC/ NIMR/ Phase-I / Part-1 & II / 2015
21.01.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 21.01.2016 at 15:00 hrs.
8. 2016-01-02 Construction of Guest House, Auditorium Block, Hostel Block, Substation & AC Plant Room for NIMR, Dwarka New Delhi
21.01.2016 upto 14:30 hrs. 21.01.2016 at 14:00 hrs.
7. 2016-01-01 Tender for Construction of Super Specialty Block at Government Medical College, Latur,Maharashtra
HSCC/PMSSY-III/Latur /2015
25.01.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 25.01.2016 at 15:30 hrs
6. 2016-01-01 Tender for Construction of Super Specialty Block at Govt. Medical College, Patiala (Punjab)
25.01.2016 upto 15:00 hrs 25.01.2016 at 15:30 hrs
5. 2016-01-01 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Integration & Data Management System for Modular Operation Theatres at Surgical Block, AIIMS, New Delhi.
22.01.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 22.01.2016 at 15.00 hrs
4. 2016-01-01 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Medical Gas Manifold System for Surgical Block at All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi.
22.01.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 22.01.2016 at 15.00 hrs
3. 2016-01-01 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of CSSD Equipments at Surgical Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi.
22.01.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 22.01.2016 at 15.00 hrs
2. 2016-01-01 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Modular Operation Theatres & Minor Operation Theatres at Surgical Block, AIIMS, New Delhi.
22.01.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 22.01.2016 at 15.00 hrs
1. 2016-01-01 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Pneumatic Tube Transport System for surgical block at AIIMS, Ne w De l h i .
22.01.2016 upto 14.30 hrs 22.01.2016 at 15.00 hrs