

Archive - 2017
Sr. No. Date of Issue Item Last Date Time of receipt of Bids Date Time of Bid opening
821. 2017-12-29 Amendment03:- Construction of Power Grid Vishram Sadan at Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Patna Bihar and their maintenance during Defects Liability Period.
10.01.2018 up to 15:00hrs 10.01.2018 at 15:30 hrs
820. 2017-12-28 Amendment05:- Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super- Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital,New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/36
04.01.2018 up to 14:30 IST 04.01.2018 at 15:00 IST
819. 2017-12-28 Amendment07_Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super- Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital,New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/35
04.01.2018 up to 14:30 PM 04.01.2018 at 15:00 PM
818. 2017-12-27 Tender for Supply, installation, testing, commissioning and handing-over of Medical Equipment.
HSCC/LGBRIMH/Medical Equipment/2017/03
24-01-2018 upto 14:00 IST 24-01-2018 upto 14:30 IST
817. 2017-12-27 Amendment01:- Invitation for Quotations for supply of Low Value Items for below mentioned dept. 1.Dept. of Forensic Medicine for Kalpana Chawla Medical College, Karnal, Haryana.
HSCC/PUR/KCGMC/LowValue/Medical College Items/2017/MC-Forensic Medicine
3rd January 2018 upto 14:00 3rd January 2018 at 14:30
816. 2017-12-26 Amendment14_Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/15
02.01.2018 upto 03:30 P.M. 02.01.2018 at 04:00 P.M.
815. 2017-12-26 Amendment13_Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2017/MC-06
02.01.2018 up to 3.30 P.M. 02.01.2018 at 04:00 P.M.
814. 2017-12-26 Amendment22_Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana.
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/14
26.12.2017 up to 3.30 P.M. 26.12.2017 at 4.00 P.M.
813. 2017-12-23 Amendmet03: Tender for Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for Chittarranjan National Cancer Institute, (Campus –II), Kolkata.
HSCC/PUR/CNCI/Kolkata/Medical Equipment/02
08.01.2018 upto 14:00 IST 08.01.2018 upto 14:30 IST
812. 2017-12-22 Amendment02 Tender for Construction of Power Grid Vishram Sadan at Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Patna (Bihar) and their maintenance during Defects Liability Period.
29.12.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 29.12.2017 upto 15:30 hrs
811. 2017-12-22 Amendment43_Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super- Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital,New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2016/26
02.01.2018 upto 14:30 PM 02.01.2018 upto 15:00 PM
810. 2017-12-21 Amendment01:- Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Medical Gas Manifold System at Govt. Medical College, Amritsar, Punjab
03.01.2018 upto 14.30 hrs. 03.01.2018 at 15.00 hrs.
809. 2017-12-19 Invitation for Quotations for supply of Low Value Items for below mentioned dept. 1.Dept. of Forensic Medicine for Kalpana Chawla Medical College, Karnal, Haryana.
HSCC/PUR/KCGMC/LowValue/Medical College Items/2017/MC-Forensic Medicine
27th December 2017at 14:00 27th December 2017 at 14:30
808. 2017-12-19 Amendment04:- Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super- Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital,New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/36
28.12.2017 up to 14:30 IST 28.12.2017 at 15:00 IST
807. 2017-12-19 Amendment06:- Procurement o f Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super- Specialty B l o c k at Safderjung Hospital,New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/35
28.12.2017 up to 14:30 28.12.2017 at 15:00
806. 2017-12-19 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of CSSD Equipment for Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute (CNCI), Kolkata.
11.01.2018 upto 15:00 IST 11.01.2018 at 15:30 IST
805. 2017-12-19 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Pneumatic Tube Transport System for Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute (CNCI), Kolkata.
11.01.2018 upto 15:00 IST 11.01.2018 at 15:30 IST
804. 2017-12-19 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Laundry Equipment for Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute (CNCI), Kolkata.
11.01.2018 upto 15:00 IST 11.01.2018 at 15:30 IST
803. 2017-12-19 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Kitchen Equipment for Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute (CNCI), Kolkata.
12.01.2018 upto 15:00 IST 12.01.2018 at 15:30 IST
802. 2017-12-19 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Bio Medical Waste Management System for Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute (CNCI), Kolkata.
12.01.2018 upto 15:00 IST 12.01.2018 at 15:30 IST
801. 2017-12-19 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Mortuary for Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute (CNCI), Kolkata.
12.01.2018 upto 15:00 IST 12.01.2018 at 15:30 IST
800. 2017-12-18 Amendment03_Tender for providing Operation and Maintenance Services at AIIMS Housing Complex at Kabir Nagar, Raipur
21.12.2017 up to 15:00 hrs 21.12.2017 at 15:30 hrs.
799. 2017-12-18 Amendment01_Planning, Design, Construction, Supply, Installation, Testing , Commissioning and validation of proposed Animal House Facility and its associated works (HVAC, Electrical, BMS, Plumbing, Clean room Panel Partition, finishing, furnishing and Balance Civil Works of Animal House on ‘Turnkey Basis’ at National Institute of Animal Bio Technology (NIAB), Hyderabad.
HSCC/SES/NIAB/Animal House/Hyderabad/2017
26.12.2017 up to 15:00 PM 26.12.2017 at 15:30 PM
798. 2017-12-18 Amendment13_Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/15
25.12.17 up to 03:30 P.M. 25.12.17 at 04:00 P.M.
797. 2017-12-18 Amendment12_Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2017/MC-06
25.12.17 up to 3.30 P.M. 25.12.17 at 04:00 P.M.
796. 2017-12-18 Amendment21_Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana.
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/14
25.12.2017 up to 3.30 P.M. 25.12.2017 at 4.00 P.M.
795. 2017-12-15 Amendment01_Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana.
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2017- 06/16
12.01.2018 up to 15:30 hrs IST 12.01.2018 at 16:00 hrs IST
794. 2017-12-15 Amendment42_Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super- Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital,New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2016/26
22.12.2017 up to 14:30 PM 22.12.2017 at 15:00 PM
793. 2017-12-14 Amendment02:- Tender for providing Operation & Maintenance Services at AIIMS Housing Complex at Kabir Nagar, Raipur
19.12.2017 up to 15:00 hrs 19.12.2017 at 15:30 hrs
792. 2017-12-14 Amendment01:- Tender for Construction of Dharamshala /Night Shelter at Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Patna (Bihar) and their maintenance during Defects Liability Period
22.12.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 22.12.2017 upto 15:30 hrs
791. 2017-12-14 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Projector System and associated accessories for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
05/01/2018 upto 15:30 hrs IST 05/01/2018 at 16:00 hrs IST
790. 2017-12-14 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana:
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2017- 06/16
12.01.2018 upto 15:30 hrs IST 12.01.2018 at 16:00 hrs IST
789. 2017-12-13 Amendment02: Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for Chittarranjan National Cancer Institute.
HSCC/PUR/CNCI/Kolkata/Medical Equipment/03
10.01.2018 upto 14:00 hrs IST 10.01.2018 at 14:30 hrs IST
788. 2017-12-13 Amendment05:- Procurement o f Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super- Specialty B l o c k at Safderjung Hospital,New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/35
19.12.2017 up to 14:30 19.12.2017 at 15:00
787. 2017-12-13 Amendment01:- Tender for HVAC Work for Burn & Plastic Surgery Block & Other Associated Services and their Maintenance during Defect Liability Period at J.P.N. APEX Trauma Centre AIIMS, New Delhi.
18.12.2017 up to 14:30 18.12.2017 at 15:00
786. 2017-12-12 Amendment01:- Tender for providing Operation & Maintenance Services at AIIMS Housing Complex at Kabir Nagar, Raipur
19.12.2017 up to 15:00 hrs 19.12.2017 at 15:30 hrs
785. 2017-12-12 Amendment03:- Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super- Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital,New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/36
19.12.2017 up to 14:30 IST 19.12.2017 at 15:00 IST
784. 2017-12-11 Amendment03_Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Laundry Equipment for LGB Regional Institute of Mental Health, Tezpur, Assam.
15.12.2017 up to 14:30 PM 15.12.2017 at 15:00 PM
783. 2017-12-11 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Medical Gas Manifold System at Govt. Medical College, Amritsar, Punjab
03.01.2018 upto 14.30 hrs. 03.01.2018 at 15.00 hrs.
782. 2017-12-11 Amendment11: Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2017/MC-06
18.12.17 upto 3.30 P.M. 18.12.17 at 04:00 P.M.
781. 2017-12-11 Amendment20: Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana.
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/14
18.12.17 upto 3.30 P.M. 18.12.17 at 04:00 P.M.
780. 2017-12-11 Amendment12: Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/15
18.12.17 upto 03:30 P.M. 18.12.17 at 04:00 P.M.
779. 2017-12-08 Amendment08_Procurement o f Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super- Specialty B l o c k at Safderjung Hospital,New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Med. Eqpt. /34
15.12.2017 up to 14:30 IST 15.12.2017 at 15:00 IST
778. 2017-12-06 Amendment04:- Procurement o f Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super- Specialty B l o c k at Safderjung Hospital,New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/35
13.12.2017 up to 14:30 13.12.2017 at 15:00
777. 2017-12-05 Amendment02_Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Laundry Equipment for LGB Regional Institute of Mental Health, Tezpur, Assam.
11.12.2017 up to 14:30 PM 11.12.2017 at 15:00 PM
776. 2017-12-05 Amendment02_Procurement o f Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super- Specialty B l o c k at Safderjung Hospital,New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/36
12.12.2017 up to 14:30 IST 12.12.2017 at 15:00 IST
775. 2017-12-05 Amendment02: Invitation for Quotations for supply of Low Value Items for below mentioned dept. 1.Dept. of Ophthalmology for Kalpana Chawla Medical College, Karnal, Haryana.
HSCC/PUR/KCGMC/Low Value/Medical College Items/2017/MC-Ophthalmology.
12.12.2017 up to 14:00 12.12.2017 at 14:30
774. 2017-12-04 Amendment11: Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/15
11.12.17 upto 03:30 P.M. 11.12.17 at 04:00 P.M.
773. 2017-12-04 Amendment19: Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana.
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/14
11.12.17 upto 3.30 P.M. 11.12.17 at 04:00 P.M.
772. 2017-12-04 Amendment10: Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2017/MC-06
11.12.17 upto 3.30 P.M. 11.12.17 at 04:00 P.M.
771. 2017-12-04 Amendment19: Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana.
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/14
11.12.17 upto 3.30 P.M. 11.12.17 at 04:00 P.M.
770. 2017-12-01 Amendment07: Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Med. Eqpt. /34
08.12.2017 upto 14:30 IST 08.12.2017 at 15:00 IST
769. 2017-12-01 Amendmet02: Tender for Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for Chittarranjan National Cancer Institute, (Campus –II), Kolkata.
HSCC/PUR/CNCI/Kolkata/Medical Equipment/02
27.12.2017 upto 14:00 hrs IST 27.12.2017 at 14:30 hrs IST
768. 2017-11-30 Amendment41_Procurement o f Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super- Specialty B l o c k at Safderjung Hospital,New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2016/26
15.12.2017 up to 14:30 PM 15.12.2017 at 15:00 PM
767. 2017-11-30 Tender for Construction of Dharamshala /Night Shelter at Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Patna (Bihar) and their maintenance during Defects Liability Period
14.12.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 14.12.2017 upto 15:30 hrs
766. 2017-11-30 Amendment06_Tender for Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for Chittarranjan National Cancer Institute, (Campus –II), Kolkata.
08.12.2017, 14.00 hrs IST 08.12.2017, 14.30 hrs IST
765. 2017-11-29 Amendment03_Procurement o f Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super- Specialty B l o c k at Safderjung Hospital,New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/35
06.12.2017 up to 14:30 06.12.2017 at 15:00
764. 2017-11-28 Tender Cancellation Notice: EMPANELMENT DOCUMENT for Empanelment of Agencies for Preparation of Models
763. 2017-11-28 Amendment01: Invitation for Quotations for supply of Low Value Items for below mentioned dept. 1.Dept. of Ophthalmology for Kalpana Chawla Medical College, Karnal, Haryana.
HSCC/PUR/KCGMC/Low Value/Medical College Items/2017/MC-Ophthalmology.
05.12.2017 up to 14:00 05.12.2017 at 14:30
762. 2017-11-28 Amendment01:Supply,installation,testing,commissioning and handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency and New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital and VMMC, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/36
05.12.2017, 14:30 hrs IST 05.12.2017, 15:00 hrs IST
761. 2017-11-27 Tender for HVAC Work for Burn & Plastic Surgery Block & Other Associated Services and their Maintenance during Defect Liability Period at J.P.N. APEX Trauma Centre AIIMS, New Delhi.
18.12.2017 up to 14:30 18.12.2017 at 15:00
760. 2017-11-27 Tender for Planning, Design, Construction, supply, installation,Testing, commissioning and validation of proposed Animal House Facility and its associated works of Animal House on Turnkey Basis at National Institute of Animal Biotechnology (NIAB), Hyderabad
HSCC/SES/NIAB/Animal House/Hydrabad/2017
19.12.2017 up to 15:00 19.12.2017 at 15:30
759. 2017-11-27 Tender for providing Operation & Maintenance Services at AIIMS Housing Complex at Kabir Nagar, Raipur
12.12.2017 up to 15:00 hrs 12.12.2017 at 15:30 hrs
758. 2017-11-27 Amendment10: Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/15
04.12.17 upto 03:30 P.M. 04.12.17 at 04:00 P.M.
757. 2017-11-27 Amendment18: Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana.
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/14
04.12.17 upto 3.30 P.M. 04.12.17 at 04:00 P.M.
756. 2017-11-27 Amendment09: Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2017/MC-06
04.12.17 upto 3.30 P.M. 04.12.17 at 04:00 P.M.
755. 2017-11-24 Amendment07_Tender for “Construction of Hospital & Academic Complex at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Manglagiri, Guntur (Andhra Pradesh)”.
01.12.2017 up to 15:00 PM 01.12.2017 at 15:30 PM
754. 2017-11-24 Amendment07_Tender for “Construction of Hospital and Academic Campus at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagpur (Maharashtra)”.
01.12.2017 up to 15:00 PM 01.12.2017 at 15:30 PM
753. 2017-11-24 Amendment06_Tender for “Construction of Hospital & Academic Complex at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Kalyani (West Bengal)”.
01.12.2017 up to 15:00 PM 01.12.2017 at 15:30 PM
752. 2017-11-24 Amendment06: Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Med. Eqpt. /34
01.12.2017 upto 14:30 IST 01.12.2017 at 15:00 IST
751. 2017-11-23 Amendment02: Tender for Providing housekeeping services including cleaning, maintenance, etc. in HSCC Corporate Office located at Plot No. E-6(A), E-13 & E-14, Sector-I, Noida, U.P.-201301.
01.12.2017 upto 01:00 PM 01.12.2017 at 03:30 PM
750. 2017-11-23 Amendment02: Tender for Providing Security Services, etc. in HSCC Offices, Sites, Properties, Client offices, etc located anywhere in India.
01.12.2017 upto 01:00 PM 01.12.2017 at 03:30 PM
749. 2017-11-23 Amendment40_Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super- Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital,New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2016/26
30.11.2017 up to 14:30 IST 30.11.2017 at 15:00 IST
748. 2017-11-23 Amendment05_Tender for Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for Chittarranjan National Cancer Institute, (Campus –II), Kolkata.
01.12.17 up to 14:00 P.M. IST 01.12.17 at 14:30 P.M. IST
747. 2017-11-22 Amendment01: Tender for Providing housekeeping services including cleaning, maintenance, etc. in HSCC Corporate Office located at Plot No. E-6(A), E-13 & E-14, Sector-I, Noida, U.P.-201301.
01.12.2017 upto 01:00 PM 01.12.2017 at 03:30 PM
746. 2017-11-22 Amendment01: Tender for Providing Security Services, etc. in HSCC Offices, Sites, Properties, Client offices, etc located anywhere in India.
01.12.2017 upto 01:00 PM 01.12.2017 at 03:30 PM
745. 2017-11-22 Amendment01: Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Laundry Equipment for LGB Regional Institute of Mental Health, Tezpur, Assam.
05.12.2017 up to 14.30 hrs 05.12.2017 at 15:00 hrs
744. 2017-11-22 Amendment02_Procurement o f Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super- Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital,New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/35
29.11.2017 up to 14:30 29.11.2017 at 15:00
743. 2017-11-21 Amendment04_Invitation for Quotations for supply of Low Value Items for below mentioned dept. Dept. of Neonatal for Kalpana Chawla Medical College, Karnal, Haryana.
HSCC/PUR/KCGMC/Low Value/Medical College Items/2017/MC-Neonatal
27.11.17 upto 14:00 IST 27.11.17 at 14:30 IST
742. 2017-11-21 Invitation for Quotations for supply of Low Value Items for below mentioned dept. 1.Dept. of Ophthalmology for Kalpana Chawla Medical College, Karnal, Haryana.
HSCC/PUR/KCGMC/Low Value/Medical College Items/2017/MC-Ophthalmology.
28.11.2017 up to 14:00 28.11.2017 at 14:30
741. 2017-11-20 Amendment03_Invitation for Quotations for supply of Low Value Items for below mentioned dept. Dept. of Neonatal for Kalpana Chawla Medical College, Karnal, Haryana.
HSCC/PUR/KCGMC/Low Value/Medical College Items/2017/MC-Neonatal
27.11.17 up to 14:00 27.11.17 at 14:30
740. 2017-11-20 Amendment05: Construction of Hospital and Academic Campus at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Kalyani, West Bengal.
24.11.2017 upto 15:00 24.11.2017 at 15:30
739. 2017-11-20 Amendment06: Tender for “Construction of Hospital & Academic Complex at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Manglagiri Guntur (Andhra Pradesh)”.
24.11.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 24.11.2017 at 15:30 hrs
738. 2017-11-20 Amendment06: Construction of Hospital and Academic Campus at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagpur (Maharashtra)
24.11.2017 upto 15:00 24.11.2017 at 15:30
737. 2017-11-20 Amendment17: Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana.
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/14
27.11.17 upto 3.30 P.M. 27.11.17 at 04:00 P.M.
736. 2017-11-20 Amendment09: Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/15
27.11.17 upto 03:30 P.M. 27.11.17 at 04:00 P.M.
735. 2017-11-20 Amendment08: Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2017/MC-06
27.11.17 upto 3.30 P.M. 27.11.17 at 04:00 P.M.
734. 2017-11-20 Amendment03: Invitation for Quotations for supply of Low Value Items for below mentioned dept. Dept. of Community Medicine for Kalpana Chawla Medical College, Karnal, Haryana.
HSCC/PUR/KCGMC/Low Value/Medical College Items/2017/MC-Community Medicine
24.11.2017 upto 14:00 24.11.2017 at 14:30
733. 2017-11-20 Amendment01: Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for Chittarranjan National Cancer Institute.
HSCC/PUR/CNCI/Kolkata/Medical Equipment/03
19.12.2017 upto 14:00 hrs IST 19.12.2017 at 14:30 hrs IST
732. 2017-11-17 Amendment04_Tender for Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for Chittarranjan National Cancer Institute, (Campus –II), Kolkata.
23.11.17 up to 14:00 P.M. at 14:30 P.M.
731. 2017-11-17 Amendment05: Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Med. Eqpt. /34
24.11.2017 upto 14:30 IST 24.11.2017 at 15:00 IST
730. 2017-11-17 Amendment05: Tender for “Construction of Hospital & Academic Complex at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Manglagiri Guntur (Andhra Pradesh)”.
23.11.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 23.11.2017 at 15:30 hrs
730. 2017-11-17 Amendment05: Construction of Hospital and Academic Campus at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagpur (Maharashtra)
24.11.2017 upto 15:00 24.11.2017 at 15:30
729. 2017-11-17 Amendment04: Construction of Hospital and Academic Campus at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Kalyani, West Bengal.
22.11.2017 upto 15:00 22.11.2017 at 15:30
728. 2017-11-17 Amendment01 Construction of Boundary Wall including other related works for AIIMS at Raebareli (U.P.) and their maintenance during Defects Liability Period.
24/11/2017 upto 15:00 hrs 24/11/2017 upto 15:30 hrs
727. 2017-11-16 Amendment03: Construction of Hospital and Academic Campus at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Kalyani, West Bengal.
22.11.2017 upto 15:00 22.11.2017 at 15:30
726. 2017-11-16 Amendment04: Tender for “Construction of Hospital & Academic Complex at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Manglagiri Guntur (Andhra Pradesh)”.
23.11.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 23.11.2017 at 15:30 hrs
725. 2017-11-16 Amendment04: Construction of Hospital and Academic Campus at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagpur (Maharashtra)
24.11.2017 upto 15:00 24.11.2017 at 15:30
724. 2017-11-16 Amendment39_Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super- Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital,New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2016/26
23.11.2017 up to 14:30 23.11.2017 at 15:00
723. 2017-11-15 Amendment04 Tender for Construction of boundary wall for All India Institute of Ayurveda at Sarita Vihar, New Delhi (2 call).
22.11.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 22.11.2017 at 15:30 hrs
722. 2017-11-15 Tenderfor supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for Chittarranjan National Cancer Institute.
HSCC/PUR/CNCI/Kolkata/Medical Equipment/03
19.12.2017 upto 14:00 hrs IST 19.12.2017 at 14:30 hrs IST
721. 2017-11-15 Amendment03_Tender for Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for Chittarranjan National Cancer Institute, (Campus –II), Kolkata.
17.11.17 up to 14:00 P.M. 17.11.17 at 14:30 P.M.
720. 2017-11-14 Amendment01: Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/35
22.11.2017 upto 14:30 hrs IST 22.11.2017 at 15:00 hrs IST
719. 2017-11-14 Amendment03: Construction of Hospital and Academic Campus at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagpur (Maharashtra)
24.11.2017 upto 15:00 24.11.2017 at 15:30
718. 2017-11-14 Amendment02: Construction of Hospital and Academic Campus at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Kalyani, West Bengal.
22.11.2017 upto 15:00 22.11.2017 at 15:30
717. 2017-11-14 Amendment03: Tender for “Construction of Hospital & Academic Complex at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Manglagiri Guntur (Andhra Pradesh)”.
23.11.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 23.11.2017 at 15:30 hrs
716. 2017-11-14 Amendment08: Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/15
20.11.2017 upto 3:30 PM 20.11.2017 at 04:00 PM
715. 2017-11-13 Amendment03: Tender for “Construction of Hospital & Medical College for All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) at Raebareli, Uttar Pradesh (U.P.).
15.11.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 15.11.2017 at 15:30 hrs
714. 2017-11-13 Amendment02: Invitation for Quotations for supply of Low Value Items for below mentioned dept. Dept. of Neonatal for Kalpana Chawla Medical College, Karnal, Haryana.
HSCC/PUR/KCGMC/Low Value/Medical College Items/2017/MC-Neonatal
20.11.2017 upto 14:00 20.11.2017 at 14:30
713. 2017-11-13 Amendment02: Invitation for Quotations for supply of Low Value Items for below mentioned dept. Dept. of Community Medicine for Kalpana Chawla Medical College, Karnal, Haryana.
HSCC/PUR/KCGMC/Low Value/Medical College Items/2017/MC-Community Medicine
20.11.2017 upto 14:00 20.11.2017 at 14:30
712. 2017-11-13 Amendment02_Tender for Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for Chittarranjan National Cancer Institute, (Campus –II), Kolkata.
17.11.17, 14:00 P.M. 17.11.17, 14:30 P.M.
711. 2017-11-13 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Laundry Equipment for LGB Regional Institute of Mental Health, Tezpur, Assam.
05.12.2017 up to 14.30 hrs 05.12.2017 at 15:00 hrs
710. 2017-11-11 Amendment02: Construction of Hospital and Academic Campus at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagpur (Maharashtra)
24.11.2017 upto 15:00 24.11.2017 at 15:30
709. 2017-11-11 Amendment01: Construction of Hospital and Academic Campus at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Kalyani, West Bengal.
22.11.2017 upto 15:00 22.11.2017 at 15:30
708. 2017-11-11 Amendment02_Tender for “Construction of Hospital & Academic Complex at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Manglagiri Guntur (Andhra Pradesh)”.
23.11.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 23.11.2017 at 15:30 hrs
707. 2017-11-10 Amendment07 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016-17/MC-06
20.11.2017 uoto 03:30 PM 20.11.2017 at 04:00 PM
706. 2017-11-10 Amendment07 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/15
20.11.2017 upto 3:30 PM 20.11.2017 at 04:00 PM
705. 2017-11-10 Amendment16: Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana.
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/14
20.11.2017 upto 3.30 P.M. 20.11.2017 at 4.00 P.M.
704. 2017-11-10 Amendment04: Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Med. Eqpt. /34
17.11.2017 UPTO 14.30 hrs IST 17.11.2017 AT 15.00 hrs IST
703. 2017-11-08 Tender for Providing housekeeping services including cleaning, maintenance, etc. in HSCC Corporate Office located at Plot No. E-6(A), E-13 & E-14, Sector-I, Noida, U.P.-201301.
22.11.2017 upto 13:00 22.11.2017 at 15:30
702. 2017-11-08 Tender for Providing Security Services, etc. in HSCC Offices, Sites, Properties, Client offices, etc located anywhere in India.
22.11.2017 upto 13:00 22.11.2017 at 15:30
701. 2017-11-08 Amendment03 Tender for Construction of boundary wall for All India Institute of Ayurveda at Sarita Vihar, New Delhi (2 call).
15.11.2017 upto 15:00 15.11.2017 at 15:30
700. 2017-11-08 Amendmet01: Tender for Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for Chittarranjan National Cancer Institute, (Campus –II), Kolkata.
HSCC/PUR/CNCI/Kolkata/Medical Equipment/02
06.12.2017 upto 14:00 hrs IST 06.12.2017 at 14:30 hrs IST
699. 2017-11-08 Amendment38:Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super- Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital,New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2016/26
16.11.2017 upto 14:30 PM 16.11.2017 at 15:00 PM
698. 2017-11-08 Amendment02: Tender for “Construction of Hospital & Medical College for All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) at Raebareli, Uttar Pradesh (U.P.).
15.11.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 15.11.2017 at 15:30 hrs
697. 2017-11-07 Supply,installation,testing,commissioning and handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency and New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital and VMMC, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/36
28.11.2017, 14:30 hrs IST 28.11.2017, 15:00 hrs IST
696. 2017-11-07 Amendment03: Tender for Construction of Super Specialty Block at Goa Medical College, Bambolim (GOA) and their maintenance during Defects Liability Period
08.11.2017 upto 15:00 hrs. 08.11.2017 at 15:30 hrs.
695. 2017-11-07 Amendment01: Tender for “Construction of Hospital & Medical College for All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) at Raebareli, Uttar Pradesh (U.P.).
15.11.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 15.11.2017 at 15:30 hrs
694. 2017-11-06 Amendment02 Construction of Super Speciality Block at Goa Medical College, Bambolim (GOA)
08.11.2017 upto 15:00 hrs. 08.11.2017 at 15:30 hrs.
693. 2017-11-06 Invitation on line for Quotations for supply of Low Equipment for Community Medicine for Medical College, at Pali, Rajasthan.
HSCC/PUR/PALI/ Community Medicine/ Quot/02
13 th Nov. 2017 upto 14:00 13 th Nov. 2017 at 14:30
692. 2017-11-06 Invitation online for Quotations for supply of Low Equipment for Biochemistry for Medical College, at Pali, Rajasthan.
HSCC/PUR/PALI/ Biochemistry/ Quot/02
13 th Nov. 2017 upto 14:00 13 th Nov. 2017 at 14:30
691. 2017-11-06 Amendment01_Invitation for Quotations for supply of Low Value Items for below mentioned dept. Dept. of Community Medicine for Kalpana Chawla Medical College, Karnal, Haryana.
HSCC/PUR/KCGMC/Low Value/Medical College Items/2017/MC-Community Medicine
13.11.17 at 14:00 13.11.17 at 14:30
690. 2017-11-06 Amendment01_Invitation for Quotations for supply of Low Value Items for below mentioned dept. Dept. of Neonatal for Kalpana Chawla Medical College, Karnal, Haryana.
HSCC/PUR/KCGMC/Low Value/Medical College Items/2017/MC-Neonatal
13.11.17 at 14:00 13.11.17 at 14:30
689. 2017-11-04 NOTICE INVITING TENDER for Construction of Boundary Wall including other related works for AIIMS at Raebareli (U.P.) and their maintenance during Defects Liability Period.
21/11/2017 upto 15:00 hrs 21/11/2017 upto 15:30 hrs
688. 2017-11-03 Amendment02 Tender for Construction of boundary wall for All India Institute of Ayurveda at Sarita Vihar, New Delhi (2 call).
08/11/2017 to 15:00 hrs 08/11/2017 upto 15:30 hrs
687. 2017-11-03 Amendment03 Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Med. Eqpt. /34
10.11.2017 UPTO 14.30 hrs IST 10.11.2017 AT 15.00 hrs IST
686. 2017-11-03 Amendment01 Construction of Super Speciality Block at Goa Medical College, Bambolim (GOA)
08.11.2017 upto 15:00 hrs. 08.11.2017 at 15:30 hrs.
685. 2017-11-03 Amendment36 :Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/12
10.11.2017 upto 3.30 PM 10.11.2017 at 4.30 PM
684. 2017-11-02 Tender for Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for Chittarranjan National Cancer Institute, (Campus –II), Kolkata.
HSCC/PUR/CNCI/Kolkata/Medical Equipment/02
06.12.2017 at 14:00 hrs IST 06.12.2017 upto 14:30 hrs IST
683. 2017-11-01 Amendment02_Invitation on line for Quotations for supply of Low Equipment for Anatomy for Medical College, at Pali, Rajasthan.
08.11.17, 14:00 P.M. 08.11.17, 14:30 P.M.
682. 2017-11-01 Amendment01_Invitation on line for Quotations for supply of Low Equipment for Physiology for Medical College at Pali, Rajasthan.
08.11.17, 14:00 P.M 08.11.17, 14:30 P.M
681. 2017-11-01 Amendment01_Invitation on line for Quotations for supply of Low Equipment for Biochemistry for Medical College, at Pali, Rajasthan.
HSCC/PUR/PALI/ Biochemistry/Quot/01
08.11.17, 14:00 P.M 08.11.17, 14:30 P.M
680. 2017-11-01 Amendment01_Invitation on line for Quotations for supply of Low Equipment for Community Medicine for Medical College, at Pali, Rajasthan.
HSCC/PUR/PALI/Community Medicine/Quot/01
08.11.17, 14:00 P.M. 08.11.17, 14:30 P.M.
679. 2017-11-01 Amendment04_Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block& Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/33
06.11.2017,14:30PM 06.11.2017,15:00PM
678. 2017-11-01 Amendment37_Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super- Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital,New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2016/26
08.11.2017,14:30PM 08.11.2017,15:00PM
677. 2017-10-31 INVITATION FOR QUOTATION For Department of Neonatal – Neonatal Resucitation Trolley.
HSCC/PUR/KCGMC/Low Value/Medical College Items/2017/MC-Neonaal
6th Nov. 2017 at 14:00 6th Nov. 2017 upto 14:30
676. 2017-10-31 Invitation for Quotations for supply of Low Value Items for below mentioned dept. 1. Dept. of Community Medicine for Kalpana Chawla Medical College, Karnal, Haryana.
HSCC/PUR/KCGMC/Low Value/Medical College Items/2017/MC-Community Medicine
6th Nov. 2017 at 14:00 6th Nov. 2017 upto 14:30
675. 2017-10-31 INVITATION FOR QUOTATION For Department of Pathology
HSCC/PUR/KCGMC/Low Value/Medical College Items/2017/MC-Pathology
07.11.17 at 14:00 07.11.17 upto 14:30
674. 2017-10-31 Amendment06 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/15
10.11.2017 at 3.30 PM 10.11.2017 upto 4.00 PM
673. 2017-10-31 Amendment06 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016-17/MC-06
10.11.2017 at 3.30 P.M. 10.11.2017 upto 4.00 P.M.
672. 2017-10-31 Amendment15 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/14
10.11.2017 at 3.30 P.M. 10.11.2017 upto 4.00 P.M.
671. 2017-10-30 Notice Inviting Quotation for Repairing , Overhauling & Handover of already existing Steam Generator and Water Softening System including one year Defect Liability period of entire system from date of handover at North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health & Medical Sciences, Shillong.
HSCC/SES/Boiler/Repair/NEIGRI HMS /2017
Up to 16.00 Hrs on 03.11.2017 Up to 16.00 Hrs on 03.11.2017
670. 2017-10-30 Amendment02 Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/34
05.11.2017 UPTO 14.30 hrs IST 05.11.2017 AT 15.00 hrs IST
669. 2017-10-30 Tender Cancellation Notice: Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Laundry Equipment for LGB Regional Institute of Mental Health, Tezpur, Assam.
668. 2017-10-30 INVITATION FOR QUOTATION For Department of Neonatal –vNeonatal Resucitation Trolley
HSCC/PUR/KCGMC/Low Value/Medical College Items/2017/MC-Neonaal
6th Nov. 2017 at 14:00 6th Nov. 2017 at 14:30
667. 2017-10-27 Amendment05 Construction of “Additions/ alterations in existing Hospital, Diagnostic Block, OPD Block and New construction of Teaching Block at Mizoram Institute of Medical Education and Research, Falkawn
Amendment05 Construction of “Additions/ alterations in existing Hospital, Diagnostic Block, OPD Block and New construction of Teaching Block at Mizoram Institute of Medical Education and Research, Falkawn
27.10.2017 up t o 15:00 hrs 27.10.2017 at 15:30 hrs
665. 2017-10-26 Amendment03 Supply, Installation, Testing & commissioning of Operation Theatre and HVAC works for OT & its allied Area at LGB Regional Institute of Mental Health, Tezpur, Assam
01.11.2017 upto 14:30 Hrs 01.11.2017 at 15:00 Hrs
664. 2017-10-26 Invitation on line for Quotations for supply of Low Equipment for Physiology for Medical College at Pali, Rajasthan.
HSCC/PUR/PALI/ Physiology/ Quot/02
8th Nov. 2017 at 14:00 Hrs 8th Nov. 2017 at 14:30 Hrs
663. 2017-10-26 Amendment01 Invitation on line for Quotations for supply of Low Equipment for Anatomy for Medical College, at Pali, Rajasthan.
HSCC/PUR/PALI/ Anatomy/ Quot/01
2nd Nov. 2017 upto 14:00 2nd Nov. 2017 at 1430
662. 2017-10-25 Amendment04 Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning and handing-over of various Medical Equipment for Medical College at Pali , Rajasthan
Item no. 2,4,5 and 6 31.10.2017, upto 14.00 hrs IST Item no. 15 31.10.2017, upto 14.00 hrs IST Item no 1, 3, 7, 8, 9,10, 11 and 12 31.10.2017, upto 14.00 hrs IST Item no 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23 01.11.2017, upto 14.00 hrs IST Item no. 2,4,5 and 6 31.10.2017, upto 14.30 hrs IST Item no. 15 31.10.2017, upto 14.30 hrs IST Item no 1, 3, 7, 8, 9,10, 11 and 12 31.10.2017, upto 14.30 hrs IST Item no 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23 01.11.2017, upto 14.30 hrs IST
661. 2017-10-25 Amendment01 Tender for Construction of boundary wall for All India Institute of Ayurveda at Sarita Vihar, New Delhi (2 call).
03.11.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 03.11.2017 at 15:30 hrs
660. 2017-10-25 Amendment01 Construction of Hospital and Academic Campus at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagpur (Maharashtra)
14.11.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 14.11.2017 at 15:30 hrs.
659. 2017-10-25 Amendment01 Construction of Hospital and Academic Campus at All India Institute of Medical Sciences Mangalagiri, Distt. Guntur (Andhra Pradesh)
15.11.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 15.11.2017 at 15:30 hrs.
658. 2017-10-25 Construction of Hospital and Academic Campus at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Kalyani, West Bengal.
16.11.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 16.11.2017 at 15:30 hrs
657. 2017-10-24 Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/35
14.11.2017, 1430 hrs IST 14.11.2017, 1500 hrs IST
656. 2017-10-24 Amendment35 :Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/12
02.11.2017,3.30PM 02.11.2017,4.00PM
655. 2017-10-24 Amendment02 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2017-06/15
31.10.2017, 3.30 PM 31.10.2017, 4.00 PM
654. 2017-10-24 Amendment02 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Operation Theatre & HVAC works for OT & its Allied Area at LGB Regional Institute of Mental Health, Tezpur, Assam.
26.10.2017 upto 14:30 Hrs 26.10.2017 at 15:00 Hrs
653. 2017-10-24 Invitation on line for Quotations for supply of Low Equipment for Anatomy for Medical College, at Pali, Rajasthan.
HSCC/PUR/PALI/ Anatomy/ Quot/01
2nd Nov. 2017 at 14:00 2nd Nov. 2017 at 14:00
652. 2017-10-24 Invitation on line for Quotations for supply of Low Equipment for Biochemistry for Medical College, at Pali, Rajasthan.
HSCC/PUR/PALI/ Biochemistry/ Quot/01
6th Nov. 2017 at 14:00 6th Nov. 2017 at 14:00
651. 2017-10-24 Invitation on line for Quotations for supply of Low Equipment for Community Medicine for Medical College, at Pali, Rajasthan.
HSCC/PUR/PALI/ Community Medicine/ Quot/01
7th November at 14:00 Hrs 7th November at 14:30 Hrs
650. 2017-10-24 Invitation on line for Quotations for supply of Low Equipment for Physiology for Medical College, at Pali, Rajasthan.
HSCC/PUR/PALI/ Physiology/ Quot/01
3rd Nov. 2017 at 14:00 Hrs 3rd Nov. 2017 at 14:30 Hrs
649. 2017-10-24 Amendment05 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016-17/MC-06
31.10.2017, 15:30 hrs IST 31.10.2017, 16:00 hrs IST
648. 2017-10-24 Amendment 14 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/14
31.10.2017 upto 15:30 hrs 31.10.2017 at 16:00 hrs
647. 2017-10-24 Amendment03 Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/33
01.11.2017, 1430 hrs IST 01.11.2017, 1500 hrs IST
646. 2017-10-24 Amendment26: Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2016/29
01.11.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 01.11.2017 upto 15:00 hrs
645. 2017-10-24 Amendment02 Invitation for Quotations for supply of Low Value Items for below mentioned dept. 1. Dept. of Dental for Kalpana Chawla Medical College, Karnal, Haryana.
HSCC/PUR/KCGMC/Low Value/Medical College Items/2017/MC-Dental
31.10.17 upto 14:00 31.10.17 at 14:30
644. 2017-10-24 Amendment36 for Procurement o f Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super- Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital,New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2016/26
01.11.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 01.11.2017 at 15:00 hrs
643. 2017-10-24 Construction of Hospital and Academic Campus at All India Institute of Medical Sciences Mangalagiri, Distt. Guntur (Andhra Pradesh)
15.11.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 15.11.2017 at 15:30 hrs.
642. 2017-10-24 Tender for Construction of Hospital & MedicalCollege for All India Institute ofMedical Sciences (AIIMS) atRaebareli, Uttar Pradesh (U.P.)
15/11/2017 upto 15:00 hrs 15/11/2017 at 15:30 hrs
641. 2017-10-24 Amendment02_Invitation for Quotations for supply of Low Value Items for below mentioned dept. Dept. of Pathology for Kalpana Chawla Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/PUR/KCGMC/Low Value/Medical College Items/2017/MC-Pathology
31st October 2017at 14:00 31st October 2017 at 14:30
640. 2017-10-23 Tender for Construction of Hospital and Academic Campus at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagpur (Maharashtra)
14.11.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 14.11.2017 at 15:30 hrs.
639. 2017-10-23 Amendment04 Tender for Additions/ alterations in existing Hospital, Diagnostic Block, OPD Block and New construction of Teaching Block at Mizoram Institute of Medical Education and Research, Falkawn, Aizawl.
27.10.2017 up t o 15:00 hrs 27.10.2017 at 15:30 hrs
638. 2017-10-23 Amendment03 Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for M e d i c a l C o l l e g e a t P a l i , R a j a s t h a n
Item no. 2,4,5 and 6 31.10.2017, upto 14.00 hrs IST Item no. 15 25.10.2017, upto 14.00 hrs IST Item no 1, 3, 7, 8, 9,10, 11 and 12 31.10.2017, upto 14.00 hrs IST Item no 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23 01.11.2017, upto 14.00 hrs IST Item no. 2,4,5 and 6 31.10.2017, upto 14.30 hrs IST Item no. 15 25.10.2017, upto 14.30 hrs IST Item no 1, 3, 7, 8, 9,10, 11 and 12 31.10.2017, upto 14.30 hrs IST Item no 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23 01.11.2017, upto 14.30 hrs IST
637. 2017-10-20 Tender for Construction of boundary wall for All India Institute of Ayurveda at Sarita Vihar, New Delhi (2nd call)
03.11.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 03.11.2017 at 15:30 hrs
636. 2017-10-18 Notice Inviting e-Tender for Construction of Hospital and Academic Campus at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagpur (Maharashtra)
Tender no: HSCC/PMSSY/AIIMS/Nagpur/ H&A/2017
14.11.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 14.11.2017 at 15:३0 hrs
635. 2017-10-18 Notice Inviting e-Tender for Construction of Hospital and Academic Campus at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalagiri, Distt. Guntur (AP)
Tender no: HSCC/PMSSY/AIIMS/Guntur/ H&A/2017
15.11.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 15.11.2017 at 15:30 hrs
634. 2017-10-18 Notice Inviting e-Tender for Construction of Hospital and Academic Campus at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Kalyani (West Bengal)
Tender no: HSCC/PMSSY/AIIMS/Kalyani/ H&A/2017
16.11.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 16.11.2017 at 15:30 hrs
633. 2017-10-17 Amendment no 05 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning and handing over of following Medical Equipment at All India Institute of Ayurveda, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi.
25.10.2017, 14.00 hrs IST 25.10.2017, 14.30 hrs IST
632. 2017-10-17 Amendment 04 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning and handing over of following Quality Control Lab. & Instrumentation Equipment at All India Institute of Ayurveda, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi.
25.10.2017, 14.00 hrs IST 25.10.2017, 14.30 hrs IST
631. 2017-10-17 Amendment02 Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/33
24.10.2017, 1430 hrs IST 24.10.2017, 1500 hrs IST
630. 2017-10-17 Amendment04 Tender for “CONSTRUCTION OF NEW ENT HOSPITAL AT VACOAS, MAURITIUS”
24.10.2017 up to 15:00hrs 24.10.2017 at 15:30 hrs
629. 2017-10-17 Amendment 04 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning and handing over of following Medical Equipment at All India Institute of Ayurveda, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi
25.10.2017, 14.00 hrs IST 25.10.2017, 14.30 hrs IST
628. 2017-10-16 Amendment02 Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for M e d i c a l C o l l e g e a t P a l i , R a j a s t h a n
(Item no. 1 to 12) 24.10.2017, 14.00 hrs IST (Item no. 13 to 23 ) 25.10.2017, 14.00 hrs IST (Item no. 1 to 12) 24.10.2017, 14.30 hrs IST (Item no. 13 to 23) 25.10.2017, 14.30 hrs IST
627. 2017-10-16 Amendment35 for Procurement o f Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super- Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital,New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2016/26
24.10.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 24.10.2017 at 15:00 hrs
626. 2017-10-16 Amendment01 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Operation Theatre & HVAC works for OT & its Allied Area at LGB Regional Institute of Mental Health, Tezpur, Assam.
24.10.2017 upto 14:30 Hrs 24.10.2017 at 15:00 Hrs
625. 2017-10-16 Construction of Super Speciality Block at Goa Medical College, Bambolim (GOA )
08.11.2017 upto 15:00 hrs. 08.11.2017 at 15:30 hrs.
624. 2017-10-13 Tender cancellation Notice: Outsourcing of Laboratory Diagnostic facilities in New Super- Specialty Block in Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
Safdarjung / Tender/Laboratory Doagnostic facility/2017/1
623. 2017-10-13 Tender cancellation Notice: Outsourcing of Radio-diagnostic Facilities in New Super-Specialty Block in Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
Safdarjung / Tender/ Diagnostic Imaging Centre/2017/2
622. 2017-10-13 Amendment no 04 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning and handing over of following Medical Equipment at All India Institute of Ayurveda, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi.
17.10.2017, 14.00 hrs IST 17.10.2017, 14.30 hrs IST
621. 2017-10-13 Invitation for Quotations for supply of Low Value Items for below mentioned dept. Dept. of Pathology for Kalpana Chawla Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/PUR/KCGMC/Low Value/Medical College Items/2017/MC-Pathology
24th October 2017 at 14:00 24th October 2017 at 14:30
620. 2017-10-13 Amendment01 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2017-06/15
24.10.2017, 15:30 hrs IST 24.10.2017, 16:00 hrs IST
619. 2017-10-13 Amendment34 :Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/12
24.10.17 upto 3.30 P.M 24.10.2017 at 4.00 P.M.
608. 2017-10-13 Amendment 13 :Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/14
24.10.2017 upto 15:30 hrs 24.10.2017 at 16:00 hrs
607. 2017-10-13 Amendment04 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016-17/MC-06
24.10.2017, 15:30 hrs IST 24.10.2017, 16:00 hrs IST
616. 2017-10-12 Tender for NABH (MIS) ACCREDITED Imaging Diagnostic SET-UPS FOR OUTSOURCING OF RADIO-DIAGNOSIS INVESTIGATION SERVICES in New Super-Specialty Block in Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
Safdarjung/Tender/Diagnostic Imaging Center/2017/2
03.11.2017 AT 2.30 P.M. TENDER CANCELLED 03.11.2017 AT 3.00 P.M. TENDER CANCELLED
615. 2017-10-12 Tender for NABL ACCREDITED Laboratory Diagnostic SET-UPS FOR OUTSOURCING OF Laboratory Diagnostic Facilities in New Super-Specialty Block in Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
Safdarjung/Tender/Lab.Diagnostic Center/2017/1
03.11.2017 AT 2.30 P.M. TENDER CANCELLED 03.11.2017 AT 3.00 P.M TENDER CANCELLED
614. 2017-10-12 Amendment01 Tender for Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for Chittarranjan National Cancer Institute, (Campus –II), Kolkata
13.11.2017, 14:00 hrs IST 13.11.2017, 14:30 hrs IST
613. 2017-10-12 Amendment 01 Tender for Additions/ alterations in existing Hospital, Diagnostic Block, OPD Block and New construction of Teaching Block at Mizoram Institute of Medical Education and Research, Falkawn, Aizawl.
16.10.2017 upto 15.00 hrs 16.10.2017 At 15.30 hrs
612. 2017-10-12 Amendment02 Tender for Additions/ alterations in existing Hospital, Diagnostic Block, OPD Block and New construction of Teaching Block at Mizoram Institute of Medical Education and Research, Falkawn, Aizawl
16.10.2017 upto 15.00 hrs 16.10.2017 At 15.30 hrs
611. 2017-10-12 Amendment03 Tender for Additions/ alterations in existing Hospital, Diagnostic Block, OPD Block and New construction of Teaching Block at Mizoram Institute of Medical Education and Research, Falkawn, Aizawl.
24.10.2017 up t o 15:00 hrs 24.10.2017 at 15:30 hrs
610. 2017-10-11 Amendment 03 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning and handing over of following Medical Equipment at All India Institute of Ayurveda, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi.
17.10.2017, upto 13.30 hrs IST 17.10.2017, 14.30 hrs IST
609. 2017-10-11 Amendment 03 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning and handing over of following Quality Control Lab. & Instrumentation Equipment at All India Institute of Ayurveda, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi.
17.10.2017, upto 13.00 hrs IST 17.10.2017, 14.30 hrs IST
608. 2017-10-11 Amendment01 Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for M e d i c a l C o l l e g e a t P a l i , R a j a s t h a n
(Item no. 1 to 12) 24.10.2017, 14.00 hrs IST (Item no. 13 to 23 ) 25.10.2017, 14.00 hrs IST (Item no. 1 to 12) 24.10.2017, 14.30 hrs IST (Item no. 13 to 23) 25.10.2017, 14.30 hrs IST
607. 2017-10-10 AMENDMENT 3:Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Medical Gas Manifold System for Super Specialty Block, Kolkata Medical College under Phase –I of PMSSY
10.10.2017 Up to 15.00 Hrs 10.10.2017 at 15:30 Hrs
606. 2017-10-10 AMENDMENT 3: Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Modular Operation Theatres for Super Specialty Block, Kolkata Medical College under Phase –I of PMSSY
12.10.2017 Up to 15.00 Hrs 12.10.2017 at 15:30 Hrs
605. 2017-10-10 Amendment 03 :Tender for “CONSTRUCTION OF NEW ENT HOSPITAL AT VACOAS, MAURITIUS”
17.10.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 17.10.2017 at 15:30 hrs
604. 2017-10-10 Tender for Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for Chittarranjan National Cancer Institute, (Campus –II), Kolkata
13.11.2017, 14:00 hrs IST 13.11.2017, 14:30 hrs IST
603. 2017-10-10 EOI & PIM for Strategic Disinvestment of HSCC(I) Limited by way of Aquisition of similarly placed CPSE 8 November 2017 Up To 1500 Hrs. 8 November 2017
602. 2017-10-09 Amendment XXXIV : Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/26
16.10.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 16.10.2017 at 15:00 hrs
601. 2017-10-09 Amendment 3: Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning and handing over of following Medical Equipment at All India Institute of Ayurveda, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi.
21.10.2017 upto 14.00 hrs IST 21.10.2017 at 14.30 hrs IST
600. 2017-10-09 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Operation Theatre & HVAC works for OT & its Allied Area at LGB Regional Institute of Mental Health, Tezpur, Assam.
24.10.2017 upto 14:30 Hrs 24.10.2017 at 15:00 Hrs
599. 2017-10-06 Tender cancellation Notice: Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2016/32
598. 2017-10-06 NOTICE INVITING QUOTATION Preparing BOQ, detail estimate & Specification for Medical college & Auditorium for Proposed Flacq Medical college & Hospital Project at Mauritius.
12.10.2017 upto 13:00 hrs 13.10.2017 upto 15:00 hrs and Opening same day at 15:30 hrs
597. 2017-10-06 Amendment25: Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2016/29
13.10.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 13.10.2017 at 15:00 hrs
596. 2017-10-06 Amendment 02:Tender for “CONSTRUCTION OF NEW ENT HOSPITAL AT VACOAS, MAURITIUS”
10.10.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 10.10.2017 at 15:30 hrs
595. 2017-10-06 Amendment 12 :Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/14
13.10.2017 upto 15:30 hrs 13.10.2017 at 16:00 hrs
594. 2017-10-06 Amendment33 :Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/12
13.10.17 upto 3.30 P.M 13.10.2017 at 4.00 P.M.
593. 2017-10-06 Amendment03 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016-17/MC-06
13.10.2017, 15:30 hrs IST 13.10.2017, 16:00 hrs IST
592. 2017-10-05 Amendment 01:Tender for “CONSTRUCTION OF NEW ENT HOSPITAL AT VACOAS, MAURITIUS”
10.10.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 10.10.2017 at 15:30 hrs
591. 2017-10-05 AMENDMENT 2: Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Modular Operation Theatres for Super Specialty Block, Kolkata Medical College under Phase –I of PMSSY
10.10.2017 Up to 15.00 Hrs 10.10.2017 at 15:30 Hrs
590. 2017-10-05 AMENDMENT 2:Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Medical Gas Manifold System for Super Specialty Block, Kolkata Medical College under Phase –I of PMSSY
10.10.2017 Up to 15.00 Hrs 10.10.2017 at 15:30 Hrs
589. 2017-10-03 Invitation for Quotations for supply of Low Value Items for below mentioned dept. Dept. of Pathology for Kalpana Chawla Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/PUR/KCGMC/Low Value/Medical College Items/2017/MC-Pathology
12 October 2017 at 14:00 12 October 2017 at 14:30
588. 2017-09-29 Amendment 02 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning and handing over of following Blood Bank Equipment at All India Institute of Ayurveda, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi.
10.10.2017, 14.00 hrs IST 10.10.2017, 14.30 hrs IST
587. 2017-09-29 Amendment 02 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning and handing over of following Medical Equipment at All India Institute of Ayurveda, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi.
11.10.2017, 14.00 hrs IST 11.10.2017, 14.30 hrs IST
586. 2017-09-29 Amendment 02 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning and handing over of following Medical Equipment at All India Institute of Ayurveda, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi.
10.10.2017, 14.00 hrs IST 10.10.2017, 14.30 hrs IST
585. 2017-09-29 Amendment 02 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning and handing over of following Quality Control Lab. & Instrumentation Equipment at All India Institute of Ayurveda, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi.
11.10.2017, 14.00 hrs IST 11.10.2017, 14.30 hrs IST
584. 2017-09-29 Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning and handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency and New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital and VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/34
23.10.2017 UPTO 14.30 hrs IST 23.10.2017 AT 1500 hrs IST
583. 2017-09-29 Amendment24: Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2016/29
06.10.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 06.10.2017 at 15:00 hrs
582. 2017-09-29 Amendment03 Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2016/32
06.10.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 06.10.2017 upto 15:00 hrs
581. 2017-09-29 Amendment02 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016-17/MC-06
06.10.2017, 15:30 hrs IST 06.10.2017, 16:00 hrs IST
580. 2017-09-29 Amendment 11 :Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/14
06.10.2017 upto 15:30 hrs 06.10.2017 at 16:00 hrs
579. 2017-09-29 Amendment32 :Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/12
06.10.17 upto 3.30 P.M 06.10.2017 at 4.00 P.M.
578. 2017-09-28 Amendment 1 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of office & Hostel furniture and other associated works like minor civil, electrical, PHE works etc. and their maintenance during defect liability period at Govt. Medical College at district Pali (Rajasthan)
HSCC/Pali/office- Hostel Fur/2017
04.10.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 04.10.2017 at 15:30 hrs.
577. 2017-09-26 Amendment XV: supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/31
05.10.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 05.10.2017 upto 15:00 hrs
576. 2017-09-25 Tender for Additions/ alterations in existing Hospital, Diagnostic Block, OPD Block and New construction of Teaching Block at Mizoram Institute of Medical Education and Research, Falkawn, Aizawl.
16.10.2017 upto 15.00 hrs 16.10.2017 At 15.30 hrs
575. 2017-09-25 Amendment XXXIII : Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/26
09.10.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 09.10.2017 at 15:00 hrs
574. 2017-09-22 Invitation for Quotations for supply of Delivery Table for All India Institute of Ayurveda (AIIA), under Ministry of Ayush, Government of India, Gautampuri, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi
29.09.2017 at 14:00 hrs 29.09.2017 at 14.30 hrs
573. 2017-09-22 Amendment23: Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/29
29.09.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 29.09.2017 at 15:00 hrs
572. 2017-09-22 Amendment02 Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/32
29.09.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 29.09.2017 upto 14:30 hrs
571. 2017-09-22 Amendment31 :Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/12
29.09.17 upto 3.30 P.M 29.09.17 at 4.00 P.M.
570. 2017-09-22 Amendment 10 :Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/14
29.09.2017 upto 15:30 hrs 29.09.2017 at 16:00 hrs
569. 2017-09-22 Amendment01 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016-17/MC-06
29.09.2017, 15:30 hrs IST 29.09.2017, 16:00 hrs IST
568. 2017-09-20 Amendment01 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning and handing over of following Medical Equipment at All India Institute of Ayurveda, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi.
HSCC/PUR/AIIA /Microscope
04.10.2017, 14:00 hrs IST 04.10.2017, 14:30 hrs IST
567. 2017-09-20 Amendment01 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning and handing over of following Quality Control Lab. & Instrumentation Equipment at All India Institute of Ayurveda, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi.
04.10.2017, 14:00 hrs IST 04.10.2017, 14:30 hrs IST
566. 2017-09-20 Amendment01 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning and handing over of following Medical Equipment at All India Institute of Ayurveda, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi.
03.10.2017, 14:00 hrs IST 03.10.2017, 14:30 hrs IST
565. 2017-09-20 Amendment01 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning and handing over of following Blood Bank Equipment at All India Institute of Ayurveda, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi.
03.10.2017, 14:00 hrs IST 03.10.2017, 14:30 hrs IST
564. 2017-09-20 Amendment01 Invitation for Quotations for supply of Low Value Items for below mentioned dept. 1. Dept. of Dental for Kalpana Chawla Medical College, Karnal, Haryana.
HSCC/PUR/KCGMC/Low Value/Medical College Items/2017/MC-Dental
25.09.17 at 14:00 25.09.17 at 14:30
563. 2017-09-19 Amendment XIV: supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/31
26.09.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 26.09.2017 upto 14:30 hrs
562. 2017-09-19 Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/33
17.10.2017, 1430 hrs IST 17.10.2017, 1500 hrs IST
561. 2017-09-18 Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/33
17.10.2017, 1430 hrs IST 17.10.2017, 1500 hrs IST
560. 2017-09-18 Amendment XXXII : Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/26
25.09.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 25.09.2017 at 15:00 hrs
559. 2017-09-18 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Modular Operation Theatres for Super Specialty Block, Kolkata Medical College under Phase –I of PMSSY
10.10.2017 Up to 15.00 Hrs 10.10.2017 at 15:30 Hrs
558. 2017-09-18 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Medical Gas Manifold System for Super Specialty Block, Kolkata Medical College under Phase –I of PMSSY
10.10.2017 Up to 15.00 Hrs 10.10.2017 at 15:30 Hrs
557. 2017-09-18 Tender for Construction of New ENT Hospital at Vacoas, Mauritius
10-10-2017 upto 15:00 10-10-2017 At 15:30
556. 2017-09-15 Amendment 04 Construction of sewage treatment plant including associated works and their operation & maintenance in AIIMS campus, Masjid Moth for AIIMS, New Delhi
19.09.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 19.09.2017 at 15:00 hrs
555. 2017-09-15 Amendment22: Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/29
22.09.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 22.09.2017 at 15:00 hrs
554. 2017-09-15 Amendment01 Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/32
22.9.2017 upto 1430 hrs IST 22.9.2017 at 1500 hrs IST
553. 2017-09-15 Amendment30 :Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/12
22.09.17 upto 3.30 P.M 22.09.17 at 4.00 P.M.
552. 2017-09-15 Amendment 9 :Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/14
22.09.2017 upto 15:30 hrs 22.09.2017 at 16:00 hrs
551. 2017-09-15 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana:
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2017-06/15
14.10.2017, 15:30 hrs IST 14.10.2017, 16:00 hrs IST
550. 2017-09-14 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of office & Hostel furniture and other associated works like minor civil, electrical, PHE works etc. and their maintenance during defect liability period at Govt. Medical College at district Pali (Rajasthan)
HSCC/Pali/office- Hostel Fur/2017
28.09.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 28.09.2017 at 15:30 hrs.
549. 2017-09-14 Amendment I:Providing Security Services for Housing Complex and OPD at AIIMS-Raebareli U.P. Under PMSSY
HSCC/AIIMS/ Raebareli/Security/2017
21.09.2017 upto 15:00 hrs. 21.09.2017 At 15:30 hrs.
548. 2017-09-14 Amendment XIII: supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/31
22.09.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 22.09.2017 upto 14:30 hrs
547. 2017-09-14 Invitation for Quotations for supply of Low Value Items for below mentioned dept. 1. Dept. of Dental for Kalpana Chawla Medical College, Karnal, Haryana.
HSCC/PUR/KCGMC/Low Value/Medical College Items/2017/MC-Dental
20.09.17 at 14:00 20.09.17 at 14:30
546. 2017-09-14 Invitation for Quotations for supply of Low Value Items for below mentioned dept. Dept. of Pharmacology for Kalpana Chawla Medical College, Karnal, Haryana.
HSCC/PUR/KCGMC/Low Value/Medical College Items/2017/MC-Pharmacology
20.09.17 at 14:00 20.09.17 at 14:30
544. 2017-09-13 Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for M e d i c a l C o l l e g e a t P a l i , R a j a s t h a n
12.10.2017 and 17.10.2017 upto 14:00 hrs 12.10.2017 and 17.10.2017 at 14:30 hrs
544. 2017-09-12 Amendment 03 Construction of sewage treatment plant including associated works and their operation & maintenance in AIIMS campus, Masjid Moth for AIIMS, New Delhi
15.09.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 15.09.2017 at 15:00 hrs
543. 2017-09-12 Amendment03_Procurement of Medical Equipment for Kalpana Chawala Government Medical College, Karnal.
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2017-06/15
542. 2017-09-11 Amendment XXXI : Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/26
18.09.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 18.09.2017 at 15:00 hrs
541. 2017-09-08 Amendment XII: supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/31
15.09.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 15.09.2017 upto 14:30 hrs
540. 2017-09-08 Amendment21: Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/29
15.09.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 15.09.2017 at 15:00 hrs
539. 2017-09-08 Amendment02_Procurement of Medical Equipment for Kalpana Chawala Government Medical College, Karnal.
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2017-06/15
538. 2017-09-08 Amendment 8 :Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/14
15.09.2017 upto 15:30 hrs 15.09.2017 at 16:00 hrs
537. 2017-09-08 Amendment29 :Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/12
15.09.17 upto 3.30 P.M 15.09.17 at 4.00 P.M.
536. 2017-09-07 Providing Security Services for Housing Complex and OPD at AIIMS-Raebareli U.P. Under PMSSY
HSCC/AIIMS/ Raebareli/Security/2017
21.09.2017 upto 15:00 hrs. 21.09.2017 At 15:30 hrs.
535. 2017-09-04 Amendment 02 Construction of sewage treatment plant including associated works and their operation & maintenance in AIIMS campus, Masjid Moth for AIIMS, New Delhi
12.09.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 12.09.2017 at 15:00 hrs
534. 2017-09-04 Amendment01_Procurement of Medical Equipment for Kalpana Chawala Government Medical College, Karnal.
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2017-06/15
533. 2017-09-04 Amendment28 :Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/12
11.09.17 upto 3.30 P.M 11.09.17 at 4.00 P.M.
532. 2017-09-03 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning and handing over of following Medical Equipment at All India Institute of Ayurveda, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi.
HSCC/PUR/AIIA /Microscope
04.10.2017, 14:00 hrs IST 04.10.2017, 14:30 hrs IST
531. 2017-09-03 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning and handing over of following Quality Control Lab. & Instrumentation Equipment at All India Institute of Ayurveda, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi.
04.10.2017, 14:00 hrs IST 04.10.2017, 14:30 hrs IST
530. 2017-09-01 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning and handing over of following Medical Equipment at All India Institute of Ayurveda, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi.
03.10.2017, 14:00 hrs IST 03.10.2017, 14:30 hrs IST
529. 2017-09-01 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning and handing over of following Blood Bank Equipment at All India Institute of Ayurveda, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi.
03.10.2017, 14:00 hrs IST 03.10.2017, 14:30 hrs IST
528. 2017-09-01 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016-17/MC-06
22.09.2017, 15:30 hrs IST 22.09.2017, 16:00 hrs IST
527. 2017-09-01 Amendment 7 :Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/14
08.09.2017 upto 15:30 hrs 08.09.2017 at 16:00 hrs
526. 2017-09-01 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016-17/MC-06
22.09.2017 upto 15:30 hrs 22.09.2017 at 16:00 hrs
525. 2017-08-31 Amendment 01 Construction of sewage treatment plant including associated works and their operation & maintenance in AIIMS campus, Masjid Moth for AIIMS, New Delhi
06.09.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 06.09.2017 at 15:00 hrs
524. 2017-08-31 Invitation for Quotations for supply of Low Value Items for Dept. of Occupational Therapy for Kalpana Chawla Medical College, Karnal, Haryana.
HSCC/PUR/KCGMC/Low Value/Medical College /2017/Occupational Theraphy
8th Sept. 2017at 14:00 8th Sept. 2017at 14:30
523. 2017-08-30 Amendment XXX : Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/26
11.09.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 11.09.2017 at 15:00 hrs
522. 2017-08-30 Amendment XI: supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/31
08.09.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 08.09.2017 at 15:00 hrs
521. 2017-08-30 Amendment20: Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/29
08.09.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 08.09.2017 at 15:00 hrs
520. 2017-08-29 Amendment 5: Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of office & Laboratory furniture and other associated works like minor civil, electrical, PHE works etc. and their maintenance during defect liability period at Dr. D.P. Rastogi Central Research Institute for Homeopathy, Noida, (U.P.)
31.09.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 31.09.2017 at 15:30 hrs.
519. 2017-08-28 Amendment 2: Invitation for Quotations for supply of Low Value Items for below mentioned dept. 1. Dept. of Pharmacology, 2. Dept. of Dermatology 3. Dept. of Physiotherapy for Kalpana Chawla Medical College, Karnal, Haryana.
HSCC/PUR/KCGMC/Low Value/Medical College /2017/MC-Pharma & Derma
04.09.2017 at 14:00 hrs 04.09.2017 at 14:30 hrs
518. 2017-08-26 Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/32
15.9.2017 upto 1430 hrs IST 15.9.2017 at 1500 hrs IST
517. 2017-08-25 Amendment 6 :Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/14
01.09.2017 upto 15:30 hrs 01.09.2017 at 16:00 hrs
516. 2017-08-24 Amendment19: Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/29
01.09.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 01.09.2017 at 15:00 hrs
515. 2017-08-24 Amendment XXIX : Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/26
01.09.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 01.09.2017 at 15:00 hrs
514. 2017-08-24 Amendment X: supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/31
(For item no 3 )01.09.2017 upto 14:30 hrs (For item no 2 )25.08.2017 upto 14:30 hrs (For item no 1 )29.08.2017 upto 14:30 hrs For item no 3 )01.09.2017 at 15:00 hrs For item no 2 )25.08.2017 at 15:00 hrs For item no 2 )29.08.2017 at 15:00 hrs
513. 2017-08-24 Amendment27 :Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/12
04.09.17 upto 3.30 P.M 04.09.17 at 4.00 P.M.
512. 2017-08-22 Construction of sewage treatment plant including associated works and their operation & maintenance in AIIMS campus, Masjid Moth for AIIMS, New Delhi
06.09.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 06.09.2017 at 15:00 hrs
511. 2017-08-22 Amendment 4: Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of office & Laboratory furniture and other associated works like minor civil, electrical, PHE works etc. and their maintenance during defect liability period at Dr. D.P. Rastogi Central Research Institute for Homeopathy, Noida, (U.P.)
29.08.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 29.08.2017 at 15:30 hrs.
510. 2017-08-22 Amendment XXVIII : Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/26
01.09.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 01.09.2017 at 15:00 hrs
509. 2017-08-22 Amendment18: Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/29
01.09.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 01.09.2017 at 15:00 hrs
508. 2017-08-22 Amendment 9: supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/31
(For item no 3 )01.09.2017 upto 14:30 hrs For item no 3 )01.09.2017 at 15:00 hrs
507. 2017-08-21 Amendment 1: Invitation for Quotations for supply of Low Value Items for below mentioned dept. 1. Dept. of Pharmacology, 2. Dept. of Dermatology 3. Dept. of Physiotherapy for Kalpana Chawla Medical College, Karnal, Haryana.
HSCC/PUR/KCGMC/Low Value/Medical College /2017/MC-Pharma & Derma
28.08.2017 at 14:00 hrs 28.08.2017 at 14:30 hrs
506. 2017-08-21 Amendment 8: supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/31
(For item no 1 )29.08.2017 upto 14:30 hrs For item no 2 )29.08.2017 at 15:00 hrs
505. 2017-08-18 Amendment 7: supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/31
(For item no 2 )25.08.2017 upto 14:30 hrs For item no 2 )25.08.2017 at 15:00 hrs
504. 2017-08-18 Amendment 5 :Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/14
25.08.2017 upto 15:30 hrs 25.08.2017 at 16:00 hrs
503. 2017-08-16 Amendment 3: Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of office & Laboratory furniture and other associated works like minor civil, electrical, PHE works etc. and their maintenance during defect liability period at Dr. D.P. Rastogi Central Research Institute for Homeopathy, Noida, (U.P.)
24.08.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 24.08.2017 at 15:30 hrs.
502. 2017-08-16 Amendment 7:Construction of Dr. Y. S. Parmar Government Medical College at Nahan, District Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh & Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru Govt. Medical College at Chamba, District Chamba, Himachal Pradesh
21.08.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 21.08.2017 at 15:00 hrs.
501. 2017-08-16 AMENDMENT 1:Invitation for Quotations for supply of Low Value Items for below mentioned dept. 1. Dept. of Community Medicine, 2. Dept. of Microbiology 3. Dept. of Forensic Medicine 4. Dept. of Pathology 5. Dept. of Dentistry 6. Dept. of Biochemistry for Kalpana Chawla Medical College, Karnal, Haryana.
HSCC/PUR/KCGMC/Low Value/Medical College Items/2017/MC-Aug (7)
22.08.2017at 14:00 hrs 22.08.2017 at 14:30 hrs
500. 2017-08-14 Amendment26 :Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/12
24.08.17 upto 3.30 P.M 24.08.17 at 4.00 P.M.
499. 2017-08-11 Amendment17: Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/29
22.08.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 22.08.2017 at 15:00 hrs
498. 2017-08-11 Amendment 6: supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/31
22.08.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 22.08.2017 at 15:00 hrs
497. 2017-08-11 Amendmen 4 :Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/14
18.08.2017 upto 15:30 hrs 18.08.2017 at 16:00 hrs
496. 2017-08-10 Tender Cancellation note - “Construction of Boundary Wall including other related works etc for proposed CDSCO office at Baddi, Distt. Solan, H.P.”.
495. 2017-08-10 TENDER CANCELLATION NOTICE “Disposal of surplus excavated earth outside from the Hospital premises of KCGMC, Karnal”.
494. 2017-08-10 Amendment 6:Construction of Dr. Y. S. Parmar Government Medical College at Nahan, District Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh & Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru Govt. Medical College at Chamba, District Chamba, Himachal Pradesh
16.08.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 16.08.2017 at 15:00 hrs.
493. 2017-08-10 Amendment XXVI : Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/26
22.08.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 22.08.2017 at 15:00 hrs
492. 2017-08-10 Invitation for Quotations for supply of Low Value Items for below mentioned dept. 1. Dept. of Pharmacology, 2. Dept. of Dermatology 3. Dept. of Physiotherapy for Kalpana Chawla Medical College, Karnal, Haryana.
HSCC/PUR/KCGMC/Low Value/Medical College /2017/MC-Pharma & Derma
21 st August 2017at 14:00 hrs 21 st August 2017at 14:30 hrs
491. 2017-08-08 Amendment 5: supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/31
(For item no 2 )18.08.2017 upto 14:30 hrs For item no 2 )18.08.2017 at 15:00 hrs
490. 2017-08-07 Amendment02 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of office & Laboratory furniture and other associated works like minor civil, electrical, PHE works etc. and their maintenance during defect liability period at Dr. D.P. Rastogi Central Research Institute for Homeopathy, Noida, (U.P.)
16.08.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 16.08.2017 at 15:30 hrs.
489. 2017-08-07 Invitation for Quotations for supply of Low Value Items for below mentioned dept. 1. Dept. of Community Medicine, 2. Dept. of Microbiology 3. Dept. of Forensic Medicine 4. Dept. of Pathology 5. Dept. of Dentistry 6. Dept. of Biochemistry for Kalpana Chawla Medical College, Karnal, Haryana.
HSCC/PUR/KCGMC/Low Value/Medical College Items/2017/MC-Aug (7)
16th August 2017at 14:00 16th August 2017at 14:30
488. 2017-08-04 Amendment01 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of office & Hospital furniture and their maintenance during defect liability period at Dr. Y.S.P.Govt. Medical College, Nahan (H.P)
HSCC/Nahan/office- Hosp. Fur/2017
10.08.2017 upto 15:00 10.08.2017 at 15:30 hrs.
487. 2017-08-04 Amendment 4: supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/31
11.08.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 11.08.2017 at 15:00 hrs
486. 2017-08-04 Amendment16: Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/29
11.08.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 11.08.2017 at 15:00 hrs
485. 2017-08-04 Amendmen3_Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/14
11.08.2017, 15:30 hrs IST 11.08.2017, 16:00 hrs IST
484. 2017-08-03 Amendment XXVI : Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/26
10.08.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 10.08.2017 at 15:00 hrs
483. 2017-08-03 Amendment25 :Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/12
14.08.17 upto 3.30 P.M 14.08.17 at 4.00 P.M.
482. 2017-08-02 Amendment04 Construction of Super Specialty Block at Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla (Himachal Pradesh).
10.08.2017 up to 15:00 hrs 10.08.2017 at 15:30 hrs
481. 2017-08-02 Amendment5:Construction of Dr. Y. S. Parmar Government Medical College at Nahan, District Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh & Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru Govt. Medical College at Chamba, District Chamba, Himachal Pradesh
10.08.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 10.08.2017 at 15:00 hrs.
480. 2017-07-28 Amendment2_Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/14
04.08.2017, 15:30 hrs IST 04.08.2017, 16:00 hrs IST
479. 2017-07-27 Amendment03 supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/31
(for Item no 1&3) 04.08.2017 upto 14:30 hrs (for Item no 2) 08.08.2017 upto 14:30 hrs (for Item no 1&3) 04.08.2017 upto 15:00 hrs (for Item no 2) 08.08.2017 upto 15:00 hrs
478. 2017-07-27 Amendment24 :Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/12
03.08.17 upto 3.30 P.M 03.08.17 at 4.00 P.M.
477. 2017-07-27 Amendment15 Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/29
04.08.2017, 1430 hrs IST 04.08.2017, 1500 hrs IST
476. 2017-07-26 Amendment01 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of office & Laboratory furniture and other associated works like minor civil, electrical, PHE works etc. and their maintenance during defect liability period at Dr. D.P. Rastogi Central Research Institute for Homeopathy, Noida, (U.P.)
08.08.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 08.08.2017 at 15:30 hrs.
475. 2017-07-26 Amendment01_Invitation for Quotations for supply of Low Value Items for Blood Bank for All India Institute of Ayurveda
02.08.2017 at 14:00 hrs 02.08.2017 at 14.30 hrs
474. 2017-07-25 Amendment03 Construction of Super Specialty Block at Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla (Himachal Pradesh).
02.08.2017 up to 15:00 hrs 02.08.2017 at 15:30 hrs
473. 2017-07-25 Amendment4:Construction of Dr. Y. S. Parmar Government Medical College at Nahan, District Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh & Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru Govt. Medical College at Chamba, District Chamba, Himachal Pradesh
02.08.2017 upto 14:30 hrs. 02.08.2017 at 15:00 hrs.
472. 2017-07-25 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of office & Laboratory furniture and other associated works like minor civil, electrical, PHE works etc. and their maintenance during defect liability period at Dr. D.P. Rastogi Central Research Institute for Homeopathy, Noida, (U.P.)
08.08.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 08.08.2017 at 15:30 hrs.
471. 2017-07-21 Amendment02 supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/31
28.7.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 28.7.2017 at 15:00 hrs
470. 2017-07-21 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of office & Hospital furniture and their maintenance during defect liability period at Dr. Y.S.P.Govt. Medical College, Nahan (H.P)
HSCC/Nahan/office- Hosp. Fur/2017
04.08.2017 upto 15:00 04.08.2017 at 15:30 hrs.
469. 2017-07-21 AMENDMENT 12:Tender for Disposal of surplus excavated earth outside from the Hospital premises of KCGMC, Karnal
04.08.2017 upto 15:00 hrs. 04.08.2017 at 15:30 hrs
468. 2017-07-21 Amendment2:Invitation for Quotations for supply of Low Value Items for Anatomy Department of Kalpana Chawla Medical College, Karnal, Haryana.
HSCC/PUR/KCGMC/Low Value/Medical College Items/2017/MC-Jun (11)
29.07.2017 at 14:30 hrs 29.07.2017 at 15:00 hrs
467. 2017-07-20 Note : Construction of Office & Guest House & associated works for CDSCO at Baddi, Distt. Solan, H.P.
21.07.2017 At 15:00 hrs. 21.07.2017 At 15:00 hrs.
466. 2017-07-19 AMENDMENT V : Tender for Package - 1 A : Construction of PG Ladies Hostel Balance Work for Regional Institute of Medical Sciences RIMS Imphal Manipur
27.07.2017 up to 15:00 hrs 27.07.2017 At 15:30 hrs
465. 2017-07-19 AMENDMENT V :Package-IB : Construction of UG Hostel,PG Gents, Nursing Hostel and Development work Balance Work for Regional Institute of Medical Sciences RIMS Imphal Manipur
27.07.2017 up to 15:00 hrs 27.07.2017 At 15:30 hrs
464. 2017-07-19 AMENDMENT V:Package-II : Construction of balance works of OPD Block including internal and external Electrical, air conditioning, PHE, fire fighting, developments works etc and its maintenance during defect liability period for Regional Institute of Medical Sciences RIMS, Imphal Manipur
27.07.2017 up to 15:00 hrs 27.07.2017 At 15:30 hrs
463. 2017-07-19 Amendment02 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for OPD at AIIMS Rae Bareli
26.07.2017, 15:30 hrs IST 26.07.2017, 16:00 hrs IST
462. 2017-07-19 EMPANELMENT DOCUMENT for Empanelment of Agencies for Preparation of Models
10.08.2017 upto 15:00 10.08.2017 at 15:30
461. 2017-07-19 EMPANELMENT DOCUMENT for Empanelment of Drafting Agencies & Visualisers for Preparation of drawings (using AUTOCAD & Photoshop), 3D Views & Walkthroughs
10.08.2017 upto 15:00 10.08.2017 at 16:00
460. 2017-07-17 AMENDMENT IV : Tender for Package - 1 A : Construction of PG Ladies Hostel Balance Work for Regional Institute of Medical Sciences RIMS Imphal Manipur
21.07.2017 up to 15:00 hrs 21.07.2017 At 15:30 hrs
459. 2017-07-17 AMENDMENT IV :Package-IB : Construction of UG Hostel,PG Gents, Nursing Hostel and Development work Balance Work for Regional Institute of Medical Sciences RIMS Imphal Manipur
21.07.2017 up to 15:00 hrs 21.07.2017 At 15:30 hrs
458. 2017-07-17 AMENDMENT IV:Package-II : Construction of balance works of OPD Block including internal and external Electrical, air conditioning, PHE, fire fighting, developments works etc and its maintenance during defect liability period for Regional Institute of Medical Sciences RIMS, Imphal Manipur
21.07.2017 up to 15:00 hrs 21.07.2017 At 15:30 hrs
457. 2017-07-17 AMENDMENT 03: Tender for Plan, design, Construction, Testing, Commissioning, Validation and other associated works of CCRF Laboratory on ‘Turnkey Basis’ at Convergence Block, AIIMS, New Delhi.
18.07.2017 Up to 15.00 Hrs 18.07.2017 at 15.30 Hrs
456. 2017-07-14 Amendment01 supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/31
21.7.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 21.7.2017 at 15:00 hrs
455. 2017-07-14 Amendment1:Invitation for Quotations for supply of Low Value Items for Anatomy Department of Kalpana Chawla Medical College, Karnal, Haryana.
HSCC/PUR/KCGMC/Low Value/Medical College Items/2017/MC-Jun (11)
21.07.2017 at 14:30 hrs 21.07.2017 at 15:00 hrs
454. 2017-07-14 Amendment1_Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/14
28.07.2017, 15:30 hrs IST 28.07.2017, 16:00 hrs IST
453. 2017-07-13 Amendment 3:Construction of Dr. Y. S. Parmar Government Medical College at Nahan, District Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh & Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru Govt. Medical College at Chamba, District Chamba, Himachal Pradesh
25.07.2017 upto 14:30 hrs. 25.07.2017 at 15:00 hrs.
452. 2017-07-13 Amendment XXV : Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/26
03.08.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 03.08.2017 at 15:00 hrs
451. 2017-07-13 Amendment13 Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/29
20.07.2017, 1430 hrs IST 20.07.2017, 1500 hrs IST
450. 2017-07-13 Amendment22 :Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/12
20.07.17 upto 3.30 P.M 20.07.17 at 4.00 P.M.
449. 2017-07-13 Amendment02 Construction of Super Specialty Block at Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla (Himachal Pradesh).
25.07.2017 up to 15:00 hrs 25.07.2017 at 15:30 hrs
448. 2017-07-13 Amendment 04:Construction of Residential Complex and OPD Block at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Kalyani
18.07.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 18.07.2017 at 15:30 hrs
447. 2017-07-12 Amendment2:Construction of Dr. Y. S. Parmar Government Medical College at Nahan, District Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh & Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru Govt. Medical College at Chamba, District Chamba, Himachal Pradesh
14.07.2017 upto 14:30 hrs. 14.07.2017 at 15:00 hrs.
446. 2017-07-12 Amendment01 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for OPD at AIIMS Rae Bareli
19.07.2017, 15:30 hrs IST 19.07.2017, 16:00 hrs IST
445. 2017-07-11 AMENDMENT 02: Tender for Plan, design, Construction, Testing, Commissioning, Validation and other associated works of CCRF Laboratory on ‘Turnkey Basis’ at Convergence Block, AIIMS, New Delhi.
18.07.2017 Up to 15.00 Hrs 18.07.2017 at 15.30 Hrs
444. 2017-07-11 AMENDMENT 02:Construction, Testing, Commissioning, Validation and other associated works of BioSafety Level-2 & 3 (BSL2 & 3) Laboratory on ‘Turnkey Basis’ at Convergence Block, AIIMS, New Delhi.
18.07.2017 Up to 15.00 Hrs 18.07.2017 at 15.30 Hrs
443. 2017-07-11 Amendment1:Construction of Dr. Y. S. Parmar Government Medical College at Nahan, District Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh & Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru Govt. Medical College at Chamba, District Chamba, Himachal Pradesh
14.07.2017 upto 14:30 hrs. 14.07.2017 at 15:00 hrs.
442. 2017-07-10 Amendment01 Construction of Super Specialty Block at Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla (Himachal Pradesh).
14.07.2017 up to 15:00 hrs 14.07.2017 at 15:30 hrs
441. 2017-07-07 Tender Cancellation note - Supply, Installation, Testing & commissioning of Integration and Data Management System for Modular Operation Theatre at Surgical Block, AIIMS, New Delhi.
440. 2017-07-06 Invitation for Quotations for supply of Low Value Items for Blood Bank for All India Institute of Ayurveda
26.07.2017 at 14:00 hrs 26.07.2017 at 14.30 hrs
439. 2017-07-06 Amendment XXIV : Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/26
13.07.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 13.07.2017 at 15:00 hrs
438. 2017-07-06 Amendment12 Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/29
13.07.2017, 1430 hrs IST 13.07.2017, 1500 hrs IST
437. 2017-07-06 Amendment21 :Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/12
13.07.17 upto 3.30 P.M 13.07.17 at 4.00 P.M.
436. 2017-07-04 AMENDMENT 11:Tender for Disposal of surplus excavated earth outside from the Hospital premises of KCGMC, Karnal
21.07.2017 upto 15:00 hrs. 21.07.2017 at 15:30 hrs
435. 2017-07-04 AMENDMENT 03: Tender for Construction of Residential Complex & OPD Block at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagpur (Maharashtra)
18.07.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 18.07.2017 at 15:30 hrs.
434. 2017-07-04 AMENDMENT 03: Construction of Residential Complex & OPD Block at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalagiri, Distt. Guntur (AP)
18.07.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 18.07.2017 at 15:30 hrs
433. 2017-07-04 Amendment 03:Construction of Residential Complex and OPD Block at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Kalyani
18.07.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 18.07.2017 at 15:30 hrs
432. 2017-06-30 Amendment03 Construction of Boundary Wall including other related works for New AIIMS at Devipur,Deoghar, (Jharkhand) under Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana (PMSSY) and their maintenance during Defect Liability Period
07.07.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 07.07.2017 at 15:30 hrs.
431. 2017-06-30 Invitation for Quotations for supply of Low Value Items for Anatomy Department of Kalpana Chawla Medical College, Karnal, Haryana.
HSCC/PUR/KCGMC/Low Value/Medical College Items/2017/MC-Jun (11)
14.07.2017 at 14:00 14.07.2017 at 14:30
430. 2017-06-30 Invitation for Quotations for supply of Low Value Items for Microbiology Department of Kalpana Chawla Medical College, Karnal, Haryana.
HSCC/PUR/KCGMC/Low Value/Medical College Items/2017/MC-Jun (10)
13.07.2017 at 14:00 13.07.2017 at 14:30
429. 2017-06-30 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/14
28.07.2017, 15:30 hrs IST 28.07.2017, 16:00 hrs IST
428. 2017-06-29 Amendment02 Construction of Boundary Wall including other related works for New AIIMS at Devipur,Deoghar, (Jharkhand) under Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana (PMSSY) and their maintenance during Defect Liability Period
30.06.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 30.06.2017 at 15:30 hrs.
427. 2017-06-29 Amendment XXIII : Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/26
06.07.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 06.07.2017 at 15:00 hrs
426. 2017-06-29 Amendment11 Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/29
06.07.2017, 1430 hrs IST 06.07.2017, 1500 hrs IST
425. 2017-06-29 Amendment01 Construction of 50 Bedded MCH Block at WandC Hospital, Kozhikode District, Kerala
11/07/2017 Upto 15:00 hrs. 11/07/2017 at 15:30 hrs.
424. 2017-06-29 Invitation for Quotations for supply of Low Value Items for Forensic Medicine Department of Kalpana Chawla Medical College, Karnal, Haryana.
HSCC/PUR/KCGMC/Low Value/Medical College Items/2017/MC-Jun (9)
12.07.2017 at 14:00 12.07.2017 at 14:30
423. 2017-06-29 Amendment20 :Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/12
06.07.17 upto 3.30 P.M 06.07.17 at 4.00 P.M.
422. 2017-06-28 Amendment01 Construction of Office & Guest House & associated works for CDSCO at Baddi, Distt. Solan, H.P.
11.07.2017 upto 15:00 hrs. 11.07.2017 At 15:30 hrs.
421. 2017-06-28 Amendment 7 : Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Laundry Equipment for LGB Regional Institute of Mental Health, Tezpur, Assam.
07.07.17 UPTO 14:30 PM 07.07.17 UPTO 15:00 PM
420. 2017-06-28 AMENDMENT 01:Construction, Testing, Commissioning, Validation and other associated works of BioSafety Level-2 & 3 (BSL2 & 3) Laboratory on ‘Turnkey Basis’ at Convergence Block, AIIMS, New Delhi.
18.07.2017 Up to 15.00 Hrs 18.07.2017 at 15.30 Hrs
419. 2017-06-28 AMENDMENT 01: Tender for Plan, design, Construction, Testing, Commissioning, Validation and other associated works of CCRF Laboratory on ‘Turnkey Basis’ at Convergence Block, AIIMS, New Delhi.
18.07.2017 Up to 15.00 Hrs 18.07.2017 at 15.30 Hrs
418. 2017-06-28 Amendment 02:Construction of Residential Complex and OPD Block at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Kalyani
10.07.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 10.07.2017 at 15:30 hrs
417. 2017-06-28 AMENDMENT 02: Tender for Construction of Residential Complex & OPD Block at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagpur (Maharashtra)
07.07.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 07.07.2017 at 15:30 hrs..
416. 2017-06-28 AMENDMENT 02: Construction of Residential Complex & OPD Block at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalagiri, Distt. Guntur (AP)
06.07.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 06.07.2017 at 15:30 hrs
415. 2017-06-28 Tender for Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of office & Hospital furniture and other associated works like minor civil, electrical, PHE works etc. and their maintenance during defect liability period at Pt. JLN Govt. Medical College, Chamba, (H.P)
HSCC/Chamba/office- Hosp. Fur/2017
12.07.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 12.07.2017 at 15:30 hrs.
414. 2017-06-28 Invitation for Quotations for supply of Low Value Items for Biochemistry Department of Kalpana Chawla Medical College, Karnal, Haryana.
HSCC/PUR/KCGMC/Low Value/Medical College Items/2017/MC June(8)
07.07.2017 at 14:00 07.07.2017 at 14:30
Part2 / Part1
413. 2017-06-27 AMENDMENT III : Tender for Package - 1 A : Construction of PG Ladies Hostel Balance Work for Regional Institute of Medical Sciences RIMS Imphal Manipur
17.07.2017 up to 15:00 hrs 17.07.2017 At 15:30 hrs
412. 2017-06-27 AMENDMENT III :Package-IB : Construction of UG Hostel,PG Gents, Nursing Hostel and Development work Balance Work for Regional Institute of Medical Sciences RIMS Imphal Manipur
17.07.2017 up to 15:00 hrs 17.07.2017 At 15:30 hrs
411. 2017-06-27 AMENDMENT III:Package-II : Construction of balance works of OPD Block including internal and external Electrical, air conditioning, PHE, fire fighting, developments works etc and its maintenance during defect liability period for Regional Institute of Medical Sciences RIMS, Imphal Manipur
17.07.2017 up to 15:00 hrs 17.07.2017 At 15:30 hrs
410. 2017-06-27 Construction, Testing, Commissioning, Validation and other associated works of BioSafety Level-2 & 3 (BSL2 & 3) Laboratory on ‘Turnkey Basis’ at Convergence Block, AIIMS, New Delhi.
18.07.2017 Up to 15.00 Hrs 18.07.2017 at 15.30 Hrs
409. 2017-06-27 Tender for Plan, design, Construction, Testing, Commissioning, Validation and other associated works of CCRF Laboratory on ‘Turnkey Basis’ at Convergence Block, AIIMS, New Delhi.
18.07.2017 Up to 15.00 Hrs 18.07.2017 at 15.30 Hrs
408. 2017-06-24 AMENDMENT 01: Construction of Residential Complex & OPD Block at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalagiri, Distt. Guntur (AP)
06.07.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 06.07.2017 at 15:30 hrs
407. 2017-06-24 Amendment 01:Construction of Residential Complex and OPD Block at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Kalyani
10.07.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 10.07.2017 at 15:30 hrs
406. 2017-06-24 AMENDMENT 01: Tender for Construction of Residential Complex & OPD Block at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagpur (Maharashtra)
07.07.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 07.07.2017 at 15:30 hrs..
405. 2017-06-23 Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/31
14.7.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 14.7.2017 at 15:00 hrs
404. 2017-06-23 Amendment 13 : Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Integration and Data Management System for Modular Operation Theatre at Surgical Block, AIIMS, New Delhi
07.07.2017 up to 14.30 hrs. 07.07.2017 at 15.00 hrs.
403. 2017-06-23 AMENDMENT 10:Tender for Disposal of surplus excavated earth outside from the Hospital premises of KCGMC, Karnal
04.07.2017 upto 15:00 hrs. 04.07.2017 at 15:30 hrs
402. 2017-06-23 Tender for Construction of Super Specialty Block at Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla (Himachal Pradesh).
14.07.2017 up to 15:00 hrs 14.07.2017 at 15:30 hrs
401. 2017-06-23 Construction of Dr. Y. S. Parmar Government Medical College at Nahan, District Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh & Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru Govt. Medical College at Chamba, District Chamba, Himachal Pradesh
14.07.2017 upto 14:30 hrs. 14.07.2017 at 15:00 hrs.
400. 2017-06-22 Amendment XXII : Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/26
29.06.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 29.06.2017 at 15:00 hrs
399. 2017-06-22 Amendment10 Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/29
29.06.2017, 1430 hrs IST 29.06.2017, 1500 hrs IST
398. 2017-06-22 Amendment 4: Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of various Medical Equipment under the project Up gradation of the two Hospitals in Myanmar
HSCC/PUR/MEA - Myanmar/Equipment/2016-17/02
29.06.2017 upto 1530 hrs 29.06.2017 at 1600 hrs
397. 2017-06-22 Amendment19 :Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/12
29.06.17 upto 3.30 P.M. 29.06.17 at 4.00 P.M.
396. 2017-06-21 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for OPD at AIIMS Rae Bareli
12.07.2017, 15:30 hrs IST 12.07.2017, 16:00 hrs IST
395. 2017-06-20 Amendment05 Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/30
27.06.2017, 1430 hrs IST 27.06.2017, 1500 hrs IST
394. 2017-06-20 Tender for Construction of 50 Bedded MCH Block at WandC Hospital, Kozhikode District, Kerala
04/07/2017 Upto 15:00 hrs. 07/07/2017 at 15:30 hrs.
393. 2017-06-20 AMENDMENT II : Tender for Package - 1 A : Construction of PG Ladies Hostel Balance Work for Regional Institute of Medical Sciences RIMS Imphal Manipur
28.06.2017 up to 15:00 hrs 28.06.2017 At 15:30 hrs
392. 2017-06-20 AMENDMENT II :Package-IB : Construction of UG Hostel,PG Gents, Nursing Hostel and Development work Balance Work for Regional Institute of Medical Sciences RIMS Imphal Manipur
28.06.2017 up to 15:00 hrs 28.06.2017 At 15:30 hrs
391. 2017-06-20 AMENDMENT II:Package-II : Construction of balance works of OPD Block including internal and external Electrical, air conditioning, PHE, fire fighting, developments works etc and its maintenance during defect liability period for Regional Institute of Medical Sciences RIMS, Imphal Manipur
28.06.2017 up to 15:00 hrs 28.06.2017 At 15:30 hrs
390. 2017-06-19 Construction of Residential Complex and OPD Block at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Kalyani
10.07.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 10.07.2017 at 15:30 hrs
389. 2017-06-19 Appointment of EIA Consultant for conducting EIA Study and getting EIA Clearance from Concerned Authorities for the work for setting up of New AIIMS at Guntur (Andhra Pradesh) for Plot area of 150 acres (approx) includes data collection to the entire satisfaction of the competent authority.
03.07.2017 up to 14:30 hrs 03.07.2017 At 15:00 hrs
388. 2017-06-19 Appointment of EIA Consultant for conducting EIA Study and getting EIA Clearance from Concerned Authorities for the work for setting up of New AIIMS at Kalyani (West Bengal) for Plot area of 170 acres (approx) includes data collection to the entire satisfaction of the competent authority
03.07.2017 up to 14:30 hrs 03.07.2017 up to 15:00 hrs
387. 2017-06-17 Tender for Construction of Residential Complex & OPD Block at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagpur (Maharashtra)
07.07.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 07.07.2017 at 15:30 hrs..
386. 2017-06-16 Tender for Construction of Boundary Wall including other related works for New AIIMS at Devipur,Deoghar, (Jharkhand) under Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana (PMSSY) and their maintenance during Defect Liability Period
30.06.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 30.06.2017 at 15:30 hrs.
385. 2017-06-16 AMENDMENT 1 :Tender for Construction of boundary wall for All India Institute of Ayurveda At Sarita Vihar, New Delhi
21.06.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 21.06.2017 At 15:30 hrs
384. 2017-06-16 Construction of Residential Complex & OPD Block at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalagiri, Distt. Guntur (AP)
06.07.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 06.07.2017 at 15:30 hrs
383. 2017-06-15 Amendment09 Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/29
22.06.2017, 1430 hrs IST 22.06.2017, 1500 hrs IST
382. 2017-06-15 Amendment XXI : Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/26
22.06.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 22.06.2017 at 15:00 hrs
381. 2017-06-15 Amendment 3: Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of various Medical Equipment under the project Up gradation of the two Hospitals in Myanmar
HSCC/PUR/MEA - Myanmar/Equipment/2016-17/02
22.06.2017 upto 1530 hrs 22.06.2017 at 1600 hrs
380. 2017-06-15 Amendment18 :Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/12
22.06.17 upto 3.30 P.M. 22.06.17 at 4.00 P.M.
379. 2017-06-15 Construction of Residential Complex and OPD Block at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalagiri, Distt. Guntur (AP) HSCC/PMSSY/AIIMS/Guntur/R-OPD/2017
Tender documents will be available from 16.07.2017
05.07.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 05.07.2017 at 15:30 hrs
378. 2017-06-14 AMENDMENT I : Tender for Package - 1 A : Construction of PG Ladies Hostel Balance Work for Regional Institute of Medical Sciences RIMS Imphal Manipur
28.06.2017 up to 15:00 hrs 28.06.2017 At 15:30 hrs
377. 2017-06-14 AMENDMENT I :Package-IB : Construction of UG Hostel,PG Gents, Nursing Hostel and Development work Balance Work for Regional Institute of Medical Sciences RIMS Imphal Manipur
28.06.2017 up to 15:00 hrs 28.06.2017 At 15:30 hrs
376. 2017-06-14 AMENDMENT I:Package-II : Construction of balance works of OPD Block including internal and external Electrical, air conditioning, PHE, fire fighting, developments works etc and its maintenance during defect liability period for Regional Institute of Medical Sciences RIMS, Imphal Manipur
28.06.2017 up to 15:00 hrs 28.06.2017 At 15:30 hrs
375. 2017-06-14 Amendment 6: Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Laundry Equipment for LGB Regional Institute of Mental Health, Tezpur, Assam.
28.06.17 UPTO 14:30 PM 28.06.17 UPTO 15:00 PM
374. 2017-06-14 C0RRIGENDUM 1_Tender for Construction of Boundary Wall including other related works for New AIIMS at Devipur, Deoghar (Jharkhand) under Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana (PMSSY) and their maintenance during Defects Liability Period.
30.06.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 30.06.2017 at 15:30 hrs
373. 2017-06-13 Amendment04 Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/30
20.06.2017, 1430 hrs IST 20.06.2017, 1500 hrs IST
372. 2017-06-09 Amendment 12 : Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Integration and Data Management System for Modular Operation Theatre at Surgical Block, AIIMS, New Delhi
23.06.2017 up to 14.30 hrs. 23.06.2017 at 15.00 hrs.
371. 2017-06-08 Amendment08 Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/29
15.06.2017, 1430 hrs IST 15.06.2017, 1500 hrs IST
370. 2017-06-08 Amendment XX : Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/26
15.06.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 15.06.2017 at 15:00 hrs
369. 2017-06-08 Amendment 2: Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of various Medical Equipment under the project Up gradation of the two Hospitals in Myanmar
HSCC/PUR/MEA - Myanmar/Equipment/2016-17/02
15.06.2017 upto 1530 hrs 15.06.2017 at 1600 hrs
368. 2017-06-08 Amendment17 :Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/12
15.06.17 upto 3.30 P.M. 15.06.17 at 4.00 P.M.
367. 2017-06-07 Tender for Construction of Office & Guest House & associated works for CDSCO at Baddi, Distt. Solan, H.P.
28.06.2017 upto 15:00 hrs. 28.06.2017 At 15:30 hrs.
366. 2017-06-06 AMENDMENT 9:Tender for Disposal of surplus excavated earth outside from the Hospital premises of KCGMC, Karnal
23.06.2017 upto 15:00 hrs. 23.06.2017 at 15:30 hrs
365. 2017-06-06 Amendment03 Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/30
13.06.2017, 1430 hrs IST 13.06.2017, 1500 hrs IST
364. 2017-06-05 Amendment01_Tender for Construction of Boundary Wall including other related works for New AIIMS at Devipur, Deoghar (Jharkhand) under Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana (PMSSY) and their maintenance during Defects Liability Period.
As per Amendment As per Amendment
363. 2017-06-05 AMENDMENT 1:Tender for Construction of Boundary Wall including other related works for New AIIMS at Devipur, Deoghar (Jharkhand) under Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana (PMSSY) and their maintenance during Defects Liability Period
29/06/2017 up to 15:00hrs 29/06/2017 at 15:30 hrs
362. 2017-06-05 Invitation for Quotations for supply of Low Value Items for Blood Bank Department of Kalpana Chawla Medical College, Karnal, Haryana.
HSCC/PUR/KCGMC/Low Value/Medical College Items/2017/MC-May
19.06.2017 at 14:00 hrs 19.06.2017 at 14:30 hrs
361. 2017-06-05 Invitation for Quotations for supply of Low Value Items for Physiology Department of Kalpana Chawla Medical College, Karnal, Haryana.
HSCC/PUR/KCGMC/Low Value/Medical College Items/2017/MC-Jun (7)
20.06.2017 at 14:00 hrs 20.06.2017 at 14:30 hrs
360. 2017-06-05 Amendment 3: Providing housekeeping services including cleaning, maintenance, etc. in HSCC Corporate Office located at Plot No. E-6(A), E-13 & E-14, Sector-I, Noida, U.P.-201301”
12.06.2017 Upto 13:00hrs. 12.06.2017 at 15:30 hrs
359. 2017-06-05 Amendment 3: Engagement Of Agency For providing Round the Clock Security Services by deploying security guards, etc.
12. 06. 17 upto 13:00 hr s 12.06. 17 at 15: 30 hr s.
358. 2017-06-05 Amendment 7: Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/13
13.06.2017 upto 15:30 hrs IST (FOR ITEM NO 4 & 10) 13.06.2017 upto 16:00 hrs IST (FOR ITEM NO 4 & 10)
357. 2017-06-02 Tender for Construction of boundary wall for All India Institute of Ayurveda At Sarita Vihar, New Delhi
16.06.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 16.06.2017 At 15:30 hrs
356. 2017-06-02 Amendment XIX : Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/26
08.06.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 08.06.2017 at 15:00 hrs
355. 2017-06-02 Amendment07 Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/29
08.06.2017, 1430 hrs IST 08.06.2017, 1500 hrs IST
354. 2017-06-02 Amendment03 Construction of Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) including associated works and their Operation & Maintenance in AIIMS Campus, Masjid Moth for AIIMS, New Delhi
08.06.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 08.06.2017 At 15:00 hrs
353. 2017-06-01 Amendment16 :Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/12
08.06.17 upto 3.30 P.M. 08.06.17 at 4.00 P.M.
352. 2017-06-01 Amendment01 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of various Medical Equipment under the project Up gradation of the two Hospitals in Myanmar
HSCC/PUR/MEA - Myanmar/Equipment/2016-17/02
08.06.2017 upto 1530 hrs 08.06.2017 at 1600 hrs
351. 2017-05-31 Amendment04 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Kitchen Equipment for LGB Regional Institute of Mental Health, Tezpur, Assam
06.06.17 UPTO 14:30 PM 06.06.17 UPTO 15:00 PM
350. 2017-05-31 Amendment 5: Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Laundry Equipment for LGB Regional Institute of Mental Health, Tezpur, Assam.
14.06.17 UPTO 14:30 PM 14.06.17 UPTO 15:00 PM
349. 2017-05-30 AMENDMENT 8:Tender for Disposal of surplus excavated earth outside from the Hospital premises of KCGMC, Karnal
06.06.2017 upto 15:00 hrs. 06.06.2017 at 15:30 hrs
348. 2017-05-30 Amendment02 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2017-18/MC-05
06.06.2017, 14:30 hrs IST 06.06.2017, 15:00 hrs IST
347. 2017-05-29 Amendment01 Construction of Boundary Wall for All India Institute of Ayurveda At Sarita Vihar, New Delhi
HSCC/PM/AIIA/Boundary Wall/ 2017
As per Amendment As per Amendment
346. 2017-05-29 Amendment02 Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/30
06.06.2017, 1430 hrs IST 06.06.2017, 1500 hrs IST
345. 2017-05-29 Amendment06 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/13
05.06.2017 upto 15:30 hrs IST (FOR ITEM NO 7,8) 05.06.2017 upto 16:00 hrs IST (FOR ITEM NO 7,8)
344. 2017-05-29 Amendment02 Providing housekeeping services including cleaning, maintenance, etc. in HSCC Corporate Office located at Plot No. E-6(A), E-13 & E-14, Sector-I, Noida, U.P.-201301”
05.06.2017 Upto 1300hrs. 05.06.2017 at 1530 hrs
343. 2017-05-29 Amendment02 Engagement Of Agency For providing Round the Clock Security Services by deploying security guards, etc.
05. 06. 17 upto 13: 00 hr s 05..06. 17 at 15: 30 hr s.
342. 2017-05-27 Amendment05 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/13
05.06.2017 upto 15:30 hrs IST (FOR ITEM NO 4,6,10) 05.06.2017 upto 16:00 hrs IST (FOR ITEM NO 4,6,10)
341. 2017-05-26 Amendment03 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Kitchen Equipment for LGB Regional Institute of Mental Health, Tezpur, Assam
31.05.17 UPTO 14:30 PM 31.05.17 UPTO 15:00 PM
340. 2017-05-26 Amendment 4: Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Laundry Equipment for LGB Regional Institute of Mental Health, Tezpur, Assam.
31.05.17 UPTO 14:30 PM 31.05.17 UPTO 15:00 PM
339. 2017-05-26 Amendment 11 : Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Integration and Data Management System for Modular Operation Theatre at Surgical Block, AIIMS, New Delhi
09.06.2017 up to 14.30 hrs. 09.06.2017 at 15.00 hrs.
338. 2017-05-26 Amendment02 Construction of Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) including associated works and their Operation & Maintenance in AIIMS Campus, Masjid Moth for AIIMS, New Delhi
02.06.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 02.06.2017 At 15:00 hrs
337. 2017-05-25 Amendment06 Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/29
02.06.2017, 1430 hrs IST 02.06.2017, 1500 hrs IST
336. 2017-05-25 Amendment XVIII : Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/26
02.06.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 02.06.2017 at 15:00 hrs
335. 2017-05-25 Amendment15 :Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/12
01.06.17 upto 3.30 P.M. 01.06.17 at 4.00 P.M.
334. 2017-05-24 Amendment01 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2017-18/MC-05
30.05.2017, 14:30 hrs IST 30.05.2017, 15:00 hrs IST
333. 2017-05-23 AMENDMENT 7:Tender for Disposal of surplus excavated earth outside from the Hospital premises of KCGMC, Karnal
30.05.2017 upto 15:00 hrs. 30.05.2017 at 15:30 hrs
332. 2017-05-23 Tender for Package - 1 A : Construction of PG Ladies Hostel Balance Work for Regional Institute of Medical Sciences RIMS Imphal Manipur
14.06.2017 up to 15:00 hrs 14.06.2017 At 15:30 hrs
331. 2017-05-23 Package-IB : Construction of UG Hostel,PG Gents, Nursing Hostel and Development work Balance Work for Regional Institute of Medical Sciences RIMS Imphal Manipur
14.06.2017 up to 15:00 hrs 14.06.2017 At 15:30 hrs
330. 2017-05-23 Package-II : Construction of balance works of OPD Block including internal and external Electrical, air conditioning, PHE, fire fighting, developments works etc and its maintenance during defect liability period for Regional Institute of Medical Sciences RIMS, Imphal Manipur
14.06.2017 up to 15:00 hrs 14.06.2017 At 15:30 hrs
329. 2017-05-22 Amendment01 Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/30
29.5.2017, 1430 hrs IST 29.5.2017, 1500 hrs IST
328. 2017-05-22 Amendment04 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/13
23.05.2017 upto 15:30 hrs IST (FOR ITEM NO 5) 29.05.2017 upto 15:30 hrs IST (FOR ITEM NO 4,6,7,8,9,10) 23.05.2017 upto 15:30 hrs IST (FOR ITEM NO 5) 29.05.2017 upto 15:30 hrs IST (FOR ITEM NO 4,6,7,8,9,10)
327. 2017-05-22 Amendment01 Engagement Of Agency For providing Round the Clock Security Services by deploying security guards, etc.
29. 05. 17 upto 13: 00 hr s 29. 05. 17 at 15: 30 hr s.
326. 2017-05-22 Amendment01 Providing housekeeping services including cleaning, maintenance, etc. in HSCC Corporate Office located at Plot No. E-6(A), E-13 & E-14, Sector-I, Noida, U.P.-201301”
29.05.2017 Upto 1300hrs. 29.05.2017 at 1530 hrs
325. 2017-05-18 Amendment XVII : Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/26
25.05.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 25.05.2017 at 15:00 hrs
324. 2017-05-18 Amendment05 Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/29
25.05.2017, 1430 hrs IST 25.05.2017, 1500 hrs IST
323. 2017-05-18 Amendment01 Construction of Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) including associated works and their Operation & Maintenance in AIIMS Campus, Masjid Moth for AIIMS, New Delhi
30.05.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 30.05.2017 At 15:00 hrs
322. 2017-05-18 Amendment14 :Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/12
25.05.17 upto 3.30 P.M. 25.05.17 at 4.00 P.M.
321. 2017-05-17 Amendment01 Construction of Boundary Wall including other related works etc for proposed CDSCO office at Baddi, Distt. Solan, H.P.
As per Amendment As per Amendment
320. 2017-05-16 Invitation for Quotations for supply of Low Value Items for Paediatric Department of Kalpana Chawla Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/PUR/KCGMC/Low Value/Medical College Items/2017/MC-May (5)
29.05.2017 at 14:00 29.05.2017 at 14:30
319. 2017-05-16 AMENDMENT 6:Tender for Disposal of surplus excavated earth outside from the Hospital premises of KCGMC, Karnal
23.05.2017 upto 15:00 hrs. 23.05.2017 at 15:30 hrs
318. 2017-05-15 Amendment03 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/13
22.05.2017 upto 15:30 hrs IST 22.05.2017 at 16:00 hrs IST
317. 2017-05-12 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2017-18/MC-05
30.05.2017, 14:30 hrs IST 30.05.2017, 15:00 hrs IST
316. 2017-05-12 Amendment 3: Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Laundry Equipment for LGB Regional Institute of Mental Health, Tezpur, Assam.
26.05.17 UPTO 14:30 PM 26.05.17 UPTO 15:00 PM
315. 2017-05-12 Amendment02 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Kitchen Equipment for LGB Regional Institute of Mental Health, Tezpur, Assam
26.05.17 UPTO 14:30 PM 26.05.17 UPTO 15:00 PM
314. 2017-05-12 Amendment 10 : Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Integration and Data Management System for Modular Operation Theatre at Surgical Block, AIIMS, New Delhi
26.05.2017 up to 14.30 hrs. 26.05.2017 at 15.00 hrs.
313. 2017-05-11 Amendment XVI : Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/26
18.05.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 18.05.2017 at 15:00 hrs
312. 2017-05-11 Amendment04 Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/29
18.05.2017, 1430 hrs IST 18.05.2017, 1500 hrs IST
311. 2017-05-11 AMENDMENT 2:Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment.
HSCC/LGBRIMH/Medical Equipment/2017/off/01
18.05.2017 upto 13.00 hrs 18.05.2017 at 13.30 hrs
310. 2017-05-11 AMENDMENT 2: Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment
HSCC/LGBRIMH/Medical Equipment/2017/02
29.05.2017 upto 13.00 hrs 29.05.2017 at 13.30 hrs
309. 2017-05-11 Amendment13 :Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/12
18.05.17 upto 3.30 P.M. 18.05.17 at 4.00 P.M.
308. 2017-05-11 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of various Medical Equipment under the project Up gradation of the two Hospitals in Myanmar
HSCC/PUR/MEA - Myanmar/Equipment/2016-17/02
01.06.2017 upto 1530 hrs 01.06.2017 at 1600 hrs
307. 2017-05-11 Amendment 10 : Procurement of Medical Equipment under the project of Up gradation of the Two Hospitals in Myanmar
HSCC/PUR/MEA - Myanmar/Equipment/2016-17/01
18.05.2017 upto 15:30 hrs 18.05.2017 At 16:00 hrs
306. 2017-05-09 AMENDMENT 5:Tender for Disposal of surplus excavated earth outside from the Hospital premises of KCGMC, Karnal
16.05.2017 upto 15:00 hrs. 16.05.2017 at 15:30 hrs
305. 2017-05-09 Construction of Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) including associated works and their Operation & Maintenance in AIIMS Campus, Masjid Moth for AIIMS, New Delhi
30.05.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 30.05.2017 At 15:00 hrs
304. 2017-05-08 Tender For Engagement Of Agency For providing Round the Clock Security Services by deploying security guards, etc.
22. 05. 17 upto 13: 00 hr s 22. 05. 17 at 15: 30 hr s.
303. 2017-05-08 Tender for Providing housekeeping services including cleaning, maintenance, etc. in HSCC Corporate Office located at Plot No. E-6(A), E-13 & E-14, Sector-I, Noida, U.P.-201301”
22.05.2017 Upto 1300hrs. 22.05.2017 at 1530 hrs
302. 2017-05-06 Amendment02 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/13
15.05.2017 upto 15:30 hrs IST 15.05.2017 at 16:00 hrs IST
301. 2017-05-05 Amendment 2: Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Laundry Equipment for LGB Regional Institute of Mental Health, Tezpur, Assam.
12.05.17 UPTO 14:30 PM 12.05.17 UPTO 15:00 PM
300. 2017-05-05 Amendment04_Invitation for Quotations for supply of Low Value Items for Physiotherapy Departments of Kalpana Chawla Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/PUR/KCGMC/Low Value/Medical College Items/2017/MC-Mar (4)
16.05.2017 at 14:00 16.05.2017,14.30Hrs
299. 2017-05-05 Amendment - IX Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment /2016-17/MC-02
18.05.2017 upto 14:00 Hrs 18.05.2017 at 15:00 Hrs
298. 2017-05-05 Amendment04 Supply, Testing & Handing-over of various Physiotherapy Equipments / Items for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Items/2017/OFF/MC-04
17.05.2017,15:00 hrs IST 17.05.2017, 15:30 hrs IST
297. 2017-05-04 Amendment03 Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/29
11.05.2017, 1430 hrs IST 11.05.2017, 1500 hrs IST
296. 2017-05-03 Amendment01_Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Kitchen Equipment for LGB Regional Institute of Mental Health, Tezpur, Assam
12.05.17 UPTO 14:30 PM 12.05.17 UPTO 15:00 PM
295. 2017-05-03 Amendment12 :Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/12
11.05.17 upto 3.30 P.M. 11.05.17 at 4.00 P.M.
294. 2017-05-03 Amendment XV : Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/26
11.05.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 11.05.2017 at 15:00 hrs
293. 2017-05-03 Amendment - VIII Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment /2016-17/MC-02
18.05.2017 upto 14:00 Hrs 18.05.2017 at 15:00 Hrs
292. 2017-05-02 Amendment01 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/13
09.05.2017 upto 15:30 hrs IST 09.05.2017 at 16:00 hrs IST
291. 2017-05-02 AMENDMENT 4:Tender for Disposal of surplus excavated earth outside from the Hospital premises of KCGMC, Karnal
09.05.2017 upto 15:00 hrs. 09.05.2017 at 15:30 hrs
290. 2017-05-01 AMENDMENT 1:Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment.
HSCC/LGBRIMH/Medical Equipment/2017/off/01
12.05.2017 upto 13.00 hrs 12.05.2017 at 13.30 hrs
289. 2017-05-01 AMENDMENT 1: Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment
HSCC/LGBRIMH/Medical Equipment/2017/02
29.05.2017 upto 13.00 hrs 29.05.2017 at 13.30 hrs
288. 2017-05-01 Amendment16: Supply, installation, testing, commissioning and handing over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block and Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital and VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/25
08.05.2017 upto 1430 hrs 08.05.2017 at 1500 hrs
287. 2017-05-01 Amendment03_Invitation for Quotations for supply of Low Value Items for Physiotherapy Departments of Kalpana Chawla Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/PUR/KCGMC/Low Value/Medical College Items/2017/MC-Mar (4)
16.05.2017 at 14:00 16.05.2017,14.30Hrs
286. 2017-05-01 Amendment03 Supply, Testing & Handing-over of various Physiotherapy Equipments / Items for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Items/2017/OFF/MC-04
17.05.2017,15:00 hrs IST 17.05.2017, 15:30 hrs IST
285. 2017-05-01 Amendment 1: Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Laundry Equipment for LGB Regional Institute of Mental Health, Tezpur, Assam.
05.05.17 UPTO 14:30 PM 05.05.17 UPTO 15:00 PM
284. 2017-05-01 Tender for Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/30
22.5.2017, 1430 hrs IST 22.5.2017, 1500 hrs IST
283. 2017-04-28 Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment.
HSCC/LGBRIMH/Medical Equipment/2017/off/01
12.05.2017 upto 13.00 hrs 12.05.2017 at 13.30 hrs
282. 2017-04-28 Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment
HSCC/LGBRIMH/Medical Equipment/2017/02
29.05.2017 upto 13.00 hrs 29.05.2017 at 13.30 hrs
281. 2017-04-27 Amendment 9 : Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Integration and Data Management System for Modular Operation Theatre at Surgical Block, AIIMS, New Delhi
12.05.2017 up to 14.30 hrs. 12.05.2017 at 15.00 hrs.
280. 2017-04-27 Amendment02 Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/29
04.05.2017, 1430 hrs IST 04.05.2017, 1500 hrs IST
279. 2017-04-26 Amendment XIV : Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/26
03.05.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 03.05.2017 at 15:00 hrs
278. 2017-04-26 Amendment11 :Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/12
03.05.17 upto 3.30 P.M. 03.05.17 at 4.00 P.M.
277. 2017-04-25 AMENDMENT 3:Tender for Disposal of surplus excavated earth outside from the Hospital premises of KCGMC, Karnal
02.05.2017 upto 15:00 hrs. 02.05.2017 at 15:30 hrs
276. 2017-04-25 Amendment 9 : Procurement of Medical Equipment under the project of Up gradation of the Two Hospitals in Myanmar
HSCC/PUR/MEA - Myanmar/Equipment/2016-17/01
11.05.2017 upto 15:30 hrs 11.05.2017 At 16:00 hrs
275. 2017-04-24 Amendment15: Supply, installation, testing, commissioning and handing over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block and Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital and VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/25
01.05.2017 upto 1430 hrs 01.05.2017 at 1500 hrs
274. 2017-04-24 Amendment02_Construction of 50 Bedded Mother & Child Wing , Khatauli, Muzaffarnagar
28.04.17upto 14:30 hrs 28.04.17upto 15:00 hrs
273. 2017-04-21 Amendment02 Supply, Testing & Handing-over of various Physiotherapy Equipments / Items for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Items/2017/OFF/MC-04
02.05.2017,15:00 hrs IST 02.05.2017, 15:30 hrs IST
272. 2017-04-21 Amendment02_Invitation for Quotations for supply of Low Value Items for Physiotherapy Departments of Kalpana Chawla Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/PUR/KCGMC/Low Value/Medical College Items/2017/MC-Mar (4)
04.05.2017 at 14:00 04.05.2017,14.30Hrs
271. 2017-04-21 Amendment - VII Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment /2016-17/MC-02
03.05.2017 upto 14:00 Hrs 03.05.2017 at 15:00 Hrs
270. 2017-04-20 Amendment01 Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/29
27.4.2017, 1430 hrs IST 27.4.2017, 1500 hrs IST
269. 2017-04-20 Amendment01_Construction of 50 Bedded Mother & Child Wing , Khatauli, Muzaffarnagar
28.04.17upto 14:30 hrs 28.04.17upto 15:00 hrs
268. 2017-04-20 Amendment01_Construction of 50 Bedded Mother & Child Wing , Kakori, Lucknow
HSCC/NHM-UP/50 Bed MCH/ 2017
28.04.17upto 14:30 hrs 28.04.17upto 15:00 hrs
267. 2017-04-20 Construction of 50 Bedded Mother and Child Wing , Gosaingang, Lucknow
HSCC/NHM-UP/50 Bed MCH/2017
28.04.17upto 14:30 hrs 28.04.17upto 15:00 hrs
266. 2017-04-20 Amendment01_Construction of 50 Bedded Mother and Child Wing , Bhangel,Gataum Budh Nagar
HSCC/NHM-UP/50 Bed MCH/ 2017
28.04.17upto 14:30 hrs 28.04.17upto 15:00 hrs
265. 2017-04-19 Amendment01_Invitation for Quotations for supply of Low Value Items for Physiotherapy Departments of Kalpana Chawla Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/PUR/KCGMC/Low Value/Medical College Items/2017/MC-Mar (4)
04.05.2017 at 14:00 04.05.2017,14.30Hrs
264. 2017-04-19 Amendment 02:Development of Network Infrastructure for NEW OPD Block at AIIMS, New Delhi
05/05/2017 upto 14:30 hrs. 05/05/2017 At 15:00 hrs
263. 2017-04-19 Amendment XIII : Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/26
26.04.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 26.04.2017 at 15:00 hrs
262. 2017-04-19 Amendment10 :Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/12
26.04.17 upto 3.30 P.M. 26.04.17 at 4.00 P.M.
261. 2017-04-19 Amendment VI Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment /2016-17/MC-02
03.05.2017 upto 14:00 Hrs 03.05.2017 at 15:00 Hrs
260. 2017-04-18 CANCELLATION NOTICE: Construction of Super Speciality Block at Goa Medical College, Bambolim Goa
259. 2017-04-18 Amendment01 Supply, Testing & Handing-over of various Physiotherapy Equipments / Items for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Items/2017/OFF/MC-04
02.05.2017,15:00 hrs IST 02.05.2017, 15:30 hrs IST
258. 2017-04-18 AMENDMENT 2:Tender for Disposal of surplus excavated earth outside from the Hospital premises of KCGMC, Karnal
25.04.2017 upto 15:00 hrs. 25.04.2017 at 15:30 hrs
257. 2017-04-17 Amendment14: Supply, installation, testing, commissioning and handing over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block and Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital and VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/25
24.04.2017 upto 1430 hrs 24.04.2017 at 1500 hrs
256. 2017-04-13 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/off/C/01/H
03.05.2017 upto 13.00 hrs 03.05.2017 at 13:30 hrs
255. 2017-04-13 Amendment 8 : Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Integration and Data Management System for Modular Operation Theatre at Surgical Block, AIIMS, New Delhi
27.04.2017 up to 14.30 hrs. 27.04.2017 at 15.00 hrs.
254. 2017-04-12 Amendment 01:Development of Network Infrastructure for NEW OPD Block at AIIMS, New Delhi
20/04/2017 upto 14:30 hrs. 20/04/2017 At 15:00 hrs.
253. 2017-04-12 Amendment V Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment /2016-17/MC-02
19.04.2017 upto 14:00 Hrs 19.04.2017 at 14:30 Hrs
252. 2017-04-12 Amendment09 :Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/12
19.04.17 upto 3.30 P.M. 19.04.17 at 4.00 P.M.
251. 2017-04-12 Amendment 8 : Procurement of Medical Equipment under the project of Up gradation of the Two Hospitals in Myanmar
HSCC/PUR/MEA - Myanmar/Equipment/2016-17/01
25.04.2017 upto 15:30 hrs 25.04.2017 At 16:00 hrs
250. 2017-04-12 Amendment XII : Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/26
19.04.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 19.04.2017 at 15:00 hrs
249. 2017-04-11 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Kitchen Equipment for LGB Regional Institute of Mental Health, Tezpur, Assam
03.05.17 UPTO 14:30 PM 03.05.17 UPTO 15:00 PM
248. 2017-04-11 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Laundry Equipment for LGB Regional Institute of Mental Health, Tezpur, Assam.
03.05.17 UPTO 14:30 PM 03.05.17 UPTO 15:00 PM
247. 2017-04-11 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/13
02.05.2017 upto 15:30 hrs IST 02.05.2017 at 16:00 hrs IST
20.04.2017 upto 14:30 Hrs 20.04.2017 upto 15:00 Hrs
245. 2017-04-07 Construction of 50 Bedded Mother & Child Wing at various locations in UP
HSCC/NHM-UP/50 Bed MCH/ 2017
28.04.17 upto 14:30 hrs 28.04.17 at 15:00 hrs
244. 2017-04-07 Amendment13: Supply, installation, testing, commissioning and handing over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block and Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital and VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/25
17.04.2017 upto 1430 hrs 17.04.2017 at 1500 hrs
243. 2017-04-07 Amendment V -Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Med.Eqpt. /2016/28
17.04.2017 upto 14:30 Hrs 17.04.2017 upto 15:00 Hrs
242. 2017-04-07 Construction of 50 Bedded Mother and Child Wing , Bhangel,Gataum Budh Nagar
HSCC/NHM-UP/50 Bed MCH/ 2017
28.04.17upto 14:30 hrs 28.04.17upto 15:00 hrs
241. 2017-04-07 Construction of 50 Bedded Mother and Child Wing , Gosaingang, Lucknow
HSCC/NHM-UP/50 Bed MCH/2017
28.04.17upto 14:30 hrs 28.04.17upto 15:00 hrs
240. 2017-04-07 Construction of 50 Bedded Mother & Child Wing , Kakori, Lucknow
HSCC/NHM-UP/50 Bed MCH/ 2017
28.04.17upto 14:30 hrs 28.04.17upto 15:00 hrs
239. 2017-04-07 Construction of 50 Bedded Mother & Child Wing , Khatauli, Muzaffarnagar
28.04.17upto 14:30 hrs 28.04.17upto 15:00 hrs
238. 2017-04-07 Amendment 6: Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for OPD at AIIMS Rae Bareli
13-04-2017 upto 15:30 hrs 13-04-2017 At 16:00 hrs
237. 2017-04-06 LIMITED TENDER For Supply and installation of modular type office furniture including other associated works at 3rd Floor (North side) of HSCC corporate office at E-6A, Sector -1, Noida
13.04.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 13.04.2017 at 15:30 hrs
236. 2017-04-06 Amendment XI : Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/26
12.04.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 12.04.2017 at 15:00 hrs
235. 2017-04-06 Amendment07_Construction of Super Speciality Block at Goa Medical College, Bambolim Goa
18.04.2017 upto 15:00 hrs. 18.04.2017 at 15:30 hrs
234. 2017-04-05 Amendment08 :Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/12
12.04.17 upto 3.30 P.M. 12.04.17 at 4.00 P.M.
233. 2017-04-05 Amendment 7 : Procurement of Medical Equipment under the project of Up gradation of the Two Hospitals in Myanmar
HSCC/PUR/MEA - Myanmar/Equipment/2016-17/01
12.04.2017 upto 15:30 hrs 12.04.2017 At 16:00 hrs
232. 2017-04-05 Amendment IV Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment /2016-17/MC-02
12.04.2017 upto 14:00 Hrs 12.04.2017 at 14:30 Hrs
10.04.2017 upto 14:30 Hrs 10.04.2017 upto 15:00 Hrs
230. 2017-03-31 Amendment 5: Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for OPD at AIIMS Rae Bareli
07-04-2017 upto 15:30 hrs 07-04-2017 At 16:00 hrs
229. 2017-03-30 Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/29
20.4.2017, 1430 hrs IST 20.4.2017, 1500 hrs IST
228. 2017-03-30 Invitation for Quotations for supply of Low Value Items for Physiotherapy Departments of Kalpana Chawla Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/PUR/KCGMC/Low Value/Medical College Items/2017/MC-Mar (4)
21.04.2017 at 14:00 21.04.2017 at 14:30
227. 2017-03-30 Amendment 7 : Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Integration and Data Management System for Modular Operation Theatre at Surgical Block, AIIMS, New Delhi
13.04.2017 up to 14.30 hrs. 13.04.2017 at 15.00 hrs.
226. 2017-03-28 Development of Network Infrastructure for NEW OPD Block at AIIMS, New Delhi
20/04/2017 upto 14:30 hrs. 20/04/2017 At 15:00 hrs.
225. 2017-03-28 Amendment18:Supply,installation,testing,commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2016/24
11.04.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 11.04.2017 at 15:00 hrs
224. 2017-03-28 Amendment12: Supply, installation, testing, commissioning and handing over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block and Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital and VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/25
07.04.2017 upto 1430 hrs 07.04.2017 at 1500 hrs
223. 2017-03-28 Amendment07:Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/12
05.04.17 upto 3.30 P.M. 05.04.17 at 4.00 P.M.
222. 2017-03-28 Amendment 6 : Procurement of Medical Equipment under the project of Up gradation of the Two Hospitals in Myanmar
HSCC/PUR/MEA - Myanmar/Equipment/2016-17/01
05.04.2017 upto 15:30 hrs 05.04.2017 At 16:00 hrs
221. 2017-03-27 Amendment X : Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/26
06.04.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 06.04.2017 at 15:00 hrs
220. 2017-03-27 Amendment VI :Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-03/G
03.04.2017 upto 13.00 hrs 03.04.2017 at 13:30 hrs
219. 2017-03-24 Amendment06_Construction of Super Speciality Block at Goa Medical College, Bambolim Goa
06.04.2017 upto 15:00 hrs. 06.04.2017 at 15:30 hrs
218. 2017-03-24 Amendment 5: Providing housekeeping services including cleaning,maintenance, etc. in HSCC Corporate Office located at Plot No. E-6(A), E -13 & 14 tore Sector-I, Noida, U.P.- 201301”
31.03.2017 Upto 1300hrs. 31.03.2017 At 1530 hrs
217. 2017-03-24 Amendment 4: Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for OPD at AIIMS Rae Bareli
31-03-2017 upto 15:30 hrs 31-03-2017 At 16:00 hrs
216. 2017-03-24 Amendment - III Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment /2016-17/MC-02
05.04.2017 upto 14:00 Hrs 05.04.2017 at 14:30 Hrs
215. 2017-03-24 tender for Supply, Testing & Handing-over of various Physiotherapy Equipments / Items for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Items/2017/OFF/MC-04
17.04.2017,15:00 hrs IST 17.04.2017, 15:30 hrs IST
214. 2017-03-24 Amendment IV -Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Med.Eqpt. /2016/28
07.04.2017 upto 14:30 Hrs 07.04.2017 upto 15:00 Hrs
213. 2017-03-23 Tender for Disposal of surplus excavated earth outside from the Hospital premises of KCGMC, Karnal
07.04.2017 upto 15:00 hrs. 07.04.2017 at 15:30 hrs
31.03.2017 upto 14:30 Hrs 31.03.2017 upto 15:00 Hrs
211. 2017-03-22 Amendment 30 :Outsourcing of Kitchen Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Kitchen Equipment and Utensils including supply of raw materials eg. food grain, raw vegetables, paneer, egg, milk etc. Preparation, cooking and distribution of good quality meal/food and collection of dirty dish to and from each bed on daily basis for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
27.03.2017 Up to 15.00 Hrs 27.03.2017 At 15:30 Hrs
210. 2017-03-21 Amendment V :Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-03/G
27.03.2017 upto 13.00 hrs 27.03.2017 at 13:30 hrs
209. 2017-03-21 Amendment IX : Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/26
04.04.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 04.04.2017 at 15:00 hrs
208. 2017-03-21 Amendment XII:supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/201/27
28.03.2017 UPTO 1430 HRS 28.03.2017 AT 1500 HRS
207. 2017-03-21 Amendment11: Supply, installation, testing, commissioning and handing over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block and Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital and VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/25
28.03.2017 upto 1430 hrs 28.03.2017 at 1500 hrs
206. 2017-03-21 Amendment17 :Supply,installation,testing,commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2016/24
28.03.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 28.03.2017 at 15:00 hrs
205. 2017-03-21 Amendment 4 :Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/off/C/01/G
28.03.2017 upto 13.00 hrs 28.03.2017 at 13:30 hrs
24.03.2017 upto 14:30 Hrs 24.03.2017 upto 15:00 Hrs
203. 2017-03-21 Amendment5 : Procurement of Medical Equipment under the project of Up gradation of the Two Hospitals in Myanmar
HSCC/PUR/MEA - Myanmar/Equipment/2016-17/01
28.03.2017 upto 15:30 hrs 28.03.2017 At 16:00 hrs
202. 2017-03-21 Amendment06:Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/12
28.03.17 upto 3.30 P.M. 28.03.17 at 4.00 P.M.
201 2017-03-20 Amendment IV :Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-03/G
27.03.2017 upto 13.00 hrs 27.03.2017 at 13:30 hrs
200. 2017-03-17 Amendment - II Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment /2016-17/MC-02
24.03.2017 upto 14:00 Hrs 24.03.2017 at 14:30 Hrs
HSCC/LGBRIMH/Medical EQUIPMENT /2017/Dated 23.02.2017
24.03.2017 upto 14:30 Hrs 24.03.2017 upto 15:00 Hrs
198. 2017-03-17 Amendment III -Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Med.Eqpt. /2016/28 dt. 15.02.2017
24.03.2017 upto 14:30 Hrs 24.03.2017 upto 15:00 Hrs
197. 2017-03-17 Amendment 4: Providing housekeeping services including cleaning,maintenance, etc. in HSCC Corporate Office located at Plot No. E-6(A), E -13 & 14 tore Sector-I, Noida, U.P.- 201301”
24.03.2017 Upto 1300hrs. 24.03.2017 At 1530 hrs
196. 2017-03-17 Amendment 3: Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for OPD at AIIMS Rae Bareli
24-03-2017 upto 15:30 hrs 24-03-2017 At 16:00 hrs
195. 2017-03-16 Amendment05_Construction of Super Speciality Block at Goa Medical College, Bambolim Goa
24.03.2017 upto 15:00 hrs. 24.03.2017 at 15:30 hrs
194. 2017-03-16 Amendment 6 : Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Integration and Data Management System for Modular Operation Theatre at Surgical Block, AIIMS, New Delhi
30.03.2017 up to 14.30 hrs. 30.03.2017 at 15.00 hrs.
193. 2017-03-16 Amendment05:Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/12
21.03.17 upto 3.30 P.M. 21.03.17 at 4.00 P.M.
192. 2017-03-15 Amendment 2: Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Bl ock at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Med.Eqpt. /2016/28
24.03.2017 upto 14:30 Hrs 24.03.2017 upto 15:00 Hrs
191. 2017-03-14 Amendment III :Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-03/G
21.03.2017 upto 13.00 hrs 21.03.2017 at 13:30 hrs
190. 2017-03-14 Amendment 3:Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/off/C/01/G
21.03.2017 upto 13.00 hrs 21.03.2017 at 13:30 hrs
189. 2017-03-14 Amendment I: Tender for Up-gradation of existing Hospital at Pali,Rajasthan and it's maintenance during Defects Liability Period SH: Renovation & addition/ alteration in the existing Hospital
21.03.2017 upto 15:00 hrs. 21.03.2017 at 15:30 hrs.
188. 2017-03-14 Amendment 2: Tender for Up-gradation of existing Hospital at Pali,Rajasthan and it's maintenance during Defects Liability Period SH: Renovation & addition/ alteration in the existing Hospital
21.03.2017 upto 15:00 hrs. 21.03.2017 at 15:30 hrs.
187. 2017-03-14 Amendment 4: Procurement of Medical Equipment under the project of Up gradation of the Two Hospitals in Myanmar
HSCC/PUR/MEA - Myanmar/Equipment/2016-17/01
21.03.2017 upto 15:30 hrs 21.03.2017 At 16:00 hrs
186. 2017-03-14 Amendment04:Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/12
21.03.17 upto 3.30 P.M. 21.03.17 at 4.00 P.M.
185. 2017-03-14 Amendment 2 :Construction of 50 Bedded MCH Block at W&C Hospital, Kozhikode District, Kerala
22.03.2017 Upto 15:00 hrs 22.03.2017 at 15:30 hrs.
184. 2017-03-14 Amendment VIII: Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/26
21.03.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 21.03.2017 at 15:00 hrs
183. 2017-03-14 Amendment10: Supply, installation, testing, commissioning and handing over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block and Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital and VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/25
21.03.2017 upto 1430 hrs 21.03.2017 at 1500 hrs
182. 2017-03-14 Amendment XI:supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/201/27
21.03.2017 UPTO 1430 HRS 21.03.2017 AT 1500 HRS
181. 2017-03-14 Amendment16 :Supply,installation,testing,commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2016/24
21.03.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 21.03.2017 at 15:00 hrs
180. 2017-03-10 Amendment 29 :Outsourcing of Kitchen Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Kitchen Equipment and Utensils including supply of raw materials eg. food grain, raw vegetables, paneer, egg, milk etc. Preparation, cooking and distribution of good quality meal/food and collection of dirty dish to and from each bed on daily basis for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
22.03.2017 Up to 15.00 Hrs 22.03.2017 At 15:30 Hrs
179. 2017-03-10 Amendment 29 : Outsourcing of Laundry Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Laundry equipment including collection and distribution of hospital linen for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital.
20.03.2017 Up to 15.00 Hrs 20.03.2017 At 15.30 Hrs
178. 2017-03-10 Amendment 1:Construction of 50 Bedded MCH Block at W&C Hospital, Kozhikode District, Kerala
22.03.2017 Upto 15:00 hrs 22.03.2017 at 15:30 hrs.
177. 2017-03-10 Amendment 2: Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for OPD at AIIMS Rae Bareli
17-03-2017 upto 15:30 hrs 17-03-2017 At 16:00 hrs
176. 2017-03-10 Amendment - I Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment /2016-17/MC-02
17.03.2017 upto 14:30 Hrs 17.03.2017 upto 15:00 Hrs
175. 2017-03-10 Amendment -1 Procurement of Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Bl ock at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Med.Eqpt. /2016/28 dt. 15.02.2017
17.03.2017 upto 14:30 Hrs 17.03.2017 upto 15:00 Hrs
174. 2017-03-10 Amendment -I Limited Tender for Preparation of 3D Walkthrough for Patient Flow in Hospital(OPD IPD, Diagnosis & other related areas)
HSCC/HO/Walkthrough/2017 dated 03/03/2017
21.03.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 21.03.2017 at 15:30 hrs
173. 2017-03-09 Amendment VII: Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/26
14.03.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 14.03.2017 at 15:00 hrs
172. 2017-03-08 Amendment VI: Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/26
14.03.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 14.03.2017 at 15:00 hrs
171. 2017-03-08 Amendment04_Construction of Super Speciality Block at Goa Medical College, Bambolim Goa
16.03.2017 upto 15:00 hrs. 16.03.2017 at 15:30 hrs
170. 2017-03-07 Amendment09: Supply, installation, testing, commissioning and handing over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block and Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital and VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/25
14.03.2017 upto 1430 hrs 14.03.2017 at 1500 hrs
169. 2017-03-07 Amendment X:supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/201/27
14.03.2017 UPTO 1430 HRS 14.03.2017 AT 1500 HRS
168. 2017-03-07 Amendment15:Supply,installation,testing,commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2016/24
14.03.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 14.03.2017 at 15:00 hrs
167. 2017-03-07 Amendment3_Procurement of Medical Equipment under the project of Up gradation of the Two Hospitals in Myanmar
HSCC/PUR/MEA - Myanmar/Equipment/2016-17/01
14.03.2017 upto 15:30 hrs 14.03.2017 At 16:00 hrs
166. 2017-03-06 Amendment 2 : Construction of Boundary Wall including other related works for New AIIMS at Gorakhpur, (U.P) under Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana (PMSSY) and their maintenance during Defects Liability Period
09.03.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 09.03.2017 at 16:00 hrs.
165. 2017-03-06 Amendment I :Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-03/G
14.03.2017 upto 13.00 hrs 14.03.2017 at 13:30 hrs
164. 2017-03-06 Amendment 2:Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/off/C/01/G
14.03.2017 upto 13.00 hrs 14.03.2017 at 13:30 hrs
163. 2017-03-06 Amendment2 : Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/off/H/01/C
14.03.2017 upto 13.00 hrs 14.03.2017 at 13:30 hrs
162. 2017-03-06 Amendment 3: Providing housekeeping services including cleaning,maintenance, etc. in HSCC Corporate Office located at Plot No. E-6(A), E -13 & 14 tore Sector-I, Noida, U.P.- 201301”
17.03.2017 Upto 1300hrs. 17.03.2017 At 1530 hrs
161. 2017-03-06 Amendment03:Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/12
14.03.17 upto 3.30 P.M. 14.03.17 at 4.00 P.M.
160. 2017-03-06 Amendment II :Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-03/G
14.03.2017 upto 13.00 hrs 14.03.2017 at 13:30 hrs
159. 2017-03-03 Amendment01 Supply, Testing & Handing-over of various Equipments for Medical College at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana for the following Departments
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Items/2017/OFF/MC-03
15.03.2017 upto 15.00 15.03.2017 at 15:30
158. 2017-03-03 Amendment01_Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for OPD at AIIMS Rae Bareli
10-03-2017 upto 15:30 10-03-2017 At 16:00
157. 2017-03-03 Limited Tender for Preparation of 3D Walkthrough for Patient Flow in Hospital (OPD, IPD, Diagnosis & other related areas) for HSCC India Limited
10.03.2017 at 15:00 Hrs 10.03.2017 at 15:30 Hrs
156. 2017-03-03 Amendment01_Construction of Boundary Wall including other related works for New AIIMS at Gorakhpur, (U.P) under Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana (PMSSY) and their maintenance during Defects Liability Period
06.03.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 06.03.2017 at 15:30 hrs.
155. 2017-03-01 Amendment01 Quotations for supply of Low Value Items for Various Medical College Departments of Kalpana Chawla Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/PUR/KCGMC/Low Value/Medical College Items/2017/MC-Feb (3)
07.03.2017 at 14:00 07.03.2017 at 14:30
154. 2017-03-01 Construction of 50 Bedded MCH Block at W&C Hospital, Kozhikode District, Kerala
18.03.2017 Upto 15:00 hrs 22.03.2017 at 15:30 hrs.
153. 2017-02-28 Amendment04 : External Electrical Works for construction of Electrical substation at NCI Jhajjar, Haryana
HSCC/AIIMS/ NCI_Jhajjar/SS/2017
07.03.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 07.03.2017 At 15:30 hrs.
152. 2017-02-28 Amendment4: Electrical Works for National Cancer Institute (NCI) Jhajjar, Haryana
HSCC/AIIMS/ NCI_Jhajjar/2017
08.03.2017 upto 15:00 hrs. 08.03.2017 At 15:30 hrs
151. 2017-02-28 Amendment 28 :Outsourcing of Kitchen Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Kitchen Equipment and Utensils including supply of raw materials eg. food grain, raw vegetables, paneer, egg, milk etc. Preparation, cooking and distribution of good quality meal/food and collection of dirty dish to and from each bed on daily basis for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
10.03.2017 Up to 15.00 Hrs 10.03.2017 At 15:30 Hrs
150. 2017-02-28 Amendment 28: Outsourcing of Laundry Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Laundry equipment including collection and distribution of hospital linen for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital.
10.03.2017 Up to 15.00 Hrs 10.03.2017 At 15.30 Hrs
149. 2017-02-28 Amendment08: Supply, installation, testing, commissioning and handing over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block and Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital and VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/25
07.03.2017 upto 1430 hrs 07.03.2017 at 1500 hrs
148. 2017-02-28 Amendment14:Supply,installation,testing,commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2016/24
07.03.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 07.03.2017 at 15:00 hrs
147. 2017-02-28 Amendment IX:supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/201/27
07.03.2017 upto 1430 hrs 07.03.2017 at 1500 hrs
146. 2017-02-28 Amendment2_Procurement of Medical Equipment under the project of Up gradation of the Two Hospitals in Myanmar
HSCC/PUR/MEA - Myanmar/Equipment/2016-17/01
07.03.2017 upto 15:30 hrs 07.03.2017 At 16:00 hrs
145. 2017-02-27 Amendment 5 : Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Integration and Data Management System for Modular Operation Theatre at Surgical Block, AIIMS, New Delhi
16.03.2017 up to 14.30 hrs. 16.03.2017 at 15.00 hrs.
144. 2017-02-27 Amendment 2: Providing housekeeping services including cleaning,maintenance, etc. in HSCC Corporate Office located at Plot No. E-6(A), E -13 & 14 tore Sector-I, Noida, U.P.- 201301”
06.03.2017 Upto 1300hrs. 06.03.2017 At 1530 hrs
143. 2017-02-27 Amendment V: Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/26
07.03.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 07.03.2017 at 15:00 hrs
142. 2017-02-27 Amendment VIII:supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/201/27
07.03.2017 UPTO 1430 HRS (FOR ITEM 5 ) 28.02.2017 upto 1430 hrs( FOR ITEM NO 8) 07.03.2017 UPTO 1430 HRS (FOR ITEM 5 ) 28.02.2017 at 1500 hrs( FOR ITEM NO 8)
141. 2017-02-27 Tender for Up-gradation of existing Hospital at Pali,Rajasthan and it's maintenance during Defects Liability Period SH: Renovation & addition/ alteration in the existing Hospital
14.03.2017 upto14:30 hrs. 14.03.2017 at 15:00 hrs.
140. 2017-02-25 Amendment 1: Tender For Engagement Of Agency For providing Round the Clock Security Services by deploying security guards, etc.
28.02.17 upto 13:00 hrs 28.02.17 at 15:30 hrs.
139. 2017-02-25 Amendment 1: Providing housekeeping services including cleaning,maintenance, etc. in HSCC Corporate Office located at Plot No. E-6(A), E -13 & 14 tore Sector-I, Noida, U.P.- 201301”
27.02.2017 Upto 1300hrs. 27.02.2017 At 1530 hrs
HSCC/ LGBRIMH /Medical Equipment/2017 Dated 23/02/2017
17.03.2017, 1430 hrs IST 17.03.2017, 1500 hrs IST
137. 2017-02-24 Amendment1_Procurement of Medical Equipment under the project of Up gradation of the Two Hospitals in Myanmar
HSCC/PUR/MEA - Myanmar/Equipment/2016-17/01
28.02.2017 upto 15:30 hrs 28.02.2017 At 16:00 hrs
136. 2017-02-22 Amendment 1:Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/off/C/01/G
06.03.2017 upto 13.00 hrs 06.03.2017 at 13:30 hrs
135. 2017-02-22 Amendment 1: Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/off/H/01/C
06.03.2017 upto 13.00 hrs 06.03.2017 at 13:30 hrs
134. 2017-02-21 Amendment13:Supply,installation,testing,commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2016/24
28.02.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 28.02.2017 at 15:00 hrs
133. 2017-02-21 Amendment07: Supply, installation, testing, commissioning and handing over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block and Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital and VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/25
28.02.2017 upto 1430 hrs 28.02.2017 at 1500 hrs
132. 2017-02-21 Amendment VII:supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/201/27
28.02.2017 upto 1430 hrs( FOR ITEM NO 8) 28.02.2017 at 1500 hrs( FOR ITEM NO 8)
131. 2017-02-20 Invitation for Quotations for supply of Low Value Items for Various Medical College Departments of Kalpana Chawla Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/PUR/KCGMC/Low Value/Medical College Items/2017/MC-Feb (3)
01.03.2017 at 14:00 01.03.2017 at 14:30
130. 2017-02-20 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Hospital related furniture for Super Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC New Delhi
HSCC/Saf./SSB/Hosp. Fur/181/2017
07.03.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 07.03.2017 at 15:30 hrs.
129. 2017-02-20 Amendment01 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/off/C/01/F
23.02.2017 upto 13.00 hrs 23.02.2017 at 13:30 hrs
128. 2017-02-20 Amendment3: Electrical Works for National Cancer Institute (NCI) Jhajjar, Haryana
HSCC/AIIMS/ NCI_Jhajjar/2017
01.03.2017 upto 15:00 hrs. 01.03.2017 At 15:30 hrs.
127. 2017-02-20 Amendment03 : External Electrical Works for construction of Electrical substation at NCI Jhajjar, Haryana
HSCC/AIIMS/ NCI_Jhajjar/SS/2017
28.02.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 28.02.2017 At 15:30 hrs.
126. 2017-02-20 Amendment01_Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/offline/2017/2
23.02.2017.,16:00 hrs IST 23.02.2017, 16:30 hrs IST
125. 2017-02-20 Amendment IV: Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/26
27.02.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 27.02.2017 at 15:00 hrs
124. 2017-02-20 Amendment VI:supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/201/27
27.02.2017 upto 1430 hrs 27.02.2017 at 1500 hrs
123. 2017-02-20 Construction of Boundary Wall including other related works for New AIIMS at Gorakhpur, (U.P) under Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana (PMSSY) and their maintenance during Defects Liability Period
06.03.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 06.03.2017 at 15:30 hrs.
122. 2017-02-20 Amendment01_Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Hospital related furniture for Super Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC New Delhi
HSCC/Saf./SSB/Hosp. Fur/181/2017
07.03.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 07.03.2017 at 15:30 hrs.
121. 2017-02-20 Amendment 24 : Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital and OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/07
27.02.2017 upto 15:30 hrs IST 27..02.2017 At 16:00 hrs IST
120. 2017-02-20 Amendment03_Construction of Super Speciality Block at Goa Medical College, Bambolim Goa
09.03.2017 upto 15:00 hrs. 09.03.2017 at 15:30 hrs
119. 2017-02-20 Supply, Testing & Handing-over of various Equipments for Medical College at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana for the following Departments
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Items/2017/OFF/MC-03
06.03.2017 at 14:30 06.03.2017 at 14:30
118. 2017-02-20 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016-17/MC-02
10.03.2017, 14:30 hrs IST 10.03.2017, 15:00 hrs IST
117. 2017-02-17 Construction of Additions and Alterations at North Eastern Institute of Ayureveda & Homeopathy (NEIAH) in NEIGRIHMS Campus, Shillong, Meghalaya
10.03.17 Up to 15:00 hrs. 10.03.17 at 15:30 hrs
116. 2017-02-17 supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2017/28
10.3.2017, 1430 hrs IST 10.3.2017, 1500 hrs IST
115. 2017-02-17 Amendment V:supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/201/27
20.02.2017 upto 1430 hrs 20.02.2017 at 1500 hrs
114. 2017-02-16 Tender for Supply, Testing & Handing-over of various Equipments for Medical College at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana for the following Departments
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Items/2016/OFF/MC-02
Tender cancel Tender cancel
113. 2017-02-16 Invitation for Quotations for supply of Low Value Items for Various Medical College Departments of Kalpana Chawla Medical College, Karnal, Haryana.
HSCC/PUR/KCGMC/Low Value/Medical College Items/2017/MC-Feb
23.02.2017 at 14:00 23.02.2017 at 14:30
112. 2017-02-15 Amendment02_Construction of Super Speciality Block at Goa Medical College, Bambolim Goa
23.02.2017 upto 15:00 hrs. 23.02.2017 at 15:30 hrs
111. 2017-02-15 Amendment 27 :Outsourcing of Kitchen Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Kitchen Equipment and Utensils including supply of raw materials eg. food grain, raw vegetables, paneer, egg, milk etc. Preparation, cooking and distribution of good quality meal/food and collection of dirty dish to and from each bed on daily basis for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
28.02.2017 Up to 15.00 Hrs 28.02.2017 At 15:30 Hrs
110. 2017-02-15 Amendment 27: Outsourcing of Laundry Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Laundry equipment including collection and distribution of hospital linen for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital.
28.02.2017 Up to 15.00 Hrs 28.02.2017 At 15.30 Hrs
109. 2017-02-14 Amendment IV:supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/201/27
21.02.2017 upto 1430 hrs( FOR ITEM NO 8) 21.02.2017 at 1500 hrs( FOR ITEM NO 8)
108. 2017-02-14 Amendment06: Supply, installation, testing, commissioning and handing over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block and Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital and VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/25
21.02.2017 upto 1430 hrs 21.02.2017 at 1500 hrs
107. 2017-02-14 Amendment 12:Supply,installation,testing,commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2016/24
21.02.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 21.02.2017 at 15:00 hrs
106. 2017-02-13 Tender For Engagement Of Agency For providing Round the Clock Security Services by deploying security guards, etc.
28.02.17 upto 13:00 hrs 28.02.17 at 15:30 hrs.
105. 2017-02-13 Amendment 4 : Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Integration and Data Management System for Modular Operation Theatre at Surgical Block, AIIMS, New Delhi
27.02.2017 up to 14.30 hrs. 27.02.2017 at 15.00 hrs.
104. 2017-02-13 Amendment01_Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of office furniture for Academic Block, Sr. resident Hostel, Jr. resident Hostel, Director’s bungalow and Cafeteria and their maintenance during defect liability period & other associated works like minor civil, electrical, PHE works etc. at LGBRIMH, TEZPUR, ASSAM.
HSCC/LGBRIMH/ Hostel and office Fur/2017
14.02.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 14.02.2017 at 15:30 hrs.
103. 2017-02-13 Amendment01 Package-2: Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Hospital and office furniture and their maintenance during defect liability period for Hospital Block at LGBRIMH, TEZPUR, ASSAM
HSCC/LGBRIMH/ Hospital Fur/2017
14.02.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 14.02.2017 at 15:30 hrs.
102. 2017-02-13 Tender for Supply, Testing & Handing-over of various Equipments for Medical College at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana for the following Departments
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Items/2016/OFF/MC-02
27.02.2017 at 14:30 hrs 27.02.2017 at 14:30 hrs
101. 2017-02-13 Amendment III:supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/201/27
20.02.2017 upto 1430 hrs 20.02.2017 at 1500 hrs
100. 2017-02-13 Amendment III: Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/26
20.02.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 20.02.2017 at 15:00 hrs
99. 2017-02-13 Amendment 23 : Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital and OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/07
20.02.2017 upto 15:30 hrs IST 20..02.2017 At 16:00 hrs IST
98. 2017-02-11 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/12
06.03.2017, 15:30 hrs IST 06.03.2017, 16:00 hrs IST
97. 2017-02-11 Amendment02 Electrical Works for National Cancer Institute (NCI) Jhajjar, Haryana
HSCC/AIIMS/ NCI_Jhajjar/2017
22.02.2017 upto 15:00 hrs. 22.02.2017 At 15:30 hrs.
96. 2017-02-11 Amendment02 External Electrical Works for construction of Electrical substation at NCI Jhajjar, Haryana
HSCC/AIIMS/ NCI_Jhajjar/SS/2017
21.02.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 21.02.2017 At 15:30 hrs.
95. 2017-02-11 Providing housekeeping services including cleaning,maintenance, etc. in HSCC Corporate Office located at Plot No. E-6(A), E -13 & 14 tore Sector-I, Noida, U.P.- 201301”
27.02.2017 Upto 1300hrs. 27.02.2017 At 1530 hrs
94. 2017-02-10 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for OPD at AIIMS Rae Bareli
03-03-2017 upto 15:30 03-03-2017 At 16:00
93. 2017-02-10 Amendment01_Construction of Super Speciality Block at Goa Medical College, Bambolim Goa
23.02.2017 upto 15:00 hrs. 23.02.2017 at 15:30 hrs
92. 2017-02-10 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/offline/2017/2
20.02.2017.,16:00 hrs IST 20.02.2017, 16:30 hrs IST
91. 2017-02-09 Invitation for Quotations for supply of Low Value Items for Various Medical College Departments of Kalpana Chawla Medical College, Karnal, Haryana.
HSCC/PUR/KCGMC/Low Value/Medical College Items/2017/MC-Feb
16.02.2017 at 14:00 16.02.2017 at 14:30
90. 2017-02-08 Invitation for Proposals for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & maintenance of 50 Mbps (1:1 uncompressed and unshared) Internet Leased Line Connection on Fibre Optic Cable (FOC) only at HSCC’s corporate office, Noida
13.02.2017 upto 14:00 hrs 13.02.2017 At 14:00 hrs
89. 2017-02-07 Amendment01 Electrical Works for National Cancer Institute (NCI) Jhajjar, Haryana
HSCC/AIIMS/ NCI_Jhajjar/2017
15.02.2017 upto 15:00 hrs. 15.02.2017 At 15:30 hrs.
88. 2017-02-07 Amendment05_Supply, installation, testing, commissioning and handing over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block and Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital and VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/25
14.02.2017, 1430 hrs IST 14.02.2017, 1500 hrs IST
87. 2017-02-07 Amendment 11_supply,installation,testing,commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2016/24
14.02.2017, 14:30 hrs 14.02.2017, 15:00 hrs
86. 2017-02-07 Amendment02_Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/12
85. 2017-02-06 Amendment01 External Electrical Works for construction of Electrical substation at NCI Jhajjar, Haryana
HSCC/AIIMS/ NCI_Jhajjar/SS/2017
14.02.2017 upto 15:00 hrs. 14.02.2017 At 15:30 hrs.
84. 2017-02-06 Amendment II:supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/201/27
13.02.2017 upto 1430 hrs 06.02.2017 at 1500 hrs
83. 2017-02-06 Amendment II: Supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/26
13.02.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 13.02.2017 at 15:00 hrs
82. 2017-02-06 Tender for Construction of 10 Nos. Type - V Staff Quarters at CSIR - IMTECH, Chandigarh
21.02.2017 upto 14:30 hrs. 21.02.2017 at 15:00 hrs
81. 2017-02-06 Amendment 22 : Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital and OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/07
13.02.2017 upto 15:30 hrs IST 13.02.2017 At 16:00 hrs IST
80. 2017-02-05 Amendment01_Procurement of Medical Equipment for Kalpana Chawala Government Medical College, Karnal
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/12
As per Amendment As per Amendment
79. 2017-02-03 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-03/G
06.03.2017 upto 13.00 hrs 06.03.2017 at 13:30 hrs
78. 2017-02-03 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/off/H/01/C
23.02.2017 upto 13.00 hrs 23.02.2017 at 13:30 hrs
77. 2017-02-03 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/off/C/01/F
23.02.2017 upto 13.00 hrs 23.02.2017 at 13:30 hrs
76. 2017-02-03 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/off/C/01/G
23.02.2017 upto 13.00 hrs 23.02.2017 at 13:30 hrs
75. 2017-02-03 Amendment 26 :Outsourcing of Kitchen Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Kitchen Equipment and Utensils including supply of raw materials eg. food grain, raw vegetables, paneer, egg, milk etc. Preparation, cooking and distribution of good quality meal/food and collection of dirty dish to and from each bed on daily basis for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
15.02.2017 Up to 15.00 Hrs 15.02.2017 At 15:30 Hrs
74. 2017-02-03 Amendment 26: Outsourcing of Laundry Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Laundry equipment including collection and distribution of hospital linen for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital.
15.02.2017 Up to 15.00 Hrs 15.02.2017 At 15.30 Hrs
73. 2017-02-03 Amendment 15: Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for OPD at AIIMS Rae Bareli
10.02.2017 upto 15:30 hrs IST 10.02.2017 upto 16:00 hrs IST
72. 2017-01-31 Tender for Package :-1 : Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of office furniture for Academic Block, Sr. resident Hostel, Jr. resident Hostel, Director’s bungalow and Cafeteria and their maintenance during defect liability period & other associated works like minor civil, electrical, PHE works etc. at LGBRIMH, TEZPUR, ASSAM.
HSCC/LGBRIMH/ Hostel and office Fur/2017
14.02.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 14.02.2017 at 15:30 hrs.
71. 2017-01-31 Tender for Package-2: Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Hospital and office furniture and their maintenance during defect liability period for Hospital Block at LGBRIMH, TEZPUR, ASSAM
HSCC/LGBRIMH/ Hospital Fur/2017
14.02.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 14.02.2017 at 15:30 hrs.
70. 2017-01-31 Amendment 10_supply,installation,testing,commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2016/24
07.02.2017, 14:30 hrs 07.02.2017, 15:00 hrs
69. 2017-01-31 Amendment04_Supply, installation, testing, commissioning and handing over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block and Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital and VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/25
07.02.2017, 1430 hrs IST 07.02.2017, 1500 hrs IST
68. 2017-01-31 Procurement of Medical Equipment under the project of Up gradation of the Two Hospitals in Myanmar
HSCC/PUR/MEA - Myanmar/Equipment/2016-17/01
28.02.2017 upto 1530 hrs 28.02.2017 At 1600 hrs
67. 2017-01-30 Amendment 3 : Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Integration and Data Management System for Modular Operation Theatre at Surgical Block, AIIMS, New Delhi
13.02.2017 up to 14.30 hrs. 13.02.2017 at 15.00 hrs.
66. 2017-01-30 Amendment12 : Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of CSSD Equipment for North Eastern Institute of Ayurveda & Homoeopathy, Shillong.
13.02.2017 Up to 14.30 hrs 13.02.2017 Up to 15:00 hrs
65. 2017-01-30 Amendment01 supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/26
06.02.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 06.02.2017 at 15:00 hrs
64. 2017-01-30 Amendment02 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of 1 Gbps Internet Leased Line connection (1:1) for Kalpana Chawla Government Medical College & Hospital, Karnal, Haryana
07/02/2017 upto 14:30 hrs. 07/02/2017 at 15.00 hrs
63. 2017-01-30 Amendment 21 : Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital and OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/07
06.02.2017 upto 15:30 hrs IST 06.02.2017 At 16:00 hrs IST
62. 2017-01-30 Amendment01 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/offline/2017/1
06.02.2017 upto 16:00 hrs 06.02.2017 at 16:30 hrs
61. 2017-01-27 Amendment 3 : Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/11
05.02.2017 upto 15:30 hrs 05.02.2017 at 16:00 hrs
60. 2017-01-27 Amendment 14: Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for OPD at AIIMS Rae Bareli
03.02.2017 upto 15:30 hrs IST 03.02.2017 upto 16:00 hrs IST
59. 2017-01-25 Amendment09_supply,installation,testing,commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2016/24
31.01.2017, 14:30 hrs 31.01.2017, 15:00 hrs
58. 2017-01-24 Amendment 11: Extension of Substation & other associated works in AIIMS Campus, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi for AIIMS, New Delhi.
HSCC/AIIMS/Substation Building/2016
31.01.2017 Up to 15:00 hrs. 31.01.2017 at 15:30 hrs
57. 2017-01-24 Amendment03_Supply, installation, testing, commissioning and handing over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block and Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital and VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/25
31.01.2017, 1430 hrs IST 31.01.2017, 1500 hrs IST
56. 2017-01-23 Amendment 25 :Outsourcing of Kitchen Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Kitchen Equipment and Utensils including supply of raw materials eg. food grain, raw vegetables, paneer, egg, milk etc. Preparation, cooking and distribution of good quality meal/food and collection of dirty dish to and from each bed on daily basis for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
03.02.2017 Up to 15.00 Hrs 03.02.2017 At 15:30 Hrs
55. 2017-01-23 Amendment 25: Outsourcing of Laundry Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Laundry equipment including collection and distribution of hospital linen for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital.
03.02.2017 Up to 15.00 Hrs 03.02.2017 At 15.30 Hrs
54. 2017-01-23 Amendment01_supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/27
06.02.2017, 1430 hrs IST 06.02.2017, 1500 hrs IST
53. 2017-01-23 Amendment 20 : Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital and OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/07
30.01.2017 upto 15:30 hrs IST 30.01.2017 At 16:00 hrs IST
52. 2017-01-20 Amendment11 : Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of CSSD Equipment for North Eastern Institute of Ayurveda & Homoeopathy, Shillong.
30.01.2017 Up to 14.30 hrs 30.01.2017 Up to 15:00 hrs
51. 2017-01-20 Amendment 2: Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Integration and Data Management System for Modular Operation Theatre at Surgical Block, AIIMS, New Delhi
30.01.2017 up to 14.30 hrs. 30.01.2017 at 15.00 hrs.
50. 2017-01-20 Construction of Super Speciality Block at Goa Medical College, Bambolim Goa
14.02.2017 upto 15:00 hrs. 14.02.2017 at 15:30 hrs
49. 2017-01-20 Amendment01 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of 1 Gbps Internet Leased Line connection (1:1) for Kalpana Chawla Government Medical College & Hospital, Karnal, Haryana
31/01/2017 upto 14:30 hrs. 31/01/2017 at 15.00 hrs
48. 2017-01-19 Amendment 2: Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/11
27.01.2017 upto 15:30 hrs 27.01.2017 at 16:00 hrs
47. 2017-01-19 Amendment08_supply,installation,testing,commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2016/24
25.01.2017, 14:30 hrs 25.01.2017, 15:00 hrs
46. 2017-01-19 Amendment 13: Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for OPD at AIIMS Rae Bareli
27.01.2017 upto 15:30 hrs IST 27.01.2017 upto 15:30 hrs IST
45. 2017-01-18 AMENDMENT 11 :Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/23
25.01.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 25.01.2017 at 15:00 hrs
44. 2017-01-18 Amendment04 Appointment of Third party Quality Inspection agency for various projects under HSCC
31.01.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 31.01.2017 upto 15:30 hrs
43. 2017-01-17 Amendment 10: Extension of Substation & other associated works in AIIMS Campus, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi for AIIMS, New Delhi.
HSCC/AIIMS/Substation Building/2016
24.01.2017 Up to 15:00 hrs. 24.01.2017 at 15:30 hrs
42. 2017-01-17 Tender for External Electrical Works for construction of Electrical substation at NCI Jhajjar, Haryana
HSCC/AIIMS/ NCI_Jhajjar/SS/2017
07.02.2017 upto 15:00 hrs. 07.02.2017 At 15:30 hrs.
41. 2017-01-17 Tender for Electrical Works for National Cancer Institute (NCI) Jhajjar, Haryana
HSCC/AIIMS/ NCI_Jhajjar/2017
08.02.2017 upto 15:00 hrs. 08.02.2017 At 15:30 hrs.
40. 2017-01-16 Amendment02_Supply, installation, testing, commissioning and handing over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block and Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital and VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/25
24.01.2017, 1430 hrs IST 24.01.2017, 1500 hrs IST
39. 2017-01-16 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/off/C/01/E
30.01.2017 upto 13.00 hrs IST 30.01.2017 at 13:30 hrs IST
38. 2017-01-16 LIMITED TENDER For Supply and installation of modular type office furniture including other associated works at 2nd Floor (Main hall) of HSCC corporate office at E-6A, Sector -1, Noida
23.01.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 23.01.2017 at 15:30 hrs
37. 2017-01-16 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of 1 Gbps Internet Leased Line connection (1:1) for Kalpana Chawla Government Medical College & Hospital, Karnal, Haryana
31/01/2017 upto 14:30 hrs. 31/01/2017 at 15.00 hrs
36. 2017-01-16 supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/27
06.02.2017, 1430 hrs IST 06.02.2017, 1500 hrs IST
35. 2017-01-16 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/offline/2017/1
30.01.2017 upto 16:00 hrs 30.01.2017 at 16:30 hrs
34. 2017-01-16 Amendment 19 : Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital and OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/07
23.01.2017 upto 15:30 hrs IST 23.01.2017 At 16:00 hrs IST
33. 2017-01-13 Amendment 24 :Outsourcing of Kitchen Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Kitchen Equipment and Utensils including supply of raw materials eg. food grain, raw vegetables, paneer, egg, milk etc. Preparation, cooking and distribution of good quality meal/food and collection of dirty dish to and from each bed on daily basis for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
23.01.2017 Up to 15.00 Hrs 23.01.2017 At 15:30 Hrs
32. 2017-01-13 Amendment 24: Outsourcing of Laundry Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Laundry equipment including collection and distribution of hospital linen for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital.
23.01.2017 Up to 15.00 Hrs 23.01.2017 Up to 15.00 Hrs
31. 2017-01-13 Amendment 3: Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of 1 Gbps Internet Leased Line connection (1:1) for Super-Specialty & Emergency Blocks at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
19.01.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 19.01.2017 At 15:00 hrs
30. 2017-01-13 Supply, installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of 1 Gbps Internet Leased Line connection (1:1) for Kalpana Chawla Government Medical College & Hospital, Karnal, Haryana
As per NIT As per NIT
29. 2017-01-13 Amendment02 Supply, Testing & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments / Items for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Items/2016/OFF/MC-01
16.01.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 16.01.2017 at 15:30 hrs
28. 2017-01-13 Amendment 6 : Engagement Of Agency For providing Round the Clock Security Services by deploying security guards, etc
23.01.17 upto 13: 00 hr s 23.01.17 upto 15: 30 hr s
27. 2017-01-13 Amendment 1: Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/11
19.01.2017 upto 15:30 hrs 19.01.2017 at 16:00 hrs
26. 2017-01-12 AMENDMENT 4 :Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipment for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/MC/03/B
19.01.2017 upto 13:00 Hrs 19.01.2017 At 13:30 Hrs
25. 2017-01-12 Amendment10 : Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of CSSD Equipment for North Eastern Institute of Ayurveda & Homoeopathy, Shillong.
20.01.2017 Up to 14.30 hrs 20.01.2017 Up to 15:00 hrs
24. 2017-01-12 Amendment 12: Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for OPD at AIIMS Rae Bareli
19.01.2017 upto 15:30 hrs IST 19.01.2017 upto 15:30 hrs IST
23. 2017-01-12 Amendment07_supply,installation,testing,commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2016/24
19.01.2017, 14:30 hrs 19.01.2017, 15:00 hrs
22. 2017-01-11 AMENDMENT 10 :Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/23
18.01.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 18.01.2017 at 15:00 hrs
21. 2017-01-11 Amendment01 Supply, Testing & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments / Items for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Items/2016/OFF/MC-01
16.01.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 16.01.2017 at 15:30 hrs
20. 2017-01-10 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/off/C/01/D
24.01.2017 upto 13.00 hrs 24.01.2017 at 13.30 hrs
19. 2017-01-10 Amendment03 Appointment of Third party Quality Inspection agency for various projects under HSCC
20.01.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 20.01.2017 upto 15:30 hrs
18. 2017-01-09 Amendment 2: Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of 1 Gbps Internet Leased Line connection (1:1) for Super-Specialty & Emergency Blocks at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
13.01.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 13.01.2017 At 15:00 hrs
17. 2017-01-09 Amendment 18 : Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital and OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/07
16.01.2017 upto 15:30 hrs IST 16.01.2017 At 16:00 hrs IST
16. 2017-01-07 Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of Medical Equipment for New Emergency & New Super-Specialty Block at Safderjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/26
30.01.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 30.01.2017 at 15:00 hrs
15. 2017-01-06 Amendment 1: Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Integration and Data Management System for Modular Operation Theatre at Surgical Block, AIIMS, New Delhi
20.01.2017 up to 14.30 hrs. 20.01.2017 at 15.00 hrs.
14. 2017-01-06 Amendment 09: Extension of Substation & other associated works in AIIMS Campus, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi for AIIMS, New Delhi.
HSCC/AIIMS/Substation Building/2016
17.01.2017 Up to 15:00 hrs. 17.01.2017 at 15:30 hrs
13. 2017-01-06 Amendment 5: Engagement Of Agency For providing Round the Clock Security Services by deploying security guards, etc
13.01.17 upto 13: 00 hr s 13.01.17 upto 15: 30 hr s
12. 2017-01-06 Amendment XXIV - Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital & OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/05
13.01.2017 upto 15.30 Hrs (for item 8) 13.01.2017 upto 15.30 Hrs (for item 8)
11. 2017-01-05 Amendment06_supply,installation,testing,commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi.
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2016/24
12.01.2017, 14:30 hrs 12.01.2017, 15:00 hrs
10. 2017-01-05 Amendment 11: Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for OPD at AIIMS Rae Bareli
12.01.2017 upto 15:30 hrs IST 12.01.2017 at 16:00 hrs IST
9. 2017-01-04 Amendment 23 :Outsourcing of Kitchen Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Kitchen Equipment and Utensils including supply of raw materials eg. food grain, raw vegetables, paneer, egg, milk etc. Preparation, cooking and distribution of good quality meal/food and collection of dirty dish to and from each bed on daily basis for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
13.01.2017 Up to 15.00 Hrs 13.01.2017 At 15:30 Hrs
8. 2017-01-04 Amendment 23: Outsourcing of Laundry Services on Plan, Design, Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance of Laundry equipment including collection and distribution of hospital linen for Super Speciality Block & Emergency Block at Safdarjung Hospital.
13.01.2017 Up to 15.00 Hrs 13.01.2017 Up to 15.00 Hrs
7. 2017-01-04 AMENDMENT 9 :Tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & handing-over of various Medical Equipment for New Emergency Block & Super-Specialty Block at Safdarjung Hospital & VMMC, New Delhi
HSCC/SJH/Medical Equipment/2015/23
11.01.2017 upto 14:30 hrs 11.01.2017 at 15:00 hrs
6. 2017-01-04 Tender for Supply, Testing & Handing-over of various Medical Equipments / Items for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Items/2016/OFF/MC-01
16.01.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 16.01.2017 at 15:30 hrs
5. 2017-01-03 Construction of Super Speciality Block at Goa Medical College, Bambolim (GOA )
Tender cancelled Tender cancelled
4. 2017-01-03 Amendment02 Appointment of Third party Quality Inspection agency for various projects under HSCC
10.01.2017 upto 15:00 hrs 10.01.2017 upto 15:30 hrs
3. 2017-01-03 AMENDMENT 3 :Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Handing-over of various Medical Equipment for Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2016/MC/03/B
12.01.2017 upto 13:00 Hrs 12.01.2017 At 13:30 Hrs
2. 2017-01-02 Amendment09 : Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of CSSD Equipment for North Eastern Institute of Ayurveda & Homoeopathy, Shillong.
12.01.2017 Up to 14.30 hrs 12.01.2017 Up to 15:00 hrs
1. 2017-01-02 Amendment 17 : Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Handing-over of various Medical Equipments for Hospital and OPD Block at Kalpana Chawla Govt. Medical College, Karnal, Haryana
HSCC/KCGMC/Medical Equipment/2015-06/07
09.01.2017 upto 15:30 hrs IST 09.01.2017 At 16:00 hrs IST